This started a couple days ago, as far as I can tell all the fires are acting this way. The bonfire doesn't even show the icon that you can normally hover over that tells you it's healing an injury, nothing happens after waiting more than 20 minutes on the fire. Had to use an injury kit to remove a minor leg injury.
Post edited by misternasty813 on
misternasty813Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
Does anyone have this problem? I have not seen the icon for removing injuries in some days.
I've had the timer reset on be before as well, but I could always eventually recover from my injuries by a campfire. Today, I'm not even seeing the timer. I've got the campfire buff for my stats, but I'm not seeing the other buff at all.
I'm in Helm's Hold. I tried both at the campfire in the Old Dirty Dwarf tavern, and the campfire immediately outside it.
- LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
I noticed this happen quite a few times. Some of those times relogging helped, other times it did not.
powereddjinnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Seems that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
& I think it is related to the funds I have to buy Injury Kits, if I'm flush it works, when skint, it doesnt
or is it that I'm impatient when there's gold in my wallet :P
I don't recall the heal injuries buff not appearing, but I can certainly confirm it's not working correctly when it does show up.
For me, the timer always seems to start at 3:00, despite the tooltip saying it heals every 5 minutes, and then when it has counted down to 0:05 it flicks to 0:04 then back to 0:05 four times, then resets to 3:00.
At this point, sometimes it will heal an injury and sometimes it won't. I haven't been paying super close attention to have spotted a trend yet (although the more in a hurry I am, during Profession or Foundry bonus events, the more likely it seems to not work )
"Duct tape is like the force; it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together."
I'm in Helm's Hold. I tried both at the campfire in the Old Dirty Dwarf tavern, and the campfire immediately outside it.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
& I think it is related to the funds I have to buy Injury Kits, if I'm flush it works, when skint, it doesnt
or is it that I'm impatient when there's gold in my wallet :P
What Class Are You?
For me, the timer always seems to start at 3:00, despite the tooltip saying it heals every 5 minutes, and then when it has counted down to 0:05 it flicks to 0:04 then back to 0:05 four times, then resets to 3:00.
At this point, sometimes it will heal an injury and sometimes it won't. I haven't been paying super close attention to have spotted a trend yet (although the more in a hurry I am, during Profession or Foundry bonus events, the more likely it seems to not work