apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
One more bump for prosperity, I believe the quest is now fine tuned. I'll be adding in more interact able peices of lore for the lore buffs. Also I will be adding new screen shots of chapter 2 "gaining trust."
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Just played this tonight and I loved every second of it. Your level design is great and even though the story isn't yours I am quite positive that this quest does the series justice and that the fans are greatly appreciative. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks again :P
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Thank you very much almostcool, everyone should be giving yours a spin too! People go play the spellthief trials!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey everyone,
wanted to share a screen shot from the next chapter "Gaining Trust" this will lead you on a journey through the church and in to the fabled Village graveyard in attempt to purge it of the undead and keep the town safe while you begin your search for the Sun Sword.
Here is a screen shot of the village square the next morning,
and here is a spciture of what the northern part of the village leading to the church will look like.
I'll leave more updates as I complete the maps for the 2nd chapter.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Hey all, just and update, chapter 2 is around 30% complete and I'm liking the way it's shaping up, in this chapter your still being stalked but it gets up close and personal with you.
Your going to be navigating through the northern district towards the church but, the Priest has gone mad, and turned to necromancy in attempts to resurrect his dead son.
You'll be making your way thought the ruined buildings to reach the church since the roads are almost impassible with rubble. Once in the grave yard you will face a new enemy (one that is not currently in the game, but I have tricks up my sleeve for making it so) Can't wait to finish up chapter 2 Gaining Trust! Will have more updates as I complete the maps.
And if you haven't yet, search for "Journey" in the catalog search and play Ravenloft: Ch1 Jouney to Barovia, to get caught up on whats happened.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Hey just wanted to report a bug in Chapter 1. Ran your quest again. It's a silly bug, but it happened to me cause I misclicked. Was trading the gnarled root to Bildrath for the Sword. Once the sword was placed on the table I talked to him again instead of clicking on the sword and same dialogue choice was available, so I tested to see if I could trade for the merchant crest too, once I did that I couldn't pick up either item. (Said I didn't have gnarled root anymore and it wasn't back where it spawned either)
Sorry if it feels like i'm nitpicking just reporting a bug. (had to restart due to it cause I wanted to use the sword)
Hey just wanted to report a bug in Chapter 1. Ran your quest again. It's a silly bug, but it happened to me cause I misclicked. Was trading the gnarled root to Bildrath for the Sword. Once the sword was placed on the table I talked to him again instead of clicking on the sword and same dialogue choice was available, so I tested to see if I could trade for the merchant crest too, once I did that I couldn't pick up either item. (Said I didn't have gnarled root anymore and it wasn't back where it spawned either)
Sorry if it feels like i'm nitpicking just reporting a bug. (had to restart due to it cause I wanted to use the sword)
Thanks for the report Nokturnel,
Look at you trying to swindle Bildrath out of all his items, lol, I'll have the bug fixed tonight. Thanks again for the info!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
And... fixed!
/10 char
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Good stuff. I gave it five stars. I have spent many hours on map design and I can appreciate the quality and detail you put into this. I spent most of my time just looking at how you built your maps.
I will have Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh done soon and would love your feedback.
Excuse the thread derail, but I have to ask - is this going to be based on the old TSR adventure of the same name? Ahhh... happy memories. Wonder if anyone is working on a 'temple of elemental evil' remake yet? Would be fun to flatten that village (homlet?) outside again.
Back on topic. Ravenloft was my no1 campaign setting closely followed by FR, so apoc's quest looks right up my street. Going to try to give it a whirl later today!
Quest Name: In search of Innocence | Foundry code: NW-DL8DTYYPS.
Heavy on story/plot. Expect to read (and think) a lot to get the most out of the quest. Will probably appeal to roleplayers though that is not to say that there are no tough fights - could be challenging for solo play. Average play time: 45 mins
This is just a bug report post, it got nothing to do with your quest quality or what I think about it: for the records I think it's very good and congratulations for the level design; I'll be watching you closely cause I love the setting, so far you really captured Barovia's mood!
1> The first quest step tells you to go to "Kryptgarden Forest" and find the "Family Homestead", but the map marker reads "The Old Tavern", it doesn't make much sense.
2> The second quest step reads "Find some one".
3> The dialogue with the merchant points to Perriwimple, while the NPC is named Parriwimple.
4> Dialogue for the sword (the one mentioning the "gnarl root"), "that's Okay" and "near by".
5> While looking for the gnarl root, is it normal that the "red eyes" pop behind me and stay there even after I dispatched the wolves?
6> The dialogue with the merchant ends as soon as the last window is shown (so you can't read it).
7> (suggestion) you could have a bit more wolves in the tavern, but make the cleric, ranger, druid, mage tranform into guards and fight them.
8> After the fight no one seems to care about 2 dead tavern wench (by the entrance and near the bar).
9> The dwarf near the Cleric Sammuel (Sammuel?) is still frightened after the fight (don't know if it's intended).
10> The scorch mark by the graveyard's wall breach is floating.
11> Is there supposed to be water besides the grave robber?
12> When talking to Nicoli, sword options, the player answer ends with a comma.
13> Nicoli dialogue, some things sounds a bit off, but English is not my first language so I could be wrong: "I suggest you head up to street to the square, the Inn I mentioned is there, you can stay at until sunrise".
14> The guard encounters to the west and to the south have wrong class names.
15> Ismark dialogue, Nicoli says "were overrun!".
16> (suggestion) I think you should work a bit more on the transition Nicoli -> dead Nicoli + Strahd.
17> (suggestion) You could have something different for the 2nd or 3rd phase, it's not great to fight the same respawn encounter twice.
Ran this earlier this afternoon and have to say it was one of (if not the) best quests I've done to date. Really enjoyed it.
Gave it a very deserving 5 star!
Don't know if you get much time to play the game outside of foundry building but would be interested in your feedback on my own far-from-masterpiece if you get the chance!
Quest Name: In search of Innocence
Foundry code: NW-DL8DTYYPS
Quest Name: In search of Innocence | Foundry code: NW-DL8DTYYPS.
Heavy on story/plot. Expect to read (and think) a lot to get the most out of the quest. Will probably appeal to roleplayers though that is not to say that there are no tough fights - could be challenging for solo play. Average play time: 45 mins
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Thanks for all the feed back and bug finds Duskdweller!
I have implemented a number of changes, patch notes for 1.05:
* removed NPC's from bar during the attack by the wolves, OOC text added to explain where they went.
* corrected a bug with Bildrath to where you could speak with him more than once spawning potentially all items, then making it to where players are unable to loot the items spawned. (you should now be able to only select 1 item.)
* many little grammatical and spelling errors corrected in the dialogue.
* Retooled transition with Strahd and Nicoli.
* fixed floating scorch mark near the breached wall of the graveyard.
Still working on minor detail fixes while completing chapter 2.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Hey all quick update, wow Chapter 1 is over 1000 plays already, thanks all for playing! I hope your journey in to the mists is an enjoyable one! Here is a screen shot of the Northern district of the Village in chapter 2, it's about 50% complete. just working on the path and details
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Thanks som,
Yes there is a church the priest is in there and he has been up to no good. And just wait till you get inside... muahahaha!
oh and watch your step and keep your wits about you, one of Strahd's other denizens is stalking you. Lets say it's been feeding in that graveyard behind the church for quite some time now.
Also to make an appearance in chapter 2 is Rozalina Dzosi the gypsy seer.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Hey all just a quick update the maps are nearing 60% complete, I'm working on the church now, and it it a huge undertaking to say the least. afterwards I'll be finishing up the village graveyard. The second chapter will be more in line with horror, my plans are to expect the unexpected especially when you get in to the church and meet Danovich. You'll get to explore a little bit of the run down northern district, Barovian Church, and the graveyard. What has Danovich been up to all this time? and what horrors have manifested in the bowels of the old church?
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
delthaninMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 188Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
I need the next installment of this! Such a great job getting the "feel" of the setting right, with great looking areas.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm happy that you enjoyed it delthanin,
I think folks will love chapter 2, it's always difficult to sit back and say, now how am I going to top the last installment? But I think I will. The story is just getting started.
I'll have a few updates on here shortly and maybe some new screen shots. But the first time people walk in to the church I want there face to be like O_O so...we'll see
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'd thought to drop you a note here. Aside the design I spend quite some time drooling over, I just love the entire flow. Though I did find one typo on the 'exit door' (very last door). You have a 'nite' where I'm sure you meant 'night'.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Thanks saerrael!
Nice catch, no matter how many times I go over the text I miss stuff >.<
I'll have a patch out after the update today, this will have music and sound FX, also fixed the dialog closing before players can respond.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Only caught it when the exit door refused to flick a mate and myself back. What bugs aren't good for, huh?
And, of course. Probably won't be many authors publishing the next day or so anyhow, I'd wager.
I finally got to playing this one (sorry!), and it was amazing! You nailed the feel and enviroments. Fights were fun. Tough but doable.
The only bugs I had were the merchant flipped through the last page too quick to read (not your fault) so I wasn't sure what he said, and there was a risen guard by one of the gates after I beat the first guard and before I talked to the guy at the inn.
I can't wait for more!
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
there was a risen guard by one of the gates after I beat the first guard and before I talked to the guy at the inn.
I can't wait for more!
Wait...one of the risen guards spawned before you talked to Ismark??? all of them are set to appear when objective is in progress...what is this craziness? Thanks Winin glad you enjoyed it my friend.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
he was standing behind the cart that is in the branch to the right when you are heading deeper into town. So I killed him. After the attack, another one spawned and was part of the kill 4 groups objective.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Ahh! okay, I know which on your talking about now. he was set to spawn with a reach marker. I'll have to find a more creative solution since we can't set markers to appear when
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
wanted to share a screen shot from the next chapter "Gaining Trust" this will lead you on a journey through the church and in to the fabled Village graveyard in attempt to purge it of the undead and keep the town safe while you begin your search for the Sun Sword.
Here is a screen shot of the village square the next morning,
and here is a spciture of what the northern part of the village leading to the church will look like.
I'll leave more updates as I complete the maps for the 2nd chapter.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Your going to be navigating through the northern district towards the church but, the Priest has gone mad, and turned to necromancy in attempts to resurrect his dead son.
You'll be making your way thought the ruined buildings to reach the church since the roads are almost impassible with rubble. Once in the grave yard you will face a new enemy (one that is not currently in the game, but I have tricks up my sleeve for making it so)
And if you haven't yet, search for "Journey" in the catalog search and play Ravenloft: Ch1 Jouney to Barovia, to get caught up on whats happened.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Sorry if it feels like i'm nitpicking just reporting a bug. (had to restart due to it cause I wanted to use the sword)
Fun 15-20 Minute Heavy Combat Quest with a difficulty slider. Hand crafted environments and encounters.
Thread URL: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?257391-Protect-the-Caravan
Thanks for the report Nokturnel,
Look at you trying to swindle Bildrath out of all his items, lol, I'll have the bug fixed tonight. Thanks again for the info!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
/10 char
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Excuse the thread derail, but I have to ask - is this going to be based on the old TSR adventure of the same name? Ahhh... happy memories. Wonder if anyone is working on a 'temple of elemental evil' remake yet? Would be fun to flatten that village (homlet?) outside again.
Back on topic. Ravenloft was my no1 campaign setting closely followed by FR, so apoc's quest looks right up my street. Going to try to give it a whirl later today!
Heavy on story/plot. Expect to read (and think) a lot to get the most out of the quest. Will probably appeal to roleplayers though that is not to say that there are no tough fights - could be challenging for solo play.
Average play time: 45 mins
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
1> The first quest step tells you to go to "Kryptgarden Forest" and find the "Family Homestead", but the map marker reads "The Old Tavern", it doesn't make much sense.
2> The second quest step reads "Find some one".
3> The dialogue with the merchant points to Perriwimple, while the NPC is named Parriwimple.
4> Dialogue for the sword (the one mentioning the "gnarl root"), "that's Okay" and "near by".
5> While looking for the gnarl root, is it normal that the "red eyes" pop behind me and stay there even after I dispatched the wolves?
6> The dialogue with the merchant ends as soon as the last window is shown (so you can't read it).
7> (suggestion) you could have a bit more wolves in the tavern, but make the cleric, ranger, druid, mage tranform into guards and fight them.
8> After the fight no one seems to care about 2 dead tavern wench (by the entrance and near the bar).
9> The dwarf near the Cleric Sammuel (Sammuel?) is still frightened after the fight (don't know if it's intended).
10> The scorch mark by the graveyard's wall breach is floating.
11> Is there supposed to be water besides the grave robber?
12> When talking to Nicoli, sword options, the player answer ends with a comma.
13> Nicoli dialogue, some things sounds a bit off, but English is not my first language so I could be wrong: "I suggest you head up to street to the square, the Inn I mentioned is there, you can stay at until sunrise".
14> The guard encounters to the west and to the south have wrong class names.
15> Ismark dialogue, Nicoli says "were overrun!".
16> (suggestion) I think you should work a bit more on the transition Nicoli -> dead Nicoli + Strahd.
17> (suggestion) You could have something different for the 2nd or 3rd phase, it's not great to fight the same respawn encounter twice.
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
Gave it a very deserving 5 star!
Don't know if you get much time to play the game outside of foundry building but would be interested in your feedback on my own far-from-masterpiece if you get the chance!
Quest Name: In search of Innocence
Foundry code: NW-DL8DTYYPS
Heavy on story/plot. Expect to read (and think) a lot to get the most out of the quest. Will probably appeal to roleplayers though that is not to say that there are no tough fights - could be challenging for solo play.
Average play time: 45 mins
I have implemented a number of changes, patch notes for 1.05:
* removed NPC's from bar during the attack by the wolves, OOC text added to explain where they went.
* corrected a bug with Bildrath to where you could speak with him more than once spawning potentially all items, then making it to where players are unable to loot the items spawned. (you should now be able to only select 1 item.)
* many little grammatical and spelling errors corrected in the dialogue.
* Retooled transition with Strahd and Nicoli.
* fixed floating scorch mark near the breached wall of the graveyard.
Still working on minor detail fixes while completing chapter 2.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
Yes there is a church
oh and watch your step and keep your wits about you, one of Strahd's other denizens is stalking you. Lets say it's been feeding in that graveyard behind the church for quite some time now.
Also to make an appearance in chapter 2 is Rozalina Dzosi the gypsy seer.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I think folks will love chapter 2, it's always difficult to sit back and say, now how am I going to top the last installment? But I think I will. The story is just getting started.
I'll have a few updates on here shortly and maybe some new screen shots. But the first time people walk in to the church I want there face to be like O_O so...we'll see
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Nice catch, no matter how many times I go over the text I miss stuff >.<
I'll have a patch out after the update today, this will have music and sound FX, also fixed the dialog closing before players can respond.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
And, of course. Probably won't be many authors publishing the next day or so anyhow, I'd wager.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
The only bugs I had were the merchant flipped through the last page too quick to read (not your fault) so I wasn't sure what he said, and there was a risen guard by one of the gates after I beat the first guard and before I talked to the guy at the inn.
I can't wait for more!
Wait...one of the risen guards spawned before you talked to Ismark??? all of them are set to appear when objective is in progress...what is this craziness? Thanks Winin glad you enjoyed it my friend.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Officer of Dungeon Masters Foundry-Guild on the Dragon server.
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