Hello all, I have recently published my first quest which is also an intro to join my guild. I could use more feedback and I am willing to trade reviews for your quests. Please list your info to match mine so that I may find your quest and let you know what I think. Thanks a bunch.
Title: Order of the Five Flights: Intro
Code: NW-DJIL95DV2
My dungeon:
T: Witches Brew
A: @strainzed
by: @odoofmetz
Tag: Combat
Sub Tag: Story, Crypt, Outdoor
I will review yours if you review mine.
Name: Resurrection of Xunvrae (part 1 of 4)
Author: Elimgarak83
Tag: Story, Comat, RP
Mine is:
Bringing Truth to Words
* In the first house there are some pieces of cloth floating on nothing.
* If you reach paperpusher before killing all the kobolds he's just standing there. Maybe add some dialog along the lines of 'There's still more of them out there, kill them and we can talk safely ect.'
* In the first large room of the severs one of the piles of rubbish clips through the floor.
* In the first large L shaped room, right after the bend of the L there is pipe floating without touching the pillar. You can just see that it's floating if you line up right. Made more obvious by the fact that the water is flowing between pillar and pipe.
All in all, very nice. I don't know very much about the lore of forgotten reams ect but you seem to be going to an interesting place with the plot. I've subscribed for the next installment.
And here's mine...
The Linkwell Crypt
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
Mine is
The Three Dials
Story quest, duration circa 15 minutes.
Hello all fans of Neverwinter!
I'm pilator, and this is my first map Foundry. I hope that the story and the gameplay you'll like it. I tried to map was prepared for a really professional. Did I? I'm curious about your comments and feedback
Your name is Argon, you're a former hero of Neverwinter. Its title earned by the defense of the city, defeated the last of the family golden dragons Aldur who wanted to destroy the city Never. For unknown reasons shortly after the victory, decided to go into the unknown. People, however, always remember your name, and believed that one day you will return. It's been 11 years, and you come back to Neverwinter to see how to hold on to things. It's not good, the city returned to the Victoria - once queen golden dragons. Argon will face an important choice.
WHAT IS IT? - Map offers a rich, role-playing adventure. Map and NPC are customized, maps were created in 3D mode (independently set). MAP HAD GOT 2 ENDS! I can guarantee you that by this adventure will not soon forget
FOR AUTHOR: I apologize for any grammatical errors! Trying to my English was the best I can be
MINUTES: 30-1h
PLAYERS: 1-3max
1.0 - oryginal
DANGER! - Click on a sentence in my signature "Return to Neverwinter" to move to the topic dedicated to my own map and give me your opinion on the map
Very happy to Review your map, write the ID on a piece, I'll play and then let you know.
Now it's time for some details.
First of all the setting and the storyline are great. I honestly have nothing else to say about the story or the environments other than they are well made and fit the atmosphere and theme.
The conversation with the Dwarf has its fair share of humor mixed in with a very...dwarvish accent.
I liked the positioning of the first campfire, in the house.
The second campfire (the one in the sewers) is in the ground. If that was intentional or not, I don't know, but I thought that it might be a good idea to mention it.
Speaking of the second campfire, I liked how you are able to open the door from the other side, giving you access to the campfire half-way through the mission.
The map layout is natural and doesn't feel confusing or too linear.
Ditz, the Kobold...what a mysterious fellow...
The combat is well integrated. The encounters didn't feel unnecessary or impossible - they were just right.
Honestly there is little I can suggest that can improve the current quest. Perhaps some more traps? Some side rooms, more characters like Ditz that you find in the sewer etc.
Anyway, great job. I am really impressed with how this Kobold-themed map turned out. And I am curious to see the continuation.
In my case, my quest is called Path to the Underworld and it is the first chapter of a campaign called Ignum.
I am curious to see your opinion on it and any feedback is appreciated.
"The quest for the Book of Ignum"
"I have seen your future. I have seen your end"
As a reminder mine is: -
The Three Dials
Story quest, duration circa 15 minutes.
I just went through it and left you an ingame review. I thought it was simple, yet good. The fights weren't boring or over saturated and the writing was good. Though, like Geoff said there could be more choices added.
A few changes:
Two groups of monsters respawn while none of the others do. One is at the beginning of the passage to the fourth room in the sewers and the other is just before it
Add animations to interactions. I was interacting with the final item and just standing there.
Change the name of the gate that takes you home from "Go to next map".
Overall, good job!
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Like the quest, nice use of NPC dialogue to give them character. A bit disappointed that the player's responses were so limited though, that could use some work.
Generally your encounter placement was good, and most of the fights were optional. That was nice, meant you could take the quest at your own pace. Final boss room could do with the encounters spaced out a little more but was fine overall.
My quest is in my sig if you want to check it out.
Part 1: Death comes to Neverwinter - NW-DL8EPHRAT
In The Streams of Inferno : The Fear That Freeze by @voivodak
Short Quest Code: NW-DNUZSYEEY
Short Campaign Code : NWS-DPT8BX3XE
Mission Type: Lore, Dialogue, Exploration, Hard-oriented Combat
Average Duration: 30-45 min.
Amount of Combat: Average
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
My mission: A small dwarvish grudge. NW-DUI8A8I7R
Solo Mission
Combat and story, some humor.
A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)
Title: Berun's Hill
Author: AntaresPrime
I'll give your dungeon a go. My info is:
Berun's Hill
NW-DPBYLFGO6 ("o" not zero)
strainzed: Witches Brew
I played your quest and I see a nice start but it need some more polishing. I liked the house area and the details were nice. The storyline was pretty good thought the ending left me hanging. I hope there is another quest to finish it up. All in all good job.
-Tapestries in the first room were clipping into the wall or into the ground.
-First dialog tree ends with the player casting a spell, yet not all players can cast spells.
-First room has cloths hanging in the air but nothing is holding them up.
-The bathtub needs a name instead of crypt pool water 01.
-The room with the clickable tables and bookcase has candles clipping through the table.
-Bedstand tells you to cast a spell. Same issue as the first dialog tree.
-Shelves in the room with the clicky tables and bookcase seem to be rather far from the wall Caught my eye as I was returning to that room.
-Tunnel entrance could use a name other than click F to continue.
-Spiderling stuck in rocks.
-Magic orb trap needs more work. Spiders need to spawn after text else there is no point in trying to read the text while being attacked.
-Door after long hallway needs text on door instead of click F to interact.
-Quest said to keep chaising her and there was no golden trail so I went looking around and found her. Only problem was that i could not interact with her because I didn't trigger an area that I didn't know I was supposed to go to. I would suggest either more golden trail or make it so that if you find her you can continue.
-Final boss is placed in an area that makes it very easy to die due to knock back. I could see it being very frustrating to die and then have to run that entire length again due to a bad footing.
-Some sort of exit would be better than click F for next map.
I played it and left you a review.
Author: @heavenshock12
Mission Type: Interesting Plot / Challenging mobs quest.
Average Duration: 15 min
Amount of Combat: Hard, quite a lot !
Starts at: Drunken Wings Inn (Protector's Enclave).
Mission Summary: An exciting dungeon that will lead you through heaven and beyond !
Travel through the Drunken Wings Inn and explore the mysterious rumor about the divine entity, fight pirates and slay some demons !
Adventure through an exciting plot of lies, tricks, manipulations and fight for the good and the evil !
*Fit for solo and groups (Pretty hard to solo).
Author tips/hints: Be ready for anything ! (And read the story !)
Played and reviewed. Good job. Fix the spelling and grammer errors and you will have a great quest.
Thanks for the review. I'm printing it to fix some of the detailing.
A couple notes though:
-The clothes hanging in the first room are part of the room. I can't find a way to get rid of them. I didn't put them there & I've seen other people have this problem but I haven't seen a solution. There are also flies buzzing around that I can't seem to turn off.
-I put the detect magic just to add a D&D feel. I've since gone into another persons dungeon & it seems there are other options. When I learn them I may put those in the dungeon (dungeoneering & such?). I'm not sure how yet though but maybe people can pick something suited to their class.
-I thought I had the spiderlings in rocks fixed so thanks for that. I'll reposition them again.
-The golden trail has been frustrating. It seems it gets disrupted going from one cave type to another. Does anyone out there know any tips to make that work right? I've put several objectives in trying to get it to work & it still stops in the room before going to the north cave.
This should earn me stars here. That's working as intended ;-) There's more to life than just "DPS". He wants to knock you off the bridge!
Thanks again!
I had the same problem and I ended up just putting the rack back under the cloths to make it look right until ther is an update or something so we can remove them. They kinda mess up the feel of the room when you are trying to do something with it but for now we are stuck with them to the best of my knowledge. =(
Played, reviewed, and enjoyed. The story and the details are amazing. You really brought your world to life and I can tell you spent some time getting everything to look as good as it does.
The only two things I can think to bring to your attention are as follows:
-While fighting the General I move behind the two barrels on the floor and then he stopped chaising me. He just stood there not even attacking my dog until I moved away from the barrels. Not sure if it was just a glitch or if he was getting caught up on the stuff on the ground.
-Guard after the General: I interacted with him but was not able to read the last chat box becasue he disappeared. Might need one more empty chat box to stall out the vanish. I had to do that with a npc of mine, though I am not sure if there is a better way to fix it.
All and all great job and I look forward to the next quest.
Played it and reviewed it. You did a great job with the story and the details. I am curious to see where the story goes. I would suggest more background music or noise though. The house was creepy quite and then the crypts could have been even more spooky with the right music. Over all I enjoyed it.
I played it up to the point where I had to enter the sewer. I clicked on interact instead of enter and then was unable to go any further due to the gate no longer giving me an option to enter. From what I saw though you put a lot of work into the detail and the little things which made the quest ery enjoyable. The only thing I didn't like was the all the running around talking to people because the dialog was so short. To me it felf like I was hardley getting any information other than the bare minimum from each person. I think I little extra fluff would make it even better. From from what I saw of the quest it looks like you are doing a great job.
Addition: I was able to zone out and back in and finish the quest. The cathedral was very nice, and the boss fight was well put together. The last door while you are chasing guy has the "go to next map" text though, as does teh exit door. I left you a review in game as well.
A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)
Here is mine : Warning this is a combat map and will part of a campaign I am curently making. Since I'm not finished with the story,I published the part that was ready. The map is challenging for solo but doable. The final boss fight is tough so bring some health pots. Thanks for a great quest.
Author @Wayolen
The Gauntlet
Author: @Wayolen
Short Code: NW-DMR6AERHD
Played and reviewed it. I enjoyed it. Great story and lay out and tons of extras. I look forward to the next chapter. The only things I saw were little things that I get ocd about. The dead worker with the letter was floating a few inches above the ground and most of your doors or gates had "click F to interact". The click F isn't a major thing but like I said I get ocd about it lol. Perhaps Open instead of Interact? Oh and if you add some animations to your interactions they will look even better. Everything else was awesome, great job.