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  • heman2222heman2222 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fact that such a damaging exploit existed in the game just shows how little this game has been tested. I very much doubt that they will wipe the game, because they have said that they will not, and refunding all the purchased ZEN would be absolutely terrible, even if they have full records.

    I also think the excuse "this is beta, **** happens" can't really apply here, because they let people invest real money, and it will bring up a ****storm of bad PR if they wipe everyone's characters, and also lose a lot of the playerbase. Really this "Open Beta" is a soft launch, and i think a longer "Closed Beta" (i.e. proper beta testing) would have probably ironed out a lot of the problems.

    Once you've said "no wipes" and allowed players to invest money and time, people start going after the things that they want, and spend more and more money to get them (which is exactly what they want you to do). Wiping everyone's progress just because a fraction of the playerbase found a way to beat the system is just moronic.

    More testing is needed in this game. (which I guess we are supposed to do, as this is Beta)
    ADs from the -AD exploit need to be removed, and the players exploiting it need to be banned. Also, anyone transferring ADs over the past few days needs to be examined.
    The AD/ZEN trading and AH economy need to be looked at, otherwise, things are gonna be completely broken.
    People who purchased ZEN need to be reassured that their money is safe in some fashion.

    A gift of some sort for players who stick with the game after this may also help ease tensions with whatever happens, be it a wipe or just a lot of bans.
  • kattara1kattara1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well, if they can trace all mailouts from those who used exploits/hacks accounts? then wipe is not needed, I understand it's better to do a wipe, but many peopple played honestly thus don't deseve to grind again, but then again, this is beta, still in test mode, or is it a realese of a full game?
    I know every game who use beta have full wipe before release.
  • ronkdebracheronkdebrache Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I tried to reply and forgot the fact that nothing works, so f*** that earlier message and all the things I had to say. I'll just post this instead.
  • ulyrinulyrin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wipe IMO.

    its the only way they can be assured of shannigans being gotten rid of.
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