Id like to know when we might see new classes? and what? i know probably ranger first, but me personally i want dragon disciple!, berserker,summoner, some sort of were form druid
Just look at the skills that open boxes that are available, and that will tell you what is likely to be next. Theivery, Arcane, Dungeoneering, Religion, and Nature. With skill kits you can open the nature boxes, but no class can do it without a kit. Therefore, I would think either a ranger, or something else that might open a nature box.
Just look at the skills that open boxes that are available, and that will tell you what is likely to be next. Theivery, Arcane, Dungeoneering, Religion, and Nature. With skill kits you can open the nature boxes, but no class can do it without a kit. Therefore, I would think either a ranger, or something else that might open a nature box.
Just look at the skills that open boxes that are available, and that will tell you what is likely to be next. Theivery, Arcane, Dungeoneering, Religion, and Nature. With skill kits you can open the nature boxes, but no class can do it without a kit. Therefore, I would think either a ranger, or something else that might open a nature box.
I was thinking the same but one thing to mention though, Dungeoneering can be opened by 2 classes GF and GWF. Also, Arcane for CW and I think something like a warlock. Ranger can be thievery or nature, this might mean every kit has 2 classes that can open them.
jadedjackalopeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
I've heard multiple people saying that the next two classes will be a dual-wield ranger and scourge warlock, but I haven't seen anything official from PW.
id love a good were wolf/bear ectera druid different forms for different things werewolf would be fast bear just a brawler
Perhaps different forms would be collectable or something lizard form would be dot mitigateing
I want a Dragonborn Sniper with barret cal50, dual wield.
Or ranger striker, not some animal lover trap thrower controller using poisoned arrow and thing like that. A pure striker like the TR, just ranged.
Ah and no AOE...don't make it like the CW with less control and more damage.
morewardogsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd like to see paladin so long as it balances well with GF and GWF. as far as what we will see next, ranger.
The rogue already dual wields. We need a martial ranged character and the ranger's the best choice that I can think of. There's still tons of possibilities that haven't been explored, so a pure damage focused ranged character and a damage-over-time warlock character are great options.
I may be biased though, since my girlfriend won't play with me unless they add a Ranger.
Ranger and Warlock are fine, but after those two I'm really hoping we can get some kind of summoner class. Always been a fan of characters that manage lots of pets but few games ever get it right. Either the AI/pathing is terrible or the pets are weak or boring.
zbluggMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd like a monk. Please, a monk. Religion kits would work.
I'd really love a druid tbh. After playing WoW and D2 for a number of years I've been game hopping in hopes of finding another class that could shapeshift into another form to make it either a beefy tank or a quick hitting dps.
Ranger will most likely be the next class to come out though. Surprised it wasn't released along with the game in all honesty, I mean it IS the favored class among many ^^
well if they release rangers you know players are gunna demand that they give them giant miniature space hamsters as companions ! SQUEEEEEEEEK SQUEEEEEEEk hands off the hamster gnome aaaaaahh /flashback
i fully support a monk that would be cool also i wanna see a whtcha call it shadow assasin with the extra dodgeinesss ability
did they ever do any other dragon disciples in dnd other than red dragon disciples ? if so how where they different?
Id like to know when we might see new classes? and what? i know probably ranger first, but me personally i want dragon disciple!, berserker,summoner, some sort of were form druid
Player's handbook (PH) classes, then PH2 classes (primal classes added here), then PH3 classes (Psionic classes added here). Maybe then, artificer, assassin, swordmage and vampire (but I doubt it).
Also, each class has it's own class build options (Trickster Rogue, Devout Cleric, etc), which are how they are adding them to NW. Besides in d&d 4e, each class has a role (Defender, Striker, Leader, Controller), and probably as they add more classes they will add classes of different role as even as possible.
According to D&D 4e:
Cleric = Leader ("You lead by shielding allies with your prayers, healing, and using powers that improve your allies’ attacks." - PH D&D4e).
Fighter = Defender ("You are very tough and have the exceptional ability to contain enemies in melee." - PH D&D4e).
Rogue = Striker ("You dart in to attack, do massive damage, and then retreat to safety. You do best when teamed with a defender to flank enemies." - PH D&D4e).
Wizard = Controller ("You exert control through magical effects that cover large areas—sometimes hindering foes, sometimes consuming them with fire." - PH D&D4e).
They've said Ranger and Warlock are the next two coming, just haven't given an eta
When you say "They" you mean "All the players that have been talking about this for months and speculating based on fabricated dev posts that turned out to be other player posts speculating on other fabricated dev posts that were based on other players finding some game assets that are related to Rangers and Warlocks"? Or do you have a link to an actual dev post stating Ranger and Warlock?
I've seen all the speculation based on the data mined game assets and that presents a good case, but I haven't seen an actual developer post specifically stating Ranger and Warlock so if there is one I'd love to see it to satisfy my curiosity.
As much as I wish we could have a paladin as well, there is some empirical bad news and some speculative good news.
Empirically the classes have shown a need to be entirely distinct and different from one another. So they won’t be adding new classes that overlap existing classes in form or function. A paladin might look a little too much like a cleric or a guardian without filling either role well. So that’s not going to happen.
The new upcoming class everyone knows about Ranger/Archer is very different and unlike any of the existing classes. That is more like what you might see added as a class.
In my opinion a monk could serve as a melee controller and fill a role while being distinct both visually and in function. And would be awesome.
Speculatively though, consider this. What if the classes that are a bit too close for addition as their own branch were instead available as Paragon paths? So You could trade in your hand mirror for a glowing sword, Paladin! Trade in your Ice for Fire, Battle Mage! Give up daggers for dual swords…Dual wielding fighter.
That might be a way to get some classes in the game that wouldn’t get in any other way.
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
As much as I wish we could have a paladin as well, there is some empirical bad news and some speculative good news.
Empirically the classes have shown a need to be entirely distinct and different from one another. So they won’t be adding new classes that overlap existing classes in form or function. A paladin might look a little too much like a cleric or a guardian without filling either role well. So that’s not going to happen.
The new upcoming class everyone knows about Ranger/Archer is very different and unlike any of the existing classes. That is more like what you might see added as a class.
In my opinion a monk could serve as a melee controller and fill a role while being distinct both visually and in function. And would be awesome.
Speculatively though, consider this. What if the classes that are a bit too close for addition as their own branch were instead available as Paragon paths? So You could trade in your hand mirror for a glowing sword, Paladin! Trade in your Ice for Fire, Battle Mage! Give up daggers for dual swords…Dual wielding fighter.
That might be a way to get some classes in the game that wouldn’t get in any other way.
I wonder if you've actually played those classes in their 4th edition incarnations?
Monks are Strikers, like rogues, and rangers. Rangers are also the kings of dual wielding, since it's the primary alternate path from the archer. Fighters can do it, but are still far behind in dealing damage compared to true Strikers. (See the GWF for an example of the problems with hybrids.)
Paladins are Defenders (tanks, if you prefer), but they also grant healing. Being the only basic class that can wear plate at creation, they're closer to the GF than the DC as implemented. If I were to present them in Neverwinter, I'd give them abilities that grant an AoE heal based on the damage they take/block. This would be close the using your own healing surge to heal others that paladins use.
Clerics *should* be the best healers out there, since they were that among the Leaders. Warlords are your buffing & debuffing Leaders. Hopefully the 'adjustments' to DCs aren't as dire as they appear now, since adding a Ranger and Warlock would give us 3.5 Strikers, 1.5 Defenders, 1 Leader & 1 Controller out of 7 classes.
good thinking. Druid?
I was thinking the same but one thing to mention though, Dungeoneering can be opened by 2 classes GF and GWF. Also, Arcane for CW and I think something like a warlock. Ranger can be thievery or nature, this might mean every kit has 2 classes that can open them.
Perhaps different forms would be collectable or something lizard form would be dot mitigateing
maybe a small heal and buffs
Or ranger striker, not some animal lover trap thrower controller using poisoned arrow and thing like that. A pure striker like the TR, just ranged.
Ah and no AOE...don't make it like the CW with less control and more damage.
AN UNDEAD PALADIN!!!! Wait, wrong game.. I've only been asking for that for 7 years
I may be biased though, since my girlfriend won't play with me unless they add a Ranger.
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
Did I say monk?
Ranger will most likely be the next class to come out though. Surprised it wasn't released along with the game in all honesty, I mean it IS the favored class among many ^^
i fully support a monk that would be cool also i wanna see a whtcha call it shadow assasin with the extra dodgeinesss ability
did they ever do any other dragon disciples in dnd other than red dragon disciples ? if so how where they different?
Red Dragon Disciple will never happen man, sorry. If you wanna know more about the classes that can be added read this:
Look for the 4th edition classes.
According to that what can we expect:
Player's handbook (PH) classes, then PH2 classes (primal classes added here), then PH3 classes (Psionic classes added here). Maybe then, artificer, assassin, swordmage and vampire (but I doubt it).
Also, each class has it's own class build options (Trickster Rogue, Devout Cleric, etc), which are how they are adding them to NW. Besides in d&d 4e, each class has a role (Defender, Striker, Leader, Controller), and probably as they add more classes they will add classes of different role as even as possible.
According to D&D 4e:
Cleric = Leader ("You lead by shielding allies with your prayers, healing, and using powers that improve your allies’ attacks." - PH D&D4e).
Fighter = Defender ("You are very tough and have the exceptional ability to contain enemies in melee." - PH D&D4e).
Rogue = Striker ("You dart in to attack, do massive damage, and then retreat to safety. You do best when teamed with a defender to flank enemies." - PH D&D4e).
Wizard = Controller ("You exert control through magical effects that cover large areas—sometimes hindering foes, sometimes consuming them with fire." - PH D&D4e).
According to NW wiki:
GWF = Damage Dealer (Secondary Striker), Defender (Secondary).
TR = Striker.
GF = Defender.
DC = Leader, Controller (Secondary).
CW= Controller.
So we have:
Leader = 1
Defender = 1,5.
Striker = 1,5.
Controller = 1,5.
If they add Ranger and Warlock as some people say are the next, we will have 2 additional strikers, maybe 2 Striker 0,5 Controller.
Leader = 1
Defender = 1,5.
Striker = 3,5.
Controller = 2.
According to that we will need an additional Leader and Defender (thinking on that they roles will be added evenly).
So, next classes: Ranger, Warlock; Paladin (Defender), Warlord (Leader) or if they move to PH2, Bard (Leader).
"The harder the game, the better."
When you say "They" you mean "All the players that have been talking about this for months and speculating based on fabricated dev posts that turned out to be other player posts speculating on other fabricated dev posts that were based on other players finding some game assets that are related to Rangers and Warlocks"? Or do you have a link to an actual dev post stating Ranger and Warlock?
I've seen all the speculation based on the data mined game assets and that presents a good case, but I haven't seen an actual developer post specifically stating Ranger and Warlock so if there is one I'd love to see it to satisfy my curiosity.
Empirically the classes have shown a need to be entirely distinct and different from one another. So they won’t be adding new classes that overlap existing classes in form or function. A paladin might look a little too much like a cleric or a guardian without filling either role well. So that’s not going to happen.
The new upcoming class everyone knows about Ranger/Archer is very different and unlike any of the existing classes. That is more like what you might see added as a class.
In my opinion a monk could serve as a melee controller and fill a role while being distinct both visually and in function. And would be awesome.
Speculatively though, consider this. What if the classes that are a bit too close for addition as their own branch were instead available as Paragon paths? So You could trade in your hand mirror for a glowing sword, Paladin! Trade in your Ice for Fire, Battle Mage! Give up daggers for dual swords…Dual wielding fighter.
That might be a way to get some classes in the game that wouldn’t get in any other way.
Look up blackguard
I wonder if you've actually played those classes in their 4th edition incarnations?
Monks are Strikers, like rogues, and rangers. Rangers are also the kings of dual wielding, since it's the primary alternate path from the archer. Fighters can do it, but are still far behind in dealing damage compared to true Strikers. (See the GWF for an example of the problems with hybrids.)
Paladins are Defenders (tanks, if you prefer), but they also grant healing. Being the only basic class that can wear plate at creation, they're closer to the GF than the DC as implemented. If I were to present them in Neverwinter, I'd give them abilities that grant an AoE heal based on the damage they take/block. This would be close the using your own healing surge to heal others that paladins use.
Clerics *should* be the best healers out there, since they were that among the Leaders. Warlords are your buffing & debuffing Leaders. Hopefully the 'adjustments' to DCs aren't as dire as they appear now, since adding a Ranger and Warlock would give us 3.5 Strikers, 1.5 Defenders, 1 Leader & 1 Controller out of 7 classes.