This happened similar to my 2nd char. Reasons are:
- just doing the quests without grinding a bit meanwhile (no addional mobs to the requested ones via quests)
- skipping an area (did that, though grinding 3 lvls at 30 would be enough but wasn't)
- not doing any dungeons, skirmishes, pvp or foundry
If those 3 things come together it can happen (2 might be enough).
However if you just missed completing an area but still got enough lvl, Knox will still lead you to the next if your lvl is high enough yet.
If it happens I just suggest to grind 1-3 lvl, because quests can be obtained by beeing at max. 2 or 3 lvl lower then the rec. lvl of the quest.
I had the same issue, at level 38 in Vellosk, could go on as there were no quest I then went and did some other stuff (Dungeaons, skirmishes and foundery) as soosn as I hit level 39 i got a quest and could continue
You are to low level to recieve your next quest line
You are to low level to recieve your next quest line
Not possible.
@19 you should be getting sent to the pirate area outside the city, (name escapes me), weather you've done the spellplague or not. Sends you to a harper guy out there who sends you through the quests.
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
@19 you should be getting sent to the pirate area outside the city, (name escapes me), weather you've done the spellplague or not. Sends you to a harper guy out there who sends you through the quests.
How about you go to a zone, do one quest and don't get any more? That happened to me three times. I have three unfinished zones, can't take any more quests there, have nothing in my journal. The real problem is that one of such places is the graveyard where you get the bonus bag and GMs don't give a flying f..k about it, so I'm 60 for quite some time now, sets start to pile up and I only have one bonus bag.
Btw. I wrote a GM ticket, that I got stuck with quests in three areas and got a response telling me how to unstuck my character if I got stuck under a rock or something. When I replied without the word "stuck" I got another response telling me to report a bug, because they don't deal in such things. Both responses took 4 days. Customer service FTW .
How about you go to a zone, do one quest and don't get any more? That happened to me three times. I have three unfinished zones, can't take any more quests there, have nothing in my journal. The real problem is that one of such places is the graveyard where you get the bonus bag and GMs don't give a flying f..k about it, so I'm 60 for quite some time now, sets start to pile up and I only have one bonus bag.
Btw. I wrote a GM ticket, that I got stuck with quests in three areas and got a response telling me how to unstuck my character if I got stuck under a rock or something. When I replied without the word "stuck" I got another response telling me to report a bug, because they don't deal in such things. Both responses took 4 days. Customer service FTW .
If you outlevel the zone the quest-givers won't have the exclamation mark over their heads, unfortunately there is no option to "show low level quests" like in say WoW. You should still be able to pick up the quest but you need to know who to talk to.
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pressexpose1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Firstly, if you don't want to do skirmishes, dungeons or pvp then you don't have to. If you find yourself slightly under-levelled at any point in the levelling process then you can do a couple of foundry quests to catch up before moving on.
I have one character that's never seen any form of group play on account of the selfish nature of those in it and the total lack of conversation or social aspect to pug groups. I joined one guild who never spoke to me but just ran their own thing around a few core members and expected everyone else to fend for themselves. When I asked to bring in my other characters I was told "we don't know who you are, you'll have to be in the guild a couple of days ( I'd been in 10 days or so ) before bringing in more characters" which is just about the norm for the social aspect of this game. i.e. there is none.
on to the quests. If you still have the 'talk to the harper' quest in your journal then you have not completed it. Yeah, I know you will say that you have talked to him but go do it again, same happened to me once. Talk to him and click all his speech options. That should do it.
Then you should get to move on. It gives you a l21 quest if I recall but going back to knox should start the Linkletter spellplague quest too at that point. Check all the points on the tower map that have a campfire and be sure that there are no yellow question marks still available. talk to all the NPC's anyway. If you do all the quests it's impossible to run out of them because the game is on rails. It sends you exactly where you need to be next ( although it does not always make a great job of explaining it ).
So, if you have no quests it's because you still have quests to do in that area.
Yeah happened again with the wifey and I, we completed everything in the pirate area, didn't get any more quests so we did the foundry daily and helped clear out another dungeon, then we got told to head back to knox to get the next map, which we then found out that we were so low for the next zone it warned us upon entry that thing here might be too tough for us to handle. we went in and blitzed away at it anyway
You said you were leveling with your wife? I am leveling with my boyfriend. I think the reason we are also "out leveling" the quests is because it seems we get way less mob xp from duoing than we do soloing. I went and killed some mobs solo to try that hypothesis out and I gained way more xp than I did when I was with him. Seems to me that we are going to have to do more dungeons and things to catch up. But of course, I do not know where my last quest left off.
any thread that is more than 30 days old more than likely has outdated information and/or opinions. it's better to open a new thread or if you cannot create one, PM a moderator and they can assist you.
- just doing the quests without grinding a bit meanwhile (no addional mobs to the requested ones via quests)
- skipping an area (did that, though grinding 3 lvls at 30 would be enough but wasn't)
- not doing any dungeons, skirmishes, pvp or foundry
If those 3 things come together it can happen (2 might be enough).
However if you just missed completing an area but still got enough lvl, Knox will still lead you to the next if your lvl is high enough yet.
If it happens I just suggest to grind 1-3 lvl, because quests can be obtained by beeing at max. 2 or 3 lvl lower then the rec. lvl of the quest.
You are to low level to recieve your next quest line
Not possible.
@19 you should be getting sent to the pirate area outside the city, (name escapes me), weather you've done the spellplague or not. Sends you to a harper guy out there who sends you through the quests.
How about you go to a zone, do one quest and don't get any more? That happened to me three times. I have three unfinished zones, can't take any more quests there, have nothing in my journal. The real problem is that one of such places is the graveyard where you get the bonus bag and GMs don't give a flying f..k about it, so I'm 60 for quite some time now, sets start to pile up and I only have one bonus bag.
Btw. I wrote a GM ticket, that I got stuck with quests in three areas and got a response telling me how to unstuck my character if I got stuck under a rock or something. When I replied without the word "stuck" I got another response telling me to report a bug, because they don't deal in such things. Both responses took 4 days. Customer service FTW
I have one character that's never seen any form of group play on account of the selfish nature of those in it and the total lack of conversation or social aspect to pug groups. I joined one guild who never spoke to me but just ran their own thing around a few core members and expected everyone else to fend for themselves. When I asked to bring in my other characters I was told "we don't know who you are, you'll have to be in the guild a couple of days ( I'd been in 10 days or so ) before bringing in more characters" which is just about the norm for the social aspect of this game. i.e. there is none.
on to the quests. If you still have the 'talk to the harper' quest in your journal then you have not completed it. Yeah, I know you will say that you have talked to him but go do it again, same happened to me once. Talk to him and click all his speech options. That should do it.
Then you should get to move on. It gives you a l21 quest if I recall but going back to knox should start the Linkletter spellplague quest too at that point. Check all the points on the tower map that have a campfire and be sure that there are no yellow question marks still available. talk to all the NPC's anyway. If you do all the quests it's impossible to run out of them because the game is on rails. It sends you exactly where you need to be next ( although it does not always make a great job of explaining it ).
So, if you have no quests it's because you still have quests to do in that area.
closing this thread for necromancy.