5. Level scaling system, including access to zone skirmishes I out leveled
6. Any gear needed on should automatically change it to BOP. If you need it, then you'll equip it, if you greed it, then sell it on AH, give it guildmates or sell it for gold, at that point I don't care. I hate running a hard instance that I waited 30-45 mins to run, and the loot drop for my class goes to the tank..."for his alt" ie the AH.
7. PnP from AD&D 2nd ED. I'm having a great time, enjoy a lot, only a few annoyances.
8. My inner DM is slowly bringing all my past adventures to the foundry, so stay tuned.
9. I have not released anything yet, but the foundry is it.
10. Lack of exploitability and open world. Veritable rat in a cage is how game feels at times.
Exploiters, cheaters et al...Ban them all, ban frequently and with out mercy. Temp ban first, perma ban 2nd. This isn't baseball so no three strikes and you're out.
7. I have played D&D from the beginning. I am a DM/Author who wrote a novel about the world and players created throughout the years. I find much interest with the foundry and hope it will be the area i fit in best.
8. Yes i am excited. Though i am having a hard time implementing my ideas into the game. More streamlined mechanics would help. Hopeful for max level/End Game content making.
9.The Foundry
10.Lack of options such as, weapon choice, toolbar space ( How many powers etc you can use), casting only (wizard/cleric), starting areas, doing all skirmishes at any level, and the occasional respec for free.
Bonus: No clue, good luck in this endeavor.
ananvilhurtzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ballot (for easy cut and paste):
1. Gnome, Shifter. Don't care for others.
2. Primarily Foundry.
3. Guild Levels and Benefits
4. Warlord, Monk, Psion (12 is a high number.)
5. Other - A way to turn off XP gain would be nice.
6. No opinion.
7. Neverwinter has nothing similar to PnP.
8. Needs better loot to draw players to them. Needs far far far more customization than currently exists. Need to fix search window, too.
9. Foundry
10. Class Balance.
Bonus: I'm sure that they already have statistics running on AD gain. Look for spikes.
Religion - 60 GF (15.3k GS)
The Seeker - 60 DC (11.5k GS)
Faithless - 60 CW (10k GS)
Awesome, over 600 views in less than two days!! Thank you to all who are participating! Looking forward to hearing more people make their voices heard about the real game issues at hand...
This poll is customized to get to the heart of as many talking points as we can, for those who care the most (hence the verbosity of the poll as opposed to a straight up/down vote), and that want to make their voice really count.
3. guild options seem fine, other benefits are a different story
4. no idea
5. Why no option for increased XP? Some people have no interest in questing or doing Foundry. Leveling itself is an outdated mechanic for a lot of people. If you'd like to level slower, then ask for a toggle, don't punish everyone because you like to read while playing vidya.
6. shouldn't be, drop rates are terrible and incredibly buggy per zone. the only reason to do dungeons atm is during DD because it's the only time you have any chance of getting your item. even then, you're probably gonna get a ring you npc. if they made DD better, or drop tables actually relevant (this dungeon drops hands and waist, eg, it drops a T2 set piece hands and a T2 waist each time) then I wouldn't care about BoP.
1) Goliath, Dragonborn, Githzerai and Minotaur. In that order.
2)100% PvE. The only way I'd ever touch another Foundry mission is if you undo the experience nerf. As it sits, I hit some kind of "xp cap" on a GUARDIAN FIGHTER. Sheesh.
3)The only feature I'd likely ever use isn't even implemented yet. Guild housing. Until that day, I'm playing guildless.
4) Ranger, Warlord, Barbarian, Druid, Psion, Warlock, Sorcerer, Monk and Swordmage. Sorry, I'm just not interested in the other classes listed.
5)Umm..I've been playing since the start of open beta and have yet to reach 60. I think it's fine right where it is.
6) Bind on Equip allows me the opportunity to trade off something I cannot use to another player, whereas bind on pickup only allows me the chance to vendor or delete said salvage, which does not seem fair to me.
7) I've played D&D since the thAC0 days. I tried to like 4e, but the butchering of lore I've known for decades and the dumbing down of the whole system has made me move to Pathfinder. This game? It's average. Moderately engaging. If it were to vanish tomorrow, I'd not miss it.
8)Cheap ripoff of a much better system pioneered by Paragon Studios. Cryptic failure # 9, 148 in my opinion.
9)I can't. There's nothing outstanding about the game. It's average. Mediocre at best.
10) You need a total overhaul of the chat system. Change the /ignore feature to ONLY ignore people, instead of contributing to the silence for 24 hours that "report spam" does. Matter of fact....change the report spam feature to not silence at all, either, but simply ignore + forward to moderator the line of chat that is pertinent. There's tons more, but that's a start. My biggest gripe is...you went from such a robust character creation system in Champions Online to....this. Sliders barely make any differences, and we're all generic copies of one another with the ability to change color. Only. Not enough variation. At all.
5.XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible!
6.Should, item price and quality insurance
7.Yes, Icewind Dale II, BG, NWN, and NWN II, and I've been played Wizard of the Coast TCG Games, Magic: The gathering but no PnP experience. So far is great, and this is an easiest version from all DnD games I've been played so far...
8.I don't have any ideas for this, since I've never try that one
9.Queue System
10.Storyline is plain, compare other many D&D game, and it makes me bored easily.
2. I play with my brother and we both are quite competitive so we spend a lot of time in PvP. About 50-50 PvP/PvE
3. I've always felt like guilds have become carbon copies of each other over the years of mmos. I'd love to see newer interconnected guild features or alliances, Guild driven pvp conent, and Guild specific PvE Content: Where a guild can attain a dungeon by competing for it.
4. Ranger, Bard, Monk, Paladin, Barbarian,
5. XP gain is a joke right now. Cut it down 50-35%, add epic drops to the lower then 60 loot table. GREATLY reduce the reward for pvp xp. I like to tweek lower levels, and winning 5 matches at -9 of every level dings me, it isn't appealing.
6. Bound items take away the frustration of loot ninjas. If you plan to add more loot to boss loot tables in the future, bound items is a must to avoid player frustrations in an online community.
7. Never had a chance to get into it, I've always wanted to give it a go though.
8. I think the foundry is great! though I just play for dailies at the moment. I think you need to enable foundry crafters to mitigate the loot that drops from the end based on requirements met by the foundry creator it would give me more appeal to run them as a player.
9. Gateway: I think this is an awesome addition to an mmo. A phone app with the same premise would be excellent too.
10. I would like to see more update announcements. I feel like I'm sitting in the dark currently. I know the game is new, but official statements: Things to Come. Would be outstanding.
Bonus: Thorough testing of larger patches. Invite players to test out features you plan on introducing them before you do so. It might take away from the surprise, but atleast you'll be getting it right, and not kicking yourself in the teeth for bugs and exploits later down the road.
7. I have a pretty full PnP background. I like what they have done so far with NW. Key words in that is "so far".
8. I LOVE the foundry. Would be nice if it had an offline mode so you could work while the game is down. Also being able to create proper boss fights.
9. Future Potential. Not exactly a feature but that is what has me the most excited about this game. it's future potential.
10. PvE being negatively affected by PvP balance concerns. Trying to balance for both almost always ruins both.
Bonus: No Opinion.
I'd suggest adjusting the main post to include Gensai into the race selection. They were added in the Forgotten Realm Player's Guide.
iamdoctordeathMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Genasi, Gnome, Eladrin, Deva, Dragonborn
2. Roleplaying 50%, 50% pve/pvp/foundry
3. Would like to see guild capes/tabards/banner, a guild lair which could be made with a foundry tool perhaps but be free of objectives, and anyone from the guild can enter it (like any world zone). Guild battles over areas could be a next step, siegable castles. Guild rewards and experience would be nice- as long as all aspects of the game are rewarded- pvp, pve, and even guilds with popular foundry missions should get recognition for it.
5. XP should stay where it is- particularly for alts. Sure, it might be too fast to level the first time- but with such different classes to explore, and such little content to level with- making xp gain slower will only discourage players from making alts, and make it even harder for casual players and non-exploiters to reach endgame.
6. If items were bound- almost all the current exploits would have done nothing to the economy. If all AD bought vendor items, and boss loot was bound- ninjas go away (mostly), and endgame gear ends up in the hands of people who can use it. Though- what really should have happened is, class specific gear can only be rolled need on by that class.
7. Neverwinter basically feels like Gauntlet with a p2w atmosphere.... that sounds familiar, where have I heard that- Oh right! Yeah, Diablo 3. The game itself is enjoyable, has some definite challenge, is fast paced and I like creation tools. But the economy is weighing the entire game down heavily, mostly because of the extreme expense, and the unfairness that many people have exploited past that expense, while at the same time inflating prices so everyone else who plays legitimately is going to have to pay even more and spend even more time.
But, as far as the others- it doesn't follow the customization of DDO or PnP, it's not as action-y as DDO mostly because every attack roots you- which is something even games like WoW have mostly gotten rid of by now, and it feels very shallow compared to everything else... it's a dungeon crawl with the D&D backdrop.
8. I like the idea of it. One thing that needs to be done though, is when there's some sort of issue preventing you from finishing your quest- there needs to be a way to find it, and help on how to fix it, because it is not obvious most of the time where the problem is.
9. The gateway, though buggy, saves me a lot of time with managing my alts.
10. Groupfinder. Nevermind joining pvp/skirmishes with someone stuck elsewhere unable to join, nevermind the leader being randomly picked and something just being a prick who kicks people at random, nevermind if the leader is afk you can't kick anyone when there should be a groupvote system, and nevermind getting dungeons with 4 TRs and a GWF after waiting for an hour in queue.
What really bothers me is that when I wait half an hour, get into the dungeon, take an hour and 2gp worth of supplies, get to the final boss- wipe once, and BAM, someone leaves. Game over. See, in any normal game, we'd just go into LFG again, find a replacement- BAM, back in business. I don't mind dungeons being hard, but having the completion hinge upon other people staying? At the very least, I'm not doing anymore dungeons until this is fixed- if it isn't fixed any time soon, it may end up being the straw.
Bonus: You need to have tracking. If someone is gaining a million AD per minute for two hours straight, if someone has gone from level 1 to 60 in less than ten hours- these things should just flag up, and result in an auto ban. Another thing is- working support tickets. Between tickets always being lost, and any report of an exploit getting immediately squelched by mods, not only does it seem nothing is getting from us to you, but it seems like there's no point in us reporting it. You know what you SHOULD do when someone reports an exploit on the forum? Ask people to come forward with more information on it.
Right now though- people get the feeling you aren't listening, and don't want to listen.
Also- getting on top of exploits when they happen. It feels very wrong when exploits that have been on youtube for two weeks get a 'a bug we recently discovered has been fixed' message- recently discovered? Half a month ago you should have discovered it when one of your mods muted all talk about that very bug on the forum!
1. Eladrin, Githzerai, indifferent on rest. Le Shay pretty please?
2. PVE, PVP, really avoid the foundry, not my cup of tea
3. I like the idea of guild features but I'd also like to see some tiers of guilds that only unlock said tiers with content clears. i.e. Epic Guild XYZ had to clear Castle Never five times to get that title or something. So you'd have lower level guilds who would have to work their way up the ranks of guilds.
4. Paladin, Barbarian, Sorcerer, indifferent on rest.
5. No, no. Like it as it is, but want to see stronger content, not nerfing.
6. Bind on equip is fine. If you use it and its good, it should be bound, it has an economy balancing effect.
7. Yes, been playing PnP since...1989. Enjoying Neverwinter, wish there was a more Forgotten Realms oriented area/server.
8. Some...but the NwN2 engine allowed for the same type of content creation and just made me appreciate how hard content production is.
9. While its not perfect right now I dig the group finding queue for epic dungeons. I wish it was even more refined and did a better job of picking balanced groups, but its better than the alternative of zone spam.
10. Non-working items really frustrate me. Vorpal enchantment for example, seems not to work.
Hire cheaters to try and cheat your own game and be proactive about the problem rather than reactive.
3. I would love to see guild leveling and maybe guild taxes etc to help open up more guild bank space.
4. Spellscarred, Warlock, Bard, Druid, Shaman
5. 50% currently but you would HAVE to make foundrys give more exp to make this work. Community and Cryptic approved foundry quests should give full exp and loot and should be spear headed to the player.
6. This is what I feel is the BIGGEST issue with the game right now! Everything being BoE completely makes crafting useless, people shouldn't be popping to 60 and then ready to hit castle never immediately. It destroys the end game experience (makes little to no need to gear up in blues and experience every dungeon) AND the economy and WILL eventually be the death of this game if it isn't changed no game does this for a reason people shouldn't be 60 already and wondering what they are going to do now almost all the problems this game has had has come from this (it even ENCOURAGES exploitation).
7. Yes but before I really try to fit it in some classes will need to be added/races and the game will have to have some significant improvements (of which I have no doubt will happen)
8. I haven't had time to make any right now but I am having the most fun out of foundry. Mostly because the end game is lacking right now (which is in part because of number six)
9. The combat is simply to die for the control wizard is by far the most well rounded fun class I have played in ANY game hands down.
10. Everything being BoE will eventually kill end game, because of this feature the game has turned into amassing wealth which feels like a job and people wont stay for that long.
Bonus: Once again.. everything being boe encourages cheating... there will ALWAYS be exploits and people will always figure them out. However MOST people wont use them the only reason the exploits had such a huge impact on the game is that the very very few people exploiting were able to flood the market with cheap gear. People will not report exploits if they find it profitable, if its not people will report it to make sure that others don't have easy street sad but true.
josh0lanternMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Please list the top 5 4E playable races you'd like to see introduced, in the order you'd like to see them introduced.
Thri-kreen (I know it's Dark Sun... don't care)
You left out the Faerun race and my #2 pick: Gensai
2. PVP vs PvE vs Foundry. How do you see yourself spending the bulk of your time in Neverwinter?
100% PvE and Foundry
3. How important are guild features/guild leader tools to you?
Guild House, that's about all I would need.
4. Please list the top 12 4E playable classes you'd like to see introduced, in the order you'd like to see them introduced. Just list 12 classes here, thanks!
Bard (Valorous) ... can this just be all 12?
Druid (Swarm)
5. The Road to the End Game - XP and area level caps. Do you think XP rewards should be lowered, and area caps increased to allow more questing, without outleveling areas? A longer road to 60 would allow more Foundry play and guild play. Please choose an XP
50% of the xp reward currently granted.
6. Bound items. In three sentences or less, please state why bound items should or should not be in game.
I am for them. They may not make alot of RP sense but they increase the need to expirience the content yourself rather than just farming easy diamonds or spending real money to bypass content through the AH.
7. Do you have a pnp D&D background? Wether your background is PnP, DDO or Neverwinter Nights, how do you see yourself fitting in, in NW so far?
Nearly 23 years of P&P plus I've play just about anything with D&D printed on it... good or bad... I'm looking at you Eberron RTS...
8. Foundry. For you designers out there, has the Foundry excited you? What do you see that you like, and what do you see that's missing? Please keep answers tight, 6 sentences tops.
I love, love, LOVE the idea of it, but have personally yet to try it out.
9. In one sentence please name your favorite feature so far in the game.
I liked 4e but it lacked what it needed to really pop and this game seems to have found that.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly not playing the game/walking away from it?
Locked weapon types. I'd like to see more options for weapon appearence. Very specifically, flails and polearms.
Bonus: No poll worth it's weight in gold would leave out exploits and gold/AD farming of the past few weeks. Cryptic has done a stunning job this past week shutting down exploiters and going after the culprits and their accounts. What features can be added to the game in the future, besides the eyes and the ears of our community, to ensure Cryptic stays on top of cheaters.
Honestly, I have no idea. I mean, realistically it's almost impossible alot of the time.
1.Gnomes, minotaurs, dragonborns, githzerais/devas in that order
2.Mostly PvE(as long as there is content) some foundry, maybe a little PvP
3.Not really care about guilds, i'd like to join a mature one, and i would like guild ranks and guild specific content/contests
4.Paladin,Druid, MONKS! (and i assume ranger is almost here already) but those 3 are PURE D&D to the point game is sorely missing them.
5.25% Got to 60 in less than a week, that's ridiculously fast for a game where you're supposed to enjoy for at least a year, with the lack of end content, getting to end so quickly really hurts the game base.
6.Bind on Pick up, selling/rare dropping "Unbinding stones", that way you really limit possible xploits, PWI can squeeze us a little more (and i aprove it) and also gives players still room for grind/auction stuff, a perfect solution.
7.More than 25 years of DnD, devoured and enjoyed like no other saga all the Baldurs/IWD/NWN's and those gave me the best gaming experiences on a lifetime of gaming (i'm 36 and started on a msx at 9). Uhmmm yeah and no... Neverwinter lack's roleplaying, the combat sistem is PURE D&D spirit, great, the history is ok, but lack of RP and liberty on foundry to implement RP really hurts me.
8.Foundry is the key for Nw, in fact, probably doesnt matter what you do with the game, you could go "pandas" and wouldnt matter as long as you allow Foundry to shine, its a tool where you can have 100000 developers work free for you, there is a great topic stickied in the foundry forum, but i will put 3 key needs.
Allow Role playing! options to change paths depending of decissions.
Monstars! Dungeon masters wanna Boss fights!
Rewards! Think on a way to lure endgame players to play foundry, allow DMs to place a reward that is right acording to the difficulty of the challenge, please devs, work on that, is the future of your game and if you do it right, NW will be the game on the throne of MMORPG for a decade.
9.I love the game as a whole...
10.And despise the "little things", fix grouping for dungeons(being kicked out after defeating epic karrundax is lame). Double up server capabilities (here in spain the lag is ridiculous).
Bonus: Lockbox/Keys gambling is fun, but is GAMBLING, money gambling, so only allow it to legally adult players, seriously, as someone who fought gambling addiction since 14 y/o, you MUST find a way to ban Lockbox gambling to under 18 players.
chaddiwickerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Gnome, Eladrin, Minotaur, (Centaur), Goliath
2. PvE mostly, dabble in PvP. Have an idea for a foundry quest.
3. The biggest thing we've come across is raising AD for guild bank tabs. There needs to be an easy way for members to donate AD so tabs can be purchased. The other things frequently mentioned are a guild hall and the ability to list other guilds as allies. Guild achievements (via vrtesseract).
6. I should be able to sell, trade or transfer any item I buy or earn in game. Bound items and non-bound items aren't really different and it would save some bag space. Plus, I want to sell the spider mount that I never use. (Edit - What gbf360 said. "This means Needed items should be bound (negates ninjas) and items that were Greeded should be unbound.")
7. I played pen and paper Advanced D&D with my brothers growing up. Haven't played much since then. As far as the environment goes, I think it's great. It feels like D&D to me. I do have some qualms about bugs in the game, an overpriced Zen Store and a lackluster crafting system but they've done a great job with story and creating a D&D world.
8. I haven't played around with the foundry yet. I have an idea for a quest, but it has historical significance so I'm afraid it would be flagged for violations of the terms of service. I think it could be educational. I might just take a chance and see what happens.
9. Story, art and animation.
10. Zen Store prices, the AD economy, bugs, out-leveling skirmishes, the queue system, the lack of classes, the after 60 grind, cleric aggro and righteousness, lockboxes and crafting.
Bonus: I just think they need to be a bit faster to catch exploits and fix bugs. Some of these bugs have made me question if they released the game too soon.
6. Makes it more fun when you gotta get your own gear IMO
7. Played PnP, Neverwinter Nights (and every other D&D game) and a bit of DDO. Fit in? Well just fine thx :-)
8.Haven't messed with it yet. Would like a vendor for buying potions/injury kits and selling loot.
9. Combat & Foundry
10. Class balance
Bonus: Adopt the Cat-astrophe to the story of the game. I wanna see a beggar somewhere telling us how he get tricked out of every penny by some evil HAMSTER.
"Don't change colour to match the walls.
Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."
- Kender Proverb
baldurandalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
6. Bound items should not be in Neverwinter. Removing bound items will increase realism and immersion in the game, as well as add more originality to it in the MMORPG genre.
7. I do not have a PnP D&D background.
8. I have not used the Foundry feature yet.
9. My favorite feature in Neverwinter so far is the character creator.
10. My #1 concern for Neverwinter is the lack of quest paths.
"Just keep moving." - Lara Croft
clockwerkninjaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Duergar Dawrf, Svirfneblin / Deep Gnome , Deva, Goliath
2.50% foundry , 25% pvp 25% pve. Pretty much before and after lvl cap..If it works out.
3. Guild vs Guild combat. Guild Banners and Fashion items. Guild hall would be great.
4. Paladin, Bard, Druid, Ranger
5. I think the XP if far to fast, I would increase needed xp 100% min, 150% would not be bad.
6. I think the current binding system is probably best for a mmo.
7. I come from a old school AD&D background. Currently it feels like a DnD game in some ways, but to me it does not feel like forgotten realms.
8. I think the foundry is fantastic and I have some very good stuff planned, however I have not had to chance to get into it yet.
9. The neverwinter gateway .
10. Limited storage without spending cash. I have plenty of room, but some of my friends have it tough.Seems illogical when you can just exploit the mail anyway to get around it.
Bonus -I would enlist a group of player GM's who can react to mail box spam and zone spam quicker than a spam report or ticket can.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
5.[The Road to the End Game - XP and area level caps]: XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible and play the NEXT class!
6.[Bound items]: I want to see MORE "Bound to Account" items and less "Bound to Character" items.
7.[Do you have a pnp D&D background?]: DDO, NWN, NWN2, Reading all Forgotten Realms, Eberron and Dragonlance novels.
8.[Foundry. For you designers out there, has the Foundry excited you?]: Saving Foundry, both creating and playing, for full live release of the game.
9.[In one sentence please name your favorite feature so far in the game.]: The ease of the combat system.
10.[In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly not playing the game/walking away from it?]: Lack of classes.
"Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
merrybelleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
1. I don't much care about the races because you already have the ones I like.
2. I don't do PVP. I prefer PVE. I haven't done foundry yet but I will now that I'm done with the official quests. I think player made quests will keep me entertained for a while.
3. Guild features aren't too important to me as I'm mostly a solo player.
4. Monk, Sorcerer, Bard, Ranger - I might try those, but not really familiar with 4e classes enough to vote more.
5. I think leveling is fine as it is. I didn't do foundry while leveling I just stuck to the main quests, and I hit cap at the end zone. I typically quit games that drag out leveling longer than it needs to be.
6. I think the bound items being bind on equip is fine. However I think you should remove Need rolling for items that players cannot equip.
7. I'm not a role player so I fit into this game as just a regular gamer.
8. I haven't touched the foundry yet.
9. I can't elaborate because I haven't tried everything the game offers yet.
10. I played a cleric to 60 and I really disliked going into instances for quests to fight bosses and needing help because of the adds and now hard bosses hit. It was a chore when I did it solo because I kill so slow and my reflexes aren't what they used to be. The game keeps flashing how zones are for solo play with a companion only, I think you should remove that from loading screens. It was so much better with more powerful classes to help. And it was such a chore that I doubt I will roll more chars to do it again.
leopardladyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ballot (for easy cut and paste):
1. Dragonborn, Eladrin, Gnome, Shifter, and Deva
2. 75% PVE 25% Foundry
3. Guild houses so guilds can group up and hold events.
4. Paladin, Warlock, Bard, Druid, and Ranger,
5. 50% of the xp reward currently granted. I find myself blazing through levels and don't have a chance to really learn my class skills.
6. I think Binding is alright with BoE, and would like to repeat what some have said on the "Need" roll rules and say I think if it isn't for your class that option should not be available.
7. I have some PnP, some DDO, few years in NWN1 and 2. Fitting in with Neverwinter has gone well so far as long as I keep in mind it is a MMO and one has to have that mindset while in game.
8. I haven't made any foundry content but playing it has been entertaining.
9. As I haven't made it to the higher level dungeons yet I would say my favorite feature so far is the foundry. I enjoy playing the author's storylines.
10. Character customization would be concern that could make me walk away. Not only visual customization but class customization. I would like to be in complete control of my character and how they perform, sure have a path for people to follow who do not wish to experiment with their builds but also give those of us who want to try different things that option.
Bonus: This one is a touchy subject for me. I have uninstalled games that did nothing to exploiters because it told me that the company didn't care if one exploits. I am glad things have been done to the last exploit and I am still watching to see how Cryptic further handles it. I think if there were GM's in-game it would help deter things from escalating into a viral cheat-fest but with the size of the population that might not be possible.
3. Guild tools are nice and make for a stronger community. Party/raid tools are more important. If the party/raid tools aren't good the guild tools don't really matter. Guild tools are important for what they add but not as important as tools that add directly to gameplay.
4. Mage, Sorcerer, Warlock, Necromancer, Paladin
5. quests give too much XP. dungeons don't give enough XP.
6. "Need" should bind items to the character not account. Purchasable items should not bind until use. "Need" should grey out if the item is not usable by the character.
7. PnP background? a long time ago. I enjoy the genre and don't play many games that aren't of the genre. I like this game better than the last couple of RPG's I've played.
8. Want to see Boss level monsters. Could use better control of spawning adds with "timers" attached to triggers. Want to see better Y axis placement of monsters/items in multi-level maps (spawning inside floors). It's difficult to locate newly created foundry quests and there is no incentive for others to play your new quests outside of the kindness of their hearts. "Auto Populate" could use themes (example: laboratory, garden, cemetery, spiderwebs, library etc.)
9. Foundry. I've spent way too much time playing with/figuring out the tools in the foundry, it's enjoyable.
10. Need to be able to replace AFK/low performing players at any point not just the 1st few seconds of a dungeon.
Bonus: Accounts that are already being ignored are able to spam your mailbox with gold spam. While you will never be able to stop them completely, some efforts still need to be made for basic things like:
limits to the number of chat messages per minute
Hire some dudes to ddos the websites they advertise
chat options to auto-ignore characters using ______ in a whisper/tell.
Ability to filter chat from non-max-level characters. (make all spammers gain max level, then ban them)
Exploiters don't bother me near as much as spammers. I watch a stream on twitch that was banned from neverwinter for 3 days, he said and I have no idea if it's true but... he said he doesn't know why he was banned b/c no info was given just 'you're banned'... so, maybe some explanation for the knuckleheads that get banned so they "know" what it was exactly that they did get banned for. That said, i'm fine with banning exploiters when the expectations are clear between what is and is not acceptable.
Trading reviews with anyone that is willing to leave a comment/review in either of the following quests:
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GYQuick and Simple Hack & Slash
This deserves a sticky imo. I have faith in humanity that if this were stickied there would be less threads whining because people can just post in here and have their voice heard.
When the cold of winter comes starless night will cover day,
In the veiling of the sun we will walk in bitter rain.
But in dreams I can hear your name,
And in dreams we will meet again.
1. Gnomes! I don't know any of those others races. I'm old school.
2. 80 PvE 20 Foundry.
3. Guilds aren't that important to me.
4. Ranger, Paladin, Monk, Druid and Barbarian. I have no personal experience with 4E so, I don't know the other classes. If Runepriest is anything like they are in Warhammer then I would be interested in that class.
5. XP where it is. I don't have a ton of time on my hands.
6. No opinion here.
7. PnP from the Red Box up to 3E. I have no love for 4E. NWN as well as DDO. NW is a lot of fun but being old school, it just doesn't feel like D&D to me.
8. I haven't the time on my hands to try the Foundry but it is a very cool feature.
9. Combat is a lot of fun. The character creation is very good as well. Classic Cryptic
10. The vast majority of character look the same as far as their armor and weapons ( No dwarf with an axe or hammer ) so, cosmetic customization.
Bonus: I haven't the foggiest idea how to stop cheaters but I hope you go after them. Boy do I hate cheaters. Thanks guys for the opertunity to let us speak our minds.
5. XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible!
6. If everything was Bound, how would we earn AD? and without AD i would loose interest in the game.
7. I like NW, but it have some flaws (but seems you are attending them allready (Threat, Loot system, Group finding)
8. Add a tier 0.5 level 60 set, we could put in as rewards, and allow us to make bosses, and 5 man content (Dungeons)
9. The action combat system.
10. Cleric threat issue (And sorry! i need 2 issues addressed, vote kick in groups, too much power for the one in charge atm)
Bonus. right click option to report (it needs to be fast and easy)
mirariftMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Gnomes
2. 95% PvE 4% Foundry 1% PvP
3. Haven't play around with this feature enough to comment at this time
4. Ranger, Monk, Bard
5. I think you could take a page from EQ2 and have experience sliders where people can choose where they want their experience credited.
6. In general, I don't like bound items but if you have to have them bound items should be by account. In LOOT situations with groups, if it's not your class you can only Greed or Pass. Having GW2 loot drops would be even better.
7. I started out PnP when D&D was a box game after reading an article in Psychology Today entitled Confessions of a Dungeon Master; however since EQ came out I haven't played PnP since (MMOs were the replacement for PnP because our group had a hard time scheduling time with people's commitments)
8. Haven't played with designing yet. Would also like to see player housing.
9. Storytelling
10. Inability to stay connected to the game.
Bonus: Have a working bug and feedback system that works in game. Currently it doesn't work.
2. 50/30/20 PVE/foundry/PVP
3. Guild features are very important, first guild level system, then guild keep/halls system
4. Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Paladin, Bard
5. Level scaling system, including access to zone skirmishes I out leveled
6. Any gear needed on should automatically change it to BOP. If you need it, then you'll equip it, if you greed it, then sell it on AH, give it guildmates or sell it for gold, at that point I don't care. I hate running a hard instance that I waited 30-45 mins to run, and the loot drop for my class goes to the tank..."for his alt" ie the AH.
7. PnP from AD&D 2nd ED. I'm having a great time, enjoy a lot, only a few annoyances.
8. My inner DM is slowly bringing all my past adventures to the foundry, so stay tuned.
9. I have not released anything yet, but the foundry is it.
10. Lack of exploitability and open world. Veritable rat in a cage is how game feels at times.
Exploiters, cheaters et al...Ban them all, ban frequently and with out mercy. Temp ban first, perma ban 2nd. This isn't baseball so no three strikes and you're out.
2.35% PVE 35% Foundry 30% PVP
3.Not so important at this time since i have not joined or formed a Guild. Maybe let people make a guild with only 2 people?
4.Ranger Monk Paladin Bard Druid Barbarian Psion Warlock Shaman Warden Avenger Runepriest
5. 4
6. No input here,not really an issue for me
7. I have played D&D from the beginning. I am a DM/Author who wrote a novel about the world and players created throughout the years. I find much interest with the foundry and hope it will be the area i fit in best.
8. Yes i am excited. Though i am having a hard time implementing my ideas into the game. More streamlined mechanics would help. Hopeful for max level/End Game content making.
9.The Foundry
10.Lack of options such as, weapon choice, toolbar space ( How many powers etc you can use), casting only (wizard/cleric), starting areas, doing all skirmishes at any level, and the occasional respec for free.
Bonus: No clue, good luck in this endeavor.
1. Gnome, Shifter. Don't care for others.
2. Primarily Foundry.
3. Guild Levels and Benefits
4. Warlord, Monk, Psion (12 is a high number.)
5. Other - A way to turn off XP gain would be nice.
6. No opinion.
7. Neverwinter has nothing similar to PnP.
8. Needs better loot to draw players to them. Needs far far far more customization than currently exists. Need to fix search window, too.
9. Foundry
10. Class Balance.
Bonus: I'm sure that they already have statistics running on AD gain. Look for spikes.
The Seeker - 60 DC (11.5k GS)
Faithless - 60 CW (10k GS)
This poll is customized to get to the heart of as many talking points as we can, for those who care the most (hence the verbosity of the poll as opposed to a straight up/down vote), and that want to make their voice really count.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Ha, indeed it is. Thanks for correction.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
2. 100% pve
3. guild options seem fine, other benefits are a different story
4. no idea
5. Why no option for increased XP? Some people have no interest in questing or doing Foundry. Leveling itself is an outdated mechanic for a lot of people. If you'd like to level slower, then ask for a toggle, don't punish everyone because you like to read while playing vidya.
6. shouldn't be, drop rates are terrible and incredibly buggy per zone. the only reason to do dungeons atm is during DD because it's the only time you have any chance of getting your item. even then, you're probably gonna get a ring you npc. if they made DD better, or drop tables actually relevant (this dungeon drops hands and waist, eg, it drops a T2 set piece hands and a T2 waist each time) then I wouldn't care about BoP.
7. no
8. na
9. free
10. GWF not being reverted to BW3 yet
Bonus: don't really care about the cheaters tbh
1) Goliath, Dragonborn, Githzerai and Minotaur. In that order.
2)100% PvE. The only way I'd ever touch another Foundry mission is if you undo the experience nerf. As it sits, I hit some kind of "xp cap" on a GUARDIAN FIGHTER. Sheesh.
3)The only feature I'd likely ever use isn't even implemented yet. Guild housing. Until that day, I'm playing guildless.
4) Ranger, Warlord, Barbarian, Druid, Psion, Warlock, Sorcerer, Monk and Swordmage. Sorry, I'm just not interested in the other classes listed.
5)Umm..I've been playing since the start of open beta and have yet to reach 60. I think it's fine right where it is.
6) Bind on Equip allows me the opportunity to trade off something I cannot use to another player, whereas bind on pickup only allows me the chance to vendor or delete said salvage, which does not seem fair to me.
7) I've played D&D since the thAC0 days. I tried to like 4e, but the butchering of lore I've known for decades and the dumbing down of the whole system has made me move to Pathfinder. This game? It's average. Moderately engaging. If it were to vanish tomorrow, I'd not miss it.
8)Cheap ripoff of a much better system pioneered by Paragon Studios. Cryptic failure # 9, 148 in my opinion.
9)I can't. There's nothing outstanding about the game. It's average. Mediocre at best.
10) You need a total overhaul of the chat system. Change the /ignore feature to ONLY ignore people, instead of contributing to the silence for 24 hours that "report spam" does. Matter of fact....change the report spam feature to not silence at all, either, but simply ignore + forward to moderator the line of chat that is pertinent. There's tons more, but that's a start. My biggest gripe is...you went from such a robust character creation system in Champions Online to....this. Sliders barely make any differences, and we're all generic copies of one another with the ability to change color. Only. Not enough variation. At all.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
2.PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
3.Get party for Dungeon/Skirmish + Life Community; Guild Keep and Guild Banner
4.Ranger, Paladin, Warden, Bard, Seeker, Monk, Druid, Sorcerer, Ardent, Runepriest, Warlock, Battlemind
5.XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible!
6.Should, item price and quality insurance
7.Yes, Icewind Dale II, BG, NWN, and NWN II, and I've been played Wizard of the Coast TCG Games, Magic: The gathering but no PnP experience. So far is great, and this is an easiest version from all DnD games I've been played so far...
8.I don't have any ideas for this, since I've never try that one
9.Queue System
10.Storyline is plain, compare other many D&D game, and it makes me bored easily.
-Deities effects on please...
2. I play with my brother and we both are quite competitive so we spend a lot of time in PvP. About 50-50 PvP/PvE
3. I've always felt like guilds have become carbon copies of each other over the years of mmos. I'd love to see newer interconnected guild features or alliances, Guild driven pvp conent, and Guild specific PvE Content: Where a guild can attain a dungeon by competing for it.
4. Ranger, Bard, Monk, Paladin, Barbarian,
5. XP gain is a joke right now. Cut it down 50-35%, add epic drops to the lower then 60 loot table. GREATLY reduce the reward for pvp xp. I like to tweek lower levels, and winning 5 matches at -9 of every level dings me, it isn't appealing.
6. Bound items take away the frustration of loot ninjas. If you plan to add more loot to boss loot tables in the future, bound items is a must to avoid player frustrations in an online community.
7. Never had a chance to get into it, I've always wanted to give it a go though.
8. I think the foundry is great! though I just play for dailies at the moment. I think you need to enable foundry crafters to mitigate the loot that drops from the end based on requirements met by the foundry creator it would give me more appeal to run them as a player.
9. Gateway: I think this is an awesome addition to an mmo. A phone app with the same premise would be excellent too.
10. I would like to see more update announcements. I feel like I'm sitting in the dark currently. I know the game is new, but official statements: Things to Come. Would be outstanding.
Bonus: Thorough testing of larger patches. Invite players to test out features you plan on introducing them before you do so. It might take away from the surprise, but atleast you'll be getting it right, and not kicking yourself in the teeth for bugs and exploits later down the road.
2. Mostly PvE with a fair bit of foundry thrown in.
3. Guild features are very important to me. I'd really like to see things like guild halls , guild competitions and guild quests.
4. Bard, Battlemind, Druid-Swarm build option, Swordmage, Psion, Warden, Monk, Barbarian, Invoker, Paladin, Ranger, Warlock.
5. 1. I think you get to 60 way to fast.
6. No Opinion at current.
7. I have a pretty full PnP background. I like what they have done so far with NW. Key words in that is "so far".
8. I LOVE the foundry. Would be nice if it had an offline mode so you could work while the game is down. Also being able to create proper boss fights.
9. Future Potential. Not exactly a feature but that is what has me the most excited about this game. it's future potential.
10. PvE being negatively affected by PvP balance concerns. Trying to balance for both almost always ruins both.
Bonus: No Opinion.
I'd suggest adjusting the main post to include Gensai into the race selection. They were added in the Forgotten Realm Player's Guide.
2. Roleplaying 50%, 50% pve/pvp/foundry
3. Would like to see guild capes/tabards/banner, a guild lair which could be made with a foundry tool perhaps but be free of objectives, and anyone from the guild can enter it (like any world zone). Guild battles over areas could be a next step, siegable castles. Guild rewards and experience would be nice- as long as all aspects of the game are rewarded- pvp, pve, and even guilds with popular foundry missions should get recognition for it.
4. Bard. Swordmage. Paladin. Ranger. Druid. Monk. Artificer. Sorcerer. Shaman. Warlord. Runepriest. Invoker.
5. XP should stay where it is- particularly for alts. Sure, it might be too fast to level the first time- but with such different classes to explore, and such little content to level with- making xp gain slower will only discourage players from making alts, and make it even harder for casual players and non-exploiters to reach endgame.
6. If items were bound- almost all the current exploits would have done nothing to the economy. If all AD bought vendor items, and boss loot was bound- ninjas go away (mostly), and endgame gear ends up in the hands of people who can use it. Though- what really should have happened is, class specific gear can only be rolled need on by that class.
7. Neverwinter basically feels like Gauntlet with a p2w atmosphere.... that sounds familiar, where have I heard that- Oh right! Yeah, Diablo 3. The game itself is enjoyable, has some definite challenge, is fast paced and I like creation tools. But the economy is weighing the entire game down heavily, mostly because of the extreme expense, and the unfairness that many people have exploited past that expense, while at the same time inflating prices so everyone else who plays legitimately is going to have to pay even more and spend even more time.
But, as far as the others- it doesn't follow the customization of DDO or PnP, it's not as action-y as DDO mostly because every attack roots you- which is something even games like WoW have mostly gotten rid of by now, and it feels very shallow compared to everything else... it's a dungeon crawl with the D&D backdrop.
8. I like the idea of it. One thing that needs to be done though, is when there's some sort of issue preventing you from finishing your quest- there needs to be a way to find it, and help on how to fix it, because it is not obvious most of the time where the problem is.
9. The gateway, though buggy, saves me a lot of time with managing my alts.
10. Groupfinder. Nevermind joining pvp/skirmishes with someone stuck elsewhere unable to join, nevermind the leader being randomly picked and something just being a prick who kicks people at random, nevermind if the leader is afk you can't kick anyone when there should be a groupvote system, and nevermind getting dungeons with 4 TRs and a GWF after waiting for an hour in queue.
What really bothers me is that when I wait half an hour, get into the dungeon, take an hour and 2gp worth of supplies, get to the final boss- wipe once, and BAM, someone leaves. Game over. See, in any normal game, we'd just go into LFG again, find a replacement- BAM, back in business. I don't mind dungeons being hard, but having the completion hinge upon other people staying? At the very least, I'm not doing anymore dungeons until this is fixed- if it isn't fixed any time soon, it may end up being the straw.
Bonus: You need to have tracking. If someone is gaining a million AD per minute for two hours straight, if someone has gone from level 1 to 60 in less than ten hours- these things should just flag up, and result in an auto ban. Another thing is- working support tickets. Between tickets always being lost, and any report of an exploit getting immediately squelched by mods, not only does it seem nothing is getting from us to you, but it seems like there's no point in us reporting it. You know what you SHOULD do when someone reports an exploit on the forum? Ask people to come forward with more information on it.
Right now though- people get the feeling you aren't listening, and don't want to listen.
Also- getting on top of exploits when they happen. It feels very wrong when exploits that have been on youtube for two weeks get a 'a bug we recently discovered has been fixed' message- recently discovered? Half a month ago you should have discovered it when one of your mods muted all talk about that very bug on the forum!
2. PVE, PVP, really avoid the foundry, not my cup of tea
3. I like the idea of guild features but I'd also like to see some tiers of guilds that only unlock said tiers with content clears. i.e. Epic Guild XYZ had to clear Castle Never five times to get that title or something. So you'd have lower level guilds who would have to work their way up the ranks of guilds.
4. Paladin, Barbarian, Sorcerer, indifferent on rest.
5. No, no. Like it as it is, but want to see stronger content, not nerfing.
6. Bind on equip is fine. If you use it and its good, it should be bound, it has an economy balancing effect.
7. Yes, been playing PnP since...1989. Enjoying Neverwinter, wish there was a more Forgotten Realms oriented area/server.
8. Some...but the NwN2 engine allowed for the same type of content creation and just made me appreciate how hard content production is.
9. While its not perfect right now I dig the group finding queue for epic dungeons. I wish it was even more refined and did a better job of picking balanced groups, but its better than the alternative of zone spam.
10. Non-working items really frustrate me. Vorpal enchantment for example, seems not to work.
Hire cheaters to try and cheat your own game and be proactive about the problem rather than reactive.
2. 99% PVE 1% PVP (just for the daily)
3. I would love to see guild leveling and maybe guild taxes etc to help open up more guild bank space.
4. Spellscarred, Warlock, Bard, Druid, Shaman
5. 50% currently but you would HAVE to make foundrys give more exp to make this work. Community and Cryptic approved foundry quests should give full exp and loot and should be spear headed to the player.
6. This is what I feel is the BIGGEST issue with the game right now! Everything being BoE completely makes crafting useless, people shouldn't be popping to 60 and then ready to hit castle never immediately. It destroys the end game experience (makes little to no need to gear up in blues and experience every dungeon) AND the economy and WILL eventually be the death of this game if it isn't changed no game does this for a reason people shouldn't be 60 already and wondering what they are going to do now almost all the problems this game has had has come from this (it even ENCOURAGES exploitation).
7. Yes but before I really try to fit it in some classes will need to be added/races and the game will have to have some significant improvements (of which I have no doubt will happen)
8. I haven't had time to make any right now but I am having the most fun out of foundry. Mostly because the end game is lacking right now (which is in part because of number six)
9. The combat is simply to die for the control wizard is by far the most well rounded fun class I have played in ANY game hands down.
10. Everything being BoE will eventually kill end game, because of this feature the game has turned into amassing wealth which feels like a job and people wont stay for that long.
Bonus: Once again.. everything being boe encourages cheating... there will ALWAYS be exploits and people will always figure them out. However MOST people wont use them the only reason the exploits had such a huge impact on the game is that the very very few people exploiting were able to flood the market with cheap gear. People will not report exploits if they find it profitable, if its not people will report it to make sure that others don't have easy street sad but true.
Thri-kreen (I know it's Dark Sun... don't care)
You left out the Faerun race and my #2 pick: Gensai
2. PVP vs PvE vs Foundry. How do you see yourself spending the bulk of your time in Neverwinter?
100% PvE and Foundry
3. How important are guild features/guild leader tools to you?
Guild House, that's about all I would need.
4. Please list the top 12 4E playable classes you'd like to see introduced, in the order you'd like to see them introduced. Just list 12 classes here, thanks!
Bard (Valorous) ... can this just be all 12?
Druid (Swarm)
5. The Road to the End Game - XP and area level caps. Do you think XP rewards should be lowered, and area caps increased to allow more questing, without outleveling areas? A longer road to 60 would allow more Foundry play and guild play. Please choose an XP
50% of the xp reward currently granted.
6. Bound items. In three sentences or less, please state why bound items should or should not be in game.
I am for them. They may not make alot of RP sense but they increase the need to expirience the content yourself rather than just farming easy diamonds or spending real money to bypass content through the AH.
7. Do you have a pnp D&D background? Wether your background is PnP, DDO or Neverwinter Nights, how do you see yourself fitting in, in NW so far?
Nearly 23 years of P&P plus I've play just about anything with D&D printed on it... good or bad... I'm looking at you Eberron RTS...
8. Foundry. For you designers out there, has the Foundry excited you? What do you see that you like, and what do you see that's missing? Please keep answers tight, 6 sentences tops.
I love, love, LOVE the idea of it, but have personally yet to try it out.
9. In one sentence please name your favorite feature so far in the game.
I liked 4e but it lacked what it needed to really pop and this game seems to have found that.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly not playing the game/walking away from it?
Locked weapon types. I'd like to see more options for weapon appearence. Very specifically, flails and polearms.
Bonus: No poll worth it's weight in gold would leave out exploits and gold/AD farming of the past few weeks. Cryptic has done a stunning job this past week shutting down exploiters and going after the culprits and their accounts. What features can be added to the game in the future, besides the eyes and the ears of our community, to ensure Cryptic stays on top of cheaters.
Honestly, I have no idea. I mean, realistically it's almost impossible alot of the time.
2.Mostly PvE(as long as there is content) some foundry, maybe a little PvP
3.Not really care about guilds, i'd like to join a mature one, and i would like guild ranks and guild specific content/contests
4.Paladin,Druid, MONKS! (and i assume ranger is almost here already) but those 3 are PURE D&D to the point game is sorely missing them.
5.25% Got to 60 in less than a week, that's ridiculously fast for a game where you're supposed to enjoy for at least a year, with the lack of end content, getting to end so quickly really hurts the game base.
6.Bind on Pick up, selling/rare dropping "Unbinding stones", that way you really limit possible xploits, PWI can squeeze us a little more (and i aprove it) and also gives players still room for grind/auction stuff, a perfect solution.
7.More than 25 years of DnD, devoured and enjoyed like no other saga all the Baldurs/IWD/NWN's and those gave me the best gaming experiences on a lifetime of gaming (i'm 36 and started on a msx at 9). Uhmmm yeah and no... Neverwinter lack's roleplaying, the combat sistem is PURE D&D spirit, great, the history is ok, but lack of RP and liberty on foundry to implement RP really hurts me.
8.Foundry is the key for Nw, in fact, probably doesnt matter what you do with the game, you could go "pandas" and wouldnt matter as long as you allow Foundry to shine, its a tool where you can have 100000 developers work free for you, there is a great topic stickied in the foundry forum, but i will put 3 key needs.
Allow Role playing! options to change paths depending of decissions.
Monstars! Dungeon masters wanna Boss fights!
Rewards! Think on a way to lure endgame players to play foundry, allow DMs to place a reward that is right acording to the difficulty of the challenge, please devs, work on that, is the future of your game and if you do it right, NW will be the game on the throne of MMORPG for a decade.
9.I love the game as a whole...
10.And despise the "little things", fix grouping for dungeons(being kicked out after defeating epic karrundax is lame). Double up server capabilities (here in spain the lag is ridiculous).
Bonus: Lockbox/Keys gambling is fun, but is GAMBLING, money gambling, so only allow it to legally adult players, seriously, as someone who fought gambling addiction since 14 y/o, you MUST find a way to ban Lockbox gambling to under 18 players.
2. PvE mostly, dabble in PvP. Have an idea for a foundry quest.
3. The biggest thing we've come across is raising AD for guild bank tabs. There needs to be an easy way for members to donate AD so tabs can be purchased. The other things frequently mentioned are a guild hall and the ability to list other guilds as allies. Guild achievements (via vrtesseract).
4. Sorcerer, Shaman, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Invoker, Bard, Psion, Runepriest
5. 75% of the xp reward currently granted
6. I should be able to sell, trade or transfer any item I buy or earn in game. Bound items and non-bound items aren't really different and it would save some bag space. Plus, I want to sell the spider mount that I never use.
7. I played pen and paper Advanced D&D with my brothers growing up. Haven't played much since then. As far as the environment goes, I think it's great. It feels like D&D to me. I do have some qualms about bugs in the game, an overpriced Zen Store and a lackluster crafting system but they've done a great job with story and creating a D&D world.
8. I haven't played around with the foundry yet. I have an idea for a quest, but it has historical significance so I'm afraid it would be flagged for violations of the terms of service. I think it could be educational. I might just take a chance and see what happens.
9. Story, art and animation.
10. Zen Store prices, the AD economy, bugs, out-leveling skirmishes, the queue system, the lack of classes, the after 60 grind, cleric aggro and righteousness, lockboxes and crafting.
Bonus: I just think they need to be a bit faster to catch exploits and fix bugs. Some of these bugs have made me question if they released the game too soon.
2. 90% Pve, 10% PvP / Foundry Quests
3. some sort of Guild insignia , possibility to donate AD to guild bank for more slots, guildhall
4. Paladin, Bard, Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Sorcerer,
5. 50 % Exp
6. Makes it more fun when you gotta get your own gear IMO
7. Played PnP, Neverwinter Nights (and every other D&D game) and a bit of DDO. Fit in? Well just fine thx :-)
8.Haven't messed with it yet. Would like a vendor for buying potions/injury kits and selling loot.
9. Combat & Foundry
10. Class balance
Bonus: Adopt the Cat-astrophe to the story of the game. I wanna see a beggar somewhere telling us how he get tricked out of every penny by some evil HAMSTER.
Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."
- Kender Proverb
2. 100% PvE.
3. No suggestions.
4. Spellscarred (FRPG), Vampire (HoS), Warlock (PH), Ranger (PH), Bard (PHII), Warlord (PH), Sorcerer (PHII), Swordmage (FRPG), Psion (PHIII), Warden (PHII), Shaman (PHII), Druid (PHII).
5. 75% of the XP reward currently granted.
6. Bound items should not be in Neverwinter. Removing bound items will increase realism and immersion in the game, as well as add more originality to it in the MMORPG genre.
7. I do not have a PnP D&D background.
8. I have not used the Foundry feature yet.
9. My favorite feature in Neverwinter so far is the character creator.
10. My #1 concern for Neverwinter is the lack of quest paths.
2.50% foundry , 25% pvp 25% pve. Pretty much before and after lvl cap..If it works out.
3. Guild vs Guild combat. Guild Banners and Fashion items. Guild hall would be great.
4. Paladin, Bard, Druid, Ranger
5. I think the XP if far to fast, I would increase needed xp 100% min, 150% would not be bad.
6. I think the current binding system is probably best for a mmo.
7. I come from a old school AD&D background. Currently it feels like a DnD game in some ways, but to me it does not feel like forgotten realms.
8. I think the foundry is fantastic and I have some very good stuff planned, however I have not had to chance to get into it yet.
9. The neverwinter gateway .
10. Limited storage without spending cash. I have plenty of room, but some of my friends have it tough.Seems illogical when you can just exploit the mail anyway to get around it.
Bonus -I would enlist a group of player GM's who can react to mail box spam and zone spam quicker than a spam report or ticket can.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
2.[Spending bulk of my time in NW]:
100% PvE
3.[Guild features tools]:
Guild search tool
4.[Top twelve 4e playable races]:
Scourge Warlock,
Battle Cleric,
Protecting Paladin,
Tactical Warlord,
5.[The Road to the End Game - XP and area level caps]:
XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible and play the NEXT class!
6.[Bound items]:
I want to see MORE "Bound to Account" items and less "Bound to Character" items.
7.[Do you have a pnp D&D background?]:
DDO, NWN, NWN2, Reading all Forgotten Realms, Eberron and Dragonlance novels.
8.[Foundry. For you designers out there, has the Foundry excited you?]:
Saving Foundry, both creating and playing, for full live release of the game.
9.[In one sentence please name your favorite feature so far in the game.]:
The ease of the combat system.
10.[In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly not playing the game/walking away from it?]:
Lack of classes.
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
2. I don't do PVP. I prefer PVE. I haven't done foundry yet but I will now that I'm done with the official quests. I think player made quests will keep me entertained for a while.
3. Guild features aren't too important to me as I'm mostly a solo player.
4. Monk, Sorcerer, Bard, Ranger - I might try those, but not really familiar with 4e classes enough to vote more.
5. I think leveling is fine as it is. I didn't do foundry while leveling I just stuck to the main quests, and I hit cap at the end zone. I typically quit games that drag out leveling longer than it needs to be.
6. I think the bound items being bind on equip is fine. However I think you should remove Need rolling for items that players cannot equip.
7. I'm not a role player so I fit into this game as just a regular gamer.
8. I haven't touched the foundry yet.
9. I can't elaborate because I haven't tried everything the game offers yet.
10. I played a cleric to 60 and I really disliked going into instances for quests to fight bosses and needing help because of the adds and now hard bosses hit. It was a chore when I did it solo because I kill so slow and my reflexes aren't what they used to be. The game keeps flashing how zones are for solo play with a companion only, I think you should remove that from loading screens. It was so much better with more powerful classes to help. And it was such a chore that I doubt I will roll more chars to do it again.
1. Dragonborn, Eladrin, Gnome, Shifter, and Deva
2. 75% PVE 25% Foundry
3. Guild houses so guilds can group up and hold events.
4. Paladin, Warlock, Bard, Druid, and Ranger,
5. 50% of the xp reward currently granted. I find myself blazing through levels and don't have a chance to really learn my class skills.
6. I think Binding is alright with BoE, and would like to repeat what some have said on the "Need" roll rules and say I think if it isn't for your class that option should not be available.
7. I have some PnP, some DDO, few years in NWN1 and 2. Fitting in with Neverwinter has gone well so far as long as I keep in mind it is a MMO and one has to have that mindset while in game.
8. I haven't made any foundry content but playing it has been entertaining.
9. As I haven't made it to the higher level dungeons yet I would say my favorite feature so far is the foundry. I enjoy playing the author's storylines.
10. Character customization would be concern that could make me walk away. Not only visual customization but class customization. I would like to be in complete control of my character and how they perform, sure have a path for people to follow who do not wish to experiment with their builds but also give those of us who want to try different things that option.
Bonus: This one is a touchy subject for me. I have uninstalled games that did nothing to exploiters because it told me that the company didn't care if one exploits. I am glad things have been done to the last exploit and I am still watching to see how Cryptic further handles it. I think if there were GM's in-game it would help deter things from escalating into a viral cheat-fest but with the size of the population that might not be possible.
2. 60% PvE, <30% PvP, >10% Foundry and other
3. Guild tools are nice and make for a stronger community. Party/raid tools are more important. If the party/raid tools aren't good the guild tools don't really matter. Guild tools are important for what they add but not as important as tools that add directly to gameplay.
4. Mage, Sorcerer, Warlock, Necromancer, Paladin
5. quests give too much XP. dungeons don't give enough XP.
6. "Need" should bind items to the character not account. Purchasable items should not bind until use. "Need" should grey out if the item is not usable by the character.
7. PnP background? a long time ago. I enjoy the genre and don't play many games that aren't of the genre. I like this game better than the last couple of RPG's I've played.
8. Want to see Boss level monsters. Could use better control of spawning adds with "timers" attached to triggers. Want to see better Y axis placement of monsters/items in multi-level maps (spawning inside floors). It's difficult to locate newly created foundry quests and there is no incentive for others to play your new quests outside of the kindness of their hearts. "Auto Populate" could use themes (example: laboratory, garden, cemetery, spiderwebs, library etc.)
9. Foundry. I've spent way too much time playing with/figuring out the tools in the foundry, it's enjoyable.
10. Need to be able to replace AFK/low performing players at any point not just the 1st few seconds of a dungeon.
Bonus: Accounts that are already being ignored are able to spam your mailbox with gold spam. While you will never be able to stop them completely, some efforts still need to be made for basic things like:
limits to the number of chat messages per minute
Hire some dudes to ddos the websites they advertise
chat options to auto-ignore characters using ______ in a whisper/tell.
Ability to filter chat from non-max-level characters. (make all spammers gain max level, then ban them)
Exploiters don't bother me near as much as spammers. I watch a stream on twitch that was banned from neverwinter for 3 days, he said and I have no idea if it's true but... he said he doesn't know why he was banned b/c no info was given just 'you're banned'... so, maybe some explanation for the knuckleheads that get banned so they "know" what it was exactly that they did get banned for. That said, i'm fine with banning exploiters when the expectations are clear between what is and is not acceptable.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
In the veiling of the sun we will walk in bitter rain.
But in dreams I can hear your name,
And in dreams we will meet again.
1. Gnomes! I don't know any of those others races. I'm old school.
2. 80 PvE 20 Foundry.
3. Guilds aren't that important to me.
4. Ranger, Paladin, Monk, Druid and Barbarian. I have no personal experience with 4E so, I don't know the other classes. If Runepriest is anything like they are in Warhammer then I would be interested in that class.
5. XP where it is. I don't have a ton of time on my hands.
6. No opinion here.
7. PnP from the Red Box up to 3E. I have no love for 4E. NWN as well as DDO. NW is a lot of fun but being old school, it just doesn't feel like D&D to me.
8. I haven't the time on my hands to try the Foundry but it is a very cool feature.
9. Combat is a lot of fun. The character creation is very good as well. Classic Cryptic
10. The vast majority of character look the same as far as their armor and weapons ( No dwarf with an axe or hammer
Bonus: I haven't the foggiest idea how to stop cheaters but I hope you go after them. Boy do I hate cheaters. Thanks guys for the opertunity to let us speak our minds.
2. 50%-50% PvE - PvP
3. Guild level system, with feats ect.
4. Paladin, Bard, Warlord, Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Shaman, Runepriest, Sorcerer, Avenger, Swordmage, Seeker.
5. XP should stay right where its at, I want to charge to 60 as fast as possible!
6. If everything was Bound, how would we earn AD? and without AD i would loose interest in the game.
7. I like NW, but it have some flaws (but seems you are attending them allready (Threat, Loot system, Group finding)
8. Add a tier 0.5 level 60 set, we could put in as rewards, and allow us to make bosses, and 5 man content (Dungeons)
9. The action combat system.
10. Cleric threat issue (And sorry! i need 2 issues addressed, vote kick in groups, too much power for the one in charge atm)
Bonus. right click option to report (it needs to be fast and easy)
2. 95% PvE 4% Foundry 1% PvP
3. Haven't play around with this feature enough to comment at this time
4. Ranger, Monk, Bard
5. I think you could take a page from EQ2 and have experience sliders where people can choose where they want their experience credited.
6. In general, I don't like bound items but if you have to have them bound items should be by account. In LOOT situations with groups, if it's not your class you can only Greed or Pass. Having GW2 loot drops would be even better.
7. I started out PnP when D&D was a box game after reading an article in Psychology Today entitled Confessions of a Dungeon Master; however since EQ came out I haven't played PnP since (MMOs were the replacement for PnP because our group had a hard time scheduling time with people's commitments)
8. Haven't played with designing yet. Would also like to see player housing.
9. Storytelling
10. Inability to stay connected to the game.
Bonus: Have a working bug and feedback system that works in game. Currently it doesn't work.