Will they include a PVP Character History which includes K:D Ratio, Amount of Time played in PVP, Average Play Time, Leave Rate, Time AFK in all Matches and of course Average Match Score?
I would seriously want to see this so players can easily be identified according to their performance and most of all "leave rate" so the matches would be fairer and more enjoyable.
This would also help determine if someone is a bot or an AFKer.
However i would like to see this implemented to keep an eye on my PvP progression and perhaps PvP team stat's as well
Yeah, it would be really difficult to point out engineers and freeloaders in the game but I hope they could somehow come up with a solution to lessen, if not totally prevent, these problems.
I think that a personal PVP record is a huge must for this game. Depth has always been lacking in PVP. With this, it would be far more competitive and engaging for players to participate in.