"Other people are jerks so I should be too" isn't a very strong argument. And again, people don't seem to understand the difference between "need" and "want". It's a much wider social problem outside the scope of this thread.
Peer pressure, or justification by others actions was never an argument I presented in this topic.
You are correct though, the complainers really don't understand the meaning of the word need.
We all need AD, so we should all need on everything, quite simple.
Wrong mentality if you wan't to group up with people. I keep tabs on who does this, and they get either A) booted from groups or completely ignored.
corleone33Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
The issue here isn't that people have the option to need roll on any item. The real problem is that all epic items (with very few exceptions) are BoE. That's like ninja crack and it's an open invitation for ****** baggery. Make tier pieces BoP and you take away ninja motivation. Simple.
We all need AD, so we should all need on everything, quite simple.
There's other reasons why everyone should need on everything which I won't go into. Your in the wrong in expecting other players to roll greed on BoE items and are also showing a strong sense of self-entitlement.
I hope you are not on Mindflayer. I'll be looking out for your @handle to make sure you are never in my party:mad:.
What I was trying to say, which was lost in transit either due to your reading comprehension skills, or my written communication skills, is that I will need on stuff if someone is needing on everything.
If you think that is being a jerk, as your prior comment "Other people are jerks so I should be too", then I don't know what to tell you. Do you expect people to run dungeons and just be ok with 1 dude getting rolling need on everything while the rest get the shaft?
Anyways, it's pretty clear that the devs are going to change the roll system to appease the tears. That combined with the lack of logic and hostility from most of the posters on the forum is enough for me to stop commenting here. However feel free to say how right you are and how wrong I am, splash in some insults as well as threats of lolignore listing me.
What I was trying to say, which was lost in transit either due to your reading comprehension skills, or my written communication skills, is that I will need on stuff if someone is needing on everything.
If you think that is being a jerk, as your prior comment "Other people are jerks so I should be too", then I don't know what to tell you. Do you expect people to run dungeons and just be ok with 1 dude getting rolling need on everything while the rest get the shaft?
Anyways, it's pretty clear that the devs are going to change the roll system to appease the tears. That combined with the lack of logic and hostility from most of the posters on the forum is enough for me to stop commenting here. However feel free to say how right you are and how wrong I am, splash in some insults as well as threats of lolignore listing me.
Like I said, your looting practices are the least of your concerns.
Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
If you would kick me out of parties just for expressing my opinions on this craptastic forum, then I probably woulnd't want to party with you anyways.
Not for expressing your opinion but for being one of the jerks that rolls need on everything. I have zero interest in being in a party with that type of person and, thankfully everyone I play with feels the same.
We all need AD, so we should all need on everything, quite simple.
There's other reasons why everyone should need on everything which I won't go into. Your in the wrong in expecting other players to roll greed on BoE items and are also showing a strong sense of self-entitlement.
I guess asking for people not to be self-centered asses is asking too much. If it's an unidentified item with no specific class restrictions, that's one thing, no problem with everyone needing on that obviously. It may or may not be an upgrade for everyone. If it's a class specific item, you roll need and you're not that class, you're just being a ******.
I get that you're there doing the same work as everyone else, but if it were me, I'd rather the people that helped me do the dungeon get the items they need, rather than needing on everything, causing animosity for the sake of making a few AD for myself, possibly getting on some ignore lists, and hurting my future prospects for grouping.
Of course that requires the understanding that you're not the only person putting out any effort in the group, and that everyone is there ultimately to get upgrades for their class, which obviously hasn't occurred to you.
At the end of the day though, it's PWE's fault for not anticipating that a portion of the MMO community is comprised of entitled children and restricting need rolls to classes that can use the items.
Let's just simplify loot. I mean, really, really simplify it.
Get rid of BOE and BOP. Seriously. What good does either mechanic really serve? Getting rid of the BOx mechanic will allow loot to be freely traded or sold on the market. It might even have a positive impact on market prices.
Auto-assign loot to each party member. Have it go into your inventory (and overflow bag) automatically whenever a chest is opened or a boss is looted. This gets rid of need/greed and issues where there's a cluster of people jockeying for position around the chest/corpse.
When assigning loot to a player, prefer loot appropriate to the character class. This should be fairly self-explanatory.
I mean, really. You want to get rid of ninja-looting? Get to the heart of the problem. Modifying the need/greed system is only strapping a bandaid on the problem: You will still have to stop, examine the gear and decide how to roll for it, it will still disrupt the flow of combat, it will still create strife and contention amongst party members. People will still be kicked because gear will still be "ninja looted" by players who won't understand the rules (frequently because they are new to the game and don't understand how it's played).
So change the core mechanic. Step away from a system that has never really worked well in any MMO, and come up with something new. Simply take away the ability to ninja loot, and be done with it.
This basically. Dump the entire archaic roll mechanic/binding mechanic. Trying to tweak the existing mechanic is a waste of time that won't truly fix anything.
If it's class based, (green) I NEED roll.
If it's not my class (red), I GREED roll.
Most of the time its unidentified anyways so I stopped wasting my time trying to look.
Rarely will I pass up on free money where everyone would tap Greed but me.
Get rid of BOE and BOP. Seriously. What good does either mechanic really serve? Getting rid of the BOx mechanic will allow loot to be freely traded or sold on the market. It might even have a positive impact on market prices.
The reason gear "binds" is to keep the market from being completely flooded with old gear that people replace. If it didn't bind, every piece of dungeon gear that ever drops would most likely wind up on the market, creating such a high supply that the market would crash and people could essentially buy a full set of dungeon gear without ever setting foot in a dungeon.
I've seen games which have gear that doesn't bind to characters, and the only solution to keep the market from flooding is to make item drops exceedingly rare. You end up running through dungeons with no gear dropping at all, which is more frustrating than a need/greed system which needs tweaking.
Bind on Pick? nice, good suggestion to turn the whole game into a full P2W system, cause bind on X means you need money to unbind. for those who are "need per class only", this is not WoW, guys this is Neverwinter. you can play dungeon and skirmish 24/7, means queue whenever you like. beside, you still can ask the person who get the item for trade (I dont understand why never consider this, I hope not all player of this game is still a young fellow), not all people accept but not all people will decline too, I will accept it if you really need that stuff cause mostly it goes to NPC not AH. if you still think "all need = greed for money", I'll accept that, fine for me, but remember, you the one who avoid all kind of people and accept only your kind is an anti-social, never forget that.
You seriously think people wouldn't be waste-disposal-holes-on-the-rear-end-of-a-living-being enough to roll need no matter if the can neither use or sell the stuff?
Just remove need for wrong classes, and it is much better.
muzrub333Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Thank the gods. Hopefully the system will take things out of peoples hands, and add a bit of automation to the process, then we can all get back to the game, and stop all the name calling.
Does this ever get better at the higher levels? I've had the GF sword that drops from the pit lord skirmish taken away 3 times now by someone who did nothing but roll need on EVERYTHING and I'm getting seriously annoyed that class specific items that are blue aren't need locked to just that class.
No, bind on X means it's bound to you, and once you're done with it you either discard it or sell it to a vendor. Introducing a system to "unbind" is an entirely different issue.
darkpagandeathMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited May 2013
you do know most of these 13 year olds need the gold or Ad in there mind thats why they see no problem needing on an item to sell ...
also there are alot of new to mmo's .. my mate had someone say he was going to report him for needing on a ring he needed for his char... because the complainer also needed it and thought it was a class only ring ...
Peer pressure, or justification by others actions was never an argument I presented in this topic.
You are correct though, the complainers really don't understand the meaning of the word need.
Wrong mentality if you wan't to group up with people. I keep tabs on who does this, and they get either A) booted from groups or
I hope you are not on Mindflayer. I'll be looking out for your @handle to make sure you are never in my party:mad:.
Nope not on mindflayer.
If you would kick me out of parties just for expressing my opinions on this craptastic forum, then I probably woulnd't want to party with you anyways.
Because clearly it's to do with your opinion, and not your anti-social looting, attitude and posts right? lol
Yeah really.
What I was trying to say, which was lost in transit either due to your reading comprehension skills, or my written communication skills, is that I will need on stuff if someone is needing on everything.
If you think that is being a jerk, as your prior comment "Other people are jerks so I should be too", then I don't know what to tell you. Do you expect people to run dungeons and just be ok with 1 dude getting rolling need on everything while the rest get the shaft?
Anyways, it's pretty clear that the devs are going to change the roll system to appease the tears. That combined with the lack of logic and hostility from most of the posters on the forum is enough for me to stop commenting here. However feel free to say how right you are and how wrong I am, splash in some insults as well as threats of lolignore listing me.
Like I said, your looting practices are the least of your concerns.
Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance ? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
Not for expressing your opinion but for being one of the jerks that rolls need on everything. I have zero interest in being in a party with that type of person and, thankfully everyone I play with feels the same.
I guess asking for people not to be self-centered asses is asking too much. If it's an unidentified item with no specific class restrictions, that's one thing, no problem with everyone needing on that obviously. It may or may not be an upgrade for everyone. If it's a class specific item, you roll need and you're not that class, you're just being a ******.
I get that you're there doing the same work as everyone else, but if it were me, I'd rather the people that helped me do the dungeon get the items they need, rather than needing on everything, causing animosity for the sake of making a few AD for myself, possibly getting on some ignore lists, and hurting my future prospects for grouping.
Of course that requires the understanding that you're not the only person putting out any effort in the group, and that everyone is there ultimately to get upgrades for their class, which obviously hasn't occurred to you.
At the end of the day though, it's PWE's fault for not anticipating that a portion of the MMO community is comprised of entitled children and restricting need rolls to classes that can use the items.
This basically. Dump the entire archaic roll mechanic/binding mechanic. Trying to tweak the existing mechanic is a waste of time that won't truly fix anything.
If it's not my class (red), I GREED roll.
Most of the time its unidentified anyways so I stopped wasting my time trying to look.
Rarely will I pass up on free money where everyone would tap Greed but me.
I've seen games which have gear that doesn't bind to characters, and the only solution to keep the market from flooding is to make item drops exceedingly rare. You end up running through dungeons with no gear dropping at all, which is more frustrating than a need/greed system which needs tweaking.
Just remove need for wrong classes, and it is much better.
Thank the gods. Hopefully the system will take things out of peoples hands, and add a bit of automation to the process, then we can all get back to the game, and stop all the name calling.
also there are alot of new to mmo's .. my mate had someone say he was going to report him for needing on a ring he needed for his char... because the complainer also needed it and thought it was a class only ring ...