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Bugs and Issues

wildheart18wildheart18 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
This thread is mostly for developer to read to help them fix the remaining bugs and issues

17 May - Afk Patch who was intended to stop afk groups/players is not working
17 May - Cloaks going through your body into the front of you
17 May - Auction House search is not workring properly, when searhing for a specific gear type or lvl
17 May - The Que System not working as it is intended, Que System gather groups without healer and tanks
17 May - Astral Diamonds cannot be traded directly between players (This is not a bug / Issue ) but would be a good idea to implement
17 May - Threat from Guardian Fighter Attacks is too low, and is therefor difficult to keep aggro on mobs in dungeons
17 May - Too Many Adds at Boss Fights, Need to be Reduced

If i find more bugs / issues

I will post them here
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