Yeah running a 2/14/15 build with linked is indeed ridiculous as long as people stay near you..everything melts.
2-rising hope
5-enduring relief
5-linked spirit
4-invigorated healing (could also swap into benefit of foresight)
5-righteous rage of tempus
5 restoration mastery
5- warding shield
I crit so much restoration mastery keeps the other 5% I'm losing from benefit up constantly...Using AS BoH and SB. and Invigorated is up constantly. The extra 10% from warding shield is incredibly nice if you can time large damage out but honestly with all of the extra stats people were running around with healing was MUCH more manageable and it was always cast from divine. Using foresight and healer's lore for passives. DP gen was a non issue as was AP gen
Yeah running a 2/14/15 build with linked is indeed ridiculous as long as people stay near you..everything melts.
2-rising hope
5-enduring relief
5-linked spirit
4-invigorated healing (could also swap into benefit of foresight)
5-righteous rage of tempus
5 restoration mastery
5- warding shield
I crit so much restoration mastery keeps the other 5% I'm losing from benefit up constantly...Using AS BoH and SB. and Invigorated is up constantly. The extra 10% from warding shield is incredibly nice if you can time large damage out but honestly with all of the extra stats people were running around with healing was MUCH more manageable and it was always cast from divine. Using foresight and healer's lore for passives. DP gen was a non issue as was AP gen whats the trick? drop the bastion inside astral shield so you know everyone will be there? is it really 25% stat boost if it hits all five? and casting SB and then swithcing to divine during anumation works well? whats the trick? drop the bastion inside astral shield so you know everyone will be there? is it really 25% stat boost if it hits all five? and casting SB and then swithcing to divine during anumation works well?
Well i only needed bastion for spot healing generally or if i wanted some extra mitigation on someone I would toss it their way but I was being a &%*^ about people staying grouped reasonably close so everyone kept stats up near 100%. works like butter. hit sb and swap to divine mode quickly. Also using divine armor for my daily.
Well i only needed bastion for spot healing generally or if i wanted some extra mitigation on someone I would toss it their way but I was being a &%*^ about people staying grouped reasonably close so everyone kept stats up near 100%. works like butter. hit sb and swap to divine mode quickly. Also using divine armor for my daily.
i really like HG w/ Moontouched, i'm trying to work a build with linked spirit and moontouched. apparently astral seal procs the restoration mastery feat. i'm just not so sure about dropping ethereal boon but you are saying you have no divinity issues at all.
2- rising hope
5- enduring relief
5- benefit of foresight
5- linked spirit
5- moontouched
5- rage of tempus
4- resto mastery (switch to ethereal boon if divinity is an issue)
its really a matter of is linked spirit worth the healing i'd lose from dropping invig healing? invigorated healing with BoH is approx 2500 HP every 18sec using ASx1/SBx2/BoHx1 (and thats not probably exaclt given the 6 sec delay). idk if the added 6sec of defense every 18sec from the warding shield is better than the 25% health of hallowed ground. i realize divine armor gives temp hp but no offensive benefit and have you tried deepstone blessing since you are tossing out the temp hp? if you are only using BoH for situational spot healing do you think its worth the points in shield?
2- rising hope
5- enduring relief
5- benefit of foresight
5- linked spirit
5- moontouched
5- rage of tempus
4- resto mastery (switch to ethereal boon if divinity is an issue)
its really a matter of is linked spirit worth the healing i'd lose from dropping invig healing? invigorated healing with BoH is approx 2500 HP every 18sec using ASx1/SBx2/BoHx1 (and thats not probably exaclt given the 6 sec delay). idk if the added 6sec of defense every 18sec from the warding shield is better than the 25% health of hallowed ground. i realize divine armor gives temp hp but no offensive benefit and have you tried deepstone blessing since you are tossing out the temp hp? if you are only using BoH for situational spot healing do you think its worth the points in shield?
Well I only cast BoH in divine mode, so it actually heals for a decent amount on top of the reduction(and instant so ya). I actually think the build can go a few ways for linked spirit so it just depends on what you want. Yea moon-touched is nice but it doesn't feel mandatory anymore. The only reason I cast BoH is for healing +mitigation (not solely for-dmg). if it didn't have the mitigation I wouldn't bother. Just spec for linked spirit, doesn't matter about anything else(just to see the stat boost), run next to 4 guys and sb ,swap to divine, and pick your jaw up off the ground...invigorated healing cant touch linked spirit, if those are your choices, if you use it correctly and your team isn't spread out like butter on bread.
Divine armor is also a 15% damage reduction for quite a while...cant remember how long off the top of my head(15s?). Pretty much can keep my damage reduction steady the whole time regardless of ashield being up or not, or if i won't take hardly any damage if i use them all in a pinch. factor added reductions from the stat boost and I believe it's solid....not that I wouldnt swap flame in occasionally (and thusly feats) HG is still really stong even without moontouched so either way...I have both on daily slots, I've just been messing with DA. If encounters are down, people are full and im sitting at full AP I use HG, if encounters are available and people are missing health while at full AP I use DA and try to strech my encounters out. DA is really an OH HAMSTER button for me when it looks like someone may die as you have to wait a bit to get the full healing from HG. Sometimes it's just nice to have the buffer health on demand. I wouldn't rule it out completely
Ok, well, I just tried a similar spec to this on the first boss in gauntlegrym on the test shard.
It seemed to work pretty well. Encounters were FF, SB and AS. Dailies I had slotted were HG and DA. Passives were HV and FS. Alt Wills BotS/A Seal.
Feats were usual heroics (minus cleanse), then:
2 Bountiful Fortune
5 Enduring Relief/Benefit of Forsight, 4 Linked Spirit
5 Righteous Rage of Tempus/Ethereal Boon/Power of Oppression
The SB trick switching to divinity works quite nicely but I did fail with it once or twice from trying to switch to D mode too quickly. It requires everyone to be bunched up though and that fight is in quite a wide open area and people got spread out a lot. Because of this I'm thinking that moontouched HG might still be something to consider, since it keeps people topped up over a large area but yea, linked spirit is nice , good call. I don't know about power of oppression. It is good in that you can reduce damage from mobs over a large area just by "tagging" them but I think that feated BoH would be like having 2 x astral shield, albeit one invisible with less healing. I'm gonna try that next anyway. And yes, DP and AP were flowing fast, so I guess that's down to linked spirit - definitely the way to go for me I think.
A note on cleanse: On that boss, there did seem to be a quite nasty debuff from some green goop but with cleanse as it is, I don't think it would make much of a difference (I will try it anyway) and goop is avoidable. So, there's some more input for you. Would be great if someone else could try though - there weren't many people on the test shard at all = /
Edit: Another thought I had was to try and boost all those little crit heals from repurpose soul, by using terrifying insight but I think our dots count as one single attack don't they? ie The subsequent ticks don't count as subsequent attacks? Maybe someone can clarify that? If so, then that idea really has no legs because of the silly way that passive works.
i think feated BoH probably makes an OK filler for in between astral shields. drop it right before AS wears off and most people should be getting it. problem is its so far in the virtuous tree that it, like power of oppression, means that you have to divorce yourself from moontouched, and i think that feated HG with it's ability to bolster offense, defense, and tick 25% health to everyone at a pretty **** high uptime is hard to beat.
i could be wrong though. it could be that feated BoH is better if you consider using divine armor instead of feated HG. the linked spirit buff probably easily makes up for the offense buff from HG plus you get added defense, lifesteal, deflection etc etc....the question is how do these things stack, if at all? what sort of damage mitigation buff plus offensive boost and healing is received if you have AS, DA, feated BoH and linked spirit all up at the same time?
in theory it sounds like it could make the team an immortal damage dealing juggernaut briefly, but of course it will have to be tested. then again a combo of feated HG, AS, and the linked spirit buff coupled with FF healing would be more offense and probably comparable damage mititgation/healing as FF ticks pretty good, and the amount of damage mitigation received from defensive stat buffs due to linked spirit and AS, HG is likely more than enough.
btw, its easy enough to get people grouped up for the linked spirit buff since its about the same range as AS.
i think feated BoH probably makes an OK filler for in between astral shields. drop it right before AS wears off and most people should be getting it. problem is its so far in the virtuous tree that it, like power of oppression, means that you have to divorce yourself from moontouched, and i think that feated HG with it's ability to bolster offense, defense, and tick 25% health to everyone at a pretty **** high uptime is hard to beat.
i could be wrong though. it could be that feated BoH is better if you consider using divine armor instead of feated HG. the linked spirit buff probably easily makes up for the offense buff from HG plus you get added defense, lifesteal, deflection etc etc....the question is how do these things stack, if at all? what sort of damage mitigation buff plus offensive boost and healing is received if you have AS, DA, feated BoH and linked spirit all up at the same time?
in theory it sounds like it could make the team an immortal damage dealing juggernaut briefly, but of course it will have to be tested. then again a combo of feated HG, AS, and the linked spirit buff coupled with FF healing would be more offense and probably comparable damage mititgation/healing as FF ticks pretty good, and the amount of damage mitigation received from defensive stat buffs due to linked spirit and AS, HG is likely more than enough.
btw, its easy enough to get people grouped up for the linked spirit buff since its about the same range as AS.
(I dont know how is calculated the feated Bastion of Health mitigation, never tested.)
Each % over 80 are ignored, so the max mitigation you can get is 80%, no matter what.
That mean that if you have HG or DA buff on you when you're in your gap between 2 AS, with 35% resistance, you will have 35+11+30=76% mitigation, that'w why I think we need to focus more on healing than mitigation in this gap, we're already nearly capped with our daily.
I just am really enjoying on demand healing when I need it, instead of having to wait x seconds to gain the full benefit which may not save anyone's HAMSTER. HG is very good don't get me wrong. I have saved quite a few people's butts (mainly people damaging from the nosebleed section) with DA/divine bastion. For certain fights like draco however, I'm still mulling over the build viability. I find more times than not; if people are good at dodging healing becomes exponentially more manageable. People are still used to standing in red and not caring. That is where a lot of my personal headache comes from anyways. When people stay close so they can benefit from all of my heals; life becomes not so stressful in Neverwinter. Going to do some calculations on my stats to see where I'm at in relation to the mitigation cap. I think I am hitting the 80% mark frequently which will make me shift a few things around. Thanks for bringing that up I had forgotten.
Re-spec'd again a couple of times on test shard. Still incorporating linked spirit. Tried a temp hit point build using power of life and deepstone blessing with DA as daily but I really don't like sacred flame. So specced again as follows:
Usual heroic feats but put 1 pt back in cleanse. I'm actually seeing cleanse proc quite a lot, so I think the tooltip might be right at 8 sec cd. Regardless it's proccing enough that I think I'll keep the point.
Then paragon:
2 in rising hope
5 in deepstone/enduring relief/benefit of forsight/linked spirit and 4 mark of mending
5 in righteous rage
Passives: I have changed my long standing holy fervor for healers lore for the time being and am still running forsight.
Daily is again DA (and flamestrike)
Alts - BotS/AS
Encounters AS/SB/FF
I haven't had a chance to try this in a dungeon/gaunt yet since preview has been dead but just running around on trash in whispering caverns, I can already tell that this is my favourite of my test specs so far.
I do more healing AND more damage (probably due to rising hope, linked spirit and mark of mending all giving me extra power). Extra healing with DA up from deepstone seems really nice. I'm still not sure about losing holy fervor but AP/DP seem to flow fast enough as long as I'm johnny on the spot with my dots. Anyway, I will try a dungeon or gaunt when I get the chance and see if it all works together in a group scenario, then edit here. Cheers.
Edit: Something else I don't see mentioned about DA is that unlike HG it isn't a static range and since the buff lasts a while, once it's on, you can move wherever or push onwards etc, whereas with HG you're quickly out of it's effective range. This makes DA great to just pop all the time instead of just when you think your party is gonna be in the same place for a certain amount of time.
I would not suggest relying on any thng that means you cast then switch to fool the game into thinking you are doing something you are not.
I am pretty sure when they say for example that for it to proc people have to be healed in divinity mode they mean the heal caste in divinity mode and you just found and are using yet another bug.
Re-spec'd again a couple of times on test shard. Still incorporating linked spirit. Tried a temp hit point build using power of life and deepstone blessing with DA as daily but I really don't like sacred flame. So specced again as follows:
Usual heroic feats but put 1 pt back in cleanse. I'm actually seeing cleanse proc quite a lot, so I think the tooltip might be right at 8 sec cd. Regardless it's proccing enough that I think I'll keep the point.
Then paragon:
2 in rising hope
5 in deepstone/enduring relief/benefit of forsight/linked spirit and 4 mark of mending
5 in righteous rage
Passives: I have changed my long standing holy fervor for healers lore for the time being and am still running forsight.
Daily is again DA (and flamestrike)
Alts - BotS/AS
Encounters AS/SB/FF
I haven't had a chance to try this in a dungeon/gaunt yet since preview has been dead but just running around on trash in whispering caverns, I can already tell that this is my favourite of my test specs so far.
I do more healing AND more damage (probably due to rising hope, linked spirit and mark of mending all giving me extra power). Extra healing with DA up from deepstone seems really nice. I'm still not sure about losing holy fervor but AP/DP seem to flow fast enough as long as I'm johnny on the spot with my dots. Anyway, I will try a dungeon or gaunt when I get the chance and see if it all works together in a group scenario, then edit here. Cheers.
Edit: Something else I don't see mentioned about DA is that unlike HG it isn't a static range and since the buff lasts a while, once it's on, you can move wherever or push onwards etc, whereas with HG you're quickly out of it's effective range. This makes DA great to just pop all the time instead of just when you think your party is gonna be in the same place for a certain amount of time.
mark of mending, even if linked spirit buffs the boost (which i'm not sure it does) is a pretty weak feat. even at 5000 recovery, at 4% its only 200 power. doesnt seem like much but if you are set on running healers lore its probably good. since you are using seal you could always go for the resto mastery as that procs it. i am still running ethereal boon for now. if i notice i am constantly capped on divinity i might try going with something else but not sure what. i still ike feated HG because of the offensive boost also. maybe invigorated healing.
I would not suggest relying on any thng that means you cast then switch to fool the game into thinking you are doing something you are not.
I am pretty sure when they say for example that for it to proc people have to be healed in divinity mode they mean the heal caste in divinity mode and you just found and are using yet another bug.
idk if its a bug. the spell has a delay before it goes off. it actually takes some skill to be able to manage divinity quickly to use it. and its not like we are getting the extra heal and knockback without using divinity pip. that said if not then they need to give us another reliable way to proc it or its just a wasted feat. BoH cd is terrible and casting SB in divinity has the knockback (the knockback is ok but alot of times you dont want it) so it gives us a way to cast it in divinity without the knockback. thats the main reason to cast it w/o then switch quickly.
idk if its a bug. the spell has a delay before it goes off. it actually takes some skill to be able to manage divinity quickly to use it. and its not like we are getting the extra heal and knockback without using divinity pip. that said if not then they need to give us another reliable way to proc it or its just a wasted feat. BoH cd is terrible and casting SB in divinity has the knockback (the knockback is ok but alot of times you dont want it) so it gives us a way to cast it in divinity without the knockback. thats the main reason to cast it w/o then switch quickly.
I'm kinda with the other guy on this. It just sounds like a complete gimmick -- too much so to be genuine. If you're not consuming any Divine to 'power up' this, then it's got to be flawed.
I disagree. They may nerf to not give so much stats but they wouldnt nerf sb proccing it then activate div. This is akin to the gwf animation cancelling sprint skill. They didnt nerf that altho they know abt it. It take skill to activate this. I know because I have been using linked for a while alrdy. Sometimes u have to cast sb, activate div, deactivate, then realise u suddenly need AS and then activate again. As most experience dc knows, activating and deactivating take a spilt second window opportunity. And reliablr doing this do take skill. Its not a dual stack AS = win thingy.
(I dont know how is calculated the feated Bastion of Health mitigation, never tested.)
Each % over 80 are ignored, so the max mitigation you can get is 80%, no matter what.
That mean that if you have HG or DA buff on you when you're in your gap between 2 AS, with 35% resistance, you will have 35+11+30=76% mitigation, that'w why I think we need to focus more on healing than mitigation in this gap, we're already nearly capped with our daily.
30% from daily? Am I missing something. I thought DA was 20% and HG was 15%?
I disagree. They may nerf to not give so much stats but they wouldnt nerf sb proccing it then activate div. This is akin to the gwf animation cancelling sprint skill. They didnt nerf that altho they know abt it. It take skill to activate this. I know because I have been using linked for a while alrdy. Sometimes u have to cast sb, activate div, deactivate, then realise u suddenly need AS and then activate again. As most experience dc knows, activating and deactivating take a spilt second window opportunity. And reliablr doing this do take skill. Its not a dual stack AS = win thingy.
Agreed. The tooltip reads "when healed from divine mode" not "if encounter is cast in divine mode". They can't expect us to cast all our encounters in divine mode all the time, not with how DP regen works atm. I mean I wish we could but not feasible. Sinjce they changed AS to a dot it appears to be proccing invigorated healing but does it proc linked spirit? I supose not, that would be a just a bit to imba I guess.
DC is all about using the tab constantly. I'm usually only in divine mode fore a matter of seconds. The anoying thing is that with the constant tab into divine mode then tab back out sometimes you lose track or it doesn't recognize the keystroke and then you end up in the wrong one and say cast a yellow AS by accident or what not. The other thing I've found really anoying in this is if you get stunned, knockback, silence, etc right as/before you cast (the worst for me is with SB) because it has a slow cast animation sometimes I cast it, tab into divine mode, but if sometimes in the time between casting and swapping into divine mode I get disabled causing me to not actually cast SB but I still end up in divine mode, luckily if you realize this you can swap back out to normal while disabled.
A not one BOH, yeah the feat is really nice, but you have to cast in divine mode, the heal is kidna mediocre bc of the lost healing when feated and primarily it's CD is just too **** long for me to feel it's realiable. I'm seriously considering not even taking it as a power when I respec
I have the same problem.
I suspect there's a lot of silly server-side stuff going on, so tabbing in and out of divinity requires the requests to be replicated back, which adds a delay. Either that or they just coded in an inherent refractory period to it.
Nothing quite so annoying as having a switch not recognized, resulting in you sticking down a yellow shield and then blatting all the CW's nicely gathered monsters off into the distance with an unexpectedly D'd sunburst... :-/
Nothing quite so annoying as having a switch not recognized, resulting in you sticking down a yellow shield and then blatting all the CW's nicely gathered monsters off into the distance with an unexpectedly D'd sunburst... :-/
I have done this before and thought I was such a baddie for it lol nice to know I am not the only one.
mark of mending, even if linked spirit buffs the boost (which i'm not sure it does) is a pretty weak feat. even at 5000 recovery, at 4% its only 200 power. doesnt seem like much but if you are set on running healers lore its probably good. since you are using seal you could always go for the resto mastery as that procs it. i am still running ethereal boon for now. if i notice i am constantly capped on divinity i might try going with something else but not sure what. i still ike feated HG because of the offensive boost also. maybe invigorated healing.
Yea, to be honest it was just to test healer's lore in conjunction with deepstone. I much prefer the fast action point gen from holy fervor, so I'm going back to that and dropping mending. I have always run invig and boon so wanted to try without them but I haven't had a chance to test properly since the preview shard is literally dead outside of a few people trying out gauntlegrym here and there (I guess people are too busy whining about nerfs elsewhere than to be pro active - and to think I felt guilty about leaving it so long to copy a character over) but I think, since I pvp a bit now and then, ethereal boon will still be needed. Invig I'm still not sure about. If I stick with deepstone, the only thing I think I could swap would be enduring relief, so which is more beneficial? AS is a HoT now yes? Do does Invig proc from each tick or not? I dunno these things. Also, regards to HG, I think DA could be considered an offensive buff in some ways too.
Anyway, I don't think there is much we can do in terms of drastic changes. As has been said here a few times, you need a good solid group now and if it's a pug you need a gf/gwf. In the last few days I've run SP a few times with my old spec. Two times we had a GF and a group of patient people who listened, didn't rush ahead, ninja pull etc and it was pretty much plain sailing. Then I had a group with 2 x DC, which before the patch was auto win even if the group was terribad. Complete fail. They ignored my advice before we entered about getting a GF to stop the CW getting trounced. He got bounced around like a bunny. The other DC was an arrogant twit that kept dying on the last boss. Throw in 2 x ****e rogues and ... well ... you all know the score. Anyway, I got the blame for that one lol. I'd switched to DA since the other dc was moontouched/hg spec so I thought I'd give unspecced DA a whirl. As a result my numbers were lower and therefore, it was my fault ...
No spec is gonna save you from that kind of **** =/
I would not suggest relying on any thng that means you cast then switch to fool the game into thinking you are doing something you are not.
I am pretty sure when they say for example that for it to proc people have to be healed in divinity mode they mean the heal caste in divinity mode and you just found and are using yet another bug.
It's actually fairly unreliable mechanically as well. Sliding in for an SB can really put the kibosh on that whole plan XD and then it just becomes another fiddly mechanic to deal with amongst a host of others.
Edit: as a few people above me pointed out while I was posting ... good to know I'm not alone in those issues = )
30% from daily? Am I missing something. I thought DA was 20% and HG was 15%?
You read this forum too much, do your test.
DA, like HG, is 30% mitigation on raw damage.
DA is 20% temp HP, HG is a potentially 25%hp Heal.
And HG damage buff is 30% also.
Ok, bit more messing around on test server (empty again =/).
For me, Linked Spirit didn't proc of Astral Shield. SB and FF work a treat though - pop DFF then SB with the tab trick and voila 2 stacks linked spirit. Swapping in healer's lore seems to be the one thing makes the biggest difference to your AS ticks but I miss the extra AP gen from Holy Fervor. The more I look at Enduring Relief, the more rubbish it seems. Doesn't seem to add much at all. So I think I will run DA with Deepstone Blessing since I suspect we'll be running with a lot more GFs now anyway and there will be lots of temp hp floating about.
For a while with my old spec I ran Divine Advantage instead of Righteous Rage. I really like Divine Advantage, it does seem to reduce a lot of incoming damage when you're surrounded and definitely works off Sunburst and DFF - hard to say with AS, but I'm taking it anyway - but I think Righteous Rage is necessary, so I will take that too. Tried healing step for kicks. Seemed like a waste for PVE and I'm not sure how great it would be in PVP tbh. Although you do get temp HP so Deepstone would reduce Righteousness by 10% at least. For me though it's either that, Linked Spirit or Invigorated healing.
So aside from those undecided 4 points I think I will go with:
2 Rising Hope
5 Deepstone/5 Benefit of Forsight
5 Divine Advantage/5 Righteous Rage/5 Ethereal Boon
and for the time being 4 in Linked Spirit to give it a good try out - otheriwse it will be Invigorated Healing or maybe Healing Step for PVP.
Alt Wills:BotS/AS
Dailies DA/Flamestrike
Heroic feats: I'm keeping 1 in cleanse and I take Holy Resolve, not the action point one.
I appreciate any advice here though before I commit that spec on live. I am but a pauper on live so respecs are valuable to me.
Oh, I tried BoH again - cd is just way too long for me, for very little return. I read that Prophecy of Doom is still bust, so that's out. So I guess it will look something like this.
what did 2 stacks of linked spirit do? i was proccing it in the event today just for s&g and i had my power and recovery up over 12,000 just from sunburst.
what did 2 stacks of linked spirit do? i was proccing it in the event today just for s&g and i had my power and recovery up over 12,000 just from sunburst.
I didn't check stats. Was just seeing what it procc'd off. Also, that was just me and a man at arms companion on mobs in Caverns. Having said that, I just specced to the build I linked above and had a quick blast before the maintenance and I couldn't get the number 2 on the buff at all before the server went down. Think I was just unlucky with my timing though.
Also, does it stack or is that just the number of the rank? ie 2 = 10% stats, 3 = 15% stats etc (assuming 5 points in feat).
12000 power is imba though I will be checking stats closely next time.
Edit: Yea, for the life of me I can't replicate it so I guess I was being a doofus and looking at the Enduring Relief buff (which I'm still unsure about, sometimes it seems rubbish, sometimes it seems good), so yea, sorry about that. DFF doesn't proc it, it was just me being daft.
Maybe I missed it but does linked spirit stack with multiple DC's? I tried out a build myself and saw crazy high stat changes while solo healing t2 groups. In some groups I was gaining upwards of ~2.5k power (3.5k is my base and in a couple groups I got up to 5.9k) and greater than 5% increase in all my other % stats. I'd have firmer numbers but I couldn't get pugs to wait long enough to really go through it.
I read in a post a while ago that somebody didn't like the up time on it but I don't see that as much of an issue. I normally get at least 3 other people with it and since I'm already bursting on cooldown it's up 80-90% of the time. I only have a hard time with wizards because they tend to stand outside of AS. Hoping to get a guild run in sometime this week to really get the numbers down. It may just be my perception but it has definitely seemed like things are going down faster and group health dropping more slowly since I changed.
I can imagine if this stacked with multiple healers that a dps cleric and heal cleric combo could be really powerful in the 9-10k GS range groups (that is, not within diminishing returns territory).
Maybe I missed it but does linked spirit stack with multiple DC's? I tried out a build myself and saw crazy high stat changes while solo healing t2 groups. In some groups I was gaining upwards of ~2.5k power (3.5k is my base and in a couple groups I got up to 5.9k) and greater than 5% increase in all my other % stats. I'd have firmer numbers but I couldn't get pugs to wait long enough to really go through it.
I read in a post a while ago that somebody didn't like the up time on it but I don't see that as much of an issue. I normally get at least 3 other people with it and since I'm already bursting on cooldown it's up 80-90% of the time. I only have a hard time with wizards because they tend to stand outside of AS. Hoping to get a guild run in sometime this week to really get the numbers down. It may just be my perception but it has definitely seemed like things are going down faster and group health dropping more slowly since I changed.
I can imagine if this stacked with multiple healers that a dps cleric and heal cleric combo could be really powerful in the 9-10k GS range groups (that is, not within diminishing returns territory).
2-rising hope
5-enduring relief
5-linked spirit
4-invigorated healing (could also swap into benefit of foresight)
5-righteous rage of tempus
5 restoration mastery
5- warding shield
I crit so much restoration mastery keeps the other 5% I'm losing from benefit up constantly...Using AS BoH and SB. and Invigorated is up constantly. The extra 10% from warding shield is incredibly nice if you can time large damage out but honestly with all of the extra stats people were running around with healing was MUCH more manageable and it was always cast from divine. Using foresight and healer's lore for passives. DP gen was a non issue as was AP gen whats the trick? drop the bastion inside astral shield so you know everyone will be there? is it really 25% stat boost if it hits all five? and casting SB and then swithcing to divine during anumation works well?
Well i only needed bastion for spot healing generally or if i wanted some extra mitigation on someone I would toss it their way but I was being a &%*^ about people staying grouped reasonably close so everyone kept stats up near 100%. works like butter. hit sb and swap to divine mode quickly. Also using divine armor for my daily.
i really like HG w/ Moontouched, i'm trying to work a build with linked spirit and moontouched. apparently astral seal procs the restoration mastery feat. i'm just not so sure about dropping ethereal boon but you are saying you have no divinity issues at all.
2- rising hope
5- enduring relief
5- benefit of foresight
5- linked spirit
5- moontouched
5- rage of tempus
4- resto mastery (switch to ethereal boon if divinity is an issue)
its really a matter of is linked spirit worth the healing i'd lose from dropping invig healing? invigorated healing with BoH is approx 2500 HP every 18sec using ASx1/SBx2/BoHx1 (and thats not probably exaclt given the 6 sec delay). idk if the added 6sec of defense every 18sec from the warding shield is better than the 25% health of hallowed ground. i realize divine armor gives temp hp but no offensive benefit and have you tried deepstone blessing since you are tossing out the temp hp? if you are only using BoH for situational spot healing do you think its worth the points in shield?
Well I only cast BoH in divine mode, so it actually heals for a decent amount on top of the reduction(and instant so ya). I actually think the build can go a few ways for linked spirit so it just depends on what you want. Yea moon-touched is nice but it doesn't feel mandatory anymore. The only reason I cast BoH is for healing +mitigation (not solely for-dmg). if it didn't have the mitigation I wouldn't bother. Just spec for linked spirit, doesn't matter about anything else(just to see the stat boost), run next to 4 guys and sb ,swap to divine, and pick your jaw up off the ground...invigorated healing cant touch linked spirit, if those are your choices, if you use it correctly and your team isn't spread out like butter on bread.
Divine armor is also a 15% damage reduction for quite a while...cant remember how long off the top of my head(15s?). Pretty much can keep my damage reduction steady the whole time regardless of ashield being up or not, or if i won't take hardly any damage if i use them all in a pinch. factor added reductions from the stat boost and I believe it's solid....not that I wouldnt swap flame in occasionally (and thusly feats) HG is still really stong even without moontouched so either way...I have both on daily slots, I've just been messing with DA. If encounters are down, people are full and im sitting at full AP I use HG, if encounters are available and people are missing health while at full AP I use DA and try to strech my encounters out. DA is really an OH HAMSTER button for me when it looks like someone may die as you have to wait a bit to get the full healing from HG. Sometimes it's just nice to have the buffer health on demand. I wouldn't rule it out completely
It seemed to work pretty well. Encounters were FF, SB and AS. Dailies I had slotted were HG and DA. Passives were HV and FS. Alt Wills BotS/A Seal.
Feats were usual heroics (minus cleanse), then:
2 Bountiful Fortune
5 Enduring Relief/Benefit of Forsight, 4 Linked Spirit
5 Righteous Rage of Tempus/Ethereal Boon/Power of Oppression
The SB trick switching to divinity works quite nicely but I did fail with it once or twice from trying to switch to D mode too quickly. It requires everyone to be bunched up though and that fight is in quite a wide open area and people got spread out a lot. Because of this I'm thinking that moontouched HG might still be something to consider, since it keeps people topped up over a large area but yea, linked spirit is nice
A note on cleanse: On that boss, there did seem to be a quite nasty debuff from some green goop but with cleanse as it is, I don't think it would make much of a difference (I will try it anyway) and goop is avoidable. So, there's some more input for you. Would be great if someone else could try though - there weren't many people on the test shard at all = /
Edit: Another thought I had was to try and boost all those little crit heals from repurpose soul, by using terrifying insight but I think our dots count as one single attack don't they? ie The subsequent ticks don't count as subsequent attacks? Maybe someone can clarify that? If so, then that idea really has no legs because of the silly way that passive works.
i could be wrong though. it could be that feated BoH is better if you consider using divine armor instead of feated HG. the linked spirit buff probably easily makes up for the offense buff from HG plus you get added defense, lifesteal, deflection etc etc....the question is how do these things stack, if at all? what sort of damage mitigation buff plus offensive boost and healing is received if you have AS, DA, feated BoH and linked spirit all up at the same time?
in theory it sounds like it could make the team an immortal damage dealing juggernaut briefly, but of course it will have to be tested. then again a combo of feated HG, AS, and the linked spirit buff coupled with FF healing would be more offense and probably comparable damage mititgation/healing as FF ticks pretty good, and the amount of damage mitigation received from defensive stat buffs due to linked spirit and AS, HG is likely more than enough.
btw, its easy enough to get people grouped up for the linked spirit buff since its about the same range as AS.
The damage claculation works like that :
Dmg = Rawdmg*(1-(Resistance+Foresight+HG+DA))*(1-AS)
(I dont know how is calculated the feated Bastion of Health mitigation, never tested.)
Each % over 80 are ignored, so the max mitigation you can get is 80%, no matter what.
That mean that if you have HG or DA buff on you when you're in your gap between 2 AS, with 35% resistance, you will have 35+11+30=76% mitigation, that'w why I think we need to focus more on healing than mitigation in this gap, we're already nearly capped with our daily.
Re-spec'd again a couple of times on test shard. Still incorporating linked spirit. Tried a temp hit point build using power of life and deepstone blessing with DA as daily but I really don't like sacred flame. So specced again as follows:
Usual heroic feats but put 1 pt back in cleanse. I'm actually seeing cleanse proc quite a lot, so I think the tooltip might be right at 8 sec cd. Regardless it's proccing enough that I think I'll keep the point.
Then paragon:
2 in rising hope
5 in deepstone/enduring relief/benefit of forsight/linked spirit and 4 mark of mending
5 in righteous rage
Passives: I have changed my long standing holy fervor for healers lore for the time being and am still running forsight.
Daily is again DA (and flamestrike)
Alts - BotS/AS
Encounters AS/SB/FF
I haven't had a chance to try this in a dungeon/gaunt yet since preview has been dead but just running around on trash in whispering caverns, I can already tell that this is my favourite of my test specs so far.
I do more healing AND more damage (probably due to rising hope, linked spirit and mark of mending all giving me extra power). Extra healing with DA up from deepstone seems really nice. I'm still not sure about losing holy fervor but AP/DP seem to flow fast enough as long as I'm johnny on the spot with my dots. Anyway, I will try a dungeon or gaunt when I get the chance and see if it all works together in a group scenario, then edit here. Cheers.
Edit: Something else I don't see mentioned about DA is that unlike HG it isn't a static range and since the buff lasts a while, once it's on, you can move wherever or push onwards etc, whereas with HG you're quickly out of it's effective range. This makes DA great to just pop all the time instead of just when you think your party is gonna be in the same place for a certain amount of time.
I am pretty sure when they say for example that for it to proc people have to be healed in divinity mode they mean the heal caste in divinity mode and you just found and are using yet another bug.
mark of mending, even if linked spirit buffs the boost (which i'm not sure it does) is a pretty weak feat. even at 5000 recovery, at 4% its only 200 power. doesnt seem like much but if you are set on running healers lore its probably good. since you are using seal you could always go for the resto mastery as that procs it. i am still running ethereal boon for now. if i notice i am constantly capped on divinity i might try going with something else but not sure what. i still ike feated HG because of the offensive boost also. maybe invigorated healing.
idk if its a bug. the spell has a delay before it goes off. it actually takes some skill to be able to manage divinity quickly to use it. and its not like we are getting the extra heal and knockback without using divinity pip. that said if not then they need to give us another reliable way to proc it or its just a wasted feat. BoH cd is terrible and casting SB in divinity has the knockback (the knockback is ok but alot of times you dont want it) so it gives us a way to cast it in divinity without the knockback. thats the main reason to cast it w/o then switch quickly.
I'm kinda with the other guy on this. It just sounds like a complete gimmick -- too much so to be genuine. If you're not consuming any Divine to 'power up' this, then it's got to be flawed.
30% from daily? Am I missing something. I thought DA was 20% and HG was 15%?
Agreed. The tooltip reads "when healed from divine mode" not "if encounter is cast in divine mode". They can't expect us to cast all our encounters in divine mode all the time, not with how DP regen works atm. I mean I wish we could but not feasible. Sinjce they changed AS to a dot it appears to be proccing invigorated healing but does it proc linked spirit? I supose not, that would be a just a bit to imba I guess.
DC is all about using the tab constantly. I'm usually only in divine mode fore a matter of seconds. The anoying thing is that with the constant tab into divine mode then tab back out sometimes you lose track or it doesn't recognize the keystroke and then you end up in the wrong one and say cast a yellow AS by accident or what not. The other thing I've found really anoying in this is if you get stunned, knockback, silence, etc right as/before you cast (the worst for me is with SB) because it has a slow cast animation sometimes I cast it, tab into divine mode, but if sometimes in the time between casting and swapping into divine mode I get disabled causing me to not actually cast SB but I still end up in divine mode, luckily if you realize this you can swap back out to normal while disabled.
A not one BOH, yeah the feat is really nice, but you have to cast in divine mode, the heal is kidna mediocre bc of the lost healing when feated and primarily it's CD is just too **** long for me to feel it's realiable. I'm seriously considering not even taking it as a power when I respec
I suspect there's a lot of silly server-side stuff going on, so tabbing in and out of divinity requires the requests to be replicated back, which adds a delay. Either that or they just coded in an inherent refractory period to it.
Nothing quite so annoying as having a switch not recognized, resulting in you sticking down a yellow shield and then blatting all the CW's nicely gathered monsters off into the distance with an unexpectedly D'd sunburst... :-/
I have done this before and thought I was such a baddie for it lol nice to know I am not the only one.
Yea, to be honest it was just to test healer's lore in conjunction with deepstone. I much prefer the fast action point gen from holy fervor, so I'm going back to that and dropping mending. I have always run invig and boon so wanted to try without them but I haven't had a chance to test properly since the preview shard is literally dead outside of a few people trying out gauntlegrym here and there (I guess people are too busy whining about nerfs elsewhere than to be pro active - and to think I felt guilty about leaving it so long to copy a character over) but I think, since I pvp a bit now and then, ethereal boon will still be needed. Invig I'm still not sure about. If I stick with deepstone, the only thing I think I could swap would be enduring relief, so which is more beneficial? AS is a HoT now yes? Do does Invig proc from each tick or not? I dunno these things. Also, regards to HG, I think DA could be considered an offensive buff in some ways too.
Anyway, I don't think there is much we can do in terms of drastic changes. As has been said here a few times, you need a good solid group now and if it's a pug you need a gf/gwf. In the last few days I've run SP a few times with my old spec. Two times we had a GF and a group of patient people who listened, didn't rush ahead, ninja pull etc and it was pretty much plain sailing. Then I had a group with 2 x DC, which before the patch was auto win even if the group was terribad. Complete fail. They ignored my advice before we entered about getting a GF to stop the CW getting trounced. He got bounced around like a bunny. The other DC was an arrogant twit that kept dying on the last boss. Throw in 2 x ****e rogues and ... well ... you all know the score. Anyway, I got the blame for that one lol. I'd switched to DA since the other dc was moontouched/hg spec so I thought I'd give unspecced DA a whirl. As a result my numbers were lower and therefore, it was my fault ...
No spec is gonna save you from that kind of **** =/
It's actually fairly unreliable mechanically as well. Sliding in for an SB can really put the kibosh on that whole plan XD and then it just becomes another fiddly mechanic to deal with amongst a host of others.
Edit: as a few people above me pointed out while I was posting ... good to know I'm not alone in those issues = )
You read this forum too much, do your test.
DA, like HG, is 30% mitigation on raw damage.
DA is 20% temp HP, HG is a potentially 25%hp Heal.
And HG damage buff is 30% also.
For me, Linked Spirit didn't proc of Astral Shield. SB and FF work a treat though - pop DFF then SB with the tab trick and voila 2 stacks linked spirit. Swapping in healer's lore seems to be the one thing makes the biggest difference to your AS ticks but I miss the extra AP gen from Holy Fervor. The more I look at Enduring Relief, the more rubbish it seems. Doesn't seem to add much at all. So I think I will run DA with Deepstone Blessing since I suspect we'll be running with a lot more GFs now anyway and there will be lots of temp hp floating about.
For a while with my old spec I ran Divine Advantage instead of Righteous Rage. I really like Divine Advantage, it does seem to reduce a lot of incoming damage when you're surrounded and definitely works off Sunburst and DFF - hard to say with AS, but I'm taking it anyway - but I think Righteous Rage is necessary, so I will take that too. Tried healing step for kicks. Seemed like a waste for PVE and I'm not sure how great it would be in PVP tbh. Although you do get temp HP so Deepstone would reduce Righteousness by 10% at least. For me though it's either that, Linked Spirit or Invigorated healing.
So aside from those undecided 4 points I think I will go with:
2 Rising Hope
5 Deepstone/5 Benefit of Forsight
5 Divine Advantage/5 Righteous Rage/5 Ethereal Boon
and for the time being 4 in Linked Spirit to give it a good try out - otheriwse it will be Invigorated Healing or maybe Healing Step for PVP.
Alt Wills:BotS/AS
Dailies DA/Flamestrike
Heroic feats: I'm keeping 1 in cleanse and I take Holy Resolve, not the action point one.
I appreciate any advice here though before I commit that spec on live. I am but a pauper on live so respecs are valuable to me.
Oh, I tried BoH again - cd is just way too long for me, for very little return. I read that Prophecy of Doom is still bust, so that's out. So I guess it will look something like this.
I didn't check stats. Was just seeing what it procc'd off. Also, that was just me and a man at arms companion on mobs in Caverns. Having said that, I just specced to the build I linked above and had a quick blast before the maintenance and I couldn't get the number 2 on the buff at all before the server went down. Think I was just unlucky with my timing though.
Also, does it stack or is that just the number of the rank? ie 2 = 10% stats, 3 = 15% stats etc (assuming 5 points in feat).
12000 power is imba though
Edit: Yea, for the life of me I can't replicate it so I guess I was being a doofus and looking at the Enduring Relief buff (which I'm still unsure about, sometimes it seems rubbish, sometimes it seems good), so yea, sorry about that. DFF doesn't proc it, it was just me being daft.
I read in a post a while ago that somebody didn't like the up time on it but I don't see that as much of an issue. I normally get at least 3 other people with it and since I'm already bursting on cooldown it's up 80-90% of the time. I only have a hard time with wizards because they tend to stand outside of AS. Hoping to get a guild run in sometime this week to really get the numbers down. It may just be my perception but it has definitely seemed like things are going down faster and group health dropping more slowly since I changed.
I can imagine if this stacked with multiple healers that a dps cleric and heal cleric combo could be really powerful in the 9-10k GS range groups (that is, not within diminishing returns territory).