Is this for 60s only? Or can any level jump in on the fun.
This is also what I would like answered. I've been in the betas of many MMOs and the norm for a big finish to the beta is a huge event that seems to focus on max level people. I've been busy enjoying different classes and don't have one at max level yet. I probably could get one close if I focused for a few days. I'm picturing level 60s killing all the mobs before lower levels even get to see or touch them, meaning no bags of bones except for a select few.
Wish this was run over the weekend instead of the middle of the work week. I'll be on travel for work and won't be able to participate in any of phase 2 or 3 because of the timing.
does this mean no more NW until launch? and will i lose my progress if i didnt buy this adventurers pack? I try to enjoy these f2p games, whithout spending tons of cash.
Id rather just pay monthly if its required to advance or enjoy the game if so..
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
does this mean no more NW until launch? and will i lose my progress if i didnt buy this adventurers pack? I try to enjoy these f2p games, whithout spending tons of cash.
Id rather just pay monthly if its required to advance or enjoy the game if so..
NW is not going down until launch and there will be no wipes. You can continue playing as you have during the open beta, once the game launcher.
zbluggMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 22Arc User
This is also what I would like answered. I've been in the betas of many MMOs and the norm for a big finish to the beta is a huge event that seems to focus on max level people. I've been busy enjoying different classes and don't have one at max level yet. I probably could get one close if I focused for a few days. I'm picturing level 60s killing all the mobs before lower levels even get to see or touch them, meaning no bags of bones except for a select few.
One way to implement this could be to make several "instances" of Prot.Enc., scaling with levels. 1-10, 11-20, etc... Or maybe by increments of 5? Then once the launch launched (duh...), resume normal course of activities.
If it's for 60's only, I have LOTS of grinding and questing to do!
Great...add an event that encourages you to farm skill nodes and then nerf the skill nodes to deter farming. Does 1 hand know what the other is doing over there?
Wow, looks nice! Btw. are you going to delete all characters after the official launch (end of beta) or are you going to keep them?
Did you even bother to read any of the previous posts in this thread? , this was already answered on the previous page , like 5 or 6 posts before yours...
treydoc85Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Brilliant event. Sadly I won't be able to participate on the whole thing
OT :Sucks they still can't rephrased the founders pack information.
(This has a value of 700$ which everyone with half a brain knows is bulls*** )
(FYI, I bought the pack, but they still haven't given me the forum title...)
For your forum title, go to User CP once your in forums, then on the left side click "Permission Groups," then change it up. Hope this helps.
meipingMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
What level do you need to be to participate in Phase 2 and Phase 3?
Cryptic has mechanic (in CO anyway) for 'Scary Monster tech' for open map invasions, events and stuff. Meaning stuff will scale to your lvl.
Just don't hit 'Team Up' button or you may end up as a lvl 1....:p
Sounds fun
Any other ideas you're ripping off RIFT to be added soon?
Meh we used to have events that sounds like this will be years ago in Lineage, well before rift was even an idea. There are very few original ideas left...only rebranding.
They did this in CO before rift was ever out. So, no they are ripping themselves off. :P
dalang3dMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited June 2013
helllo is anybody here???
i have many question about phase 2 and 3
1. how many time we can participate on every phase??
2. i don't understand about phrase "... Portals will spawn at the top and bottom of the hour..." can anyone describe this??
3. how we can participate on this event ? can we play solo or must be party like Dungeon Delves on this event?? :rolleyes:
I realy would like to know if i get "skeleton dog" from the last phase from beta event. does my account also stays the same level or will everything be gone after game goes live.
maulloveMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm excited, will definitely be trying to get a skeleton dog this week.
The dog is lame and worthless, sorry to say. The other rewards, why is there only one rune? Do you really expect everyone to only want those 2 stats?
Can we get some variation?
Edit: Are we going to get any variation beside crit & arp on double runes...or can I go back to not logging in? Any answer?
bahumut5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
I have to agree with the previous poster...
When I read the news about the event, I got really excited, but seeing as these minions die before I can even touch them (too many classes constantly spamming AE abilities on the spawning area) and the waves only last for 5 minutes on designated spots, it just doesn't feel worthwhile right now.
A big boss ravaging the city was what I expected, with rewards going to whoever participates in killing it (or random at least, as long as the fight is fun) and some actual "useful" rewards...
Just scrolls, bones, runes and the chance to get the rare dog doesn't seem to be great as a reward. Most of us don't even want to use the dog companion due to the usefulness of other companions (I prefer the Cleric one, even if it is common).
shananiganzzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Any chance at fixing the massive lag spike/ client crash at the end of each event?
skidmarx1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
The event is a huge failure too many lvl 60 campers mean lower levels have very little chance of even hitting one of the invasion NPC,s unless they have some sort of spammable AOE.After 3 invasion attempts i got a title for killing 20 mobs,7 bones and a few lv 1-3 enchant runes not much for 1.5 hours standing bored.
This is also what I would like answered. I've been in the betas of many MMOs and the norm for a big finish to the beta is a huge event that seems to focus on max level people. I've been busy enjoying different classes and don't have one at max level yet. I probably could get one close if I focused for a few days. I'm picturing level 60s killing all the mobs before lower levels even get to see or touch them, meaning no bags of bones except for a select few.
Id rather just pay monthly if its required to advance or enjoy the game if so..
NW is not going down until launch and there will be no wipes. You can continue playing as you have during the open beta, once the game launcher.
One way to implement this could be to make several "instances" of Prot.Enc., scaling with levels. 1-10, 11-20, etc... Or maybe by increments of 5? Then once the launch launched (duh...), resume normal course of activities.
If it's for 60's only, I have LOTS of grinding and questing to do!
No , you can keep playing for free .
For your forum title, go to User CP once your in forums, then on the left side click "Permission Groups," then change it up. Hope this helps.
Just don't hit 'Team Up' button or you may end up as a lvl 1....:p
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Any other ideas you're ripping off RIFT to be added soon?
Meh we used to have events that sounds like this will be years ago in Lineage, well before rift was even an idea. There are very few original ideas left...only rebranding.
i have many question about phase 2 and 3
1. how many time we can participate on every phase??
2. i don't understand about phrase "... Portals will spawn at the top and bottom of the hour..." can anyone describe this??
3. how we can participate on this event ? can we play solo or must be party like Dungeon Delves on this event??
because i tested it both in foundry and normal content and both were giving out singles, even thought it says its supposed to last till the 17th
When the big hand is at the top (12) and at the bottom (6). So, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, etc.
ohh.. i see...
Thank's for your answer:)
Can we get some variation?
Edit: Are we going to get any variation beside crit & arp on double runes...or can I go back to not logging in? Any answer?
When I read the news about the event, I got really excited, but seeing as these minions die before I can even touch them (too many classes constantly spamming AE abilities on the spawning area) and the waves only last for 5 minutes on designated spots, it just doesn't feel worthwhile right now.
A big boss ravaging the city was what I expected, with rewards going to whoever participates in killing it (or random at least, as long as the fight is fun) and some actual "useful" rewards...
Just scrolls, bones, runes and the chance to get the rare dog doesn't seem to be great as a reward. Most of us don't even want to use the dog companion due to the usefulness of other companions (I prefer the Cleric one, even if it is common).