its very simple i find the price's for removing these completely out of wack.
everything but r7 its not worth removing, its cheater to simply trash it and get a new one, if that doesn't show something is completely broken i don't know what it would take and i think you are out of reach in deniel.
the whole point of having such a harsh merging system with these and such low successrates at higher lvl is that you could KEEP them FOR FREE!...
i seriously dont feel like the AD price for removing them should be there at all, its breaking the whole idea of enhancement removal. But if you absolutely have to have it there the price should be extremely low compared to the price to acquire the enhancement like maybe 5-10% at the very highest.
tya for reading and yes i know the devs dont give a **** and won't change anything as long as we pay/play which is sad, a company having to get directly hurt to change stupid mechanics is like a bully needing to be killed before he gets its a bad idea what his doing its provoking an extreme overreaction to see any actual effect happening which is leading to extremes, which isnt good for any parties.
anyway would love to see this ad for removing enhancements you already paid for completely removed or at the least lowered the price to 1/10-1/20 of now
hehe :P
yer i cant imagin this haven't been said before. i know the complaints about the outragouis ad prices on everything have been there forever and turned into a flame feast but still nothing seems to have changed
thought i might just state it as i saw it and keep the high amount of flaming for myself (and its so early for me my brain isnt rdy for digging through so many threads to find one that is semiler enough to revive )
At least you can replace them with new enchantments for free...
considering the price of enhancements, they are as if not more expensive then almost every item there is in the game..
i much rather have to pay to replace them and have to destroy the item to extract them.. would also make more sense from a gameplay perspective
considering the price of enhancements, they are as if not more expensive then almost every item there is in the game..
i much rather have to pay to replace them and have to destroy the item to extract them.. would also make more sense from a gameplay perspective
yes why the heck does the 2+K rune/enchantment destroyed, and the 1-2k copper item it was in, is the thing that survived?
you know by the time you have end game gear and socket a non-end game enchantment in it, or even an end game one, but want to have a different one installed instead.... the cost of removing it safely would posably have many players quit.
hipolipolopigusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
If you don't waste your enchantments while you're leveling, you won't have the issue of removing them.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
erebus2075Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you don't waste your enchantments while you're leveling, you won't have the issue of removing them.
thats an odd comment..
you like to explain how you think the current system enhance the fun and gameplay experience with this thought pattern idea? i would love to hear how NOT USING ingame mechanic which is clearly there to be used continually and everything around the enhancement is build around it to be used same with the stats numbers, but apparently according to you should not be used at all and the removal mechanic should be avoided at all cost but its still a good mechanic even so?
i would LOVE to hear your logical argument for such a "special" statement :P
edit: personally i am literally using the enhancement as 1 time things simply throwing them out when i get a better item becouse price of removing them WAY overdo just getting a new one, but this completely destroyes the whole mechanic around enhancements and the ability to upgrade/remove them... it breaks the whole idea and concept which is made around and designed around the enhancement
If you don't waste your enchantments while you're leveling, you won't have the issue of removing them.
I'm level 41, on main toon with 1 lvl 12, 3 lvl 11s, 1 lvl 10, and 1 lvl 8.
my main leveled with story content, and is actualy under the level of gear granted in story quests she can get.
I have a tottla of 5 rank 5 gems, of 4 types (1 type has 2 copys, the other only 1) I have not used any enchamntments over lvl 3 on any gear. also I only have 1 rank 4 enchantment. less than 4 of each level enchantment bellow that per type..... I am NOT going to see a rank 6 enchantment before lvl 60 unless it drops from a mob, or as a storyline award,
HELL I don't have any wards, so me trying to make the rank 5 enchantments upgrade is going to be nearly imposable, seeing as it's less than a 40% chance (I know this simply because rank 3 to rank 4 is ONLY A 40% CHANCE)
hell, I'll be lucky to have 1 rank 6 by level 60, let alone a rank 7 or 8. only stuff I have to place in gear that's even worth placing for now is the enchantments I got from HotN pack, and I think the rank 7 enchantments may be better than that, if I culd get 1 to compaire them to.
edit to add, my non-main toons, all send every last enchantment/ward/rune they find to my main, that's 6 toons muleing them to my main, none of the mules even have a rune attached to thier companion, they send ALL RUNES/ENCHANTMENTS/WARDS, and I still don't think I will have any rank 6 ones before I reach lvl 60, on my main.
erebus2075Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm level 41, on main toon with 1 lvl 12, 3 lvl 11s, 1 lvl 10, and 1 lvl 8.
my main leveled with story content, and is actualy under the level of gear granted in story quests she can get.
I have a tottla of 5 rank 5 gems, of 4 types (1 type has 2 copys, the other only 1) I have not used any enchamntments over lvl 3 on any gear. also I only have 1 rank 4 enchantment. less than 4 of each level enchantment bellow that per type..... I am NOT going to see a rank 6 enchantment before lvl 60 unless it drops from a mob, or as a storyline award,
HELL I don't have any wards, so me trying to make the rank 5 enchantments upgrade is going to be nearly imposable, seeing as it's less than a 40% chance (I know this simply because rank 3 to rank 4 is ONLY A 40% CHANCE)
hell, I'll be lucky to have 1 rank 6 by level 60, let alone a rank 7 or 8. only stuff I have to place in gear that's even worth placing for now is the enchantments I got from HotN pack, and I think the rank 7 enchantments may be better than that, if I culd get 1 to compaire them to.
it will take you 4096 gems r1 to get ONE rank 7.(16384 for r8 xD).. go figure if you will end up with one without ptw....
add to that the amount of ad it cost to preverse the gems you already made, this is highly unlikely. unless you are a player that loves getting assraped and throwing away money you will see an issue with the current system.
even as a hotn's user which already paid 200$ you will be forced to pay even more just to get this aspect to work continually....
the amount of greed put into this game from the company is beyound anything i have seen even EA seems extremely legit compared to this amount of greed.......
but money is spend, game is entertaining and i will never ever touch another perfect world product again after this, due to the greed they have laid out :P
edit: even r3-4 is better then the hotn enchantment
merrybelleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
It's an AD sink, meant to remove AD from the economy completely. Cryptic is not going to change this, so get used to it. The AD cost is high enough that I figure they simply have no shame now that they have merged with Perfect World. I don't even bother to enchant my armor as I level because I don't want to waste my AD. The fact that AD can be bought with Zen and then wasted in this manner is something I don't like, but they have to do something to protect the game economy because they are letting everyone farm AD for free as well. So we are going to have to live with it.
elawynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
it will take you 4096 gems r1 to get ONE rank 7.(16384 for r8 xD).. go figure if you will end up with one without ptw....
rank 2 and higher drop like candy. Fifteen minutes of 'spy catching' nets you a half dozen or so rank 2 (and if you know what you're doing, you can get first place every single time). Other contests like this in higher areas net you more.
I think I have a dozen or more stacks of rank 5's and a few of rank 6. A slew of 3's and 4's. I just keep them stashed and clean up at the end of the day, fusing whenever I notice the stack is over 4 items and not even caring if I lose one. Once it drops below the 60% rate the I keep them until I happen across a ward.
it will take you 4096 gems r1 to get ONE rank 7.(16384 for r8 xD).. go figure if you will end up with one without ptw....
add to that the amount of ad it cost to preverse the gems you already made, this is highly unlikely. unless you are a player that loves getting assraped and throwing away money you will see an issue with the current system.
even as a hotn's user which already paid 200$ you will be forced to pay even more just to get this aspect to work continually....
the amount of greed put into this game from the company is beyound anything i have seen even EA seems extremely legit compared to this amount of greed.......
but money is spend, game is entertaining and i will never ever touch another perfect world product again after this, due to the greed they have laid out :P
lol just think even if they kept the odds at 95% all the way to rank 8, people would use wards because a failed rank 7 to 8 even at 5% chance is a cost way to high to chance, like you said.. if you lose even 1 rank 7 because it failed, you actually lost 4096 rank 1, that would eather take a long time to collect again, or cost at the "store price" 2K AD each for a tottal of 8,480,000 AD loss, for loseing just 1 rank 7 how many days of maxed out refineing does it take to refine that? over 3 months? and it's not even the highest rank one?
rank 2 and higher drop like candy. Fifteen minutes of 'spy catching' nets you a half dozen or so rank 2 (and if you know what you're doing, you can get first place every single time). Other contests like this in higher areas net you more.
I think I have a dozen or more stacks of rank 5's and a few of rank 6. A slew of 3's and 4's. I just keep them stashed and clean up at the end of the day, fusing whenever I notice the stack is over 4 items and not even caring if I lose one. Once it drops below the 60% rate the I keep them until I happen across a ward.
I may have to try those then... but still, that brings up the question... if they drop like candy why ado they cost more than the hope diamond in the store?
bringing up needlessly high costs, why are ID scrolls AD? the things they ID cost way less than the scroll does, you might as well simply buy the AD blue gear instead of IDing anything that drops from loot. (at the prices the ID scrolls are set at I would expect the ones sold in the store to be unlimited use but bound, while the scrolls droped as loot or gained through lvl up box be single use.
really, the minor scroll is 15AD, but not a single thing I ever IDed lvl 1-29 sold for more than 1 gold at a vender. what's that exchange rate? spend 15AD to get 1-10,000 copper? WTF?
Low levels aside, this game cannot feasibly have a gear progression system similar to most mmos if this continues. Greater weapon/armor enchants cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of AD to create (or zen, either way lots of currency). A regular (normal level) weapon enchant costs nearly 300k to remove, I hestiate to even guess what a greater would cost. We already have 2 tiers of armor. The new zone already has a new currency, which implies a t3 tier. This system actually discourages putting the best enhancements possible into your gear. The only people that will bother are those that play the AH and have millions of AD to burn, which, especially in pvp, leaves an even biggere gear gap. Assuming the regular enchants go to 10, you have a similar issue there.
I do really hope that this is resolved, otherwise as more tiers get released we will see a new batch of players quit each time as they realize that they can't even re-use their hard-won rare enchants.
TLDR: If we could destroy the item the enchant is in to retrieve the enchant, I think that would resolve pretty much all complaints in this department, and make everyone happy.
papi032Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
You can buy half your gear for 1 greater enchant's worth... rofl
rayni250Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I just wish they'd add the option to break gear/ get back rune or break rune/ get back slot instead. I know they want us to spend AD but there should be options...we never get to use in game currency, should have the option to use that at above listed vendors.
Fact is, if they don't have stuff in place to sink AD into, AD prices will become inflated real fast. By "Sink", I mean literally get it out of the economy. Auction fees and listing prices are one thing, but those are very minor - things like this are in place for the purpose of un-bloating the economy.
As it stands it's a bit to early in the game's lifetime to judge the "value" of removing or trashing an enchant. Give things time to stabilize.
Alone in the darkness, that is where you truly discover yourself. Without self, without the core of your identity, you are nothing. - Rasmenar
hehe :P
yer i cant imagin this haven't been said before. i know the complaints about the outragouis ad prices on everything have been there forever and turned into a flame feast but still nothing seems to have changed
thought i might just state it as i saw it and keep the high amount of flaming for myself (and its so early for me my brain isnt rdy for digging through so many threads to find one that is semiler enough to revive )
anyway ty for commenting
Oh I know. The whiners complaining about the other customers voicing their entitled opinion are even worse. There are like 5 of these whiny threads for every complaint thread.
erebus2075Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Low levels aside, this game cannot feasibly have a gear progression system similar to most mmos if this continues. Greater weapon/armor enchants cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of AD to create (or zen, either way lots of currency). A regular (normal level) weapon enchant costs nearly 300k to remove, I hestiate to even guess what a greater would cost. We already have 2 tiers of armor. The new zone already has a new currency, which implies a t3 tier. This system actually discourages putting the best enhancements possible into your gear. The only people that will bother are those that play the AH and have millions of AD to burn, which, especially in pvp, leaves an even biggere gear gap. Assuming the regular enchants go to 10, you have a similar issue there.
I do really hope that this is resolved, otherwise as more tiers get released we will see a new batch of players quit each time as they realize that they can't even re-use their hard-won rare enchants.
TLDR: If we could destroy the item the enchant is in to retrieve the enchant, I think that would resolve pretty much all complaints in this department, and make everyone happy.
basicly this
the whole game is sooo much ptw its directly game breaking and without changes it will empty out very fast and only be few that have the disposible income of 150€ a month to burn which is here, but even so that wont help much if there is no people to farm ad for them -.-
its bad..
erebus2075Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh I know. The whiners complaining about the other customers voicing their entitled opinion are even worse. There are like 5 of these whiny threads for every complaint thread.
that made absolutely no sense o.O
but let us just let that slide -.-
hehe :P
yer i cant imagin this haven't been said before. i know the complaints about the outragouis ad prices on everything have been there forever and turned into a flame feast but still nothing seems to have changed
thought i might just state it as i saw it and keep the high amount of flaming for myself (and its so early for me my brain isnt rdy for digging through so many threads to find one that is semiler enough to revive
anyway ty for commenting
considering the price of enhancements, they are as if not more expensive then almost every item there is in the game..
i much rather have to pay to replace them and have to destroy the item to extract them.. would also make more sense from a gameplay perspective
yes why the heck does the 2+K rune/enchantment destroyed, and the 1-2k copper item it was in, is the thing that survived?
Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
thats an odd comment..
you like to explain how you think the current system enhance the fun and gameplay experience with this thought pattern idea? i would love to hear how NOT USING ingame mechanic which is clearly there to be used continually and everything around the enhancement is build around it to be used same with the stats numbers, but apparently according to you should not be used at all and the removal mechanic should be avoided at all cost but its still a good mechanic even so?
i would LOVE to hear your logical argument for such a "special" statement :P
edit: personally i am literally using the enhancement as 1 time things simply throwing them out when i get a better item becouse price of removing them WAY overdo just getting a new one, but this completely destroyes the whole mechanic around enhancements and the ability to upgrade/remove them... it breaks the whole idea and concept which is made around and designed around the enhancement
I'm level 41, on main toon with 1 lvl 12, 3 lvl 11s, 1 lvl 10, and 1 lvl 8.
my main leveled with story content, and is actualy under the level of gear granted in story quests she can get.
I have a tottla of 5 rank 5 gems, of 4 types (1 type has 2 copys, the other only 1) I have not used any enchamntments over lvl 3 on any gear. also I only have 1 rank 4 enchantment. less than 4 of each level enchantment bellow that per type..... I am NOT going to see a rank 6 enchantment before lvl 60 unless it drops from a mob, or as a storyline award,
HELL I don't have any wards, so me trying to make the rank 5 enchantments upgrade is going to be nearly imposable, seeing as it's less than a 40% chance (I know this simply because rank 3 to rank 4 is ONLY A 40% CHANCE)
hell, I'll be lucky to have 1 rank 6 by level 60, let alone a rank 7 or 8. only stuff I have to place in gear that's even worth placing for now is the enchantments I got from HotN pack, and I think the rank 7 enchantments may be better than that, if I culd get 1 to compaire them to.
edit to add, my non-main toons, all send every last enchantment/ward/rune they find to my main, that's 6 toons muleing them to my main, none of the mules even have a rune attached to thier companion, they send ALL RUNES/ENCHANTMENTS/WARDS, and I still don't think I will have any rank 6 ones before I reach lvl 60, on my main.
it will take you 4096 gems r1 to get ONE rank 7.(16384 for r8 xD).. go figure if you will end up with one without ptw....
add to that the amount of ad it cost to preverse the gems you already made, this is highly unlikely. unless you are a player that loves getting assraped and throwing away money you will see an issue with the current system.
even as a hotn's user which already paid 200$ you will be forced to pay even more just to get this aspect to work continually....
the amount of greed put into this game from the company is beyound anything i have seen even EA seems extremely legit compared to this amount of greed.......
but money is spend, game is entertaining and i will never ever touch another perfect world product again after this, due to the greed they have laid out :P
edit: even r3-4 is better then the hotn enchantment
rank 2 and higher drop like candy. Fifteen minutes of 'spy catching' nets you a half dozen or so rank 2 (and if you know what you're doing, you can get first place every single time). Other contests like this in higher areas net you more.
I think I have a dozen or more stacks of rank 5's and a few of rank 6. A slew of 3's and 4's. I just keep them stashed and clean up at the end of the day, fusing whenever I notice the stack is over 4 items and not even caring if I lose one. Once it drops below the 60% rate the I keep them until I happen across a ward.
lol just think even if they kept the odds at 95% all the way to rank 8, people would use wards because a failed rank 7 to 8 even at 5% chance is a cost way to high to chance, like you said.. if you lose even 1 rank 7 because it failed, you actually lost 4096 rank 1, that would eather take a long time to collect again, or cost at the "store price" 2K AD each for a tottal of 8,480,000 AD loss, for loseing just 1 rank 7 how many days of maxed out refineing does it take to refine that? over 3 months? and it's not even the highest rank one?
I may have to try those then... but still, that brings up the question... if they drop like candy why ado they cost more than the hope diamond in the store?
bringing up needlessly high costs, why are ID scrolls AD? the things they ID cost way less than the scroll does, you might as well simply buy the AD blue gear instead of IDing anything that drops from loot. (at the prices the ID scrolls are set at I would expect the ones sold in the store to be unlimited use but bound, while the scrolls droped as loot or gained through lvl up box be single use.
really, the minor scroll is 15AD, but not a single thing I ever IDed lvl 1-29 sold for more than 1 gold at a vender. what's that exchange rate? spend 15AD to get 1-10,000 copper? WTF?
I do really hope that this is resolved, otherwise as more tiers get released we will see a new batch of players quit each time as they realize that they can't even re-use their hard-won rare enchants.
TLDR: If we could destroy the item the enchant is in to retrieve the enchant, I think that would resolve pretty much all complaints in this department, and make everyone happy.
Made a new thread here, maybe we can get it bumped up - try to get some attention to how broken things currently are.
As it stands it's a bit to early in the game's lifetime to judge the "value" of removing or trashing an enchant. Give things time to stabilize.
Oh I know. The whiners complaining about the other customers voicing their entitled opinion are even worse. There are like 5 of these whiny threads for every complaint thread.
basicly this
the whole game is sooo much ptw its directly game breaking
its bad..
but let us just let that slide -.-