Something else I started testing, last night but never got around to finishing because I was falling asleep at the keyboard. So the following are the number of attacks with said ability are required to get a full die of AP.
All of the At-Wills generate the same AP regardless of number of targets hit. Also, damage does not factor into AP gain. Whether I was using a level 2 weapon or a level 60 it moved at the same rate. Unless otherwise noted the same goes for encounters. Also these were all done without using <Tab>.
All abilities tested were at r3 minus Sure Strike.
Sure Strike: 131 hits exactly. It's possible that it MAY be 130 or 132. The reason being occasionally the animation would glitch and I wasn't sure if it fired off for a hit or double hit. I ran this several times just to make sure I got the count right but you never know, right? It's also fair to note that I only have r2 for Sure Strike. I'm not sure if ranks have any bearing on AP gain. If anyone out there happens to have r3, would you mind terribly running over to the dummies and seeing if the tally is different for you?
Wicked Strike: 80 hits
Weapon Master's Strike: 80 hits
Reaping Strike: 20 hits. 26 hits if you let go on the 2nd charge up.
Restoring Strike, IBS, Flourish, Takedown, Daring Shout, Mighty Leap and Not So Fast: all seem to be in the 6%-ish range. I'm guessing the value is somewhere around 6.2%. Daring Shout, Mighty Leap nor Not So Fast benefit from hitting multiple targets.
Punishing Charge: around 3.3 and stacks for each target hit. Hitting 3 dummies consistently netted me 10% gain.
Roar: is beast. 5.5%-ish per target hit.
Battle Fury: looks to be a 30% AP gain on whatever ability you're using. For example, if you use it then throw in a Roar you net roughly 7% per target hit instead of the 5.5% neighborhood. The most efficient use I could find was popping it just before Roar and then tossing in a Reaping before the buff dropped. Buff simply doesn't last long enough IMO.
None of the passives seem to affect AP gain one iota. Was kinda hoping Blitz would do something but negatory on that one. I honestly don't know if level accounts for anything. Also it bears noting that I did this with 0 recovery equipped. I'll try testing gain with some recovery equipped once I pick up a few greens of the AH and see how that helps out.