So, I've been playing around with a GWF on the preview server, and I realized that Sure Strikes damage was rather negligible. I had an idea about this. What if the the last hit of sure strike knocked the target prone? Balancing in PVP would be an issue, sure, but overall I think this would nicely balance the low damage that this at-will gives. What are your thoughts?
First, it would have little to no effect in PvE. Oh goodie, you knocked down a trash mob that's going to get swept away now. Oh, you can't knock down that large mob.
Second, an "issue?" GWF would become far more OP than any other class has been. Unstoppable Sure Strikes stun locks, anyone?
well, for pvp, what if it had some sort of internal cooldown?
as to pve, maybe it could have an aoe of some kind. And it isnt like an encounter power, it is just a buff to an at-will. I wouldnt have expected it to be game changing.
First, it would have little to no effect in PvE. Oh goodie, you knocked down a trash mob that's going to get swept away now. Oh, you can't knock down that large mob.
Second, an "issue?" GWF would become far more OP than any other class has been. Unstoppable Sure Strikes stun locks, anyone?
as to pve, maybe it could have an aoe of some kind. And it isnt like an encounter power, it is just a buff to an at-will. I wouldnt have expected it to be game changing.