Bay of Pigs by
Short Code:
Mission Type: Indoor/Outdoor Location Mission
Average Duration:15 min
Amount of Combat:average
Starts at: Auction House NPC
Mission Summary: The final battle to seal the fate of two species is finally here. Participate and possibly gain allies.
Description: At the base of all battles is nothing more important that what strikes at a man’s heart. Whether it be a life long partner, a dream yet unfulfilled or epic adventure which hasn’t been accomplished. There are battles which may never be understood but yet need to be played out. Be it between country or men, fate needs to be played out.
There is a need, which assistance is required. Are you ready to do what is necessary?
Light Questing/Hack and Slash
Difficulty: Medium
Author of the LGBT quest: Alternative Entertainment (NW-DHQPDNBZM)
Thank you for the review!
I will work on everything you pointed out.
The Boston Butt is a reference to a cut of pork. It's the piece of meat usually smoked and also used in pulled pork.
For your last point, I'm sorry, I didn't want people to die. I'll leave some of the pig squads around to help.
Update 12:29PST
* Added additional friendly units, they will appear to replace those units which died. That should help with the difficulty. The friendly units should be able to handle everything, but fun will still be there when the player engages the fight.
* I have added dialog to the other animals
* Corrected the grammar
* Added a warning about bag space, not certain how to handle returning to town to free up space yet.
* Correct the first wave not charging, this forced the player to kite them.
Update 13:45
* Removed the excessive map transitions
LOL this was really cool, I like the fact its not "normal"
I think it is a bit to easy now IMO.... especially as the respawn camp is right next to the Main event..... (even though i dided once, because i had no health pots on me at all, and im half asleep as its very late)
Ya noone will get your joke about the Boston Smoked meat, UNLESS they are american, as you guys are the only people who eat "pulled pork"..... and the only reason i know about pulled pork is because its on the MAN Vs FOOD TV program all the time.... you guys go crazy over it
1) I really want to know how you made the "last Wolf thing" grow in size as we fought it... it really impressed me.
2) Also i would like to know how you did the smoke effect as well (and made it grow).
First, Man vs Food is a great show
Yes, we do like our pulled pork!
1) I used Foulspawn, Easy, Melee - Brute Berserker
2) I stacked smoke effects for each by using a progressively more smokey effect
.. Started with Fire Camp 01
.. Then FX - Fire Outdoor Medium
.. Then FX - Medium Smoke Column
.. Then FX - Xlarge Smoke Drift
The real trick was duplicate camp fires, so then the person can appear to interact with the same one each time, but in reality there was multiple fires there. So, 3 camp fires, and 3 effects stacked on each other.
I'll upload a quick video, not comfortable with talking. However, I think you will visually see what I did.
I split each of camp fires apart and you can see how clicking them triggered the respective effect. Some reason, YouTube is taking much longer these days to process video.
If your bored, do the first part if NW-DHD39HHCC . I would love to finish it, but cause of the return to enclave bug it's annoying. I really wanted to do a quest where you could stay in the enclave, but that darn losing quest bug is annoying.
or just watch the following: