No no no... don't nerf the OP, just buff the UP please
I mean, come on, we all know that we are greedy people and never satisfy with what we got. Nobody wants to get less powerful.
Why not buff other classes which you consider under power and make them OP too Then, everyone will be happy.
I don't see the most 2 OP classes (which according to alot of ppl) a TR & a CW has trouble killing each other, so, having more OP classes would make a difference? All OP then we don't have to nerf each other anymore.
I have a 60 GWF and a 25 TR leveling, I want to see they becomes powerful in the end, not throwing both of them to a HAMSTER hole, you feel me?
It's not that simple usually. If one class out of six is overpowered then the only rational solution is to nerf that one class. Otherwise you have to buff all of the other five classes equally, which is hard, and for PvE you have to also buff the content because everyone is suddenly more powerful. It just isn't practical at all.
This actually makes it more practical to buff over nerf. Youre making 5 classes more desirable to play, rather than making the one class as desirable to play as the other 5 bunk classes. This in turn increases the replay value of the game, causing people to stay longer due to actually wanting to level alts rather than gravitating to the one class that has power and avoiding alts because everything else sucks.
I just spotted a dev-post stating they would take player-feedback into consideration for class-balancing.
But as far as I can tell, there hasn't been any player-feedback on these forums. What there is in abundance, are posts of people that cry 'nerf'.
- they only provide anecdotal 'evidence' (I got oneshot killed by that class, so it must be OP)
- they compare skills without playing the class (Class X can CC, crit, heal, fly, do one-handed-backflips and I can't, so X is OP)
- they play PvP solo (just try to look for the word 'team' in their posts, it won't be there, it's all about "I lost to X, nerf X"
- their experience with PvP is (sometimes) below level 60, where balance is just messed up due to upscaling, not OPness of any one class.
So, to the boys, please, if you really think a class is OP, proof it. Logs, screenshots and play the class yourself.
To the devs, please don't consider the vocal minority's personal grievances as a solid base for class-balance.
There will always be greener grass on the lawn of another class, and no shortage of herde to moan about it.
Oh wait your Rogue? why you scared of class balancing? They didnt say about nerfing. Its class balancing. You scared because thy gonna take ur place in pvp or always shinning in pve? oh common.
I'm not gonna call any class OP, but I do think GWF is UP. My cleric can do more damage than my GWF. I think this is wrong that the healing class beats the support/DPS in DPS.
I just spotted a dev-post stating they would take player-feedback into consideration for class-balancing.
But as far as I can tell, there hasn't been any player-feedback on these forums. What there is in abundance, are posts of people that cry 'nerf'.
- they only provide anecdotal 'evidence' (I got oneshot killed by that class, so it must be OP)
- they compare skills without playing the class (Class X can CC, crit, heal, fly, do one-handed-backflips and I can't, so X is OP)
- they play PvP solo (just try to look for the word 'team' in their posts, it won't be there, it's all about "I lost to X, nerf X"
- their experience with PvP is (sometimes) below level 60, where balance is just messed up due to upscaling, not OPness of any one class.
So, to the boys, please, if you really think a class is OP, proof it. Logs, screenshots and play the class yourself.
To the devs, please don't consider the vocal minority's personal grievances as a solid base for class-balance.
There will always be greener grass on the lawn of another class, and no shortage of herde to moan about it.
I dont need to proof anything to you, you get eyes in ur head yourself
I mean, come on, we all know that we are greedy people and never satisfy with what we got. Nobody wants to get less powerful.
Why not buff other classes which you consider under power and make them OP too
I don't see the most 2 OP classes (which according to alot of ppl) a TR & a CW has trouble killing each other, so, having more OP classes would make a difference? All OP then we don't have to nerf each other anymore.
I have a 60 GWF and a 25 TR leveling, I want to see they becomes powerful in the end, not throwing both of them to a HAMSTER hole, you feel me?
This. Devs, if you're listening, never never never make changes to PvE for the sake of correcting imbalances with PvP.
As far as PvE goes, NO class is overpowered. Some classes are underpowered. Feel free to buff them.
This actually makes it more practical to buff over nerf. Youre making 5 classes more desirable to play, rather than making the one class as desirable to play as the other 5 bunk classes. This in turn increases the replay value of the game, causing people to stay longer due to actually wanting to level alts rather than gravitating to the one class that has power and avoiding alts because everything else sucks.
Oh wait your Rogue? why you scared of class balancing? They didnt say about nerfing. Its class balancing. You scared because thy gonna take ur place in pvp or always shinning in pve? oh common.
I dont need to proof anything to you, you get eyes in ur head yourself
This a thousand times