Hey guys, i'm thinking of starting a GWF....but looking at all the hate that i see on the forums for this class.
Will it be worth it? I'm not sure about the coming patch, since i couldn't make out what the patch notes for GWF meant. Hopefully its a buff, even if its a small one...i like 2handed warrior classes so i don't want to give up on them just yet.
I'd suggest just trying it.
The patch notes do give us some buffs. When the dust settles, people will be able to look at performance and decide how we are doing.
If you just like leveling then sure play it - its a fun class mechanic wise, just redundant at present in end-game dungeons.
GWF are getting some self healing abilities that will ease dependence on potions. Also iirc there are some mitigation buffs that should also help with incoming damage which will further ease potion dependence. These are the 2 biggest things imo that will make leveling and soloing at least a whole lot easier.
Whether or not the class becomes desirable or remains an "outie" is yet to be seen. Personally I don't care one way or the other I will still play one and play it my way its just too much fun not to.
Try a rogue,wiz or cleric while yes there's a lot of them their also desired,hell even a gf get's more love than us.
PvP is a mess in general not just for the gwf...
^^Unfortunately this. Wish it were otherwise.
I've also now learned how to somewhat kick *** in PvP and I can take out wizards with a single "empty-all-my-powers" type of attack and I can also kill GFs pretty nicely. Rogues are somewhat problematic since they dealt huge amounts of damage but that may have changed now, we'll see.
If player is bad\casual lvl then u can take em out pretty easy on GWF. If CW is higher skill then casual u will never even touch him cause every our skill is easily dodged.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
6 Greater Tenebrous Enchants on CW disagree
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
New takedown mechanic makes it extremely difficult to dodge whereas before you could just back peddle and lol
Like GWF can land even one encounter on top tier CW
I got my 6 GTE on GWF, **** hunting is fun, can even one shot some ppl but proper top tier CW\TR still HAMSTER like crazy.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
You should stop idolizing CWs. Even 'Top tier' CWs fall repeatedly in matches. Stop solo queueing and learn how teamwork and coordination can pay off.
90% of ppl are not playing premade. We run premade y and it's easy, but for solo Q as most of players it's tough out there.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
GF-Conq (me), DC, CW, CW, GWF-Instigator. No rogue. We crushed through that dungeon so fast that I thought they had halved the bosses hitpoints or something. Pretty sure student of the sword and instigator capstone doubling our group damage output was the diffierence. Everything was perma-CC'd and just cleaved to hell. Honestly, all a rogue would have done is contribute single target DPS and added nothing to the party other than that, possibly leading to a slower run.
Was very, very happy with that group.