I don't get people who instantly yell "APOCALYPSE" when something like that happens.... Does this entertain you ?
IMO this is nothing compared to other launches I have experienced, regarding the fact that the queue times were fixed very fast. Aion for example was far, far worse.
Queue times were fixed fast because that directly affected how fast cash would flow in.
I don't get people who instantly yell "APOCALYPSE" when something like that happens.... Does this entertain you ?
IMO this is nothing compared to other launches I have experienced, regarding the fact that the queue times were fixed very fast. Aion for example was far, far worse.
That is a pretty bad comparison. Of course NW was going to be able to fix the queue issue faster than Aion. The main reason for the queue problem in Aion was because they were trying to eliminate faction imbalance.
Cryptic only calls it a beta cos they dont want to be held liable for any bugs that are found.
They call it a beta to warn you that the bugs are there. It isn't a coverup, it is an omission.
Anytime any game tells you that they are in beta, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find and report them." If you aren't comfortable with that, if you are not comfortable with corrections to the game due to bug correcting (such as rollbacks), then you should just stay away from any game using the word "beta." If you don't believe this is a beta, you are basically saying you saw the warning and then ignored it.
We also read the FAQ that said there would be no character reset. I only chose to spend my time and money on that basis. I'm quite happy with the minimal roll back and their intention to hunt down individual miscreants.
lollieMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
They call it a beta to warn you that the bugs are there. It isn't a coverup, it is an omission.
Anytime any game tells you that they are in beta, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find and report them."
And when a game tells you that they are in beta, AND have a cash shop, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find and use them for my own personal gain."
This isn't the worst. FFXIV was worse by a long shot.
Hell, WoW had a pretty dismal first week and look at them...
First week? Was pretty bad the first two months. Although to be fair they gave out free time like candy during that mess.
They did a really good job back then communicating with the community and rewarding players in ways so they would stick it out.
Least you remember.
Always blows my mind when people bring up WoW and remark about how it was such a fantastic and smooth launch. Can pretty much tell they weren't actually playing at launch haha
This isn't the worst. FFXIV was worse by a long shot.
Hell, WoW had a pretty dismal first week and look at them...
Just going to say Hellgate: London
iamdoctordeathMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
For a veteran company- making the same mistakes they've made in previous games, and not stamping out exploits that we found for them during alpha testing and posted on the forums then....
And when a game tells you that they are in beta, AND have a cash shop, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find/use them once, report them and understand the bug could be corrected... from within your inventory, a week later."
Working as intended then.
Always report the bugs you find and don't exploit them. That way when action is taken against the accounts guilty you have your report/ticket to fall back on. There being a cash shop is irrelevant, purchases with either currency can be reversed.
Playing MMORPGs since Ultima Online and this launch is actually not bad at all
Even the fact they have balls to do a rollback is good, much better then to let exploiters enjoy their stolen things
Also I agree that this is not a beta, this is officially launched product that the company is charging real money for.
I kind of feel for them to an extent on this issue. No matter how they played it they were going to HAMSTER off a portion of the player base. Do a rollback? Some get mad at what they lose. Longer the rollback then some will be satisfied while others have more reason to be angry. Do a wipe? Well, they said there wouldn't be one. So how do you counter those that want one against those that will blow their top since they promised no more wipes?
They were really kind of screwed no matter how they handled it least far as how some would perceive it.
Now there are some other matters and concerns I think this team needs to start having their feet held to the fire over but honestly on this issue...this one alone...I feel for them a bit.
I kind of feel for them to an extent on this issue. No matter how they played it they were going to HAMSTER off a portion of the player base. Do a rollback? Some get mad at what they lose. Longer the rollback then some will be satisfied while others have more reason to be angry. Do a wipe? Well, they said there wouldn't be one. So how do you counter those that want one against those that will blow their top since they promised no more wipes?
They were really kind of screwed no matter how they handled it least far as how some would perceive it.
Now there are some other matters and concerns I think this team needs to start having their feet held to the fire over but honestly on this issue...this one alone...I feel for them a bit.
While I do agree with you, but this situation was caused by one of the bigger issues. They should not have brought the game into this "open beta" phase without more testing. Founders packs and pre orders and general are pretty common practice these days, but when you make a big push to get alot more people in the game to spend their money, that's when you're going to be held accountable for your game.
These issues were brought up in closed beta, so if they needed more time to root out why they were happening they should have taken more time to resolve it, if they just ignored them, that's even more shameful.
While I do agree with you, but this situation was caused by one of the bigger issues. They should not have brought the game into this "open beta" phase without more testing. Founders packs and pre orders and general are pretty common practice these days, but when you make a big push to get alot more people in the game to spend their money, that's when you're going to be held accountable for your game.
These issues were brought up in closed beta, so if they needed more time to root out why they were happening they should have taken more time to resolve it, if they just ignored them, that's even more shameful.
True. I can't verify those saying this exploit was posted and reported during CB. I know some links have been put up but my pc at work is blocking them. If it is true that since CB there were those commenting on this being an exploit then that is indeed very disappointing and simply an utter failure on PWE and Cryptic's behalf.
As for the other issues at hand they get no sympathy from me and frankly there should be some resolution to them by now. At least some of them.
get 60th lvl, found no end-game there, exploits, bug's, ninja-rollback and thousands of other issues...
it was rly nice when leveling - now it's just reason to leave and wait for official launch and switch to something else... Elder Scroll online maybe?
I'll check this forum from time to time, it's funny to read some whinning of ppl who care to play on so bugged beta...
Always report the bugs you find and don't exploit them. That way when action is taken against the accounts guilty you have your report/ticket to fall back on. There being a cash shop is irrelevant, purchases with either currency can be reversed.
No, you don't. When you get banned you can't log in and you can't contact customer support, because you're banned. There is no phone support. You could try creating another account and sending a ticket concerning the other one, but, from my own experience, you'd have to wait 3-4 days for an answer.
I'd say when you find an exploit (you usually find it when you actually exploit something by accident or testing), submit it, forget about it and pray, because if you get banned along with people who exploited it... you're a goner.
D3- masive bugs (such a run and kill everything on your path)
D3- Inapsible act 2 without bugs
D3 - perma stun boses
D3 - invinsibilty 5 monk group finished contentn in less than 10 hours.
D3 - multiple bots farming gold (day 1-5 gold prise 30$-1 mill day 90+ gold prise does it still ewen have value anymore?)
----insert milion bugs here----
D3 - AH gold DUpe
--insert milion unfixed bugs----
well its just reasent one not gona go back in my mind about Gw2, SWOTR (wich is dead already)
No, you don't. When you get banned you can't log in and you can't contact customer support, because you're banned. There is no phone support. You could try creating another account and sending a ticket concerning the other one, but, from my own experience, you'd have to wait 3-4 days for an answer.
I'd say when you find an exploit (you usually find it when you actually exploit something by accident or testing), submit it, forget about it and pray, because if you get banned along with people who exploited it... you're a goner.
So MMOs with worst launches than NWO include FFXIV, GW2, Simcity, STO, Diablo 3, SWTOR.... and there are plenty more that we COULD keep going. People saying NWO is a disaster have never been with an MMO since the begining they are ALL rough at first and I bet when TES: O comes out that will have a few rough patches too.
Heck I think even WoW may have had a rougher start than NWO but you are looking around a decade back then, some of the people QQing in this thread may not have even been born then.
I'm pretty unhappy about the recent turn of events but at least that involves exploiters. But......this whole debacle has -nothing- on the last final fantasy MMO launch. Im going to guess that game cost five or six times what this game cost to develop and really...it's beyond repair and already taken it's fatal blow. Neverwinter took a good stab in the chest but it might come out of critical condition and then thrive.
Just made this account to tell you how much AD we have acumulated on our mule accounts by past few days
Right now our site has to sell over 1.3kkk AD 1$ for each 1kk !
Thank you Cryptic for making us rich Despite such disaster ppl buyin like crazy...
Also big thanks for all this stupid american's buyers
ps. Just showing off coz w/e stupid ppl will buy it and this game is garbage And probably no1 will even care about this post either.
So MMOs with worst launches than NWO include FFXIV, GW2, Simcity, STO, Diablo 3, SWTOR.... and there are plenty more that we COULD keep going. People saying NWO is a disaster have never been with an MMO since the begining they are ALL rough at first and I bet when TES: O comes out that will have a few rough patches too.
Heck I think even WoW may have had a rougher start than NWO but you are looking around a decade back then, some of the people QQing in this thread may not have even been born then.
I thought SWTOR was fairly decent. Until you got to the CF known as Ilum.
Other than that their main issue was they went insane with server additions and they had some of the worst faction balancing to exist in an mmo. Well...and their stubbornness did them in with other issues such as having a group finder
Really, crying over the fact that you can pay RL money in the beta is just silly. You should know that the game isn't 100% finished, despite being able to pay for it. Paying is optional and no one is forcing you to do it. Like many others here have said, I don't spend money on an unfinished product. If you have done so and feel scammed, then it's your loss.
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I don't think I've seen an MMO launch with this much maintenance (every day? seriously?), this much class imbalance (useless GF/GWF, too much heal aggro, etc.), and this many exploits.
And before you say to me, oh it's not a launch its still beta, PUH-LEASE wake up and smell the roses this game is full soft launch in every way imaginable, Cryptic only calls it a beta cos they dont want to be held liable for any bugs that are found.
LOL. How long have you played MMO? EQ was pretty bad. UO was bad. even the "fable" WoW. Vanilla WoW was so bad you could log in for a long time and server was having issues.
Sure those MMO are good now, but at launch? Disaster for each of them. Recent? GW2 anyone? D3?
That is a pretty bad comparison. Of course NW was going to be able to fix the queue issue faster than Aion. The main reason for the queue problem in Aion was because they were trying to eliminate faction imbalance.
They call it a beta to warn you that the bugs are there. It isn't a coverup, it is an omission.
Anytime any game tells you that they are in beta, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find and report them." If you aren't comfortable with that, if you are not comfortable with corrections to the game due to bug correcting (such as rollbacks), then you should just stay away from any game using the word "beta." If you don't believe this is a beta, you are basically saying you saw the warning and then ignored it.
And when a game tells you that they are in beta, AND have a cash shop, just say to yourself "ok so there are lots of bugs and if I play it is my job to find and use them for my own personal gain."
Working as intended then.
Hell, WoW had a pretty dismal first week and look at them...
First week? Was pretty bad the first two months. Although to be fair they gave out free time like candy during that mess.
They did a really good job back then communicating with the community and rewarding players in ways so they would stick it out.
Least you remember.
Always blows my mind when people bring up WoW and remark about how it was such a fantastic and smooth launch. Can pretty much tell they weren't actually playing at launch haha
Just going to say Hellgate: London
Yeah- this is pretty darn shameful.
To be fair though even if that game didn't have any bugs it still sucked XD
Even the fact they have balls to do a rollback is good, much better then to let exploiters enjoy their stolen things
Also I agree that this is not a beta, this is officially launched product that the company is charging real money for.
Always report the bugs you find and don't exploit them. That way when action is taken against the accounts guilty you have your report/ticket to fall back on. There being a cash shop is irrelevant, purchases with either currency can be reversed.
I kind of feel for them to an extent on this issue. No matter how they played it they were going to HAMSTER off a portion of the player base. Do a rollback? Some get mad at what they lose. Longer the rollback then some will be satisfied while others have more reason to be angry. Do a wipe? Well, they said there wouldn't be one. So how do you counter those that want one against those that will blow their top since they promised no more wipes?
They were really kind of screwed no matter how they handled it least far as how some would perceive it.
Now there are some other matters and concerns I think this team needs to start having their feet held to the fire over but honestly on this issue...this one alone...I feel for them a bit.
These issues were brought up in closed beta, so if they needed more time to root out why they were happening they should have taken more time to resolve it, if they just ignored them, that's even more shameful.
True. I can't verify those saying this exploit was posted and reported during CB. I know some links have been put up but my pc at work is blocking them. If it is true that since CB there were those commenting on this being an exploit then that is indeed very disappointing and simply an utter failure on PWE and Cryptic's behalf.
As for the other issues at hand they get no sympathy from me and frankly there should be some resolution to them by now. At least some of them.
it was rly nice when leveling - now it's just reason to leave and wait for official launch and switch to something else... Elder Scroll online maybe?
I'll check this forum from time to time, it's funny to read some whinning of ppl who care to play on so bugged beta...
No, you don't. When you get banned you can't log in and you can't contact customer support, because you're banned. There is no phone support. You could try creating another account and sending a ticket concerning the other one, but, from my own experience, you'd have to wait 3-4 days for an answer.
I'd say when you find an exploit (you usually find it when you actually exploit something by accident or testing), submit it, forget about it and pray, because if you get banned along with people who exploited it... you're a goner.
D3- Inapsible act 2 without bugs
D3 - perma stun boses
D3 - invinsibilty 5 monk group finished contentn in less than 10 hours.
D3 - multiple bots farming gold (day 1-5 gold prise 30$-1 mill day 90+ gold prise does it still ewen have value anymore?)
----insert milion bugs here----
D3 - AH gold DUpe
--insert milion unfixed bugs----
well its just reasent one not gona go back in my mind about Gw2, SWOTR (wich is dead already)
And this should be the worst launch? Lol noobs.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Thats my point
Heck I think even WoW may have had a rougher start than NWO but you are looking around a decade back then, some of the people QQing in this thread may not have even been born then.
Just made this account to tell you how much AD we have acumulated on our mule accounts by past few days
Right now our site has to sell over 1.3kkk AD 1$ for each 1kk !
Thank you Cryptic for making us rich
Also big thanks for all this stupid american's buyers
ps. Just showing off coz w/e stupid ppl will buy it and this game is garbage
I thought SWTOR was fairly decent. Until you got to the CF known as Ilum.
Other than that their main issue was they went insane with server additions and they had some of the worst faction balancing to exist in an mmo. Well...and their stubbornness did them in with other issues such as having a group finder
LOL. How long have you played MMO? EQ was pretty bad. UO was bad. even the "fable" WoW. Vanilla WoW was so bad you could log in for a long time and server was having issues.
Sure those MMO are good now, but at launch? Disaster for each of them. Recent? GW2 anyone? D3?
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.