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Ah/ad exploit around since closed beta

redwaterxredwaterx Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Until someone provides me with proof of these claims, I'm going to call bull-**** on them. Firstly, why was this not spoken of BEFORE the issues arose? You would think that, should someone's ticket NOT get through to Support, it'd be spoken of on Reddit, or the Forums, or elsewhere - however, no one's said ANYTHING of the like. As a matter of fact, before the AH/AD exploit, NO ONE EVEN SPOKE OF IT, as far as I know or have seen. Not anywhere. Secondly, there's nothing to support the claims - no screenshots, no timestamps - everything is just something someone on Reddit said after an exploit was founding, and everyone decided they'd take it and run with it out of frustration. Even after doing some digging, I found nothing regarding the exploits in closed beta that held any truth. Don't be sheep. Someone wanted to capitalize on the issues going on and compiled a list of known exploits that have already been touched on by PWE, and proceeded to claim they were things they had submitted prior to Open Beta. All for up-votes, all to make PWE look ****ty, and all for the attention it'd bring them and the fuss it'd cause. I'm a fanboy by no means - I'm not exactly a gigantic supporter of the way PWE does things, but I'm not a hate-monger ether - but you kids have got to stop buying into the bull-**** people populate the internet with. Christ.
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