Hello, fellow foundry developers. These quests are my first attempts at making content. Please be gentle and provide feedback if possible. I tried to limit multiple encounters at the same time. The overall difficulty shouldn't be very hard, I wanted to make it as relaxing as possible.
A Mother's Woe by
Short Code:
Mission Type: Indoor/Outdoor Location Mission
Average Duration:11 min
Amount of Combat:average
Starts at: Town Gate
Mission Summary: A mother's daughter has gone missing, find her and punish those involved.
A Daughter's Love by
Short Code:
Mission Type: Dungeon Crawl
Average Duration: 20 min
Amount of Combat:average
Starts at: Enclave NPC
Mission Summary: A daughter's father went fishing and hasn't returned, though the mystery darkens from there.
Thank you in advance!
I did find a bug with "A Daughter's Love", for some reason the dog appeared between the two floors. So, I will need to rearrange things a little.
I have made a lot of grammar changes. Things like saying "Your" when I meant "You're"
Was ok but I found a few things that you might want to consider. Did you intend for the first clue (the scroll) to say, "I'm done with this map". Also the startup quest. I would have the name of the quest specify that the player needs to travel somewhere. The last encounter would be a lot more difficult if you placed the mobs closer together. As I said small things that I thought could use a bit more tweaking.
Second quest.
The first encounter that is needed to continue along. Try and place it somewhere where the players must go. Maybe the tunnel where the player enters the South street. Something out of place encounter was bugged. The mobs appeared high above, trapped in the ceiling. The last boss was easier then the part where I needed to kill 2 group of guards. Maybe you intended it that way. All in all was ok.
Keep up the good work. If you want to check out my campaign here is the code. NWS-DUH9IRBPP
No I didn't intend for it to say I'm done with this map
Thank you for reviewing the second quest. Only my wife has gone through it so most of her opinions are biased.
I didn't really consider people may not have tracking turned off. I will need to adopt a more descriptive style of location finding.
Thank you for the tips and I will adopt them into the quests!
I'm going through your quest right now.
Update: Check your PM valeran777, I couldn't find a thread to post comments on. I did give a great rating in the game though.