Bay of Pigs by
Mission Type: Indoor/Outdoor Location Mission
Average Duration:15 min
Amount of Combat:average
Starts at: Auction House NPC
Mission Summary: The final battle to seal the fate of two species is finally here. Participate and possibly gain allies.
Description: At the base of all battles is nothing more important that what strikes at a man’s heart. Whether it be a life long partner, a dream yet unfulfilled or epic adventure which hasn’t been accomplished. There are battles which may never be understood but yet need to be played out. Be it between country or men, fate needs to be played out.
There is a need, which assistance is required. Are you ready to do what is necessary?
Light Questing/Hack and Slash
Difficulty: Medium
I was not disappointed - pigs vs chickens.
I'm still not sure I know what was going on but I feel good to have helped the piggys.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Thank you Cudd1y, I will tweak those minor encounters and try to optimize some, thank you!
Just reviewed and rated your quest. Hilarious! Nothing much to add except to reiterate the fact that the zoning happens way too often. Maybe try to skip a few portions (the stable-hand to the horse for one)
Appreciate a review of my campaigns
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
I will do your quests in the morning, thank you for the kind words
It really does help to watch someone else play your quest. It helped me quite a bit when someone streamed mine way back when, so thank you for helping the community!
Fun idea! My thoughts:
What I liked:
-I really enjoyed the lightheartedness of the quest.
-There were some good objective ideas/effects.
-None of the encounters felt too overwhelming.
What I'd like to see worked on:
-Interacting with the horse so that you can mount it (from the stables) felt awkward. There was a lot of repositioning just to try to find the right place to stand to move to the next area.
-Would like a bit more detail/objects in the areas, so they look a little bit less plain.
Not too much else to comment on. Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you very much!
Your last points are spot on, and the same problems I'm working on. It worked so well on the last horse back to town, but so clunky in the stall. The sound effects I have in place are hit and miss too.
The Eternal Light NW-DO335J3SZ D.F.E.
Revenge Of The Companions NW-DMHJNCEY5
The Light In The Darkness NWS-DJIAO4D3J
An Unlikely Hero NW-DCFZNQZLR D.F.E.
The Puppet Master NW-DM8BI99QJ D.F.E.
Thank you for the very kind words!
On the last line of the conversation before he takes you to the bay of pigs. I'd add something like "Brrr, it's cold." Of course, I'm insane. :-)
Your signal fire should be adjusted using the 3D editor it's edge is floating in the air.
For "Head to the Field Commander", it has me go down the hill and then he spawns up the hill from where the area is. That should be fixed.
I would say it was one of my favorite quests I've reviewed so far. Of course that may be the insanity showing again. :-)
Storming Monte Hall NW-DRAQHLR54