I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Easier said than done: DCs aren't burst healers, so if you get spiked they might not be able to save you personally. Instead they'll be able to top up everyone else and also stop you dying for a few seconds.
DCs in this game are more about damage prevention and maintenance healing, not OMG WUT HAEL PLZ burst control. Also, you have to know what your DC is doing (stand in the AS, stand near the enemy with FF on it, etc). This means that if you have a good DC, you don't notice them doing anything. If you have a bad one, you rage. It's..not an easy job for DCs.
Pots keep you alive longer, and help them out (and trust me, they'll be chugging them waaaay more often than you are).
mohannMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
It's true but only in "traditional" MMORPG, where tank - tanks, healer - heals and DD - deals damage. Neverwinter Online is not a traditional MMORPG, it's a product made by amateurs in order to get as much money as possible before people paying for "game" full of bugs and exploits realize they've just made their worst finance decision of 2013.
lollieMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Just going to leave it short and sweet.
kstjabMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Honestly, your logic is flawed. Cleric's are not there to make you Invincible. It is you're job to dodge and survive as long as possible potions can help this, A cleric's job to heal you when you make a mistake. The reason you need potions are simple, The cleric cant instantly full hp heal everyone who needs it the second they need it, more things come into play. My suggestion, Roll a cleric on the side and find out what there capabilities are.
Also, i am not a cleric i am a very squishy CW.
P.S if i was a cleric players who act like you i would let die.
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Because the cleric doesn't have the tools to spam-heal. Cleric heals are on cooldown, often can't target specific targets, and lack sufficient burst.
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Devoted Cleric here.
Please have your own healing pots prepared for this dungeon as I refuse to heal anyone without them.
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Play a cleric.
Then you will know why they tell you to have pots.
Even we, clerics use them.
YOU need to learn how to dodge, YOU need to learn that big hitters followed by trash swarm WILL kill you if you don't bring pots. Clerics here are not like normal healers, our big heals have long cooldowns IF the cleric is running a build with them.
kstjabMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
I'm thinking you need to learn how to bring healing pots and when to properly use them.
Let me guess you are a TR who wants to pewpewpew but when you die you QQ QQ QQ "why you no heal me!?!?!" /rage
"Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."
Um, clerics don't have direct heals here so if you run off to the side of the room and get aggro, you might need to pot to survive.
If you stand in the cleric circles you will normally be fine without pots...but it's better if they warn you.
i ran a dungeon today with a cleric who wasnt using shield or any form of healing spells ( HAMSTER imo )and we never even made it to the boss but it got me thinking that cleric is really needed in most dungeons especially if you are farming for better gear otherwise you will just die all the time, but at op the cleric is there to make it easier not so you can just facetank the boss without pots , but there are some HAMSTER clerics out there from my experience today.
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
@OP: This is true for any MMO, you gotta bring your own pots. FYI, clerics have to use even more pots while keeping you up, since they only get a fraction of all the heals and all the aggro.
i ran a dungeon today with a cleric who wasnt using shield or any form of healing spells ( HAMSTER imo )and we never even made it to the boss but it got me thinking that cleric is really needed in most dungeons especially if you are farming for better gear otherwise you will just die all the time, but at op the cleric is there to make it easier not so you can just facetank the boss without pots , but there are some HAMSTER clerics out there from my experience today.
There are bad players of all classes. Some clerics spec for damage, which is a reasonable choice as they're great at clearing lots of weak adds at once. Cleric does not automatically equate healbot. Not to mention, Astral Seal is enough to keep up DDers most dungeons outside boss fights if they actually target the marked mobs.
The lack of understanding of healing mechanics in this game is pretty funny. This is not WoW. This is not another MMO you played previously. DC can't just slam a single target Greater Heal on you. DC provides damage MITIGATION. If you receive spike damage (e.g. you didn't dodge a big attack) you need to deal with that yourself. DC can only save your butt up to a certain point - some of the responsibility is on you to avoid spike damage.
I had a CW who took 70% damage and then ran away from fight/away from astral shield/heals so he was safely around the corner and then says "HEAL ME CLERIC!!!". It doesn't work like that. Heals are where the fight is. Stand in the blue circle and avoid spike damage. It's not hard.
It's true but only in "traditional" MMORPG, where tank - tanks, healer - heals and DD - deals damage. Neverwinter Online is not a traditional MMORPG, it's a product made by amateurs in order to get as much money as possible before people paying for "game" full of bugs and exploits realize they've just made their worst finance decision of 2013.
I bought an armored bear, a 24slotbag and 40 Keys. And youre right, I am really ashamed of myself. I have the same feeling like after I eat a hole tray of brownies all by myself. Its that gnawing feel of self-loathing and selfhatred.
<shoves his foot in his own butt>
Um, clerics don't have direct heals here so if you run off to the side of the room and get aggro, you might need to pot to survive.
If you stand in the cleric circles you will normally be fine without pots...but it's better if they warn you.
Clerics DO have direct heals. But those direct heals might heal 20% of the damage, like each and every other heal of theirs. In fact, their most potent "heal" is likely the plain astral seal, since at least that's an at-will.
I hate it so much when I see clerics telling you to have your own healing pots...isn't the point of having clerics to heal? Why should I have to use pots in a dungeon if I have a cleric? They need to learn to heal.
Can't tell if trolling...
If you're not trolling then i honestly feel bad for you.
Clerics DO have direct heals. But those direct heals might heal 20% of the damage, like each and every other heal of theirs. In fact, their most potent "heal" is likely the plain astral seal, since at least that's an at-will.
Empowered Forgemaster can top up the party within 10-20 seconds if it actually sticks together.
The lack of understanding of healing mechanics in this game is pretty funny. This is not WoW. This is not another MMO you played previously. DC can't just slam a single target Greater Heal on you. DC provides damage MITIGATION. If you receive spike damage (e.g. you didn't dodge a big attack) you need to deal with that yourself. DC can only save your butt up to a certain point - some of the responsibility is on you to avoid spike damage.
I had a CW who took 70% damage and then ran away from fight/away from astral shield/heals so he was safely around the corner and then says "HEAL ME CLERIC!!!". It doesn't work like that. Heals are where the fight is. Stand in the blue circle and avoid spike damage. It's not hard.
Yup,the further you are from the cleric the less chance you have of being healed by them. (at least with my build)
My current cleric/build dosn't have Astral Shield yet and I'm actually not planning to take it either.
I have plenty of healing for those that will stand by my side and fight,I do decent damage ,have decent crowd control and almost every skill/spell I have gives life or healing in some form.
My build encourages team members to be aware of the clerics folly (adds) by making their survival directly linked to the clerics skill usage output,rather than circles on the ground.
Put simply: If I'm not casting then I'm not healing....... if you see me running then the whole party is gonna wipe sorry =P
Empowered Forgemaster can top up the party within 10-20 seconds if it actually sticks together.
Yeah, but sticking together for 10-20 seconds is kinda tricky when you also need to dodge AoEs. Also, if you could stick together for 10-20 seconds, you could use healing pots almost twice by that time.. (Also, assuming pre-lv 50)
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Honestly OP your reasoning is very selfish, specially if you bother yourself taking 5 minutes to read how the DC works. He's a DoT healer and buffer, unlike the WoW's Holy Priest or the GW's Monk.
Also some of their heals require to target people, which is harder to do because sometimes mobs get in the way.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Honestly OP your reasoning is very selfish, specially if you bother yourself taking 5 minutes to read how the DC works. He's a DoT healer and buffer, unlike the WoW's Holy Priest or the GW's Monk.
Also some of their heals require to target people, which is harder to do because sometimes mobs get in the way.
Hell,even in GW1 as Monk,I always recommended that others bring one self heal.
So your one of those people who give me grief in game when im on my cleric zomg!!! your worst healer ever farktard I has to drink a heal pot. Guess what genius? If you had to drink a pot I had to drink more than you, and you probably contributed more to me having to drink pots with your playstlye and tactics.
Seriously im tired of those folks
And the worst are like this guy I was playing with in party today we get in group then he starts moaning about how long it took him to queue up. Then to find a cleric. Ok we have one great, he then goes to roll need on the boss items that fall which at the time happened to be cleric items while he was on a cw, and yeah he was moaning about having to drink the odd pot. Then he got all supprised and raged when the cleric called him out about his needing on the cleric class items and promptly left...
in some other MMO, it's BYOH or go die in a lava pool.
learn to be as self sufficient as possible.
Is that ddo? at least in that game some classes have a much harder time getting some reliable self heals, in this one theres pretty much no excuse to not having some pots, unless your really that broke, then go farm some plat whoops I mean silver to get yourself some stocks before you jump into another pug.
kimberixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Does a DPS still not expect the rest of the party to carry a weapon?
Does a tank still not expect the rest of the party to wear armour?
So, shouldn't a healer still not expect the rest of the party to use some potions?
DCs in this game are more about damage prevention and maintenance healing, not OMG WUT HAEL PLZ burst control. Also, you have to know what your DC is doing (stand in the AS, stand near the enemy with FF on it, etc). This means that if you have a good DC, you don't notice them doing anything. If you have a bad one, you rage. It's..not an easy job for DCs.
Pots keep you alive longer, and help them out (and trust me, they'll be chugging them waaaay more often than you are).
Just going to leave it short and sweet.
Also, i am not a cleric i am a very squishy CW.
P.S if i was a cleric players who act like you i would let die.
Because the cleric doesn't have the tools to spam-heal. Cleric heals are on cooldown, often can't target specific targets, and lack sufficient burst.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Devoted Cleric here.
Please have your own healing pots prepared for this dungeon as I refuse to heal anyone without them.
Thankyou for your time
Devoted Cleric
Play a cleric.
Then you will know why they tell you to have pots.
Even we, clerics use them.
YOU need to learn how to dodge, YOU need to learn that big hitters followed by trash swarm WILL kill you if you don't bring pots. Clerics here are not like normal healers, our big heals have long cooldowns IF the cleric is running a build with them.
I love you.
I'm thinking you need to learn how to bring healing pots and when to properly use them.
Let me guess you are a TR who wants to pewpewpew but when you die you QQ QQ QQ "why you no heal me!?!?!" /rage
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
If you stand in the cleric circles you will normally be fine without pots...but it's better if they warn you.
Ahahahaha, this HAS to go into my sig, thanks man
There are bad players of all classes. Some clerics spec for damage, which is a reasonable choice as they're great at clearing lots of weak adds at once. Cleric does not automatically equate healbot. Not to mention, Astral Seal is enough to keep up DDers most dungeons outside boss fights if they actually target the marked mobs.
I had a CW who took 70% damage and then ran away from fight/away from astral shield/heals so he was safely around the corner and then says "HEAL ME CLERIC!!!". It doesn't work like that. Heals are where the fight is. Stand in the blue circle and avoid spike damage. It's not hard.
<shoves his foot in his own butt>
Clerics DO have direct heals. But those direct heals might heal 20% of the damage, like each and every other heal of theirs. In fact, their most potent "heal" is likely the plain astral seal, since at least that's an at-will.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Can't tell if trolling...
If you're not trolling then i honestly feel bad for you.
Once you understand that class' mechanics, then you can judge if the other person is Doing It Right.
Even then, with the varied feats and skills available, they may be Doing It Right for their build, but not for the one you selected.
Healing other than the circle is problematic also. Very hard to target specific individuals with the current HUD.
OTHER QUESTION ANSWER is Potions bought from any vendor with 3 golden balls over head.
1- 20, 2- 35, 3- 18, 4- 20 min
Comments to -> the Book Binding
Yup,the further you are from the cleric the less chance you have of being healed by them. (at least with my build)
My current cleric/build dosn't have Astral Shield yet and I'm actually not planning to take it either.
I have plenty of healing for those that will stand by my side and fight,I do decent damage ,have decent crowd control and almost every skill/spell I have gives life or healing in some form.
My build encourages team members to be aware of the clerics folly (adds) by making their survival directly linked to the clerics skill usage output,rather than circles on the ground.
Put simply: If I'm not casting then I'm not healing....... if you see me running then the whole party is gonna wipe sorry =P
Yeah, but sticking together for 10-20 seconds is kinda tricky when you also need to dodge AoEs. Also, if you could stick together for 10-20 seconds, you could use healing pots almost twice by that time.. (Also, assuming pre-lv 50)
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Also some of their heals require to target people, which is harder to do because sometimes mobs get in the way.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
learn to be as self sufficient as possible.
Hell,even in GW1 as Monk,I always recommended that others bring one self heal.
Seriously im tired of those folks
And the worst are like this guy I was playing with in party today we get in group then he starts moaning about how long it took him to queue up. Then to find a cleric. Ok we have one great, he then goes to roll need on the boss items that fall which at the time happened to be cleric items while he was on a cw, and yeah he was moaning about having to drink the odd pot. Then he got all supprised and raged when the cleric called him out about his needing on the cleric class items and promptly left...
Is that ddo? at least in that game some classes have a much harder time getting some reliable self heals, in this one theres pretty much no excuse to not having some pots, unless your really that broke, then go farm some plat whoops I mean silver to get yourself some stocks before you jump into another pug.
Does a tank still not expect the rest of the party to wear armour?
So, shouldn't a healer still not expect the rest of the party to use some potions?