Since the character history function isn't working right, I will post my Drow Trickster Rogue story here. Can you guess the story mashing in it?
The Dark Protector and Rock Guardian.
Life was good for many years by human reckoning, for the young drow rogue T’Pol in the Underdark. Born into one of the lower houses in the city of Menzoberrazan she was the youngest of six sisters of house Pa’nar. Raiding was a passion for T’Pol, monster lairs, surface world bandit lairs, the undead and soul-plagued regions. T’Pol had one un-drow like trait that she kept hidden, she had a conscious.
She does not recall when this shift of nature started, but suspects’ secretly reading many of the forbidden books from the surface world was where it all started. Only the matron mother T’Les and her elder sisters were permitted to view them. Raiding monsters and evil align beings kept T’Pol out of the family compound and did not cause a conflict with what some would call a serious affliction.
On her last raid to the surface world is when T’Pol came into direct conflict with her drow heritage and one of her elder sisters, T’Frak. She would not kill the young witnesses of an orphanage. She went so far as to protect the children wounding T’Frak and she herself was seriously wounded. This did not sit well with the matron mother T’Les and she was banished to remain on the surface where she would most likely die of her injuries or be killed by those T’Pol had chosen to protect.
This would have come to pass if it were not for the children she protected from the drow raiding party, were now protecting her from the soldiers that arrived a few hours later. A then young sergeant Knox, impressed with what she had done, took pity on her and decided to spare her and taken her to the temple of Selune, in the city of Neverwinter.
As luck or some call destiny, that same night a rock guardian holding a strange stone key had fallen from the night sky. The priestesses of Selune hidden the key away, knowing the danger it presented, from a warning they received from a visiting Tarrakian. Free of its duties the rock guardian known as Zeek, at the request of Selune herself, in exchange for protecting the other worldly artifact, would assist T’Pol in her life on the surface, whom Selune was impressed with from her deeds at the orphanage.
Together in the service of the temple of Selune and the City of Neverwinter, T’Pol and Zeek make a formable pair. Many evil aligned beings last memory is the thundering charge of Zeek, never to see T’Pol slipping in her daggers behind them.
Any grammar, word smithing problems people find, I will attribute to my Brooklyn heritage. The story was for fun. :rolleyes: