Hi all,
I played a level 60 CW, enjoyed the core game play but the greed i've noticed including a lack of feedback/updates this early in the games release has irritated me to no end.
As it stands I do not have high hopes for end game content, nor regular updates and thus will not be playing any more. The reason for this post was because I haven't played much in the past week but check the forums every few days to see the updates. They are laughably weak, although additions to the money grabbing cash shop are novel to see.
Sorry but my honest opinion is the game is a complete and utter discraceful cash grab and definitely not a pay to win model that will be remembered, recognised or cared for. I give this game two more weeks for the others to hit level 60 and realise that the team working on the game are only pumping out cash store HAMSTER to fund their next mmo (which i'm pretty sure they are already working on).
I log in, have all the PvP items (that was easy a day of grinding)
I log in, queue for a dungeon only to be kicked for being a second CW or because everyone leaves due to a HAMSTER poor match making system. What is there to do whilst waiting for a dungeon? PvP? Cannot queue for pvp and dungeons so no. Grind mobs? Why grind mobs when I already have everything in the game and theres zero chance for epic items to drop on trash. So my time in game is spent jumping around trying to land trees because there is nothing else to do in the game.
I realise games have their issues but the amount of stupid bugs do not make the lack of content enjoyable - i.e 5th members in dungeons not being filled. Buggy queues, repetitive and boring mobs that have 10 billion hp.
Overall i'm not surprised and pretty glad I played the game for FREE so I have no regrets, but is this going to be a mmo people play in 3 months? No it won't.
I'm out.
My overall review is 3/10 - good mechanics for combat, poor and lazy developers.
Anyone else who's quit or close to quitting please let me know why?
anything negative about game and people talking about quit will get lock
I hope you are joking, and if you are not then case closed :-) They should realise that removing peoples freedom or speech will only anger people mo;re and should be very aware that many players of the game are directly involved in websites with potentially huge viewer bases. Just saying.