Hey All,
I'd be surprised if you haven't gone up against this strategy yet in 60 PvP, but if not you probably will soon. So the questions is, how to counter it?
And yes, before you jump in, taking other points and maneuvering around the players is something you should be doing anyway. Specifically here we're talking about how to break through, not get around.
For review, if you're not familiar with Astral Shield, it's a Devoted Cleric ability that creates a fixed area of effect (A Blue Circle) that greatly increases damage resistance and, when specced properly, also heals all allies in the area of effect. Currently it can be stacked to nearly double its effectiveness. This is a very good way to keep people at full life even when heavy PvP damage is coming in. (I've seen it mitigate an Ice Knife even with a Ray of Enfeeblement on the target to only 10% of the target's health...)
So as you can see, this would be a very hard strategy to overcome. And if you see 2 Devoted Clerics on your enemy's team in a match you're probably up against this strategy. But there are problems with this strategy that you can exploit.
First, the use of Double Astral Shield requires that everyone on the team be in the same place, or most everyone (watch out for their ninjas!). And that place is always going to be on top of the point, so they can maintain control of it. That means they're going to be grouped together for good AoE coverage. But keep in mind that the damage that will be coming in will be almost entirely negated by the 2 shields, so AoE damage isn't what you want to use here. AoE debuffs and control powers are far more effective.
Second, and more importantly, the point of the shield if fixed. That means the power doesn't move until recast. The player behind the power is another matter entirely. *This* is the key to completely countering this ability. Priority one is using Knockbacks and Pulls to move the Cleric off of the shield. Once they're out of the area of effect then you apply Crowd Control to keep them from running back to it, and liberal burst damage to remove them from the fight. No Cleric, no renewing the Astral Shield. With one Cleric down, the above strategy becomes much more effective. Or getting the second Cleric out of their Shield and then down is equally good, so that the rest of the group can then be wiped. It can be a tough fight, but if a good CW or GF focuses on the task of movement and then crowd control, the rest of the team can fight normally. Just remember, the Clerics are the priority.
So when you see those annoying blue circles on the ground, it's time to switch to some Knockbacks and Stuns and start using them to get those Clerics down! Hopefully you've read it here so you too can begin to overcome this otherwise very, very effective strategy!
- Zesban
This article is probably far more useful to PuGs than Pre-Forms. That said, I hope to help as many as possible!
EDIT: Sorry, this was created under General Chat. Please move to PvP if necessary.
However as a 60 cleric I hate how healing woes are solved by this op ability. Diminishes my joy of playing the class
- Zesban
*The stacking of this ability definitely needs to be fixed, but over correction is a terrible thing.
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Nice! Two Clerics at once that way!
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Kill a cleric. If lets say a rogue and wizard focus me while i'm standing in astral shield, i will die. A good wizard will knock me out of it which speeds up the process. Really the biggest mistake I see in pvp is people don't focus the clerics. Clerics only heal themselves for about half of what they can heal others for and generally don't have much CC which makes them the most vulnerable target.
Only class that this doesn't really apply to is GWF since they can't kill things in pvp.
Go pick on someone your own size....looky over there! Its a guardian! He needs to be smacked for that trash he's been talking about your mom.
Pretty much I call a countdown 3-2-1 to when i will knock the clr outa his shield, he readys his throwing daggers and top damage skills - bam, clerics dead. Do same on 2nd one, then rest of the team.
We've actually taken out an entire team 5 vs 2 many times doing this. Not great teams mind you, but average ones with full pvp gear for sure.
And yea, it results in a not so fun time for the clerics, but oh well, its the only thing that works.. Think last match like that, one cleric had like 17 deaths, other had about 10.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
Spread the word! Knockbacks counter the Double Astral Shield, and until the stacking effect is brought in line people need to know!
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