I got the chance to interview Andy Velasquez yesterday, thought I would share the "video" (was supposed to be a Skype cam feed with Craig Zinkievich originally but got changed on the last day) of my skype conversation. Touched upon the process of how Neverwinter came to be, how they handle changes that the community want and a hint at what we can expect in the future.
The Crystal Relics - NWS-DMXNCNAVJ
Tower District Contest Entry: Undercover Brother - NW-DCD6OI9JE
After seeing this Video with obvious preset answers ( note how Velasquez responds sometimes, he's reading a written down answer......) I'm not sure if the poster is a proffessional comedian or just very very advanced high-end troll.
You can't post a fake interview about an obvious Pay-to-Win game on a site that is called "" and be serious about it.
I was laughing my a s s of, so thank you for that Sir )
I was thinking this when he said it. If its in reference to the "General" forums then yes it has the most haterade Ive ever seen. Im glad the Auction Broker is getting fixed soon though.
I don't think we'll necessarily be seeing that many new things with the commercial release, this is still Open Beta after all so it's more about making sure the current features are working correctly (like the Auction House and the Great Weapon Fighter that he mentioned). For me it was nice to get an insight into how they actually go about deciding on what's a big enough problem, the whole "looking at healing pot usage" was something I never expected to compare what they're seeing with what people are saying.
Sixteen minute interview, would take too long to write it all up I'm afraid
Don't really have that much time to talk and it was a pretty strict cutoff time so that he could take his other meetings. I believe most of the exploits are being addressed (Foundry XP, etc.) and have more than enough comments throughout the forums. Didn't feel it was worth going over old ground or talking about stuff that is considered a bug... and given that this is Open Beta that's expected isn't it?
Not sure what you mean. Yes NW get a rough idea of what I'm going to ask, but never the specifics and are usually based around what I personally want to know or I think other players will want to know. However, there is probably VERY little they haven't talked about over and over and over so they can talk about stuff with some confidence (which is maybe why it seems scripted?) and there's always stuff that they want to make sure they tell us. Not sure how this comes across as fake, but whatev's, I'm not going to lose any sleep over your comments