I know, the chances of getting a developers, or even a CM, to respond to something like this is slim to none, but I have yet to see any sort of discussion from either of them regarding this stuff. I am not complaining about the game, as I enjoy it. I am not complaining about mounts being paid for or people one-shotting bosses because of a creative use of set bonuses because of a bug or an overlooked combination.
I am REALLY curious as to what they think of the state of the game, and REALLY curious to know how some stuff made it in as it currently is. I know, a lot of people will say, "THIS IS A BETA!" but let's be frank (or Lucy or Tom, be whoever you want to be, but I'm going to be Frank)... some of these things are things that even a beta should not have. Some of this stuff makes you question whether or not the developers have even played other games before.
1) The need/greed loot system. I see countless responses from the CMs stating, "We are looking into this issue and are working on a solution." My question is: Why? Why did this even make it into the game as it currently is? Why was it not ORIGINALLY developed with a safety system in place? The developers can't possibly be under the impression that players of an MMO all play on an integrity system. From the getgo, the designers should have said "If we are going to make dropped items BoE, then there needs to be a restriction on rolling."
2) The state of classes in the game. You have rogues tanking bosses, clerics drawing all the aggro of everything three zones away, GWFs hitting like a wet noodle and GFs not being able to tank their way out of a wet paper sack. I won't go into details on class issues right now because they're prominent enough on the forums, but I have yet to see one developer or CM post saying, "This is how it's meant to be" or "Yep, that's an issue." And, if things like cleric aggro (and the lack thereof for GFs) is an issue, how it even made it past alpha/closed beta anyway? I would REALLY love to see a blog post or a forum response on the intentions of each class by someone who is not a regular member thinking that they can speak on behalf of the developers and designers.
3) I would love to know who had the genius idea of making bags obtainable through spending real money. Yes yes yes, bag space and bank space can be purchased with AD converted to Zen, but it's quite an absurd amount for something that should be so trivial, and generally is, in any other game. Starting us off with only 16(?) bank slots? What in the heck??? Only 2 bags obtainable through quests, one at 15 and one at 30? That's a long way to go with such limited bag space. I can't help but feel this was a decision from PW and not Cryptic for no other reason than to milk money from us, and if that's the case, it's quite a crappy move and a slap in the face to those of us who would pay for items that we feel should be paid for. (Tip: Bags are not one of those items unless it's like a 50 slot bag). Give us 16 slot bags and extra bank space for gold. If you want to charge us Zen for bank space, make it require Zen after 3 gold-purchased bank slots.
4) We are not perfect gamers. Charging us $6 to respec because we had no idea how something would play out in the end is ridiculous. Respecs should either cost gold, a smaller amount of AD (210,000 AD is too much), or be given free at certain levels (especialy level 60). We make mistakes levelling up, we make decisions based off of current mechanics (and bugs), and when something gets fixed later it makes the decision less optimal later.
5) The dungeon/skirmish/pvp system. Currently if a party member is kicked or disconnected, there is no way to get a replacement. How was this not taken into consideration during design and original development? How was this not picked up on during alpha and closed beta?
Look, I know and understand this is a beta, but a lot of this stuff is a flaw in design, not a flaw in development, and design is something that is done prior to betas being released. I've done game development myself, so I know how the cycle works, and this entire thing just seems like a failure to follow a proper design document.
I'm a fan of Cryptic. I know they know how to do their stuff. I've played multiple games from them, so I know they know how to make a game... so for some of these issues to even make it to this stage in the game as if they were overlooked or just didn't know that these things should be in is just plain absurd.
I, and I'm sure a LOT of other people, would really like a response as to how some of this is even here. Something other than "We're looking into it" on issues that are typical in just about every other modern MMO out there right now.
Please? Pretty please?