katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
edited May 2013
Wow, 7 hours. Might as well not bother at all.
Things started going down hard on Friday, who knows what happened before that.
clockwerkninjaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
More than a joke, it is an insult to those of us who funded this game...7 hr rollback, lmfao..the downtime was longer than the rollback.. Insulting.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
monzcarroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Now maybe you'd rather wait for a more "finished version" id rather play and test the current build while they make the changes, than HAVE NO GAME AT ALL.
You arent forced to play, so why are you crying? I bought zen to the tune of 180$, and im fine.
You don't like the game? Quit honestly noone cares, except yourself and you won't even be quitting. If you did quit you wouldnt bother to post it here.
I never posted ont he forums making a goodbye crybaby nubcake thread about "i quit" when I was done with a game. I just up and left.
Rollback is for show just like the few token bans they handed out. They aren't meant to actually fix anything, they are meant to show the inexperienced MMO player that Cryptic is doing something. I say inexperienced, because more experienced MMO players have seen this repeated too many times.
Agree, seems like most of the people that are against a complete wipe are very casual players that probably play mostly solo and can't see the big picture and how the economy is ruined.
sorry i have been reading the whinning for ages now and finally had enough. DONT forget this is BETA, not a released game. we are here to test the game. not to treat it like a finial product. guessing you never done beta testing before.
get over it.
Beta's have wipes at the end.
Your argument is void.
Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
wow just read the rollback post and that sucks. I dont get much time do to work to play week days so the longest I have been able to play is sunday and every thing I did was in the 7 hour rollback. Ohh well lost most of my weekend play time weeeeeeeeee.
Roughly 20 hours ago I remember checking out the Zen/AD exchange shop, which surprised me cause it was around 300-400 AD per zen (was keeping track for when I wanted to buy some) and was shocked to see them instantly being bought out. So this has indeed been happening a lot longer than the 7 hour period. All I can think of is a couple of noobs decided to go crazy and just full blown exploit it to the point the economy was based on Cats
Yes I saw the same saturday. That was going like crazy. That was also the time I saw a lot of error with "negative bids" when I wanted to buy some nightmare box.
Look I've yet to even play this game, but has anyone here played a pay to play MMO? I remember 20 hours down time on star wars galaxy's, 2-3 days World of Warcraft ... both games I was paying a monthly subscription for. 7 hours is NOTHING! Calm your ***'s if it wasn't a game worth playing your wouldn't all be at each others throats for some minor maintenance.
It's not so much the time frame as that it fixes absolutely nothing. This exploit existed in closed beta & they decided to launch the game without fixing it. It's a complete joke.
7 hour rollback might not be an actual insult,yet I do feel insulted.
And as I feel insulted,I'll now withdraw from any further participation in the community forums and most certainly participation in the game (in particular spending my cash on Zen).
First off the game isnt in open beta thats all half truths, technically Neverwinter's sister game STO is still in open beta and has been for over 3 years, just saying open beta isnt ending soon :P
Secondly most NORMAL players would rage quit if there was a seven day roll back because a few on the forums went rage face.
The exploiters have been banned if the devs are speaking truths.
7 hours is the time this went completely public so everyone and their grandmother exploited. There have been lots of people who did it earlier. Like the ones who reported the bug a good time ago, or those who did the exact same thing in sto...
monzcarroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
7 hours is the time this went completely public so everyone and their grandmother exploited. There have been lots of people who did it earlier. Like the ones who reported the bug a good time ago, or those who did the exact same thing in sto...
I like this game and will keep playing, but I won't spend a further dollar on it. I intend to make the most of F2P.
weisskreuz421Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
I've posted it a few times tonight. I saw this when it was just us HOTN playing. This has been happening on the AH since 0 hour. A 7 hour rollback is a pathetic and ignorant..... and greedy.... solution to a very big issue. They can not assure me the money I spent, buying zen, to buy AD, on the exchange, wasn't me buying cheated AD. So no. I'm not ok with this. It's not ethical to those of us who choose to support this game by BUYING ZEN TO BUY AD AND NOT BUYING CHINESE GOLD FARMER AD.
We deserve the same level of respect and dedication we, as players and fans, give you.
charezonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Agree, seems like most of the people that are against a complete wipe are very casual players that probably play mostly solo and can't see the big picture and how the economy is ruined.
100% agree with you on this. My guess is that the people who take the economy and long term "health" of the game the most serious are the Founders whom invested money, not the casual free players.
The 7hr rollback is an absolute joke, or rather, an insult to the majority of the player community.
First off the game isnt in open beta thats all half truths, technically Neverwinter's sister game STO is still in open beta and has been for over 3 years, just saying open beta isnt ending soon :P
Secondly most NORMAL players would rage quit if there was a seven day roll back because a few on the forums went rage face.
The exploiters have been banned if the devs are speaking truths.
Problem. Exploit is as old as when the HOTN's started playing. It would be like going to a bank, and being OK with just getting %.25 of your paycheck. That's how much 7 hours is going to impact the damage this exploit did.
First off the game isnt in open beta thats all half truths, technically Neverwinter's sister game STO is still in open beta and has been for over 3 years, just saying open beta isnt ending soon :P
Secondly most NORMAL players would rage quit if there was a seven day roll back because a few on the forums went rage face.
The exploiters have been banned if the devs are speaking truths.
Yes, you're a HAMSTER. I know 3 people who of now still don't have a ban and each have a billion AD sitting in their account.
sorry i have been reading the whinning for ages now and finally had enough. DONT forget this is BETA, not a released game. we are here to test the game. not to treat it like a finial product. guessing you never done beta testing before.
get over it.
Facts :
1) they said there will be no further wipe
2) they are already selling zen
3) there is no difference as if the game was lauched : it is open to the whole public
So it is not anymore a beta. Sure google used the same excuse for a decade. But sorry, for all intent and purpose it is "launched". Note in my case I do not care much, I enjoy it either way. But saying "it is in beta" like a mantra is funny.
weisskreuz421Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
like i said in other forums, they need to give us a new shard for those who wish to avoid this and want a fresh start... they dont want to wipe and the damage is already done.
jn2002dk1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
While 7 hours rollback is something my problem with it is this
This bug was there in closed beta and even worse, it was also in STO (another Cryptic game) months ago
I appreciate the effort they've put in, however, I think that this has unfortunately gone out of control. I believe the only way to fix this, is at least a AD wipe. It's going to suck, but the in game economy is completely broken. If they're reading this, know that what you're trying to do is keep collateral damage to a minimum, but you're putting a band-aid on a leg that needs amputation. Please, do something to fix this economy or at least produce a new shard.
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ok over all the 7hr rollback wasn't as bad as I was fearing. Of my 3 characters I only lost 2 lvls on my primary alt, a level or two on my primary alt companion, a few pieces of general gear (mostly greens) a few profession turn ins. I will see where my nearly 600k AD I had up for zen trade are when they bring that part back online. Over all I can sleep knowing that I did not lost anything I can not replace. 10hr work shift and 15hr forum surfing wait for server to come back up is enough for one day, time for some sleep.
You don't know more then PWE about this game. If you did you wouldn't be wasting your time in these forums crying. Its a game. Have fun, play, let them do their job. When the servers are down, go outside and get some exercise. If you did spend real $ to play this game, it was probably as much as you should be making in an hour or 2 at your real job and you weren't forced to spend it. Grow up and put as much effort as you do into these posts into where your life matters. If this is it...You need to make some changes. Enjoy and thank you PWE for a great game!
You don't know more then PWE about this game. If you did you wouldn't be wasting your time in these forums crying. Its a game. Have fun, play, let them do their job. When the servers are down, go outside and get some exercise. If you did spend real $ to play this game, it was probably as much as you should be making in an hour or 2 at your real job and you weren't forced to spend it. Grow up and put as much effort as you do into these posts into where your life matters. If this is it...You need to make some changes. Enjoy and thank you PWE for a great game!
The point of a game is to enjoy itself. Also, yes I understand it's a game, that's why we wanted to play it. The way you say we should go do something else doesn't fly on a business model. Why should any of us have to wait for a decision that should have been relatively easy to make? What about the people who spent money on this game? Why should they wait? I'm appalled you would even suggest that the money they spent should be so easily thrown away, they worked for that, regardless if it's a dime or ten thousand dollars. That's their money. Don't make a call and PWE should be prepared for criticism.
You don't know more then PWE about this game. If you did you wouldn't be wasting your time in these forums crying. Its a game. Have fun, play, let them do their job. When the servers are down, go outside and get some exercise. If you did spend real $ to play this game, it was probably as much as you should be making in an hour or 2 at your real job and you weren't forced to spend it. Grow up and put as much effort as you do into these posts into where your life matters. If this is it...You need to make some changes. Enjoy and thank you PWE for a great game!
Some one give this guy a Zonda or something 'cause this guys post is pure win.
See what I did there?
Things started going down hard on Friday, who knows what happened before that.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
You actually need clever to be a troll.
Beta's have wipes at the end.
Your argument is void.
Yes I saw the same saturday. That was going like crazy. That was also the time I saw a lot of error with "negative bids" when I wanted to buy some nightmare box.
It's not so much the time frame as that it fixes absolutely nothing. This exploit existed in closed beta & they decided to launch the game without fixing it. It's a complete joke.
then maybe you should try to be "clever".
Me on the other hand, im just being honest. No time to troll, especially when this forum is full of them.
I will be the voice of intelligence, this forum needs one.
And as I feel insulted,I'll now withdraw from any further participation in the community forums and most certainly participation in the game (in particular spending my cash on Zen).
have a nice day Cryptic/PWE.
Secondly most NORMAL players would rage quit if there was a seven day roll back because a few on the forums went rage face.
The exploiters have been banned if the devs are speaking truths.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
I like this game and will keep playing, but I won't spend a further dollar on it. I intend to make the most of F2P.
We deserve the same level of respect and dedication we, as players and fans, give you.
100% agree with you on this. My guess is that the people who take the economy and long term "health" of the game the most serious are the Founders whom invested money, not the casual free players.
The 7hr rollback is an absolute joke, or rather, an insult to the majority of the player community.
Problem. Exploit is as old as when the HOTN's started playing. It would be like going to a bank, and being OK with just getting %.25 of your paycheck. That's how much 7 hours is going to impact the damage this exploit did.
Yes, you're a HAMSTER. I know 3 people who of now still don't have a ban and each have a billion AD sitting in their account.
Facts :
1) they said there will be no further wipe
2) they are already selling zen
3) there is no difference as if the game was lauched : it is open to the whole public
So it is not anymore a beta. Sure google used the same excuse for a decade. But sorry, for all intent and purpose it is "launched". Note in my case I do not care much, I enjoy it either way. But saying "it is in beta" like a mantra is funny.
Let's make this guy the new lead at Cryptic.
This bug was there in closed beta and even worse, it was also in STO (another Cryptic game) months ago
The point of a game is to enjoy itself. Also, yes I understand it's a game, that's why we wanted to play it. The way you say we should go do something else doesn't fly on a business model. Why should any of us have to wait for a decision that should have been relatively easy to make? What about the people who spent money on this game? Why should they wait? I'm appalled you would even suggest that the money they spent should be so easily thrown away, they worked for that, regardless if it's a dime or ten thousand dollars. That's their money. Don't make a call and PWE should be prepared for criticism.
Some one give this guy a Zonda or something 'cause this guys post is pure win.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus