Hello everyone. I'm currently working on my second quest. The first was a prelude that introduces some elements and the next I am planning on being much more involved.
However I am having a major issue.
I have a town I made from scratch, in it there is only one interactive object. Basically its a giant statue and when you click on the inscription you are able to read it. Everything is smooth to that point.
Now the quest leads you into a house then back out again into the above mentioned town.
I want the town to be different from before and after the house, so I decided to just "Duplicate Map" on the first one and make changes to the duplicate for the after map. This is where the problem starts.
Remember the above clickable statue? In the duplicate map EVERYTHING is interactable with the same statue description. Every tree, house, bush, log, etc. I played it and the whole town was sparkly to the point my computer froze.
I figured it was a bug so I deleted that map and tried again. Same thing. Its getting frustrating.
Does anyone have an idea whats going on, had a similar problem, or have a fix for this? Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure because I haven't tried it yet.. but from what I've read.. when you duplicate a map... don't have ANY interactable objects on the map at all... no conversations with npc's.. no objects to contact, etc. Then duplicate the map. Otherwise, you will have to go in and edit the duplicate map manually (basically, turning off ALL the interactable objects). If you duplicate a map that has conversations with an npc, then all the objects on the duplicate map will have conversations linked to them as well. Yeah, it's a bug.
Don't know if you tried it but try duplicating from either 'detail' or 'lay out' mode. I know some other settings change between the 2, like encounters. I havent had that problem when duplicating maps...yet.
aristarchos01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
Also running into this same issue. I have built an extensive city map with over 1k details. After removing all interact features, I was able to effectively duplicate the map... but, I did notice one very interesting thing. Every detail item moved ever so slightly and rounded to the nearest whole number... instead of keeping the decimal placing. Generally it might not be an issue... unless lining things up exactly is a factor. Regardless, best thing I found to help alleviate some of the pain, remove all interact items Before duplicating, once duplicated, copy and paste back in the interact items using the coordinates and rotation features.
The fix is simple. It is like the others said, I went through this myself. You must have NO interactions. So, basically..remove the contact from the statue and you should be golden.
Edit: To keep your stuff from moving slightly, turn OFF snap to grid and snap to angle...they are directly to the left of the "Play Map" button...they are initially toggled ON. You will know they are off when the buttons lose their color. (The symbols on the buttons will be black)
The fix is simple. It is like the others said, I went through this myself. You must have NO interactions. So, basically..remove the contact from the statue and you should be golden.
Edit: To keep your stuff from moving slightly, turn OFF snap to grid and snap to angle...they are directly to the left of the "Play Map" button...they are initially toggled ON. You will know they are off when the buttons lose their color. (The symbols on the buttons will be black)
^ This is the answer I had it typed up but then saw she beat me to it
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Edit: To keep your stuff from moving slightly, turn OFF snap to grid and snap to angle...they are directly to the left of the "Play Map" button...they are initially toggled ON. You will know they are off when the buttons lose their color. (The symbols on the buttons will be black)
Threads: Part 1: Rising of the Dragons (NW-DNGIC6AJC) | Part 2: Abyssal Pursuit (NW-DESQ9HQAZ)
^ This is the answer
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Secret in the Gorgoth Mines - NW-DOB8M54LC
Upheaval in the King's Forest - NW-DJ3EDZ4OR