I've done the daily skirmish 3 times and it says 3/3 in the quest description but I can't return it to Rhix. This has happened before with different skirmishes as well. This time it's Gate Crashers. I'm level 51 Trickster Rogue.
I got a problem with that too .. i only did the quest once and it says 3/3 Pit Fight in the quest log but dont show up on rhyx about it so i had to abandon it .. also similar counting , interacting problems with Skyrmishes quests now cant b completed because of the leveling up , the related quests disappears from queue .. this could be resolvable if there was a NPC wo could make the quest playable , dsitributed around the maps or even in the Enclave itself ! And theres still no thread starter button in this forum for my account !!