It doesn't matter if the MMO is successful or not there is always at least one person who feels the need to post this.
Great, you think the game will fail. That's nice. It may or it may not. What does it matter to you? If you don't like it then stop playing. If you like it then keep playing. If you love it then get your friends to play with you.
Or, I suppose, you can go to the forums and complain up a storm if that makes you happy. I'm good with that. I often enjoy posting on forums more than the games the forums belong to.
As for the "isn't it pay to win?" comments, well those would have existed even if this game was bug-free. The argument is subjective, but you're always going to find someone who says it's pay to win when you give an advantage (no matter how small) for cash.
Isn’t this a bit like saying math is subjective? While that is true in that humans lack the cognitive abilities to pursue mathematics to an infinite degree of precision, two plus two still comes out to four in a less than subjective manner.
So too can one not trace a rather direct line from zen to ad to epic gear, fastest mounts, highest gear score? Does gearscore not play a part in getting into elite raiding groups (when they arise), end game? Do epics not offer some advantage in PVP or even PVE?
Can these things be gained without the aforementioned line of moneyed descent? Yes, but that person will always be behind the curve and as new things come out they will fall even farther behind to wealthy players. I am not making a judgment as to whether it is a good thing or a bad thing but lets not pretend that it doesn’t exist. Let’s not imagine that the line of succession does not include a very real currency.
I can’t think it will be a good thing for that sort of word to get around but maybe that’s the point. It says free to play but perhaps that is not the sort of neighborhood PWE is looking for. Perhaps they are looking for something more affluent and the idea that Neverwinter is a paying man’s game is exactly the image sought here.
So the free game may fail, but the long game… maybe not.
Is this a weak way of trying to imply that they're going to be banned at some point in the future?
Is that before or after they sell this stuff and the damage to the economy is already done?
I'd just like a post from the devs saying "We've banned a bunch of people for exploiting this HAMSTER."
Yeah, good luck with that. Bans aren't supposed to be discussed on the forums, right? But you expect the devs to violate their own rules for your benefit? Get real, mate, you're living in delusionville.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Why anyone would spend so much energy on moaning about a game they are sure is a failure, is beyond me. Doesn't seem healthy to me. The sane, mature reaction would be to go and play something that they enjoy more.
On a side note, I chuckled when I saw "getting 50 epics an hour" and "monopoly" in the same bit of confused blathering. Increasing the supply and flooding the market sure sounds like a good strategy. These complaints are all about wanting a bigger slice of the cake, nothing else. The exploiters ruined certain people's wet dream of making millions by farming 14 hours a day during summer break. Well, that didn't quite work out.
Without any response or acknowledgment from the devs that RAMPANT problems are existing, the world and the economy is soon going down to anarchy. We have firstly, afk pvpers bots. We have GF exploits in dungeons. We have them getting 50 purples in 1 hour. We have broken prices in auction house due to these monopolies.
Bad taste is starting to spread word of mouth to potential customers. For example, yesterday when i asked a couple friends if they heard anything about neverwinter, the comments are "isnt it pay 2 win?" "I heard its heavily exploited game". The first step is to acknowledge these are major issues and not declare "open beta is a success". The second step is to fix it. Without these, failure of the game is imminent. Just like all other 10 of PW games are kinda fail.
We also have random clueless people never reading patch notes and spamming useless threads.
Why anyone would spend so much energy on moaning about a game they are sure is a failure, is beyond me. Doesn't seem healthy to me. The sane, mature reaction would be to go and play something that they enjoy more.
On a side note, I chuckled when I saw "getting 50 epics an hour" and "monopoly" in the same bit of confused blathering. Increasing the supply and flooding the market sure sounds like a good strategy. These complaints are all about wanting a bigger slice of the cake, nothing else. The exploiters ruined certain people's wet dream of making millions by farming 14 hours a day during summer break. Well, that didn't quite work out.
I'd post it here if I could remember where I saw it, but in one of the "If you don't wipe the servers you fail" threads, someone has already pointed out that they're mad that they can't loot ninja loot profitably.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Economies are living, breathing things. I don't think many people actually understand the weight even an economy can have on a game, virtual or not. Such issues become more prominent in games such as Neverwinter where it is possible to trade real money for items as well as currency used for similar purposes.
You cannot just let exploits and bugs slide so easily when it comes to online economies as many things not fixed now may become extremely problematic further down the line. These problems are what cause the over-inflation and de-valuation of products and services.
I'm not saying we need rollbacks or not but that largely depends on Cryptic's stance on the matter and what they do from here on out. My point is directed at anyone who thinks virtual economies are nothing. Time is money.
kaerthusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I feel like Deekin is trolling in General Discussion, "Dooooooooooom!" LOL
OP makes is sound like the second coming of the Great Depression.
Yeah, good luck with that. Bans aren't supposed to be discussed on the forums, right? But you expect the devs to violate their own rules for your benefit? Get real, mate, you're living in delusionville.
Doesn't have to be done in the forums. In fact these things are usually announced in the news, so people would actually read it.
I'd post it here if I could remember where I saw it, but in one of the "If you don't wipe the servers you fail" threads, someone has already pointed out that they're mad that they can't loot ninja loot profitably.
Yep, that is what I figured. Everyone else either does not care because they only use what they find or get as drops, like me, or they welcome the more affordable prices. The saturation of the T2 epic gear market would have taken place anyway. Not as soon as now, but a month or two down the road it would have been the same situation, even without any exploits.
Doesn't have to be done in the forums. In fact these things are usually announced in the news, so people would actually read it.
So all that talk about account privacy is just filler for a page? Does their policy have a loophole that says "if we ban you, we're going to post your name all over the internet for everyone to see"? Because if they can blatantly violate somebody's privacy in that way, we need to seriously re-evaluate spending any time or money here.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Yep, that is what I figured. Everyone else either does not care because they only use what they find or get as drops, like me, or they welcome the more affordable prices. The saturation of the T2 epic gear market would have taken place anyway. Not as soon as now, but a month or two down the road it would have been the same situation, even without any exploits.
With the leveling curve being what it isn't in this game, I'd say halve that estimate. Competent players can beat these bosses and get that gear, and if it's benefiting them to do so, they will run it repeatedly. We then get to the complaints by, likely some of the same people, that "basement dwellers" are controlling the economy. I have seen it way too many times to believe that it would be otherwise.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I am more talking about dealing with those that have already done these exploits and removing these overflowing purples from their possession and from the market.
lol good luck with that........... or are they going to find one guilty person to sacrifice to please some of the angry mob? I just don't think anyone is going to be punished.... but im a cynic.
OHHHH nice after ONE WEEK they fix things ? I'm so happy and feel so well treated as a customer. The market is broken. They HAVE to rollback and you and I and i hope everyone knows that. Yet they refuse to release an official statement. The CB weekends we played were OPEN ALPHAS. What you are obviously still playing and - for a matter which i cannot understand, still enjoying is an OPEN BETA(feels like an alpha though). So when will the reroll be ? Statements ? nah........
It could be worst, there are games around that you actually pay subscription to play and they don't fix **** for years, and yet you're complaining about a beta, isn't the definition of beta to test software in development to adjust it?
So all that talk about account privacy is just filler for a page? Does their policy have a loophole that says "if we ban you, we're going to post your name all over the internet for everyone to see"? Because if they can blatantly violate somebody's privacy in that way, we need to seriously re-evaluate spending any time or money here.
Are you dense? They can announce that "many accounts found to be exploiting have been banned" and not break any confidentiality clauses.
Without any response or acknowledgment from the devs that RAMPANT problems are existing, the world and the economy is soon going down to anarchy. We have firstly, afk pvpers bots. We have GF exploits in dungeons. We have them getting 50 purples in 1 hour. We have broken prices in auction house due to these monopolies.
Bad taste is starting to spread word of mouth to potential customers. For example, yesterday when i asked a couple friends if they heard anything about neverwinter, the comments are "isnt it pay 2 win?" "I heard its heavily exploited game". The first step is to acknowledge these are major issues and not declare "open beta is a success". The second step is to fix it. Without these, failure of the game is imminent. Just like all other 10 of PW games are kinda fail.
Someone clearly wants to skip today's patchnotes. 1/10.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
given that you appear to know that "10 of the other PW games are kinda fail" ( i paraphrase ) then why are your expectations for this any higher. take it and move along. Rift coming soon for freetards
My question is that if that person KNOWS that all 10 of the other Perfect World games are failures why are they even here?
Honestly if a game was launched with zero bugs, completely free and actually reversed the ageing process while you played... people would still find something to cry about.
For most of them, if you gave them a hat that had the power to create the game of their dreams, they'd complain about the color.
Are you dense? They can announce that "many accounts found to be exploiting have been banned" and not break any confidentiality clauses.
While the game is still officially 'in testing", let those that are exploiting keep on exploiting. Cryptic knows exactly who they are, I'm sure (else they couldn't have fixed the issues in the first place) and is most likely keeping an eye on them. Then, just before the game comes out of testing, lower the ban on them, wipe out their accounts and then make that announcement.
Are you dense? They can announce that "many accounts found to be exploiting have been banned" and not break any confidentiality clauses.
Are you? So if they aren't posting their full quarterly "actions taken" tab you'll just say they aren't doing anything? I don't expect to see much more than a sidebar of "this situation has been dealt with". I am not one of the exploiters, so it's not my business how they are dealt with, although I hope they are hit with a rather large ban hammer, I don't need to see printed verification. I'm not going to sit around frothing at the mouth because they didn't report what actions they took. Sorry, is that what I'm supposed to be doing? All these years of figuring things are none of my business, I should have been sticking my nose into everything because, well, I was there, and I should have all the answers I want immediately, and upon demand? Yeah, not buying into the entitlement HAMSTER. What happens between Cryptic/PWE and the exploiters is between them, and is none of your business.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Well, his base would be what the devs said in the thread talking about today patch. At least he has some basis..
here is the post:
I honestly wouldn't mods tend to cleanse with fire post like that.
Every. Single. MMO. Ever.
It doesn't matter if the MMO is successful or not there is always at least one person who feels the need to post this.
Great, you think the game will fail. That's nice. It may or it may not. What does it matter to you? If you don't like it then stop playing. If you like it then keep playing. If you love it then get your friends to play with you.
Or, I suppose, you can go to the forums and complain up a storm if that makes you happy. I'm good with that. I often enjoy posting on forums more than the games the forums belong to.
That's a start. I just hope they follow through.
PWE needs a few bodies swaying in the wind to discourage future exploiting.
Ehr I was trying to be sarcastic but evidently it didn't come out very well....
Yeah and without the need for a full wipe!
I can't believe people have already forgotten the original slang used for non-paying players of F2P games.. (froob)
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Isn’t this a bit like saying math is subjective? While that is true in that humans lack the cognitive abilities to pursue mathematics to an infinite degree of precision, two plus two still comes out to four in a less than subjective manner.
So too can one not trace a rather direct line from zen to ad to epic gear, fastest mounts, highest gear score? Does gearscore not play a part in getting into elite raiding groups (when they arise), end game? Do epics not offer some advantage in PVP or even PVE?
Can these things be gained without the aforementioned line of moneyed descent? Yes, but that person will always be behind the curve and as new things come out they will fall even farther behind to wealthy players. I am not making a judgment as to whether it is a good thing or a bad thing but lets not pretend that it doesn’t exist. Let’s not imagine that the line of succession does not include a very real currency.
I can’t think it will be a good thing for that sort of word to get around but maybe that’s the point. It says free to play but perhaps that is not the sort of neighborhood PWE is looking for. Perhaps they are looking for something more affluent and the idea that Neverwinter is a paying man’s game is exactly the image sought here.
So the free game may fail, but the long game… maybe not.
Yeah, good luck with that. Bans aren't supposed to be discussed on the forums, right? But you expect the devs to violate their own rules for your benefit? Get real, mate, you're living in delusionville.
On a side note, I chuckled when I saw "getting 50 epics an hour" and "monopoly" in the same bit of confused blathering. Increasing the supply and flooding the market sure sounds like a good strategy.
I'd post it here if I could remember where I saw it, but in one of the "If you don't wipe the servers you fail" threads, someone has already pointed out that they're mad that they can't loot ninja loot profitably.
Of course we haven't, mine was a pathetic attempt at sarcasm
You cannot just let exploits and bugs slide so easily when it comes to online economies as many things not fixed now may become extremely problematic further down the line. These problems are what cause the over-inflation and de-valuation of products and services.
I'm not saying we need rollbacks or not but that largely depends on Cryptic's stance on the matter and what they do from here on out. My point is directed at anyone who thinks virtual economies are nothing. Time is money.
OP makes is sound like the second coming of the Great Depression.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Yep, that is what I figured. Everyone else either does not care because they only use what they find or get as drops, like me, or they welcome the more affordable prices. The saturation of the T2 epic gear market would have taken place anyway. Not as soon as now, but a month or two down the road it would have been the same situation, even without any exploits.
So all that talk about account privacy is just filler for a page? Does their policy have a loophole that says "if we ban you, we're going to post your name all over the internet for everyone to see"? Because if they can blatantly violate somebody's privacy in that way, we need to seriously re-evaluate spending any time or money here.
With the leveling curve being what it isn't in this game, I'd say halve that estimate. Competent players can beat these bosses and get that gear, and if it's benefiting them to do so, they will run it repeatedly. We then get to the complaints by, likely some of the same people, that "basement dwellers" are controlling the economy. I have seen it way too many times to believe that it would be otherwise.
lol good luck with that........... or are they going to find one guilty person to sacrifice to please some of the angry mob? I just don't think anyone is going to be punished.... but im a cynic.
Aye but is it a worthy doom? that is the question!!!
It could be worst, there are games around that you actually pay subscription to play and they don't fix **** for years, and yet you're complaining about a beta, isn't the definition of beta to test software in development to adjust it?
Are you dense? They can announce that "many accounts found to be exploiting have been banned" and not break any confidentiality clauses.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Someone clearly wants to skip today's patchnotes. 1/10.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
And didn't they fix a couple of exploits Monday night? What the @#$#$HAMSTER# are you talking about that they aren't doing anything?
My question is that if that person KNOWS that all 10 of the other Perfect World games are failures why are they even here?
For most of them, if you gave them a hat that had the power to create the game of their dreams, they'd complain about the color.
While the game is still officially 'in testing", let those that are exploiting keep on exploiting. Cryptic knows exactly who they are, I'm sure (else they couldn't have fixed the issues in the first place) and is most likely keeping an eye on them. Then, just before the game comes out of testing, lower the ban on them, wipe out their accounts and then make that announcement.
Are you? So if they aren't posting their full quarterly "actions taken" tab you'll just say they aren't doing anything? I don't expect to see much more than a sidebar of "this situation has been dealt with". I am not one of the exploiters, so it's not my business how they are dealt with, although I hope they are hit with a rather large ban hammer, I don't need to see printed verification. I'm not going to sit around frothing at the mouth because they didn't report what actions they took. Sorry, is that what I'm supposed to be doing? All these years of figuring things are none of my business, I should have been sticking my nose into everything because, well, I was there, and I should have all the answers I want immediately, and upon demand? Yeah, not buying into the entitlement HAMSTER. What happens between Cryptic/PWE and the exploiters is between them, and is none of your business.