Stealth is allready being used. Rogue comes in I dodge, get ready to melt face...rogue is no where to be seen. Attacks shortly after dodge again etc etc. I thought I was missing something but they must be exploiting because normally if I dodge the first stealth attack then I am good to go..even if I was missing something this happened like 3 strikes and dodges and still rogue was invis.
Shadow strike refills the stealth meter to 100%. The problem is this: initiate shadow strike > 9001 minutes later > shadow strike hits the target. Seriously, the time it takes to actually pop this attack off is moooore than enough time for any decent player to launch an attack in between that time. True, rogues can keep stealth up longer by using this move in stealth mode. however, ranged attacks are not going to kill any decently geared player before they have a chance to react, and melee attacks are all dodgeable. Either way, tis not an exploit.
David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
What I never really understand is why people who don't want to do the most difficult content in the game need the best gear.
Some people go into a T2 dungeon for the first time, without any T2 gear, and still beat it. So T2 gear is not needed to do T2.
It's not a question of need, but of desire. I want to progress my character to the best it can be, and that means having BIS gear all around.
It comes down to this: progressively more difficult content that offers progressively better rewards. That's what most of us want. There is no cast-in-stone MMO law that says this can only ever be group/raid content.
Well, everyone knows life isn't fair. That's why we have games where things are supposedly equal.
When did this happen? Having played many games, I can't recall when, other than the first day, everyone was equal. 30 minutes into the game, "everyone is equal" is out the window. I have duo'd Cloak Tower in a 2 TR with one DC and one striker companion. But only one blue drops at the end, presto, these TRs are no longer equal. Of course, both of us were above 20, so the drop didn't matter anyway, but in a full group, only one person can win drop rolls, so whoever wins the most rolls, even rolling greed across the board, which can happen, is no longer equal.
Self found has appeal, but in no way do I consider pushing mobs off cliffs or into pits anything other than a smart tactic. We were given those abilities for the same reasons pits were put in the game.
Having been pushed off a ledge onto a spike trap by a mob, I have to agree. Unless we're going to say that mobs that do it are exploiters?
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
When did this happen? Having played many games, I can't recall when, other than the first day, everyone was equal.
Equal opportunity. Of course that's already not true in NW because of the cash shop.
cujo669Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
To me this game is basically turning into "World of Wall Street" nothing but money swindling for kids. It's showing today's kids how to earn real money by hacking or cheating all while playing a game. Nothing but idle players playing the money exchange game!
Equal opportunity. Of course that's already not true in NW because of the cash shop.
Yeah, that's true, although the CS is certainly not a "by invitation only" scenario. My CS usage has been limited to Char slots, a bag and keys. The bag mainly because even while solo, I suck at remembering that I may need to sell stuff every once in a while...
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Just learned that for the past few days people have been using a new exploit to farm T2 bosses and delves that puts the Pirate King farm to shame. They have been stockpiling the loot from it in their mail/overflow bags waiting for the AH to come back up to HAMSTER on the economy once again.
I have already reported it in-game a minute ago, might be a good idea for NWE to ban these people before bringing back up the AH and prevent further damage to the economy.
Or they could announce that this BETA will be wiped and take the wind out of their sails in one motion..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Uh, no. It destroys a source of profit (T2 grinding for AD), since there will be so much T2 gear that prices will go down. Someone will have the brilliant idea of selling it super low, he'll sell lots and other vendors will notice that no one is willing to pay 100 k for a piece anymore. So prices drop.
In the end, everyone will have a Tier 2 set.
Which makes the game broken.....Why do you continue to even argue? It is pretty clear right now that you are in favor of a cheap ride to everything and do not want to lose what you have "worked so hard for "....Lol..Just stop, everyday the flimsy defense you used the day before has to be shored up with more blabbering.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
clockwerkninjaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
One simply has to wonder how the world's economy is so messed up with all the financial wizards here on these forums.
Because people like you called us conspiracy theorists when we showed you what was aroudn the corner...To be quite frank about it.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
So to prove you "Right" a few chap lvl 60 gear is on the Ah which is mindbashingly easy to get in the fist place.
Yeah keep rolling with that. Lol
Yea...If you think this bug and the stam bug suck...Wait till you see what is in Queue ..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Because people like you called us conspiracy theorists when we showed you what was aroudn the corner...To be quite frank about it.
That's right. It's not our doing, that Euro and Dollar live on borrowed time in the moment. Financial systems have to collapse from time to time. It's their weakness, and their fate. Their is no such thing as endless growth.
It will happen this or next year. So don't complain.
Honestly the kind of selfish mentality you display has no place in a BETA TEST. The community would be better off if you guys would have just waited until open launch to join us..
However, those of us in the BETA TESTING community see some major issues with launching the game in this state. The divide we see here is one of supporting the needs of the many v/s supporting the needs of ones self. ..We are here to BETA TEST and give our honest opinion on the state of the game, you must forgive me if I trust hardened game testers over people who are afraid of redoing 2 weeks game play.
Also if you read the TOS for the BETA TEST, you will see that Cryptic / PWE can remove,delete alter in any way any aspect of the game and you have to live with it.
calaminthaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yeah, that's true, although the CS is certainly not a "by invitation only" scenario. My CS usage has been limited to Char slots, a bag and keys. The bag mainly because even while solo, I suck at remembering that I may need to sell stuff every once in a while...
Yeah. I'm not really worried about the cash shop. I even bought that 110% raiding horse because while PvP might be an unbalanced mess, having a 50% mount made it doubly worse. Other than that I've bought 4 character slots and AD to quickstart the guild bank.
Relax, these are only pixels. Or Datas. Not worth any money.
Unfortunately for your analogy, AD=Zen=real money. AD that can be earned from farming, oh but wait, you cannot earn jack right now because the economy crashed.
kalizaarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd be interested to see the metrics showing what percentage of the players do lets say 5 or less transactions in the Auction House a week.
Obviously there are some players that live and breath virtual economies in MMOs, and other players that play for the rest of the game and could care less about the Auction House/Zen market. The players that live and breath virtual economies think the rest of the players are being selfish for not wanting a wipe, and the people that could care less about Auction Houses/Zen market think the virtual economists are being selfish for wanting a wipe.
Both camps don't want their fun interrupted. To wipe helps the economist camp but hurts the PvE player camp. To not wipe helps the PvE player camp but hurts the economist camp. I just think it's funny how both camps assume their camp has more of the player base behind them than the other camp. I'm guilty too, but I wonder how many people actually pause and consider this.
I'd be interested to see the metrics showing what percentage of the players do lets say 5 or less transactions in the Auction House a week.
Obviously there are some players that live and breath virtual economies in MMOs, and other players that play for the rest of the game and could care less about the Auction House/Zen market. The players that live and breath virtual economies think the rest of the players are being selfish for not wanting a wipe, and the people that could care less about Auction Houses/Zen market think the virtual economists are being selfish for wanting a wipe.
Both camps don't want their fun interrupted. To wipe helps the economist camp but hurts the PvE player camp. To not wipe helps the PvE player camp but hurts the economist camp. I just think it's funny how both camps assume their camp has more of the player base behind them than the other camp. I'm guilty too, but I wonder how many people actually pause and consider this.
Fix your bugs, and wipe.
People don't trust incompetence. I don't care if the Pope says that all is good with NW's economy, as long as each day I see signs of incompetence I don't trust them.
clockwerkninjaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'd be interested to see the metrics showing what percentage of the players do lets say 5 or less transactions in the Auction House a week.
Obviously there are some players that live and breath virtual economies in MMOs, and other players that play for the rest of the game and could care less about the Auction House/Zen market. The players that live and breath virtual economies think the rest of the players are being selfish for not wanting a wipe, and the people that could care less about Auction Houses/Zen market think the virtual economists are being selfish for wanting a wipe.
Both camps don't want their fun interrupted. To wipe helps the economist camp but hurts the PvE player camp. To not wipe helps the PvE player camp but hurts the economist camp. I just think it's funny how both camps assume their camp has more of the player base behind them than the other camp. I'm guilty too, but I wonder how many people actually pause and consider this.
Well played sir..Well played indeed..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
I'd be interested to see the metrics showing what percentage of the players do lets say 5 or less transactions in the Auction House a week.
Obviously there are some players that live and breath virtual economies in MMOs, and other players that play for the rest of the game and could care less about the Auction House/Zen market. The players that live and breath virtual economies think the rest of the players are being selfish for not wanting a wipe, and the people that could care less about Auction Houses/Zen market think the virtual economists are being selfish for wanting a wipe.
Both camps don't want their fun interrupted. To wipe helps the economist camp but hurts the PvE player camp. To not wipe helps the PvE player camp but hurts the economist camp. I just think it's funny how both camps assume their camp has more of the player base behind them than the other camp. I'm guilty too, but I wonder how many people actually pause and consider this.
you kinda nailed it down there, with one more thing to consider : the pve player camp did not yet see the full resullts of the broken economy. a pve player (w/o adding cash) is restricte3d to 500k ad in 21 days or something like that. again im stating nothing new here , but those 500k ad could buy alot more with a working economy, than they can now. its not the eco camp wanting to ruin the pve camp's fun or way of play. i think the argument just boils down to this : both camps really love the game, jsut the eco camp cant stand the fact that the game is getting shred down to a lvl of not beeing playable w/o putting cash in. and again : this should be the biggest argument on the pve camp side, still it is kinda only used by said eco camp.
Shadow strike refills the stealth meter to 100%. The problem is this: initiate shadow strike > 9001 minutes later > shadow strike hits the target. Seriously, the time it takes to actually pop this attack off is moooore than enough time for any decent player to launch an attack in between that time. True, rogues can keep stealth up longer by using this move in stealth mode. however, ranged attacks are not going to kill any decently geared player before they have a chance to react, and melee attacks are all dodgeable. Either way, tis not an exploit.
Some people go into a T2 dungeon for the first time, without any T2 gear, and still beat it. So T2 gear is not needed to do T2.
It's not a question of need, but of desire. I want to progress my character to the best it can be, and that means having BIS gear all around.
It comes down to this: progressively more difficult content that offers progressively better rewards. That's what most of us want. There is no cast-in-stone MMO law that says this can only ever be group/raid content.
When did this happen? Having played many games, I can't recall when, other than the first day, everyone was equal. 30 minutes into the game, "everyone is equal" is out the window. I have duo'd Cloak Tower in a 2 TR with one DC and one striker companion. But only one blue drops at the end, presto, these TRs are no longer equal. Of course, both of us were above 20, so the drop didn't matter anyway, but in a full group, only one person can win drop rolls, so whoever wins the most rolls, even rolling greed across the board, which can happen, is no longer equal.
Having been pushed off a ledge onto a spike trap by a mob, I have to agree. Unless we're going to say that mobs that do it are exploiters?
Welcome to the internet, welcome to 2013, welcome to an mmorpg
Equal opportunity. Of course that's already not true in NW because of the cash shop.
Yeah, that's true, although the CS is certainly not a "by invitation only" scenario. My CS usage has been limited to Char slots, a bag and keys. The bag mainly because even while solo, I suck at remembering that I may need to sell stuff every once in a while...
Or they could announce that this BETA will be wiped and take the wind out of their sails in one motion..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Which makes the game broken.....Why do you continue to even argue? It is pretty clear right now that you are in favor of a cheap ride to everything and do not want to lose what you have "worked so hard for "....Lol..Just stop, everyday the flimsy defense you used the day before has to be shored up with more blabbering.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Because people like you called us conspiracy theorists when we showed you what was aroudn the corner...To be quite frank about it.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
So to prove you "Right" a few cheap lvl 60 gear is on the Ah which is mindbashingly easy to get in the fist place.
Yeah keep rolling with that. Lol
Yea...If you think this bug and the stam bug suck...Wait till you see what is in Queue ..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
It is NOT a FEW cheap, it is a ****e ton of level 60 purple gear for buyouts of under 5K which would have been 100K-1m previously.
I love the game, but the more you let this go on the more and more it is disappointing me. Well at least the foundry is a ton of fun.
That's right. It's not our doing, that Euro and Dollar live on borrowed time in the moment. Financial systems have to collapse from time to time. It's their weakness, and their fate. Their is no such thing as endless growth.
It will happen this or next year. So don't complain.
Giggle, dream on, money pig.
Relax, these are only pixels.
Yeah. I'm not really worried about the cash shop. I even bought that 110% raiding horse because while PvP might be an unbalanced mess, having a 50% mount made it doubly worse. Other than that I've bought 4 character slots and AD to quickstart the guild bank.
Unfortunately for your analogy, AD=Zen=real money. AD that can be earned from farming, oh but wait, you cannot earn jack right now because the economy crashed.
Obviously there are some players that live and breath virtual economies in MMOs, and other players that play for the rest of the game and could care less about the Auction House/Zen market. The players that live and breath virtual economies think the rest of the players are being selfish for not wanting a wipe, and the people that could care less about Auction Houses/Zen market think the virtual economists are being selfish for wanting a wipe.
Both camps don't want their fun interrupted. To wipe helps the economist camp but hurts the PvE player camp. To not wipe helps the PvE player camp but hurts the economist camp. I just think it's funny how both camps assume their camp has more of the player base behind them than the other camp. I'm guilty too, but I wonder how many people actually pause and consider this.
Fix your bugs, and wipe.
People don't trust incompetence. I don't care if the Pope says that all is good with NW's economy, as long as each day I see signs of incompetence I don't trust them.
Well played sir..Well played indeed..
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Thanks for getting on this. It is frustrating. There is one guy that has a couple dozen orbs for sale.
you kinda nailed it down there, with one more thing to consider : the pve player camp did not yet see the full resullts of the broken economy. a pve player (w/o adding cash) is restricte3d to 500k ad in 21 days or something like that. again im stating nothing new here , but those 500k ad could buy alot more with a working economy, than they can now. its not the eco camp wanting to ruin the pve camp's fun or way of play. i think the argument just boils down to this : both camps really love the game, jsut the eco camp cant stand the fact that the game is getting shred down to a lvl of not beeing playable w/o putting cash in. and again : this should be the biggest argument on the pve camp side, still it is kinda only used by said eco camp.
wall of text, sorry