I vote they wipe YOUR account, but leave mine alone. I don't have the time and nerve to start all over.
Maybe when I was young, I did not like wipe . Prefer a good game and a system of their own needs. Everyone has different needs but their own approach to the maximum level is probably not a problem? So it's ultimately about the items, money .
I vote they wipe YOUR account, but leave mine alone. I don't have the time and nerve to start all over.
so you rather have a broken economy in a great game:/ well looks like you like this game Alot *sarcasm*
i do vote for a server wipe and belive me i will have wasted lots of gameplay and hard earned gear and G BUT i rather start over and have a balanced economy than a F***ED up one... you can ALWAYS do it all over again oyu have done it now right? the game is not very hard... red markers when a "special" attack and you can always Dodge them and you dont loose anything on death, so seriously if im a rouge and i facetank everything...with enought HP pots u can do everything or a healer then u can play the game with your *** ... belive me if u whine now YOU WILL whine even more later.... man the F**k up BRO!
oceanoftearsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
so you rather have a broken economy in a great game:/ well looks like you like this game Alot *sarcasm*
i do vote for a server wipe and belive me i will have wasted lots of gameplay and hard earned gear and G BUT i rather start over and have a balanced economy than a F***ED up one... you can ALWAYS do it all over again oyu have done it now right? the game is not very hard... red markers when a "special" attack and you can always Dodge them and you dont loose anything on death, so seriously if im a rouge and i facetank everything...with enought HP pots u can do everything or a healer then u can play the game with your *** ... belive me if u whine now YOU WILL whine even more later.... man the F**k up BRO!
Cuss much? Maybe work on your spelling instead? e.g. it is 'Rogue', 'rouge' is French for red. I don't care much about the game economy and it was already boring enough to level up again, since there are no different starter zones. I don't even want to start a second character for that reason. As I said they can wipe all they want as long as they don't touch my account. That is my opinion and I think I am entitled to that. Some people have a life and can only play a few hours a week.
And I would hate to man up "bro", guess what not only guys play this game.
It’s actually quite interesting to see how some people think that just because they play by the rules they won’t get affected.
“But I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I be punished?”
What they fail to understand is that they have already been punished, because the economy has been rigged and played with by a few players, making all their time or money spent pretty much worthless. The economy affects everybody.
This is probably why real life banksters can get away with it as well. People just don’t seem to get it.
Unless there is a way to somehow track all the transactions on all characters since the start of the game and effectively cancel all the ones that can be linked to cheaters, the ONLY solution to this FUBAR situation is to fix the exploit and start over, full wipe.
Perfect World can’t reimburse you the time you spent, but if you truly enjoy the game you won’t mind playing it again. What they can reimburse however is the money people spent, which if spent on AD’s then rendered pretty much worthless. They really should give their customers this option or I doubt these people will ever spend another dime in any of their games.
To be continued...
godsevermanMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
OMG !!! i was sooo happy for getting to level 60 and now im not im so pissed !!! im gonna start cry soon. GM use some code to get me back to 60 plea !
wargasm121Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I do believe this issue deserves a clean wipe across the board. Completely wipe the servers and refund all hero of the north and guardian pack items and currency. Start fresh with a fixed economy please.
Lifetimer Since January 2010
Real Join Date: August 14th 2009
Made it to 997 Veteran Days before they handed out the 1000 day rewards to everyone and their mother
I was just recently (this weekend) starting to play with the Zen/AD exchange, and I must say that I wasn’t really surprised to see it hit the AD for Zen ceiling at 500Ads/Zen. The reason for this is that the only way to get more storage in this game is to first get Zen. More storage is quite important for most people at a later stage in the game to find the game enjoyable, and this is why as more people get more AD’s in the game more will want to buy zen to get bags and less will be willing to sell to get AD’s, because they will naturally buy bags instead. Because if for some reason you’d want to buy AD’s for your Zen although I can’t really understand why (except maybe to get an advantage in pvp), then why would you sell AD’s for a maximum of 500 AD’s when you could buy a bag and sell it for much more than 500 000 on the AH?
I first learned about the exploit when reading this forum post. But as I see it this would have happened later on in the game anyway as people were getting more AD’s in the game. The exploit just accelerated this evolution. You really need to make at least the bags from the zen-shop available to people choosing to spend time in the game rather than money, perhaps a few other products as well (or all). Simple fact is that when you have certain sought after products available for just one currency and then have that currency compete with another currency, the other currency will continuously loose value. Add to that the increased amount of that currency and you’ll have a galloping inflation. At the moment though the system is rigged as to make people spend money a necessity, because if they don’t well, then there’s no way you can get more storage. (Except of course spending real money yourself or pay buy overprised bags on AH)
So the most expensive bag should for example be able to be purchased in game for 1000x500AD’s maximum… not having to rely on other people buying Zen’s for real money, or this will just happen again but at a later stage.
If this is not addressed I wouldn’t be surprised that one year from now, if the game survives, you’ll see the top bags on AH going for 1-1.5 milion AD’s. And there will be no way buying Zen’s for AD’s, because nobody’s selling zen, only real money will give you Zen.
ixsparMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
For those who may have played DC Universe Online, they had a similar exploit at the very early stages of the game. They didn't take drastic and severe measures and the economy of the game is still whacked after the 2 year mark. I would much rather have Cryptic be very severe now to ensure a more healthy game economy in the long term.
With that in mind, I did spend quite a bit of cash opening lockboxes for the horse and bird. In the process, I obtained quite a few crafting assets. However, if Cryptic would credit the Zen to my account, I would be more than happy starting over. Would it be a bit frustrating? Will many whine and complain? Yes, but in truth it would be nothing any one of us couldn't live through for the good of the game.
If you all don't at the very least ban the people who took advantage of this particular exploit then you may as well just put out a PSA saying exploiting is perfectly fine.
rayni250Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
i just want to say that regardless of all of you "lets wipe everyone" idiots, i think this HAMSTER is completely wrong, I have in no way exploited anything and to come back and be rolled back on my stupid trickster that i was just trying to get to 20 so i didnt have to run around anymore and then see i'm lvl 14 again.....when i did NO cheating....its lame. how is it that your solution is to punish a TON of people that did nothing? wish i hadn't even played yesterday at all, you guys really suck with your "solutions"
For those who may have played DC Universe Online, they had a similar exploit at the very early stages of the game. They didn't take drastic and severe measures and the economy of the game is still whacked after the 2 year mark. I would much rather have Cryptic be very severe now to ensure a more healthy game economy in the long term.
With that in mind, I did spend quite a bit of cash opening lockboxes for the horse and bird. In the process, I obtained quite a few crafting assets. However, if Cryptic would credit the Zen to my account, I would be more than happy starting over. Would it be a bit frustrating? Will many whine and complain? Yes, but in truth it would be nothing any one of us couldn't live through for the good of the game.
You need to go farther back. It happened in UO and 15 years later the economy is still messed up from it.
i just want to say that regardless of all of you "lets wipe everyone" idiots, i think this HAMSTER is completely wrong, I have in no way exploited anything and to come back and be rolled back on my stupid trickster that i was just trying to get to 20 so i didnt have to run around anymore and then see i'm lvl 14 again.....when i did NO cheating....its lame. how is it that your solution is to punish a TON of people that did nothing? wish i hadn't even played yesterday at all, you guys really suck with your "solutions"
I like kids, they always cry , when just go left and they go right .
If you all don't at the very least ban the people who took advantage of this particular exploit then you may as well just put out a PSA saying exploiting is perfectly fine.
They can ban the main accounts but they can't sift through the mountains of logs to find all the mule accounts that they laundered the money too. The exploiters have been doing this since day 1, they brought the bug from STO. It would cost them a fortune to and days of downtime to track all that down. They did the easiest thing they could do and roll back to before it ballooned in open chat. The economy is trashed but eventually it will level out and the complaints will stop. It will never be fixed but the masses will stop complaining.
anankesteelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
My quest are definitely rolled back from where I left them yesterday ?
found on reddit from one of the expoiters this is why a wipe is required read it and you will see it is all about real life money not just ingame it is fraud and nothing less i hope PWI can find this person and sue them.
Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing for 6 thousand dollars?
**** I cought on late and only abused it for a bit over 800 million AD. Looking for sites to sell my goodies off to now. And you know what? I am proud of what I did. It's a game that launched ful of bugs and exploits. I mean really, putting on my class epic set allowed me to instantly kill anything and everything! Yeah that is completley my fault there.
Grow a pair.
Hopefully they don't do the smart thing and wipe before I can get rid of my loot. My guildees would be really pissed off to lose all the epics I handed out.
Edit: Too late. I sold it for $973. I am also still playing. Doubt they can even track anything. Look at Envy, that dude has been caught abusing this bug and is still in game too. Cryptic/PWI are money grabbing cash *****s. Why shouldn't we be? After all, they gave us the tools.
LOL. I received a 72 hour ban. The best part is that none of my mule accounts were caught. Rofl great job "looking into" things Cryptic! Four of my accounts with level 60 mules were not even touched, and I exploited quest sharing to no end, as well as transferred tons of gear to them! Quite a bit of purples and AD on all them still, and I am sure they didn't delete anything from my main either, just gave me a VERY SCARY 72 hour ban.
Honestly why not take advantage of Cryptic if they are so ****ing lax when it comes to dealing with people that cheat.
Hopefully after I sell everything from my mules, I can make a few hundred more bucks and get a nice gaming laptop. Probably not going to play NW anymore until more bugs come out, and seeing as how it's Cryptic - more bugs WILL come out.
It boggles my mind why they don't wipe to fix the economy. It is such an easy solution, and the game is still in Beta! Not that I mind, since it gives me time to auction my goods and sell off my AD. Just wondering why they didn't do this yet lol.
Update 2:
I already have that guy beat, and I am sure lots of others do as well because AD buying web sites are now paying rock bottom for AD.
Thanks to the AH exploit, I made enough AD to sell it off and bring my total cash earned to $7432. Now everything is disabled and the game is most likely ruined. It was nice while it lasted Cryptic. Hopefully this teaches you to not start charging real money while the game is still in Beta.
And btw, only my main GF exploiter is still stuck with a short ban. I'm out. Hope they have fun tracing my spoofed MAC and phony IP, as well as going through the VPN I hit.
This is also my last reddit post as max, since this IP is not "technically" mine, and I don't want to post from my real IP/account.
should not be hard at all to find the mules ... low level accts with any high value items should be flagged, then checked against purchases, then suspended.
I notice so many people on this forum bad mouthing this game, but playing it anyway. Its a new game and thus has many flaws, but the combat system is remarkably better then DDO. Its got many other obvious strengths as well, which is why you play it. If you really want the dev team to make the game better, try constructive criticism that remains in the "supportive" ballpark, instead of negativity that borders on hostility at times.
ariakanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
So they roll the system back, then what's gonna happen to the zen and those bars that dropped from opening the nightmare boxes? Are we gonna get a refund or what? if not, this is kinda like a scamming. took the money and then " lol, we are rolling this sh*t back, but we ain't gonna refund you jack sh*t. "
rdhj7777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I guess i missed what the exploit was ? Can anyone tell me exactly what it was because my character was rolled back 10 levels and i'm not sure why ? I just Downloaded the game Friday so if I was exploiting anything i was Unaware. Or was everyone rolled back ?
nynjasquirrelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I guess i missed what the exploit was ? Can anyone tell me exactly what it was because my character was rolled back 10 levels and i'm not sure why ? I just Downloaded the game Friday so if I was exploiting anything i was Unaware. Or was everyone rolled back ?
Everyone was rolled back - due to AD exploits. Sadly this roll back doesn't take into account the literally dozens of exploits that have been used since the game went live, exploitable chests, bosses, Guardian Fighter stuff. The playerbase is now SO unbalanced, and the economy so completely screwed that I'm done with it. This game is supposed to be in beta - FIX the exploits then wipe and start fresh.
naughtypussycatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I guess i missed what the exploit was ? Can anyone tell me exactly what it was because my character was rolled back 10 levels and i'm not sure why ? I just Downloaded the game Friday so if I was exploiting anything i was Unaware. Or was everyone rolled back ?
Astral Diamonds was created out of nowhere in the Auction House.
Everyone's character was rolled back.
I vote they wipe YOUR account, but leave mine alone. I don't have the time and nerve to start all over.
Maybe when I was young, I did not like wipe
so you rather have a broken economy in a great game:/ well looks like you like this game Alot *sarcasm*
i do vote for a server wipe and belive me i will have wasted lots of gameplay and hard earned gear and G BUT i rather start over and have a balanced economy than a F***ED up one... you can ALWAYS do it all over again oyu have done it now right? the game is not very hard... red markers when a "special" attack and you can always Dodge them and you dont loose anything on death, so seriously if im a rouge and i facetank everything...with enought HP pots u can do everything or a healer then u can play the game with your *** ... belive me if u whine now YOU WILL whine even more later.... man the F**k up BRO!
Cuss much? Maybe work on your spelling instead? e.g. it is 'Rogue', 'rouge' is French for red. I don't care much about the game economy and it was already boring enough to level up again, since there are no different starter zones. I don't even want to start a second character for that reason. As I said they can wipe all they want as long as they don't touch my account. That is my opinion and I think I am entitled to that. Some people have a life and can only play a few hours a week.
And I would hate to man up "bro", guess what not only guys play this game.
“But I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I be punished?”
What they fail to understand is that they have already been punished, because the economy has been rigged and played with by a few players, making all their time or money spent pretty much worthless. The economy affects everybody.
This is probably why real life banksters can get away with it as well. People just don’t seem to get it.
Unless there is a way to somehow track all the transactions on all characters since the start of the game and effectively cancel all the ones that can be linked to cheaters, the ONLY solution to this FUBAR situation is to fix the exploit and start over, full wipe.
Perfect World can’t reimburse you the time you spent, but if you truly enjoy the game you won’t mind playing it again. What they can reimburse however is the money people spent, which if spent on AD’s then rendered pretty much worthless. They really should give their customers this option or I doubt these people will ever spend another dime in any of their games.
To be continued...
I first learned about the exploit when reading this forum post. But as I see it this would have happened later on in the game anyway as people were getting more AD’s in the game. The exploit just accelerated this evolution. You really need to make at least the bags from the zen-shop available to people choosing to spend time in the game rather than money, perhaps a few other products as well (or all). Simple fact is that when you have certain sought after products available for just one currency and then have that currency compete with another currency, the other currency will continuously loose value. Add to that the increased amount of that currency and you’ll have a galloping inflation. At the moment though the system is rigged as to make people spend money a necessity, because if they don’t well, then there’s no way you can get more storage. (Except of course spending real money yourself or pay buy overprised bags on AH)
So the most expensive bag should for example be able to be purchased in game for 1000x500AD’s maximum… not having to rely on other people buying Zen’s for real money, or this will just happen again but at a later stage.
If this is not addressed I wouldn’t be surprised that one year from now, if the game survives, you’ll see the top bags on AH going for 1-1.5 milion AD’s. And there will be no way buying Zen’s for AD’s, because nobody’s selling zen, only real money will give you Zen.
With that in mind, I did spend quite a bit of cash opening lockboxes for the horse and bird. In the process, I obtained quite a few crafting assets. However, if Cryptic would credit the Zen to my account, I would be more than happy starting over. Would it be a bit frustrating? Will many whine and complain? Yes, but in truth it would be nothing any one of us couldn't live through for the good of the game.
You can also see a better formatted version of the guide here.
You need to go farther back. It happened in UO and 15 years later the economy is still messed up from it.
I like kids, they always cry
They can ban the main accounts but they can't sift through the mountains of logs to find all the mule accounts that they laundered the money too. The exploiters have been doing this since day 1, they brought the bug from STO. It would cost them a fortune to and days of downtime to track all that down. They did the easiest thing they could do and roll back to before it ballooned in open chat. The economy is trashed but eventually it will level out and the complaints will stop. It will never be fixed but the masses will stop complaining.
Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing for 6 thousand dollars?
**** I cought on late and only abused it for a bit over 800 million AD. Looking for sites to sell my goodies off to now. And you know what? I am proud of what I did. It's a game that launched ful of bugs and exploits. I mean really, putting on my class epic set allowed me to instantly kill anything and everything! Yeah that is completley my fault there.
Grow a pair.
Hopefully they don't do the smart thing and wipe before I can get rid of my loot. My guildees would be really pissed off to lose all the epics I handed out.
Edit: Too late. I sold it for $973. I am also still playing. Doubt they can even track anything. Look at Envy, that dude has been caught abusing this bug and is still in game too. Cryptic/PWI are money grabbing cash *****s. Why shouldn't we be? After all, they gave us the tools.
LOL. I received a 72 hour ban. The best part is that none of my mule accounts were caught. Rofl great job "looking into" things Cryptic! Four of my accounts with level 60 mules were not even touched, and I exploited quest sharing to no end, as well as transferred tons of gear to them! Quite a bit of purples and AD on all them still, and I am sure they didn't delete anything from my main either, just gave me a VERY SCARY 72 hour ban.
Honestly why not take advantage of Cryptic if they are so ****ing lax when it comes to dealing with people that cheat.
Hopefully after I sell everything from my mules, I can make a few hundred more bucks and get a nice gaming laptop. Probably not going to play NW anymore until more bugs come out, and seeing as how it's Cryptic - more bugs WILL come out.
It boggles my mind why they don't wipe to fix the economy. It is such an easy solution, and the game is still in Beta! Not that I mind, since it gives me time to auction my goods and sell off my AD. Just wondering why they didn't do this yet lol.
Update 2:
I already have that guy beat, and I am sure lots of others do as well because AD buying web sites are now paying rock bottom for AD.
Thanks to the AH exploit, I made enough AD to sell it off and bring my total cash earned to $7432. Now everything is disabled and the game is most likely ruined. It was nice while it lasted Cryptic. Hopefully this teaches you to not start charging real money while the game is still in Beta.
And btw, only my main GF exploiter is still stuck with a short ban. I'm out. Hope they have fun tracing my spoofed MAC and phony IP, as well as going through the VPN I hit.
This is also my last reddit post as max, since this IP is not "technically" mine, and I don't want to post from my real IP/account.
Everyone was rolled back - due to AD exploits. Sadly this roll back doesn't take into account the literally dozens of exploits that have been used since the game went live, exploitable chests, bosses, Guardian Fighter stuff. The playerbase is now SO unbalanced, and the economy so completely screwed that I'm done with it. This game is supposed to be in beta - FIX the exploits then wipe and start fresh.
Astral Diamonds was created out of nowhere in the Auction House.
Everyone's character was rolled back.
Please refer to this forum post for more info:
FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up:
(check the stickied posts in forums, in future)