Hey there!
I am going to review a couple of quests on stream, I'll take requests and then post recordings. I hope you'll have fun!
Make sure to subscribe to my stream if you liked it. And if you like muttering and metal, definietly subscribe!
PS. Ocasional other music genres may occur.
See you on stream!
http://twitch.tv/ashally/http://www.youtube.com/user/Ashallie1Reviewed quests:
Just a sidenote: this thread will use marks of 0 to 10, cause the 5 star design makes me use 5 star almost all the time, wheras quests could be marked as 10 or 7 when I would mark both as 5 stars. I'll remove the extra review since it's totally not necessary, what was said in video is more important.
10-7: Quests very enjoyable, definietly worth playing because of something
4-6: Quests had some minor issues that would repel some people from playing it
1-3: Quest had searious issues that would repel even the fans of foundry (eg. very hard, unsolvable puzzles, no help from DM). Personaly, I haven't played quests like that.
Planescape - Skeleton Key - Chapter 1 NWS-DI6VZQOPK 10/10
Tags: story, side quests
Difficulty: Medium
The Lich Queen's Challenge NW-DEDSKHOIP 8/10
Tags: action, puzzle
Difficulty: Medium
"Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst) NW-DU2BES2WA 6/10
Tags: action, perhaps lore
Difficulty: very hard (propably not yet soloable)
Any cave can lead to adventure NW-DQF4T7QYH 9/10
Tags: story
Difficulty: easy
The Spellthief Trials By @Stebss NW-DM900IFHK 10/10
Tags: visuals, story, humor
Difficulty: easy
It started with a burglary NW-DJOQ5M8WI 9/10
Tags: story, exploration
Difficulty: Medium
Tomb of Wernar by @Lya NW-DJGYNI7NH 9/10
Tags: exploration, puzzle
Difficulty: medium
Go at sea @lunchtimenow NW-DSEGBOHCC 8/10
Tags: story, exploration, puzzle, goblins, unorthodox
Difficulty: Medium
Very long
story, dialogs, horror, visuals
Difficulty: hard (boss fight)
(I don't remember them == was drunk)
The Three Brothers Act 1
The Lady and the Worm
Difficulty: hard (preferably not solo)
Legend of Snowmane: Chapter One "In Search of the Legend"
NW-DBF3JW9C4 9/10
Difficulty: medium
A Hero Blooms NW-DAX7KNVZU 9/10
Tags: story, dungeon crawler
Difficulty: medium
The Black Hand in Blacklake NW-DTET2QLF4 10/10
Tags: story, storytelling, short
Difficulty: medium/hard (difficulty switch)
Pirate's cove NW-DUCYKYQHA 10/10
Tags: story, action
Difficulty: easy
An Adventure To Die For NW-DD9NYO9ZP 7/10
Tags: story, action, short, humor
Difficulty: medium
The Three Dials: Part I NW-DMEWA2PW3 8/10
Tags: story, action, short
Difficulty: easy
The Three Dials: Part II NW-DJQHIAIUJ 10/10
Tags: story, action, short
Difficulty: easy
Gloomlight by nyghoma : 9/10
Tags: story, storytelling, action, long
Difficulty: very hard (pref. not solo)
Other streams that might be worth watching:
OslionThe ForgeSillybard12
Review trades - Need to trade review? Read first post for further info.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
Name: The Lich Queen's Challenge
Overall it was nice, gave it 5/5.
Maybe lorewise you could upgrade it, also waypoints were a bit weird.
And no, dear undead near gates, I'm not your friend :P
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
However I have videos for the stream:
http://pl.twitch.tv/ashally/c/2318942 - Planescape - Chapter 1 NWS-DI6VZQOPK
http://pl.twitch.tv/ashally/c/2318987 - The Lich Queen's Challange NW-DEDSKHOIP
I might stream in a while, but now I have some work to do.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
Gonna do these:
NW-DU2BES2WA "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
Any cave can lead to adventure - NW-DQF4T7QYH
Tomb of Wernar by @Lya NW-DJGYNI7NH exploration
Btw, Dzogen, I played through your 27th level, it was nice ^^
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
I'm still doing the streaming, next is Tomb of Wernar on the way.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
It started with a burglary
Then it got friendly
But it ended badly
Author: @lunchtimenow
If you like muttering and metal, be sure to subscribe to my channel, cause there will be plenty of that
And btw: post requests. Even if you don't happen to be online I'll review it anyways and you can watch it anytime!
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
I'm watching the review of mine now. Thanks for playing and posting it!
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
I'll be looking into that placement, I had all of the mobs in that pack placed very specifically to avoid any issues, but some tweaking certainly is needed. I have to say I was laughing my *** off when you faced the final encounter to Barbra Ann.
It also made me realize just how easy the DM text is to miss as you skipped more than half of them and the ones you caught you usually found while backtracking. Thanks for running it mate!
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
Name: The Three Brothers Act 1
Combat: Pretty consistent through out, but I don't think overdone.
Playtime: Roughly 17min.
Party: 1-2 Players
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
About your game, I might have not said that while playing, but you might want to explore the idea why those lycantropes had horns. Some lorewise reasons. Or maybe I simply missed that out.
Perhaps some sort of desease or maybe demon pact, something that would be HAMSTER.
Really weird. I liked it tho. But well, in my game I added patches of flowers not knowing how do they look until I saw them on live, because in my 3d editor they were not present :P
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
Foundry Map: Blacklake District
Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
I suggest you to try:
@Enderk03 - A Hero Blooms - NW-DAX7KNVZU
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
Link/code is in the signature. Thanks!
Lectures at 7:30 AM (CEST) aint funny.
NW-DCL7EAYAJ The Three Brothers Act 1
The Lady and the Worm - NW-DPQPJSVTH
@Enderk03 - A Hero Blooms - NW-DAX7KNVZU
The Black Hand in Blacklake - NW-DTET2QLF4
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
Thanks, and I'll be sure to watch!