So I finally hit 60 a couple of hours ago, slapped on my first few epics I got for cheap on the AH.
And ran my first epic dungeon with a guildmate.
I went afk for the first 2 mins of the dungeon cause I was cooking food, but I seem to have still managed to get to 2nd place on damage. (I didn't take screenshots of damage taken, minion kills, and healing done but I was 4th on damage taken, 1st on minion kills and 3rd on healing done.)
Here's a screenshot of damage done.
Classes present were:
GF - 1st (my guildmate)
GWF - 2nd (me)
CW - 3rd
GWF - 4th
DC - 5th
Not that I'm trying to bash on the other GWF, he was good in his own right. But from what I can tell, the GWF seems ok. I didn't have trouble leveling nor am I having trouble doing what I have to do (AOE minion kills and damage).
Perhaps its a whole different ball game in T2 dungeons.
PS. I'm Sentinel spec
Ah and lastly, Reaping Strike rocks! LOL
@14-16k crits
Thanks for the encouraging advise! I will keep at it, and strive to be one of the good ones on our server.