Lichlament you are my new hero .I can't express how much you described my exact thoughts lol.I never seen so much complaining in any other game that i see here in one day both ingame n forum,this is crazy lol.
I'm having a blast so far n i'm really enjoying the game,btw im about to start an anti complaining thread to somehow give a few happy minutes to the developers because they got so many negativity in the past few days that can drive anyone into depression .
So all in all i salute you, you talked from my heart .And for the developers: you guys rock and keep up the good work.
complaining is a another way of giving feed back to the dev. to make the game smother and more enjoyable for EVERYONE. Flaming the complainer isn't gonna help you one bit. Just because you have the money to spend on games doesn't give you the rights to neglect what others feels and think of the game.
Have a little respect and put yourself in their shoes. they complain to make the game better = in the long term better gaming experience for you! the money spender as well.
Its not so much the complainers that increased in number , more like the amount of people that complain about the complainers . And rightfully so i suppose. Soon there will be alot of people that complain about the people that complain about the people who complain about the game. Where will it end!?
Atleast making fun of the crybabies provides entertainment during downtime. Some people just don't understand how things work these days, or do understand, but don't accept them and think crying here will change anything.
muzrub333Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In my 14 years of Gaming I have not ever seen the level of complaining and crying ever, that I have seen on these forums....
The game is only been in Open Beta for what... 10 days ?
The Game is Free to Play...
The game is still under heavy development...
And, all that goes on, on these forums is constant bitc*ing and complaining, non freaking stop...
I mean really people...
PvP'ers are by far the worst I have seen. People whom have never picked up a Forgotten Realms module, book or even a Players Hand Book hard that their PvP wishes are not being listened to.... in 10 days...
First, Just Shut the Fu*k up PvP'ers..... Shut Up.... Dungeons and Dragons is not PvP...Build a fuc*ing bridge and get over it... don't like it ?
LEAVE..PLEASE...LEAVE.... The small handful of you leaving will not hurt the thousands of us who Enjoy D&D for what it is... PVE.... Now either SHUT THE FU*K UP OR GTFO...
For the PvE griefers...
the game, has been in open beta for what.. Ten Days ?
Wrap your brains around that ...
Classes have not been released, content has not been released, glitches and bugs and exploits are being sorted out...
Have a Nice Hot Cup of fresh Air and Chill the F*CK OUT...
All this god **** crying and complaining is OLD....
Amazing how Stale sh*t gets in 10 days but you a$$holes sure can make sh*t real stale in a short amount of time...
Copy, Paste, Print, hang by desk...
I've felt this way about most MMORPG "gamers" since 2001
Back in my day we didn't have free video games! There was no try before you buy. You got maybe 2-3 games at the most in a year and if you got a stinker that was it. You dealt with and played it anyway cause its all you had!
You kids today with your gimme gimme everything attitudes! Your sense of entitlement that was bestowed upon you by your mommy for over compensating you because of the divorce and how they didn't want you to think it was you fault. Instant gratification with no patience or work ethic!!
Back in my day we didn't have free video games! There was no try before you buy. You got maybe 2-3 games at the most in a year and if you got a stinker that was it. You dealt with and played it anyway cause its all you had!
You kids today with your gimme gimme everything attitudes! Your sense of entitlement that was bestowed upon you by your mommy for over compensating you because of the divorce and how they didn't want you to think it was you fault. Instant gratification with no patience or work ethic!!
Well guess what, IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!!!!
Hahaha sooo much funnier when I picture the dude in your avatar saying this. Please tell me that's you in RL
asakochanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
what amuses me is, this thread is started by a person who's name contains.... lament
voqarMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I've been pc gaming for ~30 years and playing MMORPGs since EQLive released and I've played almost every big MMO that's ever been and plenty of small/failed ones too. Clearly my opinions hold more weight yours.
This game has a variety of issues including one of the most brutal cash shop implimentations ever seen. Since this will be PWI's most visible game to date, I'm hoping they get shredded for it over the entire web the same way EA/Maxis got shredded over the many debacles involved with SimCity. It would be justified and should happen.
This game has fun elements but it has a variety of issues, IMO, and usually on forums people who want to "discuss" issues are here discussing, complaining, ranting, or "crying" (if you wanna be childish).
People who are having fun and/or are oblivious and/or don't care don't visit the forums. They just play on OR they move on (ie, stop playing without bothering to communicate why even though it could help others or lead to adjustments for the better).
When a lot of people are discussing the same issues about a game, there's a good chance there really is an issue. It might not matter to you (or might not matter to you now), but if it matters to a bunch of other people, it's probably better that it get brought up than not.
well said.if they think that is so easy to make good game in short time then they should try it and do it.Or just go back to your League of Legends forums and troll there
People who are having fun and/or are oblivious and/or don't care don't visit the forums.
Ignorance is bliss!
The overwhelming majority of players do not visit and or post on the forums. So you really cant put too much into what is being said here. Hence the term Vocal Minority.
Never seen this much complaining? Should come over to GW2 in November 2012, altho in that case those devs actually deserve it for doing a bait and switch on their focus of the content.
This company doesn't. They've actually delivered exactly what the interviews have said since they started interviews.
complaining is a another way of giving feed back to the dev. to make the game smother and more enjoyable for EVERYONE. Flaming the complainer isn't gonna help you one bit. Just because you have the money to spend on games doesn't give you the rights to neglect what others feels and think of the game.
Have a little respect and put yourself in their shoes. they complain to make the game better = in the long term better gaming experience for you! the money spender as well.
No, thats what he is doing...
The people he's talking about are not giving anything constructive.
They are saying, "I want my cookie now!"
bcrlariasMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
Well then has the thought crossed your mind that not all the complaining is just complaining, that perhaps that some of the people where letting the GM's know what kind of problems they are having so that they could fix the problems since oh..I don't know, because it is in open beta. I'm just saying, it was a thought I had.
I'm having a blast so far n i'm really enjoying the game,btw im about to start an anti complaining thread to somehow give a few happy minutes to the developers because they got so many negativity in the past few days that can drive anyone into depression
So all in all i salute you, you talked from my heart
Have a little respect and put yourself in their shoes. they complain to make the game better = in the long term better gaming experience for you! the money spender as well.
If you follow D & D lore, my alias on LoL is my 'second in command' of Bregan D'aerthe
We often got in verbal spouts on LoL GD, and for that, I apologize. I hope we can turn the page, and start fresh on these forums.
P.S. I quit LoL almost a month ago, including GD, and I seriously feel like a huge hate-weight has been taken off my shoulders, hehe
Copy, Paste, Print, hang by desk...
I've felt this way about most MMORPG "gamers" since 2001
LOL?! 14 years? Yea ....ok, you must be new here.
You kids today with your gimme gimme everything attitudes! Your sense of entitlement that was bestowed upon you by your mommy for over compensating you because of the divorce and how they didn't want you to think it was you fault. Instant gratification with no patience or work ethic!!
Well guess what, IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!!!!
Hahaha sooo much funnier when I picture the dude in your avatar saying this. Please tell me that's you in RL
This game has a variety of issues including one of the most brutal cash shop implimentations ever seen. Since this will be PWI's most visible game to date, I'm hoping they get shredded for it over the entire web the same way EA/Maxis got shredded over the many debacles involved with SimCity. It would be justified and should happen.
This game has fun elements but it has a variety of issues, IMO, and usually on forums people who want to "discuss" issues are here discussing, complaining, ranting, or "crying" (if you wanna be childish).
People who are having fun and/or are oblivious and/or don't care don't visit the forums. They just play on OR they move on (ie, stop playing without bothering to communicate why even though it could help others or lead to adjustments for the better).
When a lot of people are discussing the same issues about a game, there's a good chance there really is an issue. It might not matter to you (or might not matter to you now), but if it matters to a bunch of other people, it's probably better that it get brought up than not.
Ignorance is bliss!
The overwhelming majority of players do not visit and or post on the forums. So you really cant put too much into what is being said here. Hence the term Vocal Minority.
if i could keep pressing "^" i would. MY GOSH, LoL has the worst community of QQ and harassment I have ever experience in any game.
This company doesn't. They've actually delivered exactly what the interviews have said since they started interviews.
No, thats what he is doing...
The people he's talking about are not giving anything constructive.
They are saying, "I want my cookie now!"
Feel free to friends list me.
Cup half empty...
I think at the end of the day he simply means the childishness lvl and range of it...
"We are turning into a mess of a society on the net; a perfect example of how Anarchy would be in RL if global lol"
Move on~
...Also, I didn't read the whole thread. Because it's a waste.
14 years of MMO gaming...
30 years of Gaming in general.
My first game ? You guessed it. Good ol' Tabletop Dungeons & Dragons...
I did not count the NES, SNES, Genesis, Playstation, PS2, Xbox, Xbox360 and other platforms because they simply do not apply to this argument.
But did you start with the blue book, and do you have your own original copy of chainmail and the 3 original pamphlet D&D books?