Gotta ask a question cause im always mystified when I see it.
"Not anywhere near as good as WoW PvP"
Is WoW really considered such a benchmark for pvp? After playing WoW I was shocked at how distinctly average the game was in general.
The PvP isn't about skill it is about which player has the mouse with more buttons.
So yeah someone explain to me why you are raving about one of the most average pvp systems out there.
If we talking real good PvP.
Darkeden was brilliant slayers vs vampires fast based open world pvp that took skill and allowed players good customisation over character builds.
Well for me the pvp now is not good cos there's so many bots and afks. Also they need to fix the block of guardian because sometimes when I attack from behind its still block. Is it really suppose to be like that? And also the teleport of wizard is OP for me. As a rogue its so hard to get close to them also the dazing stike has 1sec delay so it wont be easy to touch those wizards while they're hitting massive damage. They should make wizards squishy if they can teleport every sec.
Pvp in this game is very nice..take in min im only lvl 30 (( and yes i luvved pvp in wow and had top dmg bu a very large margin in every match i played, frost or unholy DK ftw.. But wow pvp get boring eventually mainly because of palidan and priest bubbles and the fat that it relly was, right clck on someone then spam a predetermined " rotation" ...even on a DK there was still a rotation and a cookie cutter ey to spec))). This game opens up a very action based combat system,....
Yes they need to balance classes for pvp.. For the pp haters on this thread...pffffffttttt... Pvp in a mmorpg will make or break a game.. And if you dont believe that you name ONE mmorpg..with horrible or no pvp tht has succeeded...
Open world pvp needs to be put in...and if your wondering how....daoc style, where you " leave" town and travel to a map specifically made for pvp open world..castles to seige to seige etc...
Fixxing pvp is easy to...make pvp specific armor and wpns...give em triple the hit points withthe same dmg stats as the comparable pve gear..or... Just change the dmg and or effects against " players". ... A simple addition of code...theres alot you kould do with this, ill use a GF kill as an forgot its name lol and im at work on my ipad...the skill slams his shield together with his wpn and causes a aoe dmg and mobs to be marked and gives u aggro..well in pvp on this game gettin aggro is useless as it doesnt " force" the enemy player to target you...simply change the effects it has on " player" enmies to be a one second aoe stun or daze and viola...its a useable skill in pvp and pve..everyone likes to throw WoWs name put there so I will.....there are pme skils in wow that ave a different effect in pvp and ome tht re down right un useable in pvp matches...
In short... Perhaps just lower the dmg to players...or make armor with more hps and more dfense / armor...i mean.. Theres alrdy the thing tat will " give u temperary lvls" when u enter a match at say lvl 25 takes you to 29 for " balance" ... Why not at max lvl... You get " temporary hps, and defense or the match". This takes away the 1 shot stuff... Makes pp last longer etc...
I do hope they fix pvp as I personally luv the pvp in this game... But all this aside...its BETA...and i still dont ven have my dual weilding tempest blades ranger yet (( and for the record..half elf not drow as..Drizzt was not my life long d& d character, though kewl as **** to red about, Thalanathalothenest, aka Thal. ..the Crypt Rngr..))
. If you don't know how to use your own toon's skills and your own personal skill to create some survivability for yourself vs that, then I don't know what to tell ya.
I'd love to learn to play my class... but you can't play if you can be stun-locked and killed... or one-shotted, every time you step on the field. It should be combat.. not a target range for the OP classes.
You win some, you lose some. Big deal. If you'd quit thinking that because you consistently get beaten by class X then class X must need to be nerfed maybe you could actually learn to play with some ksill at the game,
as soon as you cry about the very weak rogue ranged attack, it marks you as very green. That is a super low damage attack, only gets 12 shots before it has to build up again (slowly) and hits for a fraction of a real attack. Its like crying about ray of frost from CW or something.
You sir, are the green one, as most rogues have figured out now that rogue range is affected by enchants.
If you can't be constructive in your criticism, go back to world-of-whiners.
Gotta ask a question cause im always mystified when I see it.
"Not anywhere near as good as WoW PvP"
Is WoW really considered such a benchmark for pvp? After playing WoW I was shocked at how distinctly average the game was in general.
The PvP isn't about skill it is about which player has the mouse with more buttons.
So yeah someone explain to me why you are raving about one of the most average pvp systems out there.
If we talking real good PvP.
Darkeden was brilliant slayers vs vampires fast based open world pvp that took skill and allowed players good customisation over character builds.
WoW took the most skill out of any MMO PvP. It's a fact. WoW Arena failed because the devs sucked at balancing. The skillcap was huge. You're an idiot, I had a normal mouse with 2 buttons and I'm a multi glad. Open PvP or BG PvP generally takes no skill. It's easy to say something was bad when you were at the lower end of the skill spectrum.
Lastly, people claiming others need to "learn to play". I constantly get ridiculous scores in PvP and pretty much 2-3 shot people and I think pvp is unbalanced as ****.
The only way to completely balance for PvP and PvE is to create different tooltips for both.
WoW took the most skill out of any MMO PvP. It's a fact. WoW Arena failed because the devs sucked at balancing. The skillcap was huge. You're an idiot, I had a normal mouse with 2 buttons and I'm a multi glad. Open PvP or BG PvP generally takes no skill. It's easy to say something was bad when you were at the lower end of the skill spectrum.
Lastly, people claiming others need to "learn to play". I constantly get ridiculous scores in PvP and pretty much 2-3 shot people and I think pvp is unbalanced as ****.
The only way to completely balance for PvP and PvE is to create different tooltips for both.
I feel like they could just double player hp and remove as stacking to fix so many stupid problems at once.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
First I should say, I have a lvl 60 TR, CW and GF.....and YES the PvP in this game is horribly broken in my opinion.
I can't count the number of times I have come to the center node on my CW and easily killed everyone within 1 minute. The DPS melt like butter. The poor rogues that come after me meet a very quick death just trying to get to me. The only class that give me a little trouble is a very geared GF or a stealthed ranged TR, but since I have one of both of them too, I know what's coming and how to counter.
I can say from experience the stacking of enchantments and the damage of daily's need to be addressed or PvP in this game will never reach it's potential. There also needs to be DR placed on CC's to prevent the stun locking abilities that exist in game currently.
I started playing my TR first, and this got boring real fast because the enemy is dead before they have a chance to counter attack.
I then leveled my CW, and while I had a lot of fun leveling up, I soon realized at 60, that they are even more OP then TR's. They can do everything a TR can(except stealth) at range, and the teleport and CC's gives them the best defense in the game in my opinion. Their daily Ice Knife is just as bad as the TR's Shocking Execution, except they can hit you from Siberia with it. While it may not do as much damage, it is still more HP than anyone has, so it is still just as effective. At least the rogue has to get up close and personal to do his damage.
Then I leveled my GF, and after a little gear grind, I found out they are better stun lockers than CW's and can kill you just as fast without you having the ability to retaliate. They also have the best armor in the game which makes them one of the toughest classes to fight 1v1.
It amazes me how developers have no concept of what PvP is all about. In the most basic terms it is meant for players to pit THEIR skills against one another. Skills include things like movement, tactics, situational awareness and anticipation of your enemies moves. It should not be about gear, enchantments and 1 button skill killers. I don't think giving any class in PvP an ability to kill someone as quickly as you can in this game to be remotely fun for either side. At least for me! I enjoy the challenge of facing other players and testing my wits against theirs. To me PvP should be about the fighting, not just about the killing. Sure it's great when you kill your opponent, but it's even better when you earned it, not cheezed your way to a kill by pressing one button.
WoW took the most skill out of any MMO PvP. It's a fact.
gf. Idiot.
Also I agree with Maevar on a lot of his points.
One of my favourite things about NW was the revival of the good old fashioned standard attack
I play GF so its in the form of "Cleave" but the concept is the same. Many mmos in this day and age have abandoned attacking and just require spamming the same buttons in the same perfect order after they have double clicked their foes nametag.
Classes need balancing is true, but i'd rather see a buff to GWF before I see a nerf to rogues because they are tolerable and at least its fun with abit of added challenge.
GWF is the only class that appears lost in its goal.
Is it a melee dps? If so, its less mobile than both the guardian fighter and the rogue. GF sticks to you and rogues don't even need to.
Is it a tank? LOL goes down like just as easy as any other class besides GF but I suppose the others can move well to avoid damage.
First I should say, I have a lvl 60 TR, CW and GF.....and YES the PvP in this game is horribly broken in my opinion.
I can't count the number of times I have come to the center node on my CW and easily killed everyone within 1 minute. The DPS melt like butter. The poor rogues that come after me meet a very quick death just trying to get to me. The only class that give me a little trouble is a very geared GF or a stealthed ranged TR, but since I have one of both of them too, I know what's coming and how to counter.
I can say from experience the stacking of enchantments and the damage of daily's need to be addressed or PvP in this game will never reach it's potential. There also needs to be DR placed on CC's to prevent the stun locking abilities that exist in game currently.
I started playing my TR first, and this got boring real fast because the enemy is dead before they have a chance to counter attack.
I then leveled my CW, and while I had a lot of fun leveling up, I soon realized at 60, that they are even more OP then TR's. They can do everything a TR can(except stealth) at range, and the teleport and CC's gives them the best defense in the game in my opinion. Their daily Ice Knife is just as bad as the TR's Shocking Execution, except they can hit you from Siberia with it. While it may not do as much damage, it is still more HP than anyone has, so it is still just as effective. At least the rogue has to get up close and personal to do his damage.
Then I leveled my GF, and after a little gear grind, I found out they are better stun lockers than CW's and can kill you just as fast without you having the ability to retaliate. They also have the best armor in the game which makes them one of the toughest classes to fight 1v1.
It amazes me how developers have no concept of what PvP is all about. In the most basic terms it is meant for players to pit THEIR skills against one another. Skills include things like movement, tactics, situational awareness and anticipation of your enemies moves. It should not be about gear, enchantments and 1 button skill killers. I don't think giving any class in PvP an ability to kill someone as quickly as you can in this game to be remotely fun for either side. At least for me! I enjoy the challenge of facing other players and testing my wits against theirs. To me PvP should be about the fighting, not just about the killing. Sure it's great when you kill your opponent, but it's even better when you earned it, not cheezed your way to a kill by pressing one button.
Just my 2 cents...
There we go, a decent post. Even if a TR can do alot of damage, and one big spike every 4-5 mins, theres another class that can do that, and much more, from range. Im in full T2, and there are GWF and GF that can cc lock you and kill you 100-0 without beeing able to fight back, they are just better at their class in pvp
I agree with everything except GWF mobility. Thier mobility is the best thing they got going for them right now. they have pretty good mobility compared to all other classes.
as soon as you cry about the very weak rogue ranged attack, it marks you as very green. That is a super low damage attack, only gets 12 shots before it has to build up again (slowly) and hits for a fraction of a real attack. Its like crying about ray of frost from CW or something.
As soon as you try to under estimate one of the strongest abilities in the game in PVP you show your self to be very green. Two words plaguefire and tenebrous.ok, 3 words.
First I should say, I have a lvl 60 TR, CW and GF.....and YES the PvP in this game is horribly broken in my opinion.
I can't count the number of times I have come to the center node on my CW and easily killed everyone within 1 minute. The DPS melt like butter. The poor rogues that come after me meet a very quick death just trying to get to me. The only class that give me a little trouble is a very geared GF or a stealthed ranged TR, but since I have one of both of them too, I know what's coming and how to counter.
I can say from experience the stacking of enchantments and the damage of daily's need to be addressed or PvP in this game will never reach it's potential. There also needs to be DR placed on CC's to prevent the stun locking abilities that exist in game currently.
I started playing my TR first, and this got boring real fast because the enemy is dead before they have a chance to counter attack.
I then leveled my CW, and while I had a lot of fun leveling up, I soon realized at 60, that they are even more OP then TR's. They can do everything a TR can(except stealth) at range, and the teleport and CC's gives them the best defense in the game in my opinion. Their daily Ice Knife is just as bad as the TR's Shocking Execution, except they can hit you from Siberia with it. While it may not do as much damage, it is still more HP than anyone has, so it is still just as effective. At least the rogue has to get up close and personal to do his damage.
Then I leveled my GF, and after a little gear grind, I found out they are better stun lockers than CW's and can kill you just as fast without you having the ability to retaliate. They also have the best armor in the game which makes them one of the toughest classes to fight 1v1.
It amazes me how developers have no concept of what PvP is all about. In the most basic terms it is meant for players to pit THEIR skills against one another. Skills include things like movement, tactics, situational awareness and anticipation of your enemies moves. It should not be about gear, enchantments and 1 button skill killers. I don't think giving any class in PvP an ability to kill someone as quickly as you can in this game to be remotely fun for either side. At least for me! I enjoy the challenge of facing other players and testing my wits against theirs. To me PvP should be about the fighting, not just about the killing. Sure it's great when you kill your opponent, but it's even better when you earned it, not cheezed your way to a kill by pressing one button.
Just my 2 cents...
Absolutely everything you say you should be highlighted. This is a very clear and concise post that unfortunately will probably be overlooked by developing team Of this game. I do however think that you might also be overlooking the bugs in pvp matchmaking and the lack of creativity in the type of pvp this game has to offer. These two things make me believe that they honestly just threw pvp in the game willy nilly and do not care at all about it.
Best pvp of any mmo. I fkin hated resilience in WOW made things sooooo boring.
replicaclonedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
The pvp in this game needs something. If people like one-shot crits, or two shotting people who can not fight back or do not know you are even there, well tough. There is no future in catering to people who fill up their daily before the match starts, find a victim and kills them before they know what hits them. No class should be hitting for as much as they do in PVP. No class should be able to stun lock from 100 to 0. No class should be able to hit a total of two or three buttons and move on to the next.
The aspect of the game we call pvp is fetid. It's whomever can travel in a team, whomever surprises the other person first. Whomever has their HP bar emptying daily up first, wins. If the rogue can sneak up on someone along the sharp corners or massive aoe animations, and that person is not standing in a cleric circle. GG. 60-90% on the backstab, gone. Then the execute that takes away whats left and hones in on you even if you dodge away.
I have 4/5 classes so far at 60, and the only one that presents a challenge at all is the GWF, for obvious reasons.
PVP needs an overhaul.Catering to those who live for the "OMG CRITS!" will quickly kill any hopes of a pvp side attraction in this game.
Everyone needs a break from the add killing that goes on in the dungeons.
Sorry, but Lord of the Bling: Online had and still has the worst PvP in the history of MMO PvP. Just ask any LoTRO Creep player (if there are any who remain) and they'll tell you about four plus years of developer lies, biases, and utterly one sided PvP coding.
Shoot... I recall its Moria xpac PvP where hunters were one-shotting all Creep classes from stealth and hitting for over 16,000 damage all when the largest Creep health pool was around 7 or 8 thousand and when none of the Creep classes could crit for anything more than 2.8k. Then there were/are the other blatantly OP classes which could slay three or four Creep players at one time.
So... Neverwinter's PvP isn't all that bad really.
not the worst, nor the best.
Personally, If i could add something for the pvp section in this game, I would double a players HP.
when entering the PVP zone to force bigger co'op in pvp.
currently when I'm entering a pvp match, there are 95% rouges and mages.
im usually the only one who's not those classes.
By doubbling the HP you remove the abillity to solo-kill withinn a few seconds and force a longer fight, allowing the cleric to focus his healing power on a player. and making a GF really be a huge Tank. (he's hard enaugh to kill for a non'rouge/mage as it is
more play modes and maps would be great..
maybe the foundry could add a pvp map section ?
just my 2pence.
thorizdenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
WoW took the most skill out of any MMO PvP. It's a fact.
OMG, this is the funniest thing I've seen posted...wait you're ****ing serious? WoW isn't even mediocre in terms of skill for arena PvP and that's in the short time they tried to foster top tier competitions by having competitions with all gear and insta leveled characters.
More Stats
There needs to be some distiction on how to gain points, and what's being done.
Total Healing (to others?).
Total Dmg dealt.
Total assist points.
Total capture points.
.. etc...
something like a log output after each match?
details / stats from the playd match
(ok.. bit dreamy i guesss hehehe )
But non'the'less, more info on what's being done == more fun we all love seeing what we did, and what others did.
Personally I love analyzing what I'm doing, and often im one of the lowest scorers on the board, but i know i've been doing allot of stunning and disrupting captures, etc etc... since I'm not playing rouge/mage im not even bothering compeeting for the kill score.
Trying to do so is just silly as it is.
PVP is something to do when adventuring gets boring, or just something to take ones mind of things.. quick fun one could call it.
I agree about the TR being OP'ed, not because of the damage they do, but because they take virtually no damage, damaging in stealth? I mean who came up with that HAMSTER, get rid of it. And who says pvp and pve have to mix, make it so only pvp gear works in pvp and vice-versa, make it so stats and balance occur in pvp by cutting HP's and stuns. But let them stay in pve, you can have both, I think what people fail to understand is that you can control what skills you can use in pvp, I mean they already bump you up to max lvl in your bracket so why can't you do the opposite and make certain skills not usable.
Balance to me in this game is how PnP would go, the tank having the most HP's and armor, do less damage but take a **** ton of damage, the rogue doing great damage, but wearing only leather tends to take a pounding quickly and having half the HP's of the tank. The wizard, wearing cloth takes and insane amount of damage, with even less HP's than the rogue, but deals insane amounts of damage. Right now you have none of that, the rogue and wizards are not squishy and the tanks, gwf (not so much as tanks) are the squishy ones. fix damage mitigation and HP's and you might be ok.
And as far as some people saying this isn't DnD you would be correct, I've never played a cryptic game before and I'm guessing this is just another set of skins on their engine. Throw some DnD names and concepts on top and boom you got neverwinter. God I hope somebody some day see's DnD as a sandbox and not a theme park and give it what it truly deserve a real universe to explore and build on. I would love to see the ability to make shops and inns coming into a large town, the owners have to supply or make quests for people to supply their inn and in turn can make money off of it. The ability to build guild halls and have guild sieges, the ability to have an actual pvp or RP servers. The ability to play a monster class you name it, NW or DDO didn't have it, I am enjoying the game, but not enough to spend a dime on it. My enjoyment lvl is about is 20% for today's MMO's that is pretty good in my book, I'd like to see that somewhere in the high 80's in my lifetime hopefully.
Wow, there are actually people defending the PvP in this game....holy HAMSTER, now I've seen everything.
ATTENTION THOSE OF YOU DEFENDING THE PVP: there are not words yet invented to describe the level of HAMSTER you have managed to achieve. Not only do you actually have the lack of experience to consider this PvP enjoyable, but you actually have the temerity to try and defend the horrid state of PvP to people who have been playing PvP since MMO's first became a thing? Wow, please go away.
The PvP in this game should be removed completely and not touched until the rest of the game is functioning properly. It's a joke - an insult, actually - to put a piece of **** like this into a video game AT ALL, let alone have players pay money to test it.
Please, all of you defending this HAMSTER, just go away. You're ruining our chances of getting a decent game.
"Not anywhere near as good as WoW PvP"
Is WoW really considered such a benchmark for pvp? After playing WoW I was shocked at how distinctly average the game was in general.
The PvP isn't about skill it is about which player has the mouse with more buttons.
So yeah someone explain to me why you are raving about one of the most average pvp systems out there.
If we talking real good PvP.
Darkeden was brilliant slayers vs vampires fast based open world pvp that took skill and allowed players good customisation over character builds.
Yes they need to balance classes for pvp.. For the pp haters on this thread...pffffffttttt... Pvp in a mmorpg will make or break a game.. And if you dont believe that you name ONE mmorpg..with horrible or no pvp tht has succeeded...
Open world pvp needs to be put in...and if your wondering how....daoc style, where you " leave" town and travel to a map specifically made for pvp open world..castles to seige to seige etc...
Fixxing pvp is easy to...make pvp specific armor and wpns...give em triple the hit points withthe same dmg stats as the comparable pve gear..or... Just change the dmg and or effects against " players". ... A simple addition of code...theres alot you kould do with this, ill use a GF kill as an forgot its name lol and im at work on my ipad...the skill slams his shield together with his wpn and causes a aoe dmg and mobs to be marked and gives u aggro..well in pvp on this game gettin aggro is useless as it doesnt " force" the enemy player to target you...simply change the effects it has on " player" enmies to be a one second aoe stun or daze and viola...its a useable skill in pvp and pve..everyone likes to throw WoWs name put there so I will.....there are pme skils in wow that ave a different effect in pvp and ome tht re down right un useable in pvp matches...
In short... Perhaps just lower the dmg to players...or make armor with more hps and more dfense / armor...i mean.. Theres alrdy the thing tat will " give u temperary lvls" when u enter a match at say lvl 25 takes you to 29 for " balance" ... Why not at max lvl... You get " temporary hps, and defense or the match". This takes away the 1 shot stuff... Makes pp last longer etc...
I do hope they fix pvp as I personally luv the pvp in this game... But all this aside...its BETA...and i still dont ven have my dual weilding tempest blades ranger yet (( and for the record..half elf not drow as..Drizzt was not my life long d& d character, though kewl as **** to red about, Thalanathalothenest, aka Thal. ..the Crypt Rngr..))
this game has good design but it seems they have discontinued development, since i havent seen an improvement in 2 months.
I'd love to learn to play my class... but you can't play if you can be stun-locked and killed... or one-shotted, every time you step on the field. It should be combat.. not a target range for the OP classes.
spoken like a true 'class X'.
You sir, are the green one, as most rogues have figured out now that rogue range is affected by enchants.
WoW took the most skill out of any MMO PvP. It's a fact. WoW Arena failed because the devs sucked at balancing. The skillcap was huge. You're an idiot, I had a normal mouse with 2 buttons and I'm a multi glad. Open PvP or BG PvP generally takes no skill. It's easy to say something was bad when you were at the lower end of the skill spectrum.
Lastly, people claiming others need to "learn to play". I constantly get ridiculous scores in PvP and pretty much 2-3 shot people and I think pvp is unbalanced as ****.
The only way to completely balance for PvP and PvE is to create different tooltips for both.
Tenebrous stacking is definitely a balanced mechanic.
I feel like they could just double player hp and remove as stacking to fix so many stupid problems at once.
They gotta put DRs on stuns and just lower damage in pvp.
I can't count the number of times I have come to the center node on my CW and easily killed everyone within 1 minute. The DPS melt like butter. The poor rogues that come after me meet a very quick death just trying to get to me. The only class that give me a little trouble is a very geared GF or a stealthed ranged TR, but since I have one of both of them too, I know what's coming and how to counter.
I can say from experience the stacking of enchantments and the damage of daily's need to be addressed or PvP in this game will never reach it's potential. There also needs to be DR placed on CC's to prevent the stun locking abilities that exist in game currently.
I started playing my TR first, and this got boring real fast because the enemy is dead before they have a chance to counter attack.
I then leveled my CW, and while I had a lot of fun leveling up, I soon realized at 60, that they are even more OP then TR's. They can do everything a TR can(except stealth) at range, and the teleport and CC's gives them the best defense in the game in my opinion. Their daily Ice Knife is just as bad as the TR's Shocking Execution, except they can hit you from Siberia with it. While it may not do as much damage, it is still more HP than anyone has, so it is still just as effective. At least the rogue has to get up close and personal to do his damage.
Then I leveled my GF, and after a little gear grind, I found out they are better stun lockers than CW's and can kill you just as fast without you having the ability to retaliate. They also have the best armor in the game which makes them one of the toughest classes to fight 1v1.
It amazes me how developers have no concept of what PvP is all about. In the most basic terms it is meant for players to pit THEIR skills against one another. Skills include things like movement, tactics, situational awareness and anticipation of your enemies moves. It should not be about gear, enchantments and 1 button skill killers. I don't think giving any class in PvP an ability to kill someone as quickly as you can in this game to be remotely fun for either side. At least for me! I enjoy the challenge of facing other players and testing my wits against theirs. To me PvP should be about the fighting, not just about the killing. Sure it's great when you kill your opponent, but it's even better when you earned it, not cheezed your way to a kill by pressing one button.
Just my 2 cents...
He's 16 and wasn't old enough to experience Shadowbane or DAoC to make a STUPID comment like that.
gf. Idiot.
Also I agree with Maevar on a lot of his points.
One of my favourite things about NW was the revival of the good old fashioned standard attack
I play GF so its in the form of "Cleave" but the concept is the same. Many mmos in this day and age have abandoned attacking and just require spamming the same buttons in the same perfect order after they have double clicked their foes nametag.
Classes need balancing is true, but i'd rather see a buff to GWF before I see a nerf to rogues because they are tolerable and at least its fun with abit of added challenge.
GWF is the only class that appears lost in its goal.
Is it a melee dps? If so, its less mobile than both the guardian fighter and the rogue. GF sticks to you and rogues don't even need to.
Is it a tank? LOL goes down like just as easy as any other class besides GF but I suppose the others can move well to avoid damage.
What is it? I'd love to know.
There we go, a decent post. Even if a TR can do alot of damage, and one big spike every 4-5 mins, theres another class that can do that, and much more, from range. Im in full T2, and there are GWF and GF that can cc lock you and kill you 100-0 without beeing able to fight back, they are just better at their class in pvp
The aspect of the game we call pvp is fetid. It's whomever can travel in a team, whomever surprises the other person first. Whomever has their HP bar emptying daily up first, wins. If the rogue can sneak up on someone along the sharp corners or massive aoe animations, and that person is not standing in a cleric circle. GG. 60-90% on the backstab, gone. Then the execute that takes away whats left and hones in on you even if you dodge away.
I have 4/5 classes so far at 60, and the only one that presents a challenge at all is the GWF, for obvious reasons.
PVP needs an overhaul.Catering to those who live for the "OMG CRITS!" will quickly kill any hopes of a pvp side attraction in this game.
Everyone needs a break from the add killing that goes on in the dungeons.
Shoot... I recall its Moria xpac PvP where hunters were one-shotting all Creep classes from stealth and hitting for over 16,000 damage all when the largest Creep health pool was around 7 or 8 thousand and when none of the Creep classes could crit for anything more than 2.8k. Then there were/are the other blatantly OP classes which could slay three or four Creep players at one time.
So... Neverwinter's PvP isn't all that bad really.
Personally, If i could add something for the pvp section in this game, I would double a players HP.
when entering the PVP zone to force bigger co'op in pvp.
currently when I'm entering a pvp match, there are 95% rouges and mages.
im usually the only one who's not those classes.
By doubbling the HP you remove the abillity to solo-kill withinn a few seconds and force a longer fight, allowing the cleric to focus his healing power on a player. and making a GF really be a huge Tank. (he's hard enaugh to kill for a non'rouge/mage as it is
more play modes and maps would be great..
maybe the foundry could add a pvp map section ?
just my 2pence.
OMG, this is the funniest thing I've seen posted...wait you're ****ing serious? WoW isn't even mediocre in terms of skill for arena PvP and that's in the short time they tried to foster top tier competitions by having competitions with all gear and insta leveled characters.
There needs to be some distiction on how to gain points, and what's being done.
Total Dmg dealt.
Total assist points.
Total capture points.
.. etc...
details / stats from the playd match
(ok.. bit dreamy i guesss hehehe )
But non'the'less, more info on what's being done == more fun
Personally I love analyzing what I'm doing, and often im one of the lowest scorers on the board, but i know i've been doing allot of stunning and disrupting captures, etc etc... since I'm not playing rouge/mage im not even bothering compeeting for the kill score.
Trying to do so is just silly as it is.
PVP is something to do when adventuring gets boring, or just something to take ones mind of things.. quick fun one could call it.
Balance to me in this game is how PnP would go, the tank having the most HP's and armor, do less damage but take a **** ton of damage, the rogue doing great damage, but wearing only leather tends to take a pounding quickly and having half the HP's of the tank. The wizard, wearing cloth takes and insane amount of damage, with even less HP's than the rogue, but deals insane amounts of damage. Right now you have none of that, the rogue and wizards are not squishy and the tanks, gwf (not so much as tanks) are the squishy ones. fix damage mitigation and HP's and you might be ok.
And as far as some people saying this isn't DnD you would be correct, I've never played a cryptic game before and I'm guessing this is just another set of skins on their engine. Throw some DnD names and concepts on top and boom you got neverwinter. God I hope somebody some day see's DnD as a sandbox and not a theme park and give it what it truly deserve a real universe to explore and build on. I would love to see the ability to make shops and inns coming into a large town, the owners have to supply or make quests for people to supply their inn and in turn can make money off of it. The ability to build guild halls and have guild sieges, the ability to have an actual pvp or RP servers. The ability to play a monster class you name it, NW or DDO didn't have it, I am enjoying the game, but not enough to spend a dime on it. My enjoyment lvl is about is 20% for today's MMO's that is pretty good in my book, I'd like to see that somewhere in the high 80's in my lifetime hopefully.
ATTENTION THOSE OF YOU DEFENDING THE PVP: there are not words yet invented to describe the level of HAMSTER you have managed to achieve. Not only do you actually have the lack of experience to consider this PvP enjoyable, but you actually have the temerity to try and defend the horrid state of PvP to people who have been playing PvP since MMO's first became a thing? Wow, please go away.
The PvP in this game should be removed completely and not touched until the rest of the game is functioning properly. It's a joke - an insult, actually - to put a piece of **** like this into a video game AT ALL, let alone have players pay money to test it.
Please, all of you defending this HAMSTER, just go away. You're ruining our chances of getting a decent game.