I hear if you pick-up armor or weapon it binds, so I wont be able to sell armor or weapon at the ah. If I have already that armor or weapon that I picked up from drop ?, if that is so then how am I going to get more ad than I can. Taking away the need on armor and weapon you dont need ( red armor-weapon) was good, but binding on pick-up is stupid.
If item are BoP you won't be able to sell it for AD on the AH. But you won't need AD to buy gear, because others wont be able to sell gear because it's BoP.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
If item are BoP you won't be able to sell it for AD on the AH. But you won't need AD to buy gear, because others wont be able to sell gear because it's BoP.
This is the dilemma I don't understand - if they start making the most desirable gear BoP, then the supply will dry up, and people won't be able to buy good gear off of others. Yes, you could get the gear by running the dungeons over and over again until the RNG god smiles upon you, but your casual player simply doesn't have that much time and is probably not patient enough to keep doing it, either.
Making it BoP for Need rolls, and keep it BoE for Greed rolls, I can at least understand...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
If item are BoP you won't be able to sell it for AD on the AH. But you won't need AD to buy gear, because others wont be able to sell gear because it's BoP.
Sorry, but maybe you should earn your gear like everyone else has to in every other MMO I've ever played. The current BOE system is ridiculous anyway. This way people who have 500000$ extra to spend on AD, they don't 'become elite' within minutes because all they had to do was BUY their gear. Think about it. They are making the game LESS pay to win, in some concept.
I dont have numbers but i bet the majority of the items in the AH are coming from DD chest, make DD chest Bind on Pickup and the problem is solved
U will still have the possibility to buy those rare T2 set peices but for a higher price i guess, but high prices are already a problem for the +7 enchantments.
Aside from DD chests, i dont think any other items should be BoP.
I hear if you pick-up armor or weapon it binds, so I wont be able to sell armor or weapon at the ah. If I have already that armor or weapon that I picked up from drop ?, if that is so then how am I going to get more ad than I can. Taking away the need on armor and weapon you dont need ( red armor-weapon) was good, but binding on pick-up is stupid.
P.S Dont do this it will make people leave.
"New Feature: Salvage!
-Many of the Epic quality items in dungeons, seal vendors, and PvP stores have been updated to become Bind on Pickup instead of Bind on Equip. (Unbound items currently held by players will remain Bind on Equip.)
-There is a new Salvage Trader and station in the western corner of the Seven Suns Coster Market in Protector's Enclave. Purple quality gear may be salvaged for Rough Astral Diamonds.
-There will still be some BoE items found in dungeons that can be sold on the Auction House.
"Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
dragonlover982Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited June 2013
the salvaging of said gears will only serve to promote people rolling need on gears they dont need. need roll it to win it then sell it for AD to boost what you get on top of dailies, skirmishes, etc or skip doing the dailies because you can sale gears.
I really wish more MMO players had an IQ higher than a chihuahua
Originally Posted by iuseforum
Game is broken. Unpatch the game
Sorry, but maybe you should earn your gear like everyone else has to in every other MMO I've ever played. The current BOE system is ridiculous anyway. This way people who have 500000$ extra to spend on AD, they don't 'become elite' within minutes because all they had to do was BUY their gear. Think about it. They are making the game LESS pay to win, in some concept.
I'm all for the changes!
If they change it to bop the game will ultimately fail. Who is going to run a dungeon for item drops that they already have if they can't sell them? So the numbers of people running dungeons will diminish and the people who already have gear won't run dungeons for the fun of it. They run now so they can collect items to sell. Change that to bop and these geared out players won't run anything because there is no incentive to run them.
BOP will cause game to fail. *FACT*
dragonlover982Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
If they change it to bop the game will ultimately fail. Who is going to run a dungeon for item drops that they already have if they can't sell them? So the numbers of people running dungeons will diminish and the people who already have gear won't run dungeons for the fun of it. They run now so they can collect items to sell. Change that to bop and these geared out players won't run anything because there is no incentive to run them.
BOP will cause game to fail. *FACT*
guild members will run for guild members, if no one needs it its sold to the new vendors for astral diamonds. it may not be as much as AH sales but that still remains to be seen.
BOP won't cause the game to fail, it will just push the farmers onto something other than end game gear.
I really wish more MMO players had an IQ higher than a chihuahua
Originally Posted by iuseforum
Game is broken. Unpatch the game
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I hear if you pick-up armor or weapon it binds, so I wont be able to sell armor or weapon at the ah. If I have already that armor or weapon that I picked up from drop ?, if that is so then how am I going to get more ad than I can. Taking away the need on armor and weapon you dont need ( red armor-weapon) was good, but binding on pick-up is stupid.
I believe thats the utter purpose of the BoP ...
no extra AD = exchanger will stay higher = people need zen must buy it,not trade it
alaric63Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I don't like the idea of gear being elitist. The more players that have good gear, the more likely you are to find people to run with. Gear Score won;t be the judge of you if everyone is geared out.
Bind on Pickup for Needs, no needing on items you can't equip, Bind on Equip for winners with Greed rolls. I have not heard a better suggestion on the topic yet.
Sorry, but maybe you should earn your gear like everyone else has to in every other MMO I've ever played. The current BOE system is ridiculous anyway. This way people who have 500000$ extra to spend on AD, they don't 'become elite' within minutes because all they had to do was BUY their gear. Think about it. They are making the game LESS pay to win, in some concept.
I'm all for the changes!
Wait untill you really need something from the cash shop like , a ward or from the AD shop - a cat . Now with the new system ( salvaging) I bet when you salvage something you'll get ROUGH astral diamonds or something among the lines of 3-4 k AD per t1/t2 items - let's calculate how much time you'll need to grind to get the 1mil ad cat or enough AD to exchange for Zen to buy these sweet 3000 zen mounts . Not to mention the proffesion goodies and the vanity zen store stuff .
Wait untill you really need something from the cash shop like , a ward or from the AD shop - a cat . Now with the new system ( salvaging) I bet when you salvage something you'll get ROUGH astral diamonds or something among the lines of 3-4 k AD per t1/t2 items - let's calculate how much time you'll need to grind to get the 1mil ad cat or enough AD to exchange for Zen to buy these sweet 3000 zen mounts . Not to mention the proffesion goodies and the vanity zen store stuff .
They've already said you'll get Rough Diamonds, and with the 24k a day cap...
If you hit the Rough Diamond Cap each day, you'll need 41 days to get a Cat.
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I still think the best all around option would be.
NEED / Binds on Pickup, it does after all mean you needed it.
GREED / Bind on Equip, allowing items to be sold on AH.
PASS / As normal you do not roll.
The NEED-BoP would all players on the run to loot items they needed and help with loot hores from NEED Rolling the item away as they would be unable to see on the AH and it becomes vendor trash. If no one rolls NEED and everyong rolls GREED then the winner would be able to sell the item (even if it is not their class item) on the AH for AD.
This does not really solve the problems of people getting the best gears too fast.
They should make all Epic items come in pieces that are BoP.
The pieces would be in like 4 pieces A,B,C and D. That way you would need to match up each piece to make a full piece of gear.
Sure you might have to do the chests more and sometimes you might get the same piece over again, but this would be a welcome change to all player and should be put into the game to solve all problems that everyone has.
I could put up with getting piece A a few times if it meant that everyone was happy and the game did good for everyone.
I believe thats the utter purpose of the BoP ...
no extra AD = exchanger will stay higher = people need zen must buy it,not trade it
agreed Even if thats only a side effect of this change (benefit of the doubt here) it still has that result...
Wich makes it alot harder to earn AD overall,sure there is still other things to sell,but its a matter of time till everything becomes bound on pickup Glory gear will be,now instance loot,next probably keys you buy in the ZEN store or every purple item ingame
I still think the best all around option would be.
NEED / Binds on Pickup, it does after all mean you needed it.
GREED / Bind on Equip, allowing items to be sold on AH.
PASS / As normal you do not roll.
The NEED-BoP would all players on the run to loot items they needed and help with loot hores from NEED Rolling the item away as they would be unable to see on the AH and it becomes vendor trash. If no one rolls NEED and everyong rolls GREED then the winner would be able to sell the item (even if it is not their class item) on the AH for AD.
/sign This is a great Idea,but ONLY if what i Quoted above isnt the truth,and the change isnt purely for the purpose of : people can make less AD to change into ZEN
And the fact that the AD you can salvage the items for is ROUGH AD,does make it look like that is indeed the changes purpose
I would love to see your Idea implemented,OR make the Salvage system give refined AD atleast (not that i think it will be more then 3-4k anyway wich is a joke,means you have barely any reason to run a dungeon once you have the gear,or if you are unlucky you might NEVER get your set..),sadly i doubt Cryptic cares...
boconMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
This is a huge cash grab, plain and simple. Once supply runs dry on gear, the only real thing left to buy are runes and enchants, which you need wards to combine, which you can buy at the zen shop. Amazing how that works.
I'm used to grinding for gear in an MMO. But this MMO makes that 1 piece of gear you get, 100 times as hard by giving every class 3 sets, then the boss only dropping 1 set piece. Then, as a slap in the face, having an event every 5-6 hours that will reward you with another piece of gear, but that piece of gear is usually a T1 piece from a T2 chest and is usually a huge PoS. I have run FH 41 times and never saw the T2 piece I wanted. I had to buy it from the AH. I have never, ever, in my gaming history had to run anything that many times to get 1 item. The only thing that even came close was Journeyman's Boots from Lavastorm in EQ1.
agreed Even if thats only a side effect of this change (benefit of the doubt here) it still has that result...
Wich makes it alot harder to earn AD overall,sure there is still other things to sell,but its a matter of time till everything becomes bound on pickup Glory gear will be,now instance loot,next probably keys you buy in the ZEN store or every purple item ingame
I still doubt actually that they will not put higher T gears on Glory Point, which means ... everyone know
Well with PvP still not being fixed and now this, I might just shelve the game now. I'm glad it pleases those of you who like this change and enjoy farming gear for weeks on end. I've played the old school games and used up enough of my life farming that I am not interested in doing it any longer (read, reformed casual player). I was looking forward to getting gear fairly easily and just heading to PvP, because that's what I enjoy these days, not dungeons.
I hate to break it to you, but for at least 2 weeks there has been some BoP drops - namely the mace that drops from the Drowned King. I didn't realize it until I tried to mail it to my GF and it pinged bound by my cleric. Never equipped it, just bound as soon as I got it. I repeated it today with my GF and yup it was BoP. A green item no less.. sad sad.
Well with PvP still not being fixed and now this, I might just shelve the game now. I'm glad it pleases those of you who like this change and enjoy farming gear for weeks on end. I've played the old school games and used up enough of my life farming that I am not interested in doing it any longer (read, reformed casual player). I was looking forward to getting gear fairly easily and just heading to PvP, because that's what I enjoy these days, not dungeons.
Probably a good idea.
Planetside2 is kinda casual and fun, if you like fps. f2p mmo fps.
Sorry, but maybe you should earn your gear like everyone else has to in every other MMO I've ever played. The current BOE system is ridiculous anyway. This way people who have 500000$ extra to spend on AD, they don't 'become elite' within minutes because all they had to do was BUY their gear. Think about it. They are making the game LESS pay to win, in some concept.
I'm all for the changes!
Good for you. The thing is the vast majority of players are casual and they could get gear by getting a greed drop and selling it. Smiles all round.
Roll need it binds......roll greed its boe simple.
Seeing that the vast majority of people are casual then most will leave so you can play with yourself.
And the severity of this issue will only increase as they continue to introduce new classes into the game. I am pretty sure Ranger is due to be released when the game goes live.
For the casual, non-hardcore gamer (read me) this means the game is over when you hit 60. Time to roll a new class or move on.
Might be a bit overexagerating,but yes to some extent it is really going to be like that...
I dont really want to run 100 times the same (boring) instance where my job is to knock of Mobs from the map,just to get the same reward at the end each run.. and then i cant even sell it or whats more my concern,give it to guildmembers/friends that might be missing the one item i keep getting each run,while they get one i would need and so on... (from the DD chest)
That might sound like i want everything without "working" for it...
NO on the contrary,im all for making good gear hard to obtain,but if there is the chance i get 100 runs the same item and can barely do ANYTHING but sell it for 3-4k unrefined AD or a few silver to the vendor,then i dont approve of that change in the slightest,the cap on AD per day that way is 24k so it doesnt help me if i can make 30k a day or more that way,its just another way of getting the daily cap done.. *choose the numbers as you see fit,thats obviously just an example ^.^*
So meh,i dont like this change,there have been made better suggestions in this Thread on how to handle loot,but also given reasons as to why it wont happen (and for me 1 big reason is simply the AD conversion to ZEN,inflating the ZEN buy rate for real cash)
If i can make +/- 1.000 ZEN by selling 1 purple Item why would i buy it for 10bucks.. if i CANT make 1k ZEN by selling stuff so easy anymore,i either buy ZEN or not have the "good things" from the Store anytime soon..
Seems pretty clear to me why this change is coming,makes sense from a business point of view too..
But this will diminish the chances for "casuals" to get gear,wich in return is required to run content (GS only goes up with better gear/enchants afaik) ... And "hardcore" players will have little Motivation to run content once they have their gear..
But w/e as all other games and companies,if you dont like the game/policy there is the door! If it comes to it,il leave with a sad eye and a happy one,the sad one for a good looking game that went the road of greedy moneygrab,and a happy one for knowing there is plenty of other games out there that i can try out
laudon1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If item are BoP you won't be able to sell it for AD on the AH. But you won't need AD to buy gear, because others wont be able to sell gear because it's BoP.
This is the dilemma I don't understand - if they start making the most desirable gear BoP, then the supply will dry up, and people won't be able to buy good gear off of others. Yes, you could get the gear by running the dungeons over and over again until the RNG god smiles upon you, but your casual player simply doesn't have that much time and is probably not patient enough to keep doing it, either.
Making it BoP for Need rolls, and keep it BoE for Greed rolls, I can at least understand...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Sorry, but maybe you should earn your gear like everyone else has to in every other MMO I've ever played. The current BOE system is ridiculous anyway. This way people who have 500000$ extra to spend on AD, they don't 'become elite' within minutes because all they had to do was BUY their gear. Think about it. They are making the game LESS pay to win, in some concept.
I'm all for the changes!
U will still have the possibility to buy those rare T2 set peices but for a higher price i guess, but high prices are already a problem for the +7 enchantments.
Aside from DD chests, i dont think any other items should be BoP.
"New Feature: Salvage!
-Many of the Epic quality items in dungeons, seal vendors, and PvP stores have been updated to become Bind on Pickup instead of Bind on Equip. (Unbound items currently held by players will remain Bind on Equip.)
-There is a new Salvage Trader and station in the western corner of the Seven Suns Coster Market in Protector's Enclave. Purple quality gear may be salvaged for Rough Astral Diamonds.
-There will still be some BoE items found in dungeons that can be sold on the Auction House.
-More information can be found here:http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?350242-End-Game-Loot-System-Changes-Ready-for-Testing-Soon! !!"
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
If they change it to bop the game will ultimately fail. Who is going to run a dungeon for item drops that they already have if they can't sell them? So the numbers of people running dungeons will diminish and the people who already have gear won't run dungeons for the fun of it. They run now so they can collect items to sell. Change that to bop and these geared out players won't run anything because there is no incentive to run them.
BOP will cause game to fail. *FACT*
guild members will run for guild members, if no one needs it its sold to the new vendors for astral diamonds. it may not be as much as AH sales but that still remains to be seen.
BOP won't cause the game to fail, it will just push the farmers onto something other than end game gear.
I believe thats the utter purpose of the BoP ...
no extra AD = exchanger will stay higher = people need zen must buy it,not trade it
Bind on Pickup for Needs, no needing on items you can't equip, Bind on Equip for winners with Greed rolls. I have not heard a better suggestion on the topic yet.
Wait untill you really need something from the cash shop like , a ward or from the AD shop - a cat . Now with the new system ( salvaging) I bet when you salvage something you'll get ROUGH astral diamonds or something among the lines of 3-4 k AD per t1/t2 items - let's calculate how much time you'll need to grind to get the 1mil ad cat or enough AD to exchange for Zen to buy these sweet 3000 zen mounts . Not to mention the proffesion goodies and the vanity zen store stuff .
They've already said you'll get Rough Diamonds, and with the 24k a day cap...
If you hit the Rough Diamond Cap each day, you'll need 41 days to get a Cat.
NEED / Binds on Pickup, it does after all mean you needed it.
GREED / Bind on Equip, allowing items to be sold on AH.
PASS / As normal you do not roll.
The NEED-BoP would all players on the run to loot items they needed and help with loot hores from NEED Rolling the item away as they would be unable to see on the AH and it becomes vendor trash. If no one rolls NEED and everyong rolls GREED then the winner would be able to sell the item (even if it is not their class item) on the AH for AD.
This does not really solve the problems of people getting the best gears too fast.
They should make all Epic items come in pieces that are BoP.
The pieces would be in like 4 pieces A,B,C and D. That way you would need to match up each piece to make a full piece of gear.
Sure you might have to do the chests more and sometimes you might get the same piece over again, but this would be a welcome change to all player and should be put into the game to solve all problems that everyone has.
I could put up with getting piece A a few times if it meant that everyone was happy and the game did good for everyone.
Wich makes it alot harder to earn AD overall,sure there is still other things to sell,but its a matter of time till everything becomes bound on pickup
/sign This is a great Idea,but ONLY if what i Quoted above isnt the truth,and the change isnt purely for the purpose of : people can make less AD to change into ZEN
And the fact that the AD you can salvage the items for is ROUGH AD,does make it look like that is indeed the changes purpose
I would love to see your Idea implemented,OR make the Salvage system give refined AD atleast (not that i think it will be more then 3-4k anyway wich is a joke,means you have barely any reason to run a dungeon once you have the gear,or if you are unlucky you might NEVER get your set..),sadly i doubt Cryptic cares...
I'm used to grinding for gear in an MMO. But this MMO makes that 1 piece of gear you get, 100 times as hard by giving every class 3 sets, then the boss only dropping 1 set piece. Then, as a slap in the face, having an event every 5-6 hours that will reward you with another piece of gear, but that piece of gear is usually a T1 piece from a T2 chest and is usually a huge PoS. I have run FH 41 times and never saw the T2 piece I wanted. I had to buy it from the AH. I have never, ever, in my gaming history had to run anything that many times to get 1 item. The only thing that even came close was Journeyman's Boots from Lavastorm in EQ1.
I still doubt actually that they will not put higher T gears on Glory Point, which means ... everyone know
Probably a good idea.
Planetside2 is kinda casual and fun, if you like fps. f2p mmo fps.
Good for you. The thing is the vast majority of players are casual and they could get gear by getting a greed drop and selling it. Smiles all round.
Roll need it binds......roll greed its boe simple.
Seeing that the vast majority of people are casual then most will leave so you can play with yourself.
I figure thats exactly how you like it
How boring is that compared to one run and get lucky with a 1m item. Wow 41 day grind lol.
Is that really what think is fun gaming.
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat
Might be a bit overexagerating,but yes to some extent it is really going to be like that...
I dont really want to run 100 times the same (boring) instance where my job is to knock of Mobs from the map,just to get the same reward at the end each run.. and then i cant even sell it or whats more my concern,give it to guildmembers/friends that might be missing the one item i keep getting each run,while they get one i would need and so on... (from the DD chest)
That might sound like i want everything without "working" for it...
NO on the contrary,im all for making good gear hard to obtain,but if there is the chance i get 100 runs the same item and can barely do ANYTHING but sell it for 3-4k unrefined AD or a few silver to the vendor,then i dont approve of that change in the slightest,the cap on AD per day that way is 24k so it doesnt help me if i can make 30k a day or more that way,its just another way of getting the daily cap done.. *choose the numbers as you see fit,thats obviously just an example ^.^*
So meh,i dont like this change,there have been made better suggestions in this Thread on how to handle loot,but also given reasons as to why it wont happen (and for me 1 big reason is simply the AD conversion to ZEN,inflating the ZEN buy rate for real cash)
If i can make +/- 1.000 ZEN by selling 1 purple Item why would i buy it for 10bucks.. if i CANT make 1k ZEN by selling stuff so easy anymore,i either buy ZEN or not have the "good things" from the Store anytime soon..
Seems pretty clear to me why this change is coming,makes sense from a business point of view too..
But this will diminish the chances for "casuals" to get gear,wich in return is required to run content (GS only goes up with better gear/enchants afaik) ... And "hardcore" players will have little Motivation to run content once they have their gear..
But w/e as all other games and companies,if you dont like the game/policy there is the door! If it comes to it,il leave with a sad eye and a happy one,the sad one for a good looking game that went the road of greedy moneygrab,and a happy one for knowing there is plenty of other games out there that i can try out
Dragon Guild
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat