1: make it so you can see what class youre friends are playing and level
2: make it so that you can invite people after the first boss in an instance
3: make it so that people cant kick you for no reason in a dungeon
4: make the bank abit bigger then a sack of potatoes
5:make different channels to chat in instead of spamm zone
6: fix the lfg system so you can sign as tank/healer/dps
7:make a report button
8: the bosses tactics are so linear the only thing bosses do is spawn adds plz come up with a better mechanic then spawn adds *bosses are all the same*
9:buff gaurdians threat if the skill mark gives twice much threat when hit and the class feature enhanced mark increases threat by 33% and still the mobs are either aggroed by the cleric rogue or CW thats not the way its ment to be whats the point at being a gaurdian if you cant properly tank the aggro is broken
10: make some bop gear so people cant buy the best gear instantly and stand in town hole day