Bardstown vs The Nashers by @ettric
Short Code: NW-DOCQF7DOH
Added Wolves, Bears, & Boars
Added lots of details to the Keep
#Combat #Forest #Short #Easy
Mission Type: Combat
Average Duration: ~20M
Amount of Combat: 18 Required, (50 total Encounters on map)
Starts at: City Gates (Bardstown is north or Neverwinter)
Mission Summary:
Bardstown is a small village along the Forest Road between Neverwinter and Luskan.
The Nashers have moved into the area and are trying to takeover Bardstown. The residents have had enough and are fighting back against The Nashers. The Baillie has assembled the citizen militia, but needs you to lead them in defense of Bardstown. Next, free the hostage from the Nasher Camp south-east of town. Then rush to another group defensive battle at the Dwarven Keep, followed by a quick counter-attack on the old Orc Fort.
Author tips/hints:
This quest takes place all on one map, so you can ride your mount. I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions. I hope to make Bardstown a continuing storyline.
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Thank you again to everyone that watched the stream and I hope all those who received a unique item courtesy of the development team has PM'ed Zovya so she pass you a code to claim.
Presently at this moment in time I am 'trying' to get the videos from that day live on to my channel, alas Twitch is being very difficult. When I try and upload these videos the screen goes dark as if it's trying to bring up the prompt box in order for me to input the video information to commence the transfer but nothing comes up. So essentially I get stuck with a blank screen and nothing prompting me to 'okay' the upload.
If this is a bug or not I do not know, I have tried however to do this through three different browsers, chrome, firefox and good old IE but to no avail. So, I am trying to get that freaking sorted!
What I may do in the mean time as I try and wrangle the fix of that with the twitch staff is upload some random quests not presently on my listing and drag Zovya along to do it. Mainly for the fun and for the means to obtain some of those delicious boxes that have come with today's event.
Catch you in game and remember, streaming again next Wednesday! Spread the word!
Thank you again to everyone that watched the stream and I hope all those who received a unique item courtesy of the development team has PM'ed Zovya so she pass you a code to claim.
Presently at this moment in time I am 'trying' to get the videos from that day live on to my channel, alas Twitch is being very difficult. When I try and upload these videos the screen goes dark as if it's trying to bring up the prompt box in order for me to input the video information to commence the transfer but nothing comes up. So essentially I get stuck with a blank screen and nothing prompting me to 'okay' the upload.
If this is a bug or not I do not know, I have tried however to do this through three different browsers, chrome, firefox and good old IE but to no avail. So, I am trying to get that freaking sorted!
What I may do in the mean time as I try and wrangle the fix of that with the twitch staff is upload some random quests not presently on my listing and drag Zovya along to do it. Mainly for the fun and for the means to obtain some of those delicious boxes that have come with today's event.
Catch you in game and remember, streaming again next Wednesday! Spread the word!
Try to capture/download the vids from Twitch and re-encode them before upping to youtube.
Guess that would do the trick! Looking forward to see you guys running "Bored of the Rings"
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The entire campaign can be found here:NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Hope you manage to solve it Tsu, best of luck (Since I have no clue how any of that work ^^)
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Good morning everyone!
I hope everyone is well and no matter where you are, you are enjoying a little bit of sunshine.
I am really here to remind you that on the 31st July, Wednesday at 6pm EST / 11pm GMT we will be doing another Foundry Stream at and you are all invited.
If an incentive is ever needed we will be giving away a Knight of the Feywild Pack which is worth $60!! So, remember, you gotta be in it... to win it! The Stream that is
Tsumoro (also, no luck on the stream to Youtube business. Seems like an issue with twitch at the moment. Once it's remedied they will be back logged on my channel)
I hope everyone is well and no matter where you are, you are enjoying a little bit of sunshine.
I am really here to remind you that on the 31st July, Wednesday at 6pm EST / 11pm GMT we will be doing another Foundry Stream at and you are all invited.
If an incentive is ever needed we will be giving away a Knight of the Feywild Pack which is worth $60!! So, remember, you gotta be in it... to win it! The Stream that is
Tsumoro (also, no luck on the stream to Youtube business. Seems like an issue with twitch at the moment. Once it's remedied they will be back logged on my channel)
Tally Hoo
Ooooh! Epic prizes AND mid-week entertainment... Me loves it!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The entire campaign can be found here:NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
I would love for you to check out my quests sometime. The shortcodes are in my signature.
Synopsis: A man's daughter has come down with a mysterious illness. He found a rather mad alchemist to help him cure her. In the process of doing so there is an accident at the labs. You have to help the alchemist set things right at the lab and cure the sick little girl.
Average duration: 30 min
Mission Type: Story/Combat
I know that you have quite a few backed up so I understand if you can't get around to it. I just wanted to put it out there. I am looking forward to checking out your live stream, if I can ever get out of working on Wednesdays that is.
The Secret to Paradise: NWS-DCV313OOCFOUNDRY DAILY Part 1 - Paradise Lost? NW-DDMMIKYTB Part 2 - Into the Mist NW-DIJXRI4NT Part 3 - Wind of The North NW-DFB9K8KWH
Better get twitch to fix their problem. Did you ditch the rest of my campaign after being subjected to the inbred cripple?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] The entire campaign can be found here:NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited July 2013
. . . . . I've only seen my Campaign played on a stream once and it was brief and in the early states. I'd love to get some real-time feedback like you do on your streams. So, if you have the time, do please check out The Dweomerkeepers (not the spotlight act I, as it is old). Link is in my signature. The first three missions available are all now in their "live" state, and have been vastly changed/improved/updated since Alpha/Beta and even since Act I was spotlit.
. . . . . Keep in mind, the Campaign is dialog heavy with a lot of optional lore through out but also has plenty of combat. It is also fair to note, this is actually part of an adventure I had planned years ago for my Players in my PnP Campaign, but their actions lead them down another path and this story never got told to them.
. . . . . I plan on having a total of 8 mission in this Campaign by the time I wrap it up, but want to make sure each one fits in with the current timeline Neverwinter is in, so this is why I have the following acts on hold, until I finish getting my mage to experience all the zones in Neverwinter, to properly fit the rest of the Acts into various Zones players will travel to while leveling up.
Would like if you have time to check out my quests (there are in my signature)
Reason i am asking is because i don't know how long im gonna have these up for since i have no more room for quests, the first quest to get deleted when i need it will be the danger room one since it was a test dungeon
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Would like if you have time to check out my quests (there are in my signature)
Reason i am asking is because i don't know how long im gonna have these up for since i have no more room for quests, the first quest to get deleted when i need it will be the danger room one since it was a test dungeon
You can buy more slots, I do believe, with Astral Diamonds.
Looking now, I don't see how anymore. I thought it was on the main foundry screen. Hmm, I'l have to inquire on this and get back to you tomorrow. (edit - Might have to fill up all your slots first? edit= nope, tried that) Not sure anymore. Strange! It might all now be achievement related.
first time i heard of that, i didn't know u can buy more and the foundry menu doesn't say anything about that
edit. thanx, yeah my slots are all filled up now
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Right me'hearties Garrrrr it's time to answer some questions which I have in the back log. But first, allow me to remind everyone that we have the Twitch Stream tonight, 6pm EST and 11pm GMT (goodness I shall be tired!). Stream is available at so be there.. or be square! Not a cube, but an actual square, we are getting medieval on the 2D!
Firstly a quick update about me. Not much has happened on the channel for a few days, mainly because irl has been a little busy. This has involved me going for job interviews and the like as I still need a job (c'mon man, don't make me beg) so I do apologize for the radio silence. This will change most likely after today now I am a bit clear on what I can and can't get done.
I have added your quest to my listing, it is too long a quest for us to be able to stream but it is something I can play in my own time and put it up on my channel. So, you will see your quest (when I get to it) on my channel rather than the live stream.
@ettric, @pris23, @jedite2012 & @ruinbane- Your quest has also been added to my listings. Thank you for submitting them to me x x (lots of kisses).
@lolsorhand - I was trying very very hard to resolve the matter with directly. I have been trying a few days now and I have not received a response. This is something that has been a bit disappointing to be honest and I feel it is a bug/flaw on their side which prevents me from taking the stream. I have even had the gracious and doubly delicious Zovya link my youtube account through her twitch to see if it would work in that regards but to no avail.
This will most likely lead to me manually downloading the videos from twich and then adding them to my channel. All future stream content (for myself) will involve me frapsing the stream and then manually adding it that way. A LARGE pain in the groin but I do what I must. But thank you for your support mate x
@zebular I would love to play through your whole campaign. I am not deterred by dialog heavy content, some of my videos can go beyond 2-3 hours a quest. Typically if the average quest time is 40 mins, you can pretty much guarantee it will take me an hour plus as I read aloud everything. This is something I will discuss with Zovya though, because the twitch channel is something that we want to give everyone an equal chance, so, we may play through the first quest live, but then the follow up quests would be through my channel and either would be myself soloing or Zovya tagging along, singing a song, bobbing along (you know, that old bed HAMSTER and broomsticks film).
@jedite2012, @zebular - With regards to the quest slot issue and it is 'kinda' an issue is that it is within your best interests to KEEP all your quests on the foundry live. Make a new account (as it's free to do so) and level up a toon to the foundry point (would take you an hour or so maybe). Then you get a whole brand new 10 slots.
Ideally I would like to see quest slots increased, mainly because I would love to see people run whole DnD campaigns which span acts and chapters and not be limited in any many. I do not believe that slots should be 'bought' as you are creating content for Neverwinter and I feel its a little bit cheeky to charge someone to make content for your game. My opinion mind you, but I would rather have it so you earned more slots by quest success or something like that, give motivation for people to improve on their already made content. Not a soap box by any means shape or form it's just I would rather spend my zen on the cosmetic stuff.
@sourcreamking - I can assure you my friend that your campaign has not been ditched. However, I believe our live streaming stance is to give everyone a chance to be featured. Once I have things figured out with twitch and my channel I will manually play your campaign and upload to my channel to be viewed. It will either be on my own (most likely) or with Zovya.
Ideally I want to be in a position where I can get through one quest a day for the channel, I want to keep growing my audience for foundry content and plug Neverwinter best I can.
So my delightful chum! Don't panic hehehe nothing will be missed, for I am an elephant and I never forget... or forgive...
Right! That was a lot of questions, I am happy to answer more and more questions I am also very keen to take on more and more quests. Make me WORK for it people! I promise to try and get content up on the channel on a regular basis.
Oh! Before I forget, this is important! Zovya as you know her has had the Dungeon Masters Twitch stream for some time. Those who previously watched might of done so when it was on a Saturday. This basically means that Zovya might have featured some people quests before through that stream. As such she has confirmed to me she would not double feature those quests. So, basically what will happen is those quests will not be 'live' but will be me playing and enjoying them! Yay!
Anyhow, I have rambled enough. Talk to you soon my lovelies x (TONIGHT!!! -wags finger-)
Edit: I will be also changing the front page to make it look better and more accessible. This will take some time as it hosts a lot of content.
You can buy more slots, I do believe, with Astral Diamonds.
You sure on that Zeb?
I've scoured the Zen Store for that option, if it is there it is very well hidden.
I believe that in STO you can buy more foundry slots with AD, but wasn't aware that had been implemented here yet, even though it has been assumed we will see it at some point.
I believe that in STO you can buy more foundry slots with AD, but wasn't aware that had been implemented here yet, even though it has been assumed we will see it at some point.
All The Best
Indeed it was, for I remember buying slots in Alpha. I never looked again until as I posted above. So, it got removed/changed/disabled/something sometime between Alpha and ???. In any case, I am going to inquire what happened to this feature. I'll try and get an answer ushered into the Extended FAQ on the general forums as soon as I can.
Hi Tsumoro, I'm 98% sure it was one of your video's that brought me to Neverwinter to begin with so I'd like to thank you for that. I had never even considered there being an mmo with something like the foundry before and spent much of my time just running pvp in other games. Now it's like 60% foundry playing & making and 40% PVP. That's a pretty big change.
zovyaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Please read the rest of my post that you didn't quote. Thanks!
Indeed it was, for I remember buying slots in Alpha. I never looked again until as I posted above. So, it got removed/changed/disabled/something sometime between Alpha and ???. In any case, I am going to inquire what happened to this feature. I'll try and get an answer ushered into the Extended FAQ on the general forums as soon as I can.
Right, the purchase slots options was available right up till the release of open beta, where they disappeared. We've had members make it up to the rank of "Moonstar" (not to be confused with alpha tester status) and no hints of achievements granting any more slots so far.
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
Please read the rest of my post that you didn't quote. Thanks!
Indeed it was, for I remember buying slots in Alpha. I never looked again until as I posted above. So, it got removed/changed/disabled/something sometime between Alpha and ???. In any case, I am going to inquire what happened to this feature. I'll try and get an answer ushered into the Extended FAQ on the general forums as soon as I can.
Yes please that would be wonderful. Ideally what I would 'personally' like to see is either the additional slots purchased for AD or, for the committed foundry authors to receive additional slots through foundry related achievements.
Right, the purchase slots options was available right up till the release of open beta, where they disappeared. We've had members make it up to the rank of "Moonstar" (not to be confused with alpha tester status) and no hints of achievements granting any more slots so far.
I didn't get to play in closed beta sadly, so this was all missed by my little self but, it would be nice to see more slots. Seems a bit silly to make a whole new account in order to increase your quest slots. I imagine it was most likely taken away as a form of quality control?
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
Hi Tsumoro, I'm 98% sure it was one of your video's that brought me to Neverwinter to begin with so I'd like to thank you for that. I had never even considered there being an mmo with something like the foundry before and spent much of my time just running pvp in other games. Now it's like 60% foundry playing & making and 40% PVP. That's a pretty big change.
If it was one of my videos then that is excellent! Most of us are vagabonds, travelling to one MMO to another, consuming the battlefield of content trying to find a fixed home to rest our feet and admire our trophies. The foundry, for me keeps me invested, in the creation process and in the content process. With so much content being made by the community I can always ensure I do something new and enjoyable rather than repeating content just for those extra nuggets of gear score to be notched to my belt.
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
I got one or two games because of your vids as well (Though I keep my time invested in NW, Like the game and the foundry.)
Good game so far, i love the foundry too, hope they don't screw it up like they did with CO
agentjasporMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Good times, love what you're doing for the community. I'd like to be added to the queue if you don't mind.
Crystal Relics campaign NWS-DMXNCNAVJ. The first quest is pretty short and straightforward. The second one is a lot less typical, with several branching paths as to how the final goal can be accomplished.
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Thanking you to everyone that caught the stream last night, was good to be able to chat with everyone. Your support means a lot to us. I have also updated my channel with the videos from last night and the prior Wednesday (finally). Updates will be made to the front page of this thread after I have finished my quest off hehe.
At 6pm EST/ 11pm GMT Live stream of those delightful Foundry Quests at
Be there and have a jolly good time!
There is an apparent give-away too!
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
I look forward to next week!
Threads: Part 1: Rising of the Dragons (NW-DNGIC6AJC) | Part 2: Abyssal Pursuit (NW-DESQ9HQAZ)
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Bardstown vs The Nashers by @ettric
Short Code: NW-DOCQF7DOH
Added Wolves, Bears, & Boars
Added lots of details to the Keep
#Combat #Forest #Short #Easy
Mission Type: Combat
Average Duration: ~20M
Amount of Combat: 18 Required, (50 total Encounters on map)
Starts at: City Gates (Bardstown is north or Neverwinter)
Mission Summary:
Bardstown is a small village along the Forest Road between Neverwinter and Luskan.
The Nashers have moved into the area and are trying to takeover Bardstown. The residents have had enough and are fighting back against The Nashers. The Baillie has assembled the citizen militia, but needs you to lead them in defense of Bardstown. Next, free the hostage from the Nasher Camp south-east of town. Then rush to another group defensive battle at the Dwarven Keep, followed by a quick counter-attack on the old Orc Fort.
Author tips/hints:
This quest takes place all on one map, so you can ride your mount. I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions. I hope to make Bardstown a continuing storyline.
Campaign Name: Tales of Neverwinter "NWS-DNWD6EZLY"
Adventure Name: Witch of the North "NW-D16VFU8TQ"
Adventure: The Witch of the North "NW-D16VFU8TQ"
Link: The Witch of the North
Presently at this moment in time I am 'trying' to get the videos from that day live on to my channel, alas Twitch is being very difficult. When I try and upload these videos the screen goes dark as if it's trying to bring up the prompt box in order for me to input the video information to commence the transfer but nothing comes up. So essentially I get stuck with a blank screen and nothing prompting me to 'okay' the upload.
If this is a bug or not I do not know, I have tried however to do this through three different browsers, chrome, firefox and good old IE but to no avail. So, I am trying to get that freaking sorted!
What I may do in the mean time as I try and wrangle the fix of that with the twitch staff is upload some random quests not presently on my listing and drag Zovya along to do it. Mainly for the fun and for the means to obtain some of those delicious boxes that have come with today's event.
Catch you in game and remember, streaming again next Wednesday! Spread the word!
Try to capture/download the vids from Twitch and re-encode them before upping to youtube.
Guess that would do the trick! Looking forward to see you guys running "Bored of the Rings"
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
I hope everyone is well and no matter where you are, you are enjoying a little bit of sunshine.
I am really here to remind you that on the 31st July, Wednesday at 6pm EST / 11pm GMT we will be doing another Foundry Stream at and you are all invited.
If an incentive is ever needed we will be giving away a Knight of the Feywild Pack which is worth $60!! So, remember, you gotta be in it... to win it! The Stream that is
Tsumoro (also, no luck on the stream to Youtube business. Seems like an issue with twitch at the moment. Once it's remedied they will be back logged on my channel)
Tally Hoo
Ooooh! Epic prizes AND mid-week entertainment... Me loves it!
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
Synopsis: A man's daughter has come down with a mysterious illness. He found a rather mad alchemist to help him cure her. In the process of doing so there is an accident at the labs. You have to help the alchemist set things right at the lab and cure the sick little girl.
Average duration: 30 min
Mission Type: Story/Combat
I know that you have quite a few backed up so I understand if you can't get around to it. I just wanted to put it out there.
Part 1 - Paradise Lost? NW-DDMMIKYTB
Part 2 - Into the Mist NW-DIJXRI4NT
Part 3 - Wind of The North NW-DFB9K8KWH
Leave feedback for The Secret to Paradise
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
. . . . . Keep in mind, the Campaign is dialog heavy with a lot of optional lore through out but also has plenty of combat. It is also fair to note, this is actually part of an adventure I had planned years ago for my Players in my PnP Campaign, but their actions lead them down another path and this story never got told to them.
. . . . . I plan on having a total of 8 mission in this Campaign by the time I wrap it up, but want to make sure each one fits in with the current timeline Neverwinter is in, so this is why I have the following acts on hold, until I finish getting my mage to experience all the zones in Neverwinter, to properly fit the rest of the Acts into various Zones players will travel to while leveling up.
Many Thanks!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Reason i am asking is because i don't know how long im gonna have these up for since i have no more room for quests, the first quest to get deleted when i need it will be the danger room one since it was a test dungeon
Looking now, I don't see how anymore. I thought it was on the main foundry screen. Hmm, I'l have to inquire on this and get back to you tomorrow. (edit - Might have to fill up all your slots first? edit= nope, tried that) Not sure anymore. Strange! It might all now be achievement related.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
edit. thanx, yeah my slots are all filled up now
Firstly a quick update about me. Not much has happened on the channel for a few days, mainly because irl has been a little busy. This has involved me going for job interviews and the like as I still need a job (c'mon man, don't make me beg) so I do apologize for the radio silence. This will change most likely after today now I am a bit clear on what I can and can't get done.
Right! Let's get them questions answered!
I have added your quest to my listing, it is too long a quest for us to be able to stream but it is something I can play in my own time and put it up on my channel. So, you will see your quest (when I get to it) on my channel rather than the live stream.
@ettric, @pris23, @jedite2012 & @ruinbane - Your quest has also been added to my listings. Thank you for submitting them to me x x (lots of kisses).
@lolsorhand - I was trying very very hard to resolve the matter with directly. I have been trying a few days now and I have not received a response. This is something that has been a bit disappointing to be honest and I feel it is a bug/flaw on their side which prevents me from taking the stream. I have even had the gracious and doubly delicious Zovya link my youtube account through her twitch to see if it would work in that regards but to no avail.
This will most likely lead to me manually downloading the videos from twich and then adding them to my channel. All future stream content (for myself) will involve me frapsing the stream and then manually adding it that way. A LARGE pain in the groin but I do what I must. But thank you for your support mate x
@zebular I would love to play through your whole campaign. I am not deterred by dialog heavy content, some of my videos can go beyond 2-3 hours a quest. Typically if the average quest time is 40 mins, you can pretty much guarantee it will take me an hour plus as I read aloud everything. This is something I will discuss with Zovya though, because the twitch channel is something that we want to give everyone an equal chance, so, we may play through the first quest live, but then the follow up quests would be through my channel and either would be myself soloing or Zovya tagging along, singing a song, bobbing along (you know, that old bed HAMSTER and broomsticks film).
@jedite2012, @zebular - With regards to the quest slot issue and it is 'kinda' an issue is that it is within your best interests to KEEP all your quests on the foundry live. Make a new account (as it's free to do so) and level up a toon to the foundry point (would take you an hour or so maybe). Then you get a whole brand new 10 slots.
Ideally I would like to see quest slots increased, mainly because I would love to see people run whole DnD campaigns which span acts and chapters and not be limited in any many. I do not believe that slots should be 'bought' as you are creating content for Neverwinter and I feel its a little bit cheeky to charge someone to make content for your game. My opinion mind you, but I would rather have it so you earned more slots by quest success or something like that, give motivation for people to improve on their already made content. Not a soap box by any means shape or form it's just I would rather spend my zen on the cosmetic stuff.
@sourcreamking - I can assure you my friend that your campaign has not been ditched. However, I believe our live streaming stance is to give everyone a chance to be featured. Once I have things figured out with twitch and my channel I will manually play your campaign and upload to my channel to be viewed. It will either be on my own (most likely) or with Zovya.
Ideally I want to be in a position where I can get through one quest a day for the channel, I want to keep growing my audience for foundry content and plug Neverwinter best I can.
So my delightful chum! Don't panic hehehe nothing will be missed, for I am an elephant and I never forget... or forgive...
Right! That was a lot of questions, I am happy to answer more and more questions I am also very keen to take on more and more quests. Make me WORK for it people! I promise to try and get content up on the channel on a regular basis.
Oh! Before I forget, this is important! Zovya as you know her has had the Dungeon Masters Twitch stream for some time. Those who previously watched might of done so when it was on a Saturday. This basically means that Zovya might have featured some people quests before through that stream. As such she has confirmed to me she would not double feature those quests. So, basically what will happen is those quests will not be 'live' but will be me playing and enjoying them! Yay!
Anyhow, I have rambled enough. Talk to you soon my lovelies x (TONIGHT!!! -wags finger-)
Edit: I will be also changing the front page to make it look better and more accessible. This will take some time as it hosts a lot of content.
You sure on that Zeb?
I've scoured the Zen Store for that option, if it is there it is very well hidden.
I believe that in STO you can buy more foundry slots with AD, but wasn't aware that had been implemented here yet, even though it has been assumed we will see it at some point.
All The Best
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Please read the rest of my post that you didn't quote. Thanks!
Indeed it was, for I remember buying slots in Alpha. I never looked again until as I posted above. So, it got removed/changed/disabled/something sometime between Alpha and ???. In any case, I am going to inquire what happened to this feature. I'll try and get an answer ushered into the Extended FAQ on the general forums as soon as I can.
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Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Right, the purchase slots options was available right up till the release of open beta, where they disappeared. We've had members make it up to the rank of "Moonstar" (not to be confused with alpha tester status) and no hints of achievements granting any more slots so far.
Yes please that would be wonderful. Ideally what I would 'personally' like to see is either the additional slots purchased for AD or, for the committed foundry authors to receive additional slots through foundry related achievements.
If you hear anymore be sure to let us know
I didn't get to play in closed beta sadly, so this was all missed by my little self
If it was one of my videos then that is excellent! Most of us are vagabonds, travelling to one MMO to another, consuming the battlefield of content trying to find a fixed home to rest our feet and admire our trophies. The foundry, for me keeps me invested, in the creation process and in the content process. With so much content being made by the community I can always ensure I do something new and enjoyable rather than repeating content just for those extra nuggets of gear score to be notched to my belt.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Crystal Relics campaign NWS-DMXNCNAVJ. The first quest is pretty short and straightforward. The second one is a lot less typical, with several branching paths as to how the final goal can be accomplished.
Thanks, and keep on keeping on!
The Crystal Relics - NWS-DMXNCNAVJ
Tower District Contest Entry: Undercover Brother - NW-DCD6OI9JE
Love you all.