not quite sure what went on and might be hard to ever find out if it was a coincidence or one off, but fighting the lvl 55-60 dragon at the end of the 5 man dungeon there earlier, and when we entered the end boss area, where you get attacked by a couple of wyverns. well everytime i used the raor skill on them hitting both wyverns inf ront of me, a decent number of which were criticals i was doing 0 dmg.
now seeing as i have never seen a 0 deal by enemies or myself ever at any level before, and that raor normally does nearer 700-1000(more for crits) hat's why i mention it. after they died and the dragon and all it's small friends flew down, roar was working fine on them.
First foundry quest, simple and to the point : NW-DDBDRZFG3