i see where this is going... pvp is just a secondary thing in this game, right?
is that why devs dont do anything about the pvp imbalance?
thats a shame, cause combat is really fun in this game.
its ok though, at least i can have fun with the foundry.
(and btw, who the hell shuts down their servers at peak-hours?
every game does this between 2:00-9:00, not during the evening.
but thats not important.. just had to say it :P)
i see where this is going... pvp is just a secondary thing in this game, right?
is that why devs dont do anything about the pvp imbalance?
thats a shame, cause combat is really fun in this game.
its ok though, at least i can have fun with the foundry.
(and btw, who the hell shuts down their servers at peak-hours?
every game does this between 2:00-9:00, not during the evening.
but thats not important.. just had to say it :P)
Pfft, really. What were you thinking??
A bit of nostalgia for the old timers.
PVP guide - Keeping it fun with the basics.
A PvP forum always gets filled up with trash talk.
Asked and answered all in one post, efficient.