1. Cleric blue shield. (No reasonable counter. 5 people jumping on 1 player to kill is not balanced)
- Just found out this is a bug triggered by using another "daily exploit" with it. It makes the cleric take 0 damage as long as she's in the blue circle. (tested and works)
2. Mounts. (Major advantage to cash shoppers... who can get much faster mounts)
3. The ability for enemies to jump into opposing team's base. (It's stupid when a GF can just run to enemy base and stay there until it's safe for him to cap the point)
4. Levels x4 to x8 does not scale properly making you extremely weak to levels x0 to x3 and x9. Example:
a) 10 to 13 = good. 14 to 18 = bad. 19 = good.
b) 20 to 23 = good. 24 to 28 = bad. 29 = good.
c) 30 to 33 = good. 34 to 38 = bad. 39 = good.
d) 40 to 43 = good. 44 to 48 = bad. 49 = good.
e) 50 to 53 = good. 54 to 58 = bad. 59 = good.
f) 60 = try to break the blue shielded cleric.
5. Ability for leader to kick anybody he wants and causes the bug where if you enter the another instance or pvp arena, it doesn't teleport you in. (I think you have to wait at least 20 minutes) - brought up by domardoris. Thx!
Another broken thing is the way that one out of the five people in the party has the ability to kick anyone he pleases for no reason. I just got bumped from a game where I was doing 10 kills 2 deaths and 15 assists, right before the win, the leader kicked me and I did nothing wrong... This was a way to get rid of AFK'ers but I think we need a votekick, not a kick function.
1. A single GF with knockback. Don't even make me start about CWs.
2. How is it different then green vs purple gear?
3. Exploit, will be fixed. Eventually. I hope...
4. wat?
1. Single GF with knockback does not take the blue shield away and the blue shield goes on all team members as well as long as they are close enough. We are talking about team fights here, not 1 v 1.
2. You can get purple gear from doing dungeons or trading in glory points. You cannot get faster mounts doing that without spending money on cash shop or trading AD for zen and hope to get lucky from those boxes.
3. Knowing Cryptic or PW, probably not. The stupid unlimited quest share to get unlimited bags is still working since start of open beta.
4. You don't know about the scaling bug? Take a screenshot of your stats in the pvp arena for each level. You will notice that from levels x0 to x3, your stats will scale to x9. From levels x4 to x8, your stats do not scale to x9. Understand? So basically, even though your level gets increased to x9, your stats do not if you are levels x4 to x8. That is 4 levels of wondering why the hell your damage and defense got so weak all of a sudden.
1. Cleric blue shield. (No reasonable counter. 5 people jumping on 1 player to kill is not balanced)...
f) 60 = try to break the blue shielded cleric.
Um I don't think you've played the level 60's bracket lately. At level 60 an average geared Trickster Rogue was able to two shot me even with my blue shield up. I even have a screenshot of his damage and it was insane.
As well a Guardian Fighter with the right abilities is able to completely stun lock a cleric before I can even get to cast more than 1 ability and still do more damage than I can heal with my blue shield up.
Control Wizards are average in that they can stun lock you with the right build and deal insane damage as well.
Great Weapon Fighters seem average as well but one on one if I play it right I can take them on fairly well.
The Cleric Shield is very easy to work around if you actually pay attention to what your class is supposed to do and to simply knock the cleric out of the zone.
Personally there is already too much loss of character in this game for me. I mean its to the point where I actually cannot do anything because of the low recharge times on most of the stuns, push backs, etc. of most classes. I doubt I'll continue pvping on my cleric except for the daily and might start a CW, TR, or GF for that.
Um I don't think you've played the level 60's bracket lately. At level 60 an average geared Trickster Rogue was able to two shot me even with my blue shield up. I even have a screenshot of his damage and it was insane.
As well a Guardian Fighter with the right abilities is able to completely stun lock a cleric before I can even get to cast more than 1 ability and still do more damage than I can heal with my blue shield up.
Control Wizards are average in that they can stun lock you with the right build and deal insane damage as well.
Great Weapon Fighters seem average as well but one on one if I play it right I can take them on fairly well.
The Cleric Shield is very easy to work around if you actually pay attention to what your class is supposed to do and to simply knock the cleric out of the zone.
Personally there is already too much loss of character in this game for me. I mean its to the point where I actually cannot do anything because of the low recharge times on most of the stuns, push backs, etc. of most classes. I doubt I'll continue pvping on my cleric except for the daily and might start a CW, TR, or GF for that.
Can you please provide a screenshot of your gears? Our cleric has the full pvp set and t1 level 60 epic jewelry from unicorn coins. She is unkillable unless 5 people jumps on her which is very imbalanced for team fights. Those people would whisper her after the match and let us inspect them. They had similar gears to her and pretty much the same gear score. This has happened numerous times. When I come a cross a cleric on the opposing side just like her, I whisper the person and find that their gear score is similar to mine as well. I'm a TR and I can definitely not 2 shot any clerics with blue shield on if they are wearing similar tiered gears than I am. I can however 1 shot clerics that are using green gears.
Also, the way how glory is awarded seems broke. Sometimes when I win a game and come top of the scoreboard, I get awarded little glory and no item reward either! But when I lose a game in an afk group, I get awarded lots. Something is not right there.
Also, the way how glory is awarded seems broke. Sometimes when I win a game and come top of the scoreboard, I get awarded little glory and no item reward either! But when I lose a game in an afk group, I get awarded lots. Something is not right there.
You lost during arena pvp bonus time and won without the bonus. The losing team shouldn't even be awarded any glory. If anything, they should be rewarded nothing, then it'll actually force players to form premades.
Want to know what is really broken, I just played a PvP match where a character named fuzz@iamfuzz was able to constantly attack me no matter where I was and no matter where he was and I mean all match long. If I die and respawn then I still get attacked by him at the home spawn location even though I know he is clear on the opposite end of the map. This is beyond broken when players can pull this type of thing off.
Another broken thing is the way that one out of the five people in the party has the ability to kick anyone he pleases for no reason. I just got bumped from a game where I was doing 10 kills 2 deaths and 15 assists, right before the win, the leader kicked me and I did nothing wrong... This was a way to get rid of AFK'ers but I think we need a votekick, not a kick function.
I agree with this, I've been kicked once in PvP a split second before it concluded when I was leading the party in kills and points. I was also kicked a second before a PvE ended which really made me upset due to all the time lost without credit.
I hope this threads a joke, nothing about PvP is balanced..as it's not a PvP centric game. It has the option to PvP. There is a difference.
I mean come on, none of the set bonuses work...you can pay-to-win matches quicker/get an advantage by buying a faster mount, the list goes on.
sivinakMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
It boggles my mind how broken control wizards are at the moment, the fact that they have 3 teleports as well as all that cc, not to mention they still have a truck load of damage. Just how is this balanced at all? I play a GWF and I can barely close the gap to them with 30% cc reduction and cc immunity. They kill me before I can even get near them, and if 2 of them are together you can't do anything. They need to at least take away one of the dashes and make diminishing returns on chain cc, because that is ridiculously annoying.
I would ask for better and specific PvP gear... and i mean all the gear, not just some parts of it. (maybe few sets so pvpers can choose how to gear up?)
Make it harder to get honor, make whatever you want, but doing pve for pvping has no sense ( and vice versa)
PS: a few astral diamonds after a match would also be nice, so we can get some cash.
It boggles my mind how broken control wizards are at the moment, the fact that they have 3 teleports as well as all that cc, not to mention they still have a truck load of damage. Just how is this balanced at all? I play a GWF and I can barely close the gap to them with 30% cc reduction and cc immunity. They kill me before I can even get near them, and if 2 of them are together you can't do anything. They need to at least take away one of the dashes and make diminishing returns on chain cc, because that is ridiculously annoying.
Rock Paper Scissors type of pvp. Just run away from CWs if you're a rogue or GWF in a 1 v 1 situation unless you decided to add cc immunity to your arsenal. If you have the CC immunity skill you can get into the CW's face and knock him down once and it's game over.
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
1. Ray of enfeeblement
2. Stacking astral shields.
3. TR daily.
4. CW daily.
1. Ray of enfeeblement
2. Stacking astral shields.
3. TR daily.
4. CW daily.
Fix those, fix the game.
If they remove all of those, I'd be happy. Actually, it would make me outshine everyone even more than I do now. The only times I've gotten killed is from those 4 things you listed.
Can you please provide a screenshot of your gears?
Well the only difference between his and my gear than; excluding enchants, would be that I do not have the jewelry which is still only greens. Though unless I would be going for the defensive rings and necklace would only increase my power by 258, crit by 50, and HP by 516. Though the 258 power would help with healing I'm pretty sure the damage reduction is a static percentage.
Now if I get the Defensive rings and necklace I would increase my defense by 387 which would increase my damage resistance around 4% ish and get 1032 hp. This is nice but the hits I've been taking from rogues range from 5-7k for their Encounters and if they hit with the daily I can be 1 shotted from 15k to even 32k atm. So I dont think the 4 % is going to bother too much with that kind of bust damage.
And I doubt your cleric friend is unkillable its probably people just not targeting the healer. I've even kept peoples hp from moving when I'm not targeted but as soon as I'm spotted than I can be easily CC'd and bursted down.
So if you have even 5 people that are Non Clerics they have even 2 Clerics you cant get all 5 of you to Focus Fire and CC people out of the Shield? Seems like a player problem not a mechanics problem. I mean we just did a pvp about an hour ago with 2 clerics on each side and we were fighting forever in the middle. Our side figured to focus on one and CC him out of the shields and we crushed them fast after that.
Well the only difference between his and my gear than; excluding enchants, would be that I do not have the jewelry which is still only greens. Though unless I would be going for the defensive rings and necklace would only increase my power by 258, crit by 50, and HP by 516. Though the 258 power would help with healing I'm pretty sure the damage reduction is a static percentage.
Now if I get the Defensive rings and necklace I would increase my defense by 387 which would increase my damage resistance around 4% ish and get 1032 hp. This is nice but the hits I've been taking from rogues range from 5-7k for their Encounters and if they hit with the daily I can be 1 shotted from 15k to even 32k atm. So I dont think the 4 % is going to bother too much with that kind of bust damage.
And I doubt your cleric friend is unkillable its probably people just not targeting the healer. I've even kept peoples hp from moving when I'm not targeted but as soon as I'm spotted than I can be easily CC'd and bursted down.
Also as you stated earlier...
So if you have even 5 people that are Non Clerics they have even 2 Clerics you cant get all 5 of you to Focus Fire and CC people out of the Shield? Seems like a player problem not a mechanics problem. I mean we just did a pvp about an hour ago with 2 clerics on each side and we were fighting forever in the middle. Our side figured to focus on one and CC him out of the shields and we crushed them fast after that.
Our cleric figured it out. It's an exploit that makes Astral Shield never ending so that the shield never goes down. Apparently triggered with a known daily exploit also makes her take 0 damage as long as she's in the blue circle. *sigh*
orcunselfMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
Before everything, i play cleric.
Astral shield stacking is wrong or doesn't sound right to me, and i think it needs to be fixed, it's way too overpowered for both pve and pvp aspects.
Some folks pointed out to have someone knock them out of ze blue shild , how about doing that, instead of keep calling it an "exploit" ? Oh boy, after the whole "cat" bullcrap going on and the major exploits that ruined in-game economy what you complain about is like a fly in your soup, suck it up.
Both pve and pvp is team play, if you team lacks the utility to knock cleric out of AS or CCing them then you'll lose anyway. In pve as some people mentioned before cleric AS is a major reason for if not for most but certain parties to clear particular dungeons, with given overall other bugs and exploits and current overall player quality across the game. I agree there are tons of things that needs to be fixed, softened, toned etc. But is this really that huge of a deal?
Complain about it the right way, not by calling it an "exploit".
A single skill on a single class should not influence the playstyles of every other class and all their skills.
Seriously, this is ONE skill on the clerics toolbar. This isn't a daily, this isn't a one-off, this is a skill than can be repeatedly laid down and can be without the cleric even there for the duration since it last so long.
I mean really, there are pvp specs entirely built towards anti-AS now, that one single skill, is having entire builds for it.
What is really broken in PvP is the people. I have been trying to level one of my alts solely through PvP, but the sheer amount of incompetence and lack of even the most basic capacity of strategic thinking is shocking. No amount of balance tweaks will make people play smarter.
This doesn't matter if you play on a premade, you will always win anyway, but in random games this is by far the largest factor that decides the outcome.
What is really broken in PvP is the people. I have been trying to level one of my alts solely through PvP, but the sheer amount of incompetence and lack of even the most basic capacity of strategic thinking is shocking. No amount of balance tweaks will make people play smarter.
This doesn't matter if you play on a premade, you will always win anyway, but in random games this is by far the largest factor that decides the outcome.
Did you just really blame all of the shortcomings in NWN-PvP on good ol' baddies?
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
A single skill on a single class should not influence the playstyles of every other class and all their skills.
Seriously, this is ONE skill on the clerics toolbar. This isn't a daily, this isn't a one-off, this is a skill than can be repeatedly laid down and can be without the cleric even there for the duration since it last so long.
I mean really, there are pvp specs entirely built towards anti-AS now, that one single skill, is having entire builds for it.
Yeah, and clerics have to use astral shield to counter all the damage from CWs and TRs.
I mean really, all clerics have to spec astral shield in PvP. An entire class has to build for it to help counter CWs and TRs.
Did you just really blame all of the shortcomings in NWN-PvP on good ol' baddies?
No. I agree with most of the points listed (I mostly play CW and Enfeebling Ray is nuts, no one can possibly deny that), but I do feel that the "human factor" really does determine the outcome of many games. Both sides tend to have classes with imbalanced skills. It's rare that you have teams without 2 CWs, 2 TRs or 1-2 DCs.
The PvP here is in pretty bad shape, at least at 60. I enjoy it on my alts in the lower level brackets, though.
I've been annoyed by the 10-level gap for awhile here. It's fun to me, still, but the expanse in levels makes NO sense most of the time. It's impossible for most characters at 10 levels of difference to enjoy a round of PvP. The way it normally goes, for my GWF at least, is the first five levels of a new 10-level gap, I basically get destroyed. Next few I can hold my own until I get mobbed, and then at about X8 or X9 (meaning 38, 39, 48, 49, etc.) I noticed I would dominate anyone below me or would be evenly matched against someone my level. Definitely something that needs to be fixed. I strongly recommend a 4-level difference at most.
On mounts, I have to disagree with you there. Though mounts can make a huge difference (I have a fast one that's saved my team in PvP several times), I actually worked to get it doing free Zen surveys and such, I didn't technically pay for it with anything other than time. Though I'm sure lots of people have just dumped cash on it, not all of us have, and if you want to equalize that, save up Zen and get one yourself.
Now, one thing I didn't see mentioned here is the ability to drop shrines in PvP!!! WTF?!! This enables horribly easy methods for dominating another team if they don't know the trick, since you can use them to heal within the arena without using any of the special potions you can purchase. Definitely fix that.
What is really broken in PvP is the people. I have been trying to level one of my alts solely through PvP, but the sheer amount of incompetence and lack of even the most basic capacity of strategic thinking is shocking. No amount of balance tweaks will make people play smarter.
This doesn't matter if you play on a premade, you will always win anyway, but in random games this is by far the largest factor that decides the outcome.
Nah, not true. Though I've been in some bad parties, most of it is due to the level gap. If people aren't playing right, it's because you're not joining together as a team correctly. Before the match starts I always make sure to switch to Party chat and tell everyone what we should do, make suggestions, announce my intentions to draw enemies back to pillars, stuff like that. That's something you need to learn and teach. Tweaking some of the level issues and serious OP damage of TRs is something else.
Balancing. Why is it so easy to make gearscore based queues for Dungeons but for PvP you can enter with 6.5k gs and fight vs 10k+ gs people resulting in obvious loss from first or second teamfight making the whole game NOT FUN. Why not match up people with other people on even gearscores for fair fights?
malkavierMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Clerics have one ability that prevents them from being insta-gibbed. The classes that like to insta-gib Clerics are complaining about said skill. Repel, how does it work?
How Cryptic trolls the entire NWO playerbase: 9200 GS listed for CN, implying anyone who needs more has no skill.
perfectindigoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I don't know exactly what makes some clerics unkillable with their circles, but when I come across a cleric who has it figured out, they are the only character that I will simply disengage in pvp. GFs can be tough to kill but at least they take damage and are killable if you want to spend the time doing it. Clerics however change the entire strategy from fighting over points to running away to different points and trying to trick the cleric into separating from the group. On top of that, failing to kill a cleric means that all temporary damage done to enemies is healed. Clerics eliminate the strategy of attempting to hurt enemies as much as possible to leave them vulnerable for allies or forcing them out of position to get potions or use their pvp potions. I'm not sure if one class with one skill should be powerful enough to change the entire strategy of the other team.
As for knocking clerics out of their circles, it's still usually a two person job. A cleric that is knocked out of a circle will just slide back in and heal right back up unless they can be completely stun locked and killed outside the circle. And if there are two clerics working together, they can't be killed except by teams with high dps and coordination. And if they have a dps with them, they'll kill everyone who attacks who doesn't have their own healer. So, probably disengage from one good cleric, and entirely avoid two good clerics.
As for the mounts, they are a pay to win advantage. The economy doesn't have a reasonable zen/ad ratio yet, so people can't grind out enough ad to expect to have a competitive mount until a long time after they hit 60. People definitely aren't going to be able to grind enough zen for those mounts at lower levels, so the under 60 brackets are pay to win for mounts. Mount speed often makes the difference in getting to a point in time to contest it and having to fight for and wait to recap the point.
Clerics have one ability that prevents them from being insta-gibbed. The classes that like to insta-gib Clerics are complaining about said skill. Repel, how does it work?
Preposterous, what are you CRAZY!? There's no place on a instagib CW's skillbar for Repel, so obvious there shouldn't be a class that can survive their damage!
Psh, kids nowadays, and their crazy ideas.
2. How is it different then green vs purple gear?
3. Exploit, will be fixed. Eventually. I hope...
4. wat?
1. Single GF with knockback does not take the blue shield away and the blue shield goes on all team members as well as long as they are close enough. We are talking about team fights here, not 1 v 1.
2. You can get purple gear from doing dungeons or trading in glory points. You cannot get faster mounts doing that without spending money on cash shop or trading AD for zen and hope to get lucky from those boxes.
3. Knowing Cryptic or PW, probably not. The stupid unlimited quest share to get unlimited bags is still working since start of open beta.
4. You don't know about the scaling bug? Take a screenshot of your stats in the pvp arena for each level. You will notice that from levels x0 to x3, your stats will scale to x9. From levels x4 to x8, your stats do not scale to x9. Understand? So basically, even though your level gets increased to x9, your stats do not if you are levels x4 to x8. That is 4 levels of wondering why the hell your damage and defense got so weak all of a sudden.
Um I don't think you've played the level 60's bracket lately. At level 60 an average geared Trickster Rogue was able to two shot me even with my blue shield up. I even have a screenshot of his damage and it was insane.
As well a Guardian Fighter with the right abilities is able to completely stun lock a cleric before I can even get to cast more than 1 ability and still do more damage than I can heal with my blue shield up.
Control Wizards are average in that they can stun lock you with the right build and deal insane damage as well.
Great Weapon Fighters seem average as well but one on one if I play it right I can take them on fairly well.
The Cleric Shield is very easy to work around if you actually pay attention to what your class is supposed to do and to simply knock the cleric out of the zone.
Personally there is already too much loss of character in this game for me. I mean its to the point where I actually cannot do anything because of the low recharge times on most of the stuns, push backs, etc. of most classes. I doubt I'll continue pvping on my cleric except for the daily and might start a CW, TR, or GF for that.
Can you please provide a screenshot of your gears? Our cleric has the full pvp set and t1 level 60 epic jewelry from unicorn coins. She is unkillable unless 5 people jumps on her which is very imbalanced for team fights. Those people would whisper her after the match and let us inspect them. They had similar gears to her and pretty much the same gear score. This has happened numerous times. When I come a cross a cleric on the opposing side just like her, I whisper the person and find that their gear score is similar to mine as well. I'm a TR and I can definitely not 2 shot any clerics with blue shield on if they are wearing similar tiered gears than I am. I can however 1 shot clerics that are using green gears.
You lost during arena pvp bonus time and won without the bonus. The losing team shouldn't even be awarded any glory. If anything, they should be rewarded nothing, then it'll actually force players to form premades.
I agree with this, I've been kicked once in PvP a split second before it concluded when I was leading the party in kills and points. I was also kicked a second before a PvE ended which really made me upset due to all the time lost without credit.
I mean come on, none of the set bonuses work...you can pay-to-win matches quicker/get an advantage by buying a faster mount, the list goes on.
Make it harder to get honor, make whatever you want, but doing pve for pvping has no sense ( and vice versa)
PS: a few astral diamonds after a match would also be nice, so we can get some cash.
Rock Paper Scissors type of pvp. Just run away from CWs if you're a rogue or GWF in a 1 v 1 situation unless you decided to add cc immunity to your arsenal. If you have the CC immunity skill you can get into the CW's face and knock him down once and it's game over.
2. Stacking astral shields.
3. TR daily.
4. CW daily.
Fix those, fix the game.
If they remove all of those, I'd be happy. Actually, it would make me outshine everyone even more than I do now. The only times I've gotten killed is from those 4 things you listed.
Well the only difference between his and my gear than; excluding enchants, would be that I do not have the jewelry which is still only greens. Though unless I would be going for the defensive rings and necklace would only increase my power by 258, crit by 50, and HP by 516. Though the 258 power would help with healing I'm pretty sure the damage reduction is a static percentage.
Now if I get the Defensive rings and necklace I would increase my defense by 387 which would increase my damage resistance around 4% ish and get 1032 hp. This is nice but the hits I've been taking from rogues range from 5-7k for their Encounters and if they hit with the daily I can be 1 shotted from 15k to even 32k atm. So I dont think the 4 % is going to bother too much with that kind of bust damage.
And I doubt your cleric friend is unkillable its probably people just not targeting the healer. I've even kept peoples hp from moving when I'm not targeted but as soon as I'm spotted than I can be easily CC'd and bursted down.
Also as you stated earlier...
So if you have even 5 people that are Non Clerics they have even 2 Clerics you cant get all 5 of you to Focus Fire and CC people out of the Shield? Seems like a player problem not a mechanics problem. I mean we just did a pvp about an hour ago with 2 clerics on each side and we were fighting forever in the middle. Our side figured to focus on one and CC him out of the shields and we crushed them fast after that.
Our cleric figured it out. It's an exploit that makes Astral Shield never ending so that the shield never goes down. Apparently triggered with a known daily exploit also makes her take 0 damage as long as she's in the blue circle. *sigh*
Astral shield stacking is wrong or doesn't sound right to me, and i think it needs to be fixed, it's way too overpowered for both pve and pvp aspects.
Some folks pointed out to have someone knock them out of ze blue shild , how about doing that, instead of keep calling it an "exploit" ? Oh boy, after the whole "cat" bullcrap going on and the major exploits that ruined in-game economy what you complain about is like a fly in your soup, suck it up.
Both pve and pvp is team play, if you team lacks the utility to knock cleric out of AS or CCing them then you'll lose anyway. In pve as some people mentioned before cleric AS is a major reason for if not for most but certain parties to clear particular dungeons, with given overall other bugs and exploits and current overall player quality across the game. I agree there are tons of things that needs to be fixed, softened, toned etc. But is this really that huge of a deal?
Complain about it the right way, not by calling it an "exploit".
Seriously, this is ONE skill on the clerics toolbar. This isn't a daily, this isn't a one-off, this is a skill than can be repeatedly laid down and can be without the cleric even there for the duration since it last so long.
I mean really, there are pvp specs entirely built towards anti-AS now, that one single skill, is having entire builds for it.
This doesn't matter if you play on a premade, you will always win anyway, but in random games this is by far the largest factor that decides the outcome.
Did you just really blame all of the shortcomings in NWN-PvP on good ol' baddies?
Yeah, and clerics have to use astral shield to counter all the damage from CWs and TRs.
I mean really, all clerics have to spec astral shield in PvP. An entire class has to build for it to help counter CWs and TRs.
See how that works?
The PvP here is in pretty bad shape, at least at 60. I enjoy it on my alts in the lower level brackets, though.
On mounts, I have to disagree with you there. Though mounts can make a huge difference (I have a fast one that's saved my team in PvP several times), I actually worked to get it doing free Zen surveys and such, I didn't technically pay for it with anything other than time. Though I'm sure lots of people have just dumped cash on it, not all of us have, and if you want to equalize that, save up Zen and get one yourself.
Now, one thing I didn't see mentioned here is the ability to drop shrines in PvP!!! WTF?!! This enables horribly easy methods for dominating another team if they don't know the trick, since you can use them to heal within the arena without using any of the special potions you can purchase. Definitely fix that.
Nah, not true. Though I've been in some bad parties, most of it is due to the level gap. If people aren't playing right, it's because you're not joining together as a team correctly. Before the match starts I always make sure to switch to Party chat and tell everyone what we should do, make suggestions, announce my intentions to draw enemies back to pillars, stuff like that. That's something you need to learn and teach. Tweaking some of the level issues and serious OP damage of TRs is something else.
Clerics have one ability that prevents them from being insta-gibbed. The classes that like to insta-gib Clerics are complaining about said skill. Repel, how does it work?
As for knocking clerics out of their circles, it's still usually a two person job. A cleric that is knocked out of a circle will just slide back in and heal right back up unless they can be completely stun locked and killed outside the circle. And if there are two clerics working together, they can't be killed except by teams with high dps and coordination. And if they have a dps with them, they'll kill everyone who attacks who doesn't have their own healer. So, probably disengage from one good cleric, and entirely avoid two good clerics.
As for the mounts, they are a pay to win advantage. The economy doesn't have a reasonable zen/ad ratio yet, so people can't grind out enough ad to expect to have a competitive mount until a long time after they hit 60. People definitely aren't going to be able to grind enough zen for those mounts at lower levels, so the under 60 brackets are pay to win for mounts. Mount speed often makes the difference in getting to a point in time to contest it and having to fight for and wait to recap the point.
Preposterous, what are you CRAZY!? There's no place on a instagib CW's skillbar for Repel, so obvious there shouldn't be a class that can survive their damage!
Psh, kids nowadays, and their crazy ideas.