The only people who will get banned are people who probably did it tons of times to abuse it
They will not roll back or remove items because by time they get things settled, the items are already distributed to people who had nothing to do with the incident.
Why don't you guys ever ***** about something worth *****ing over? Boohoo. If people get banned for exploits then they get banned and life goes on. If you didn't do anything then what business is it of yours to rage on forums why no one has gotten banned yet?
This game has many more issues worth spamming over. Broken AH, boss loot disappearing, broken classes, the horrid chat system, players exploiting the ability to mute others, afk farm bots (if you don't believe they exist then LOLROFLLMFAO go back to runescape).
Either way, if anything the prices on certain gear/stones dropped. That's good.. And now irreversible cause legit farmers have matched their prices with the exploit farmers and certain shards which were going 120k AD+ are half that. Good.
So much anger in this post, did your pet gerbil die this morning or something?
It's open beta anyway, things like this are expected.
Why don't you guys ever ***** about something worth *****ing over? Boohoo. If people get banned for exploits then they get banned and life goes on. If you didn't do anything then what business is it of yours to rage on forums why no one has gotten banned yet?
Do you feel the same way about breaking laws in the civil code? Why do you care if a murderer is sent to prison or not? he did'nt kill you?
So that I know that there is consequences to breaking the law/rule, if not it's chaos and anarchy.
Pretty sure the 110 page thread settled the issue that a roll back is needed while at the same time pretty much accepting that it never will happen.
it's not needed. it will fix itself since they can't do it anymore.
The weapons and armor will be bought up, the economy will fix itself. It's a no brainer.
As for a 110 page thread settling the issue that a rollback is doesn't. Not by a long shot. It's barely an accurate portrayal of the community's feelings.
I see threads like that and I cut their page count in half.
So it's actually a 55 page thread with the other 55 pages consisting of repeat posters b****ing at each other. You know it's true.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
The economic damage isn't why you ban people. You ban people so they arn't rewarded for having caused the economic damage.
You don't need to rollback items, you just need to ban exploiters and therefore confiscate all their illgotten gains. If some random person got some T2 epics for cheaper than they otherwise would have been able to that isn't the end of the world. It'll stabilize over time.
But the people who got millions of AD by exploiting need to be banned and that AD confiscated. Or else they'll just do it again next time, and the game will continue to reward people who destroy it.
it's not needed. it will fix itself since they can't do it anymore.
The weapons and armor will be bought up, the economy will fix itself. It's a no brainer.
As for a 110 page thread settling the issue that a rollback is doesn't. Not by a long shot. It's barely an accurate portrayal of the community's feelings.
I see threads like that and I cut their page count in half.
So it's actually a 55 page thread with the other 55 pages consisting of repeat posters b****ing at each other. You know it's true.
We're not worried about the economy correcting itself from where it is now, current end game is already ruined as you can buy all your t2 pieces for less than 300k. The problem is all the exploited AD that got converted to Zen on hundreds of mule accounts will just be used to clear the raid content that will be released in the future. If you can't understand why it's bad for an exploiter to have 10k in zen during future end game content than you are in hardcore denial.
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The economic damage isn't why you ban people. You ban people so they arn't rewarded for having caused the economic damage.
You don't need to rollback items, you just need to ban exploiters and therefore confiscate all their illgotten gains. If some random person got some T2 epics for cheaper than they otherwise would have been able to that isn't the end of the world. It'll stabilize over time.
But the people who got millions of AD by exploiting need to be banned and that AD confiscated. Or else they'll just do it again next time, and the game will continue to reward people who destroy it.
The fact of the matter is it's PvE.
Who gives a HAMSTER what "joe" did for himself in PvE?
As long as the exploits are fixed, I give no cares what the players do afterwards. Like you said, the economy will fix itself. Other players have no bearing on my game.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
Who gives a HAMSTER what "joe" did for himself in PvE?
As long as the exploits are fixed, I give no cares what the players do afterwards. Like you said, the economy will fix itself. Other players have no bearing on my game.
Well that's settled then you're just selfish and don't care how the exploits affect the long term enjoyment of other players because you feel like YOUR experience isn't affected. I say it does affect me because it trivializes end game content which I enjoy so who's right? Are your feelings more important than mine and others who think like I do?
Just own up to your argument and admit you don't care about anything other than solo play.
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
We're not worried about the economy correcting itself from where it is now, current end game is already ruined as you can buy all your t2 pieces for less than 300k. The problem is all the exploited AD that got converted to Zen on hundreds of mule accounts will just be used to clear the raid content that will be released in the future. If you can't understand why it's bad for an exploiter to have 10k in zen during future end game content than you are in hardcore denial.
current end-game actually isn't ruined so long as you look at that T2 piece in the AH and say to yourself.........."I'd rather earn that."
oh look. End game is suddenly viable.
buying that piece for cheap on the AH is almost the same thing as exploiting to get it in the first place, you're simply feeding off of what they did because you're just as impatient as they were to get geared up.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
So if you have the mindset of "i just won't buy it. I'd rather earn it," suddenly all your worries are for not. You'll feel better about yourself too.
Very simple.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well that's settled then you're just selfish and don't care how the exploits affect the long term enjoyment of other players because you feel like YOUR experience isn't affected. I say it does affect me because it trivializes end game content which I enjoy so who's right? Are your feelings more important than mine and others who think like I do?
Just own up to your argument and admit you don't care about anything other than solo play.
um no. I care just as much bout group play my friend.
It's just I'd rather EARN my gear rather than buy it cheap since, by extension, you're just as bad as the exploiters who got it in the first place.
You're feeding off their success because you're just as impatient as they were.
End game content is only trivialized if you decided to BUY.....into the hype.
get it?
Not to mention I'm an officer in my guild so group play is something very special to me.
Just don't buy the gear. Have fun with the game.
Practice self control. It's very easy.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
people bought what were supposed to be expensive karma weapons and armor and flooded the market with them.
They patched it, not very many people were banned, the economy stabilized itself.
You people fail to realize that if they can't exploit anymore, then the effect of that exploit on the economy will DISAPPEAR OVER TIME.
Use ur friggin heads.
Anet also didn't let the exploit run rampant for almost a week, while people openly advertised it on Livestreams. Similar situations, but very different at the same time.
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Anet also didn't let the exploit run rampant for almost a week, while people openly advertised it on Livestreams. Similar situations, but very different at the same time.
you say "run rampant."
I say "trying desperately to figure out what was causing it."
All we were telling them after all was that "THIS IZ BROKENZ!"
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
It's just I'd rather EARN my gear rather than buy it cheap since, by extension, you're just as bad as the exploiters who got it in the first place.
get it?
You just admitted that having these items still in the game means the exploit is still being used and yet at the same time refuse to acknowledge that they should be removed from the game.
get it?
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You just basically admitted that having these items still in the game means the exploit is still being used and yet at the same time refuse to acknowledge that they should be removed from the game.
get it?
if the gear is still present in the AH, that doesn't mean that the exploit is still being used (hence this morning's patch).
I'm simply stating that if you see gear for cheap in the AH AT ALL and you think buying it will trivialize your endgame experience...............don't buy it. They don't need removed from the game. You just need to practice self control.
Something exploiters can't do and neither can the people who benefit from what they're doing (the people who buy the gear they acquire for cheap off the AH and then go and complain about endgame).
You're very bad at counter arguing.
Also, it's "ACKnowledge"
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
I say "trying desperately to figure out what was causing it."
All we were telling them after all was that "THIS IZ BROKENZ!"
I'm speaking mostly about the biggest exploit there was, "The myserious one-shotting Guardian Fighter". It was Quickly discerned that it was being triggered by a set bonus. Whether Cryptic or the playerbase figured it out first doesn't matter, as soon as it hit Cryptic there should've been immediate emergency maintenance to disable the set bonus until further notice. They did emergency Saturday night maintenance for much less two Saturdays ago.
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm speaking mostly about the biggest exploit there was, "The myserious one-shotting Guardian Fighter". It was Quickly discerned that it was being triggered by a set bonus. Whether Cryptic or the playerbase figured it out first doesn't matter, as soon as it hit Cryptic there should've been immediate emergency maintenance to disable the set bonus until further notice. They did emergency Saturday night maintenance for much less two Saturdays ago.
I think part of the reason they didn't disable it was because they needed to figure out under what kinds of conditions the exploit was caused.
Everyone knew it was a set bonus, but it's always more than that under the hood.
Part of the reason these devs need a friggin PTR.....
Best thing Blizz ever did for itself.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
I'm simply stating that if you see gear for cheap in the AH AT ALL and you think buying it will trivialize your endgame experience...............don't buy it. They don't need removed from the game. You just need to practice self control.
I think OTHER people buying the gear trivializes my end game experience you dunce. If you don't understand why I'm just going to have to label you a hopeless casual even though I'm sure that just makes me an elitist Uber nerd who cares too much about what gear people have yadda yadda save me the speech.
I'm speaking mostly about the biggest exploit there was, "The myserious one-shotting Guardian Fighter". It was Quickly discerned that it was being triggered by a set bonus. Whether Cryptic or the playerbase figured it out first doesn't matter, as soon as it hit Cryptic there should've been immediate emergency maintenance to disable the set bonus until further notice. They did emergency Saturday night maintenance for much less two Saturdays ago.
The assumption being that it's easy to just disable the set bonus. Being a programmer myself, I know that sometimes shoddy programming might be involved, which makes seemingly simple tasks complex (note: not implying that that is the case)
Also, detailing what steps they would take before they take it would just give the exploiters more opportunities to find a loophole to escape. Remember that just as we're clueless on what they'll do, the exploiters themselves are likewise just as clueless.
I think part of the reason they didn't disable it was because they needed to figure out under what kinds of conditions the exploit was caused.
Everyone knew it was a set bonus, but it's always more than that under the hood.
Part of the reason these devs need a friggin PTR.....
Best thing Blizz ever did for itself.
I can totally agree with the PTR, but letting this big of an exploit go unchecked for that long with pure silence on the topic until today, wasn't the best move. They should've just troubleshot it internally, then activated the set bonus once the found the source of the problem.
I think OTHER people buying the gear trivializes my end game experience you dunce. If you don't understand why I'm just going to have to label you a hopeless casual even though I'm sure that just makes me an elitist Uber nerd who cares too much about what gear people have yadda yadda save me the speech.
I assume you never ever play single player games because people often cheat in them? What other people do should have no bearing on what you do.
This is about the GF one shotting everything and farming high end instances. None of them got banned and they keep all items and allow it to circulate I assume?
So was this how Envy farmed all those Valiant pieces? I was wondering how he got all of those...
Funny...I read his "guide" and he never mentioned the method. He only mentioned that he abused it and that he shouldn't be banned for it.
Regardless, this is where Perfect World needs to step up and do something. They won't get a dime from me until that happens. Nothing invested so far = nothing lost to just move on...
I think OTHER people buying the gear trivializes my end game experience you dunce. If you don't understand why I'm just going to have to label you a hopeless casual even though I'm sure that just makes me an elitist Uber nerd who cares too much about what gear people have yadda yadda save me the speech.
Ah so some of your pugs might be easier than others because members of your party have better gear.....hmmmmmmm.....sounds like every other MMO......
You gonna ask every one of them how they got their gear? Every time?
Still so bad at counter arguing.....
You don't sound like an elitist uber nerd so much as a child raging on his daddy's computer because he can't understand the fact that players are still able to have fun in this game despite the recently patched exploit.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
xraxisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I think OTHER people buying the gear trivializes my end game experience you dunce. If you don't understand why I'm just going to have to label you a hopeless casual even though I'm sure that just makes me an elitist Uber nerd who cares too much about what gear people have yadda yadda save me the speech.
By making the gear that would take days-weeks to get a T2 instance on farm status to complete full sets commonplace. It's the same reason T2 gear should be BoP. The exploit just compounded the issue of the best gear being available for purchase with money/AD.
Don't mean to sound hostile but this is a common stance among MMO players who raid and do end content so it's frustrating when it's disregarded.
So much anger in this post, did your pet gerbil die this morning or something?
It's open beta anyway, things like this are expected.
Do you feel the same way about breaking laws in the civil code? Why do you care if a murderer is sent to prison or not? he did'nt kill you?
So that I know that there is consequences to breaking the law/rule, if not it's chaos and anarchy.
people bought what were supposed to be expensive karma weapons and armor and flooded the market with them.
They patched it, not very many people were banned, the economy stabilized itself.
You people fail to realize that if they can't exploit anymore, then the effect of that exploit on the economy will DISAPPEAR OVER TIME.
Use ur friggin heads.
it's not needed. it will fix itself since they can't do it anymore.
The weapons and armor will be bought up, the economy will fix itself. It's a no brainer.
As for a 110 page thread settling the issue that a rollback is doesn't. Not by a long shot. It's barely an accurate portrayal of the community's feelings.
I see threads like that and I cut their page count in half.
So it's actually a 55 page thread with the other 55 pages consisting of repeat posters b****ing at each other. You know it's true.
You don't need to rollback items, you just need to ban exploiters and therefore confiscate all their illgotten gains. If some random person got some T2 epics for cheaper than they otherwise would have been able to that isn't the end of the world. It'll stabilize over time.
But the people who got millions of AD by exploiting need to be banned and that AD confiscated. Or else they'll just do it again next time, and the game will continue to reward people who destroy it.
We're not worried about the economy correcting itself from where it is now, current end game is already ruined as you can buy all your t2 pieces for less than 300k. The problem is all the exploited AD that got converted to Zen on hundreds of mule accounts will just be used to clear the raid content that will be released in the future. If you can't understand why it's bad for an exploiter to have 10k in zen during future end game content than you are in hardcore denial.
The fact of the matter is it's PvE.
Who gives a HAMSTER what "joe" did for himself in PvE?
As long as the exploits are fixed, I give no cares what the players do afterwards. Like you said, the economy will fix itself. Other players have no bearing on my game.
Well that's settled then you're just selfish and don't care how the exploits affect the long term enjoyment of other players because you feel like YOUR experience isn't affected. I say it does affect me because it trivializes end game content which I enjoy so who's right? Are your feelings more important than mine and others who think like I do?
Just own up to your argument and admit you don't care about anything other than solo play.
current end-game actually isn't ruined so long as you look at that T2 piece in the AH and say to yourself.........."I'd rather earn that."
oh look. End game is suddenly viable.
buying that piece for cheap on the AH is almost the same thing as exploiting to get it in the first place, you're simply feeding off of what they did because you're just as impatient as they were to get geared up.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
So if you have the mindset of "i just won't buy it. I'd rather earn it," suddenly all your worries are for not. You'll feel better about yourself too.
Very simple.
um no. I care just as much bout group play my friend.
It's just I'd rather EARN my gear rather than buy it cheap since, by extension, you're just as bad as the exploiters who got it in the first place.
You're feeding off their success because you're just as impatient as they were.
End game content is only trivialized if you decided to BUY.....into the hype.
get it?
Not to mention I'm an officer in my guild so group play is something very special to me.
Just don't buy the gear. Have fun with the game.
Practice self control. It's very easy.
you say "run rampant."
I say "trying desperately to figure out what was causing it."
All we were telling them after all was that "THIS IZ BROKENZ!"
You just admitted that having these items still in the game means the exploit is still being used and yet at the same time refuse to acknowledge that they should be removed from the game.
get it?
if the gear is still present in the AH, that doesn't mean that the exploit is still being used (hence this morning's patch).
I'm simply stating that if you see gear for cheap in the AH AT ALL and you think buying it will trivialize your endgame experience...............don't buy it.
Something exploiters can't do and neither can the people who benefit from what they're doing (the people who buy the gear they acquire for cheap off the AH and then go and complain about endgame).
You're very bad at counter arguing.
Also, it's "ACKnowledge"
I think part of the reason they didn't disable it was because they needed to figure out under what kinds of conditions the exploit was caused.
Everyone knew it was a set bonus, but it's always more than that under the hood.
Part of the reason these devs need a friggin PTR.....
Best thing Blizz ever did for itself.
I think OTHER people buying the gear trivializes my end game experience you dunce. If you don't understand why I'm just going to have to label you a hopeless casual even though I'm sure that just makes me an elitist Uber nerd who cares too much about what gear people have yadda yadda save me the speech.
Also, detailing what steps they would take before they take it would just give the exploiters more opportunities to find a loophole to escape. Remember that just as we're clueless on what they'll do, the exploiters themselves are likewise just as clueless.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
I assume you never ever play single player games because people often cheat in them? What other people do should have no bearing on what you do.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
So was this how Envy farmed all those Valiant pieces? I was wondering how he got all of those...
Funny...I read his "guide" and he never mentioned the method. He only mentioned that he abused it and that he shouldn't be banned for it.
Regardless, this is where Perfect World needs to step up and do something. They won't get a dime from me until that happens. Nothing invested so far = nothing lost to just move on...
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
That said, I doubt there will be much punishment meted out.
Ah so some of your pugs might be easier than others because members of your party have better gear.....hmmmmmmm.....sounds like every other MMO......
You gonna ask every one of them how they got their gear? Every time?
Still so bad at counter arguing.....
You don't sound like an elitist uber nerd so much as a child raging on his daddy's computer because he can't understand the fact that players are still able to have fun in this game despite the recently patched exploit.
How does it trivialize your end game experience?
Still abused it when he kept re-running the whole dungeon. Hell, there's streams up with players thanking Envy for showing them how to do it.
Oh well, no money invested = no money lost. See you in the next MMO.
Because some of his pugs might be easier than others? I have no clue.
You try talking to him. lol
By making the gear that would take days-weeks to get a T2 instance on farm status to complete full sets commonplace. It's the same reason T2 gear should be BoP. The exploit just compounded the issue of the best gear being available for purchase with money/AD.
Don't mean to sound hostile but this is a common stance among MMO players who raid and do end content so it's frustrating when it's disregarded.