As someone who was in the Foundry beta, what makes you think this wasn't pointed out?
I, for one, can vouch for this. We already had situations where we had high-XP mobs locked in a jail cell that you could kill. It was reported with sufficient time to address it.
Problem is, they only fixed the jail cell object so the mob could walk through it. They did not address the base mob behavior.
players hate levling when will mmo:s get this, they play for lategame not for levling, they dont care about things they pick up that they gonna replace in 3 levels aka 20 minutes.
I dont get it, if you wanna level "fair/slow" you can do it if they wanna aoe grind let them?
just make sure items and gold dropp less from it.
players hate levling when will mmo:s get this, they play for lategame not for levling, they dont care about things they pick up that they gonna replace in 3 levels aka 20 minutes.
I dont get it, if you wanna level "fair/slow" you can do it if they wanna aoe grind let them?
just make sure items and gold dropp less from it.
I don't care if people WANT to grind and get to max level in a day. But using the Foundry to do it was have a huge negative impact on the Foundry as a whole, and pretty was just saying "hey you authors that put in 100 hours to make a high quality quest...eff you, these 1000 10 minute to create grind quests will drown your quest out until it is not existent."
That is where my problem is. If people want to just ding to 60 in a few days, just give them a **** button to do it with. Don't drag the Foundry down with them as they leave in a month because they abused all the content and ran out of stuff to do.
I just don't get it. People want to power level, that's fine, so that means they should have no use for the Foundry at all, Cryptic just needs to give them an alternate way to get an alt to 60 that does not involve HAMSTER over the Foundry for those that want to use it for more then a short-cut to 60.
lanessar13Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
The problem with story-based content being describing is with the Foundry sorting system itself. Cryptic needs to add the tag feature, so that quests can be easily sorted. It won't fall to the bottom, it will be at the top of a category.
Getting rid of farming quests won't "clean up the Foundry". It just removes valid content that people want to play, and makes the Foundry less appealing to people who want to play that content. Remove the exploits, sure.
Views of what is "valid" or "dragging the Foundry down" (very clear from these posts) isn't true to everyone who plays this game. Roleplaying elitism existed in the original neverwinter nights, too.
And you know what? The most populated server still running in NWN is an action MMO named "Higher Ground". All of the hard core story servers (and I ran one, in fact one of the top 5 in the roleplaying category for several years) are dead as a doornail for many, many years.
This comes from someone, by the by, who prefers story content. I don't play farming maps. I've run RP servers for NWN. I, however, am tolerant of how people want to play and in fact encourage different viewpoints. It's what makes the game interesting.
The fault as I see it right now lies with Cryptic's inability to deliver the content to the correct public easily and without hassle. And those delivery systems have been suggested since day 1 (and in fact, the tag-based system they actually were showing in pre-beta video footage which never made the cut would have gone a long way in resolving this).
I don't care if people WANT to grind and get to max level in a day. But using the Foundry to do it was have a huge negative impact on the Foundry as a whole, and pretty was just saying "hey you authors that put in 100 hours to make a high quality quest...eff you, these 1000 10 minute to create grind quests will drown your quest out until it is not existent."
This is simply not true at all. There was no shortage of story quests before the foundry changes. There is also a min average time tab to filter. But you didn't even need the filter as there were plenty to choose from. Now far less people will play the story quests btw as the incentives have been removed. This is good how exactly?
This is about some people wanting options removed, nothing more. Bring back foundry exp.
Also it's been said many times, but if I wanted a good story I'd read one of my books. This idea that the foundry should only be used for story telling is completely ridiculous.
I don't care if people WANT to grind and get to max level in a day. But using the Foundry to do it was have a huge negative impact on the Foundry as a whole, and pretty was just saying "hey you authors that put in 100 hours to make a high quality quest...eff you, these 1000 10 minute to create grind quests will drown your quest out until it is not existent."
That is where my problem is. If people want to just ding to 60 in a few days, just give them a **** button to do it with. Don't drag the Foundry down with them as they leave in a month because they abused all the content and ran out of stuff to do.
I just don't get it. People want to power level, that's fine, so that means they should have no use for the Foundry at all, Cryptic just needs to give them an alternate way to get an alt to 60 that does not involve HAMSTER over the Foundry for those that want to use it for more then a short-cut to 60.
Look, Cryptic has confirmed that a tag system is coming and that one of the tags will be FARM. Your continued diatribe and rhetoric of how someone else is responsible for you not receiving recognition for creating UGC that may not be great or may be the best ever is just making you sound like a biased fool.
Yes, everyone wants exploiters to be removed but that does not mean that content that does not take 100+ hours can't be entertaining, engaging and enjoyed by players. The amount of time you spend in the foundry does not directly correlate with number of plays. If level of effort was rewarded with more fans don't you think SW:TOR would have been a huge success? LOTR:O should have been one of the best MMO's ever based on the time and effort put into crafting one of the most beloved fantasy stories of all time, but it wasn't.
In the end even the best story is only going to get a few plays:
Your title has to be engaging enough to draw attention
The subject matter must be enjoyable to the user
The content must be rewarding both in game and out for the user to stay invested
The player needs to feel like they are involved and not simply being dragged by the throat through your story
There is a lot of competition for notice, there are a LARGE number of UGC created every day that are not farm content.
The search engine has to at least show your content rather than not displaying it at all (this is not due to displaying other content but a confirmed bug with the search engine).
In the end, you have made such a diatribe that when I did see your story come up in the foundry I didn't want to experience it at all and bypassed it. I have repeatedly told you that you getting to play your way does not mean they can't play their way nor does it mean you can't if they do. You have an all or nothing point of view which is simply flawed logic.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Foundry dailies are not even worth it anymore... story mode or otherwise. Made a whopping 20 CP, 1 rune, and two greens after running through two long story missions. This is at lvl 40 BTW... And having just gone through Cryptic content in Ebon Downs, I came out of one short dungeon in there with bags overflowing with mystical and magical items, runes enough to please Elminster, and enough potions to pass around several at my Potaholics Anonymous meeting.
Oh, and it was great going from 41.2 to 41.8 through two long, story-type Foundry dungeons.
The amount of time you spend in the foundry does not directly correlate with number of plays.
I wanted to expand on this point.. I spend time in the foundry for MY enjoyment. I create for me, not for some mythical thumbs up from players I will never meet. I create for friends and family who can tell me what they thought of my content and who's opinion I actually value. If you spend over 100 hours in the foundry to become the next top 5 UGC mission that is your choice but there can only be so many top 5's.
Kammalicious is an EXCELLENT creator of UGC. I have played and enjoyed their content. That content despite being very well put together failed to get even a dozen plays last I looked. Doesn't make his content any less enjoyable.
There is only one Bram Stoker's Dracula, it is a literary classic that has influenced every piece that came after it, but Twilight still sold more movie tickets. It's a hard truth but people like what they like.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I would like to add that I have myself done the quest content twice now having 2 60's. I did foundry missions to fill in the gaps for levels between zones. Always trying to give myself a 2 level advantage for my own self since I was soloing.
That being said I want to lvl a 2nd CW and my GF and TR. I don't want to have to continually run the only quest line in the game. I personally don't run the farm dungeons to lvl 30 lvls an hour or something stupid. I enjoy going through a dungeon getting some pot and scroll drops (don't really even care about greens etc) and checking out peoples content. I could even deal without the scrolls but it was just helping cut down the AD cost. The pots I used most of them in the foundries.
I enjoyed that I could run a bunch of missions for say an hour and get a couple of levels. If there is no incentive to do the dungeons it won't work. For those of you who are in the "I play foundry missions for the fun of it" just remember you have to pay MONEY in one form or another to heal, cure injuries, etc. BTW if people can't farm for stuff in foundries. The zones are going to become littered with 60's farming the HAMSTER out of mobs while people are trying to do there quests. A scene I witnessed last night. Anyways hopefully todays patch will loosen things up abit and see how things go from there. /fingers crossed.
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
I wanted to expand on this point.. I spend time in the foundry for MY enjoyment. I create for me, not for some mythical thumbs up from players I will never meet. I create for friends and family who can tell me what they thought of my content and who's opinion I actually value. If you spend over 100 hours in the foundry to become the next top 5 UGC mission that is your choice but there can only be so many top 5's.
Kammalicious is an EXCELLENT creator of UGC. I have played and enjoyed their content. That content despite being very well put together failed to get even a dozen plays last I looked. Doesn't make his content any less enjoyable.
Well thank you. My content was all made during Foundry beta, and an experiment in not publicizing to see how it would go for people who didn't have early access. I publicly posted this fact in the beta forums when someone finally posted a review of one of my quests in a thread. They liked it and made a few suggestions to improve things, I responded in thread explaining my thought process for the decisions I had made in my building process, and then I implemented the suggestions because the review was right (I'd rushed to get the entry ready by the deadline and to meet the requirements of the contest).
Since all my content was made during Foundry beta, it was all available on the early admission day for Heroes of the North, and the first three quests were all available beta weekend 4. Quest three was actually a Foundry contest entry during Foundry beta, and as such was listed in two different posts by Cryptic employees. The winning quests got hundreds of plays during the contest, my contest entry was played once. Popular forum posters got the initial plays and then people piled into those quests because they already had plays, instead of checking out the contest entries. Last I checked, no one had played the fourth quest in the campaign since the beginning of open beta (sounds like you have, can't check as there's currently shard maintenance).
As an aside, since it was an experiment, I made all that in about two weeks and didn't actually put serious effort into it. I purposely made the content in the style of the official game content, light on story and heavy on combat. If you want my serious efforts you'd need to look to another game.
Quest one suffered badly because the Foundry resource limit for objects on a map was cut drastically near the end of Foundry beta (you may remember gillrm, who authored the Foundry tutorials in the sticky, publicly quitting NWO over that very thing). That island was much larger, better detailed, and more visually interesting, but I had to cut the size of it by about 2/3rds to meet the change in resource budget.
Did you play the fourth quest? Last I checked, no one had played it since the beginning of open beta. It has the most visually interesting environments.
I've gotten through the first 2 thus far. Unfortunately with a 2 yr old my time in game is simply "borrowed". I will and will be submitting feedback for them mate.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I don't see the point to do an uber quest, very long and hard with good dialogues and epic fights for.... nothing.
In every dungeon and dragons board game, when you finish a quest or a dungeon or something you get experience and stuff (or you are a nasty GM !), that's how it works. If you do quests without rewards, there's absolutely no point to do it... And since Foundry Quests are really hard in comparison to normal quests, you use a lot of pots so in the end you lose golds (but I agree that they are ONLY usefull to buy potions and your first mount...).
In this particular aspect of the foundry, I agree with the nerf.. When the list starting filling up with "GET YOUR XP HERE" and "xp grind".. etc, I was praying for a banhammer.. as an atheist this is rare... lol
fargardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited May 2013
Get XP back.
Keep loot rate down as it is now.
Get rid of exploit maps like "50 Ogres in a cage just AoE them lol".
If I want to kill 20 Ogres in a row who actually fight back, let me, I don't hurt you. I leveld a character doing the quests. Didn't want to do all of them with my second char again though. Hence I liked to be able to kill some Ogres in a row.
New patch didn't fix anything. Killing 2 brutes with a level 26 GWF(the worst single-target DPS class) won't grant any XP and loot on subsequent kills.
xydsxlegendMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So, they did another change to the exp in foundry today with this patch. Sooooo, do anyone see a change? I don't see a change what so ever in exp gain, maybe this is only me.
"Early Gamer Get the Levels"
by Profesor Legend
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
I've gotten through the first 2 thus far. Unfortunately with a 2 yr old my time in game is simply "borrowed". I will and will be submitting feedback for them mate.
I should mention that quest 3 was meant as a contest entry. Since the contest requirement was that it had to take place in Blacklake, it's probably best suited to Blacklake appropriate character levels. If you're too high level for a district, monsters don't aggro you unless you attack first, causing some running around in the quest for higher level characters. Just imagine you had to fight your way through the district to get to places like a district level appropriate character would :-) There is a nice long dungeon at the end of the quest for your trouble, with three different encounter types and environments (two are differently designed sewers) and a dungeon resource max number of encounters if you choose to go everywhere in it (it loops so you can either backtrack for an easier time, or go around the loop for steady combat).
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
So, they did another change to the exp in foundry today with this patch. Sooooo, do anyone see a change? I don't see a change what so ever in exp gain, maybe this is only me.
The one mission I was able to run before emergency maintenance saw the same rewards today that it had yesterday EXP wise. Loot seemed to be up but as that is rather random it's hard to say on a single pass through content. Unfortunately I didn't have my notebook handy to catalog it so it's just anecdotal.
That said the mission I ran was the first quest in the OJ Saga, which is extremely tongue in cheek and combat heavy and thus runs into the over the top aspect. That said, I was receiving XP for one mob per encounter and that was only for 2-3 encounters every couple minutes. There were several encounters which rewarded no XP at all. The quest completion XP reward seemed to be increased but I was also higher level than I had been the last time I ran the mission and as such that could be where the difference comes from.
More data is definitely needed to see if this "fix" was anything more than a "look we fixed it" platitude or not.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
doomer123Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
I see this as a "Please bring back my exploit because I am too ****ing lazy to level normally and enjoy an awesome game."
I did some testing before the .19 patch and this was what I was getting at a lvl 31 character in a test map.
max kills per 5 minutes
2 x Orc Elite brute (8/10 bar hp mob) Total of 960 or so exp
8 x Battlewright commander (5 bar hp mob) Total of 680 or so exp
11 x Wright commander (3 bar HP mob) Total of 590 or so exp
after the .19 patch this was 50% more so
max kills per 5 minutes
A sign of the time and space we live in... Instant gratification I want it now and I want it fast and I want it easy.
Yeah yeah, flame away but this is truly a sad commentary on the gaming community today.
Time never changes. Only your perception does. "Instant gratification I want it now and I want it fast and I want it easy" has been a part of the human psyche since time immemorial. Without it, our only mode of transportation would be walking... barefoot. And lets not forget that the computer itself was invented as a tool to make certain tasks faster and easier.
its good, the exp is gone from foundry, wasnt even ment to give somuch exp anyway,
get a grip and do some story quests, i did it that way. getting 60 is easy enough
and yes I agree it's good but I think they should just wipe all characters after open beta has ended and just refund the zen back to the accounts.
xheverMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited May 2013
IMO, i think this is better.. farming exp foundry make some features of the game useless.. you should try to enjoy the feature more, that will make you love the game more.. If you just try to get exp from one place day by day, you'll get bored easily, and you know less about the game *its just my opinion, and no offense
I, for one, can vouch for this. We already had situations where we had high-XP mobs locked in a jail cell that you could kill. It was reported with sufficient time to address it.
Problem is, they only fixed the jail cell object so the mob could walk through it. They did not address the base mob behavior.
I dont get it, if you wanna level "fair/slow" you can do it if they wanna aoe grind let them?
just make sure items and gold dropp less from it.
I don't care if people WANT to grind and get to max level in a day. But using the Foundry to do it was have a huge negative impact on the Foundry as a whole, and pretty was just saying "hey you authors that put in 100 hours to make a high quality quest...eff you, these 1000 10 minute to create grind quests will drown your quest out until it is not existent."
That is where my problem is. If people want to just ding to 60 in a few days, just give them a **** button to do it with. Don't drag the Foundry down with them as they leave in a month because they abused all the content and ran out of stuff to do.
I just don't get it. People want to power level, that's fine, so that means they should have no use for the Foundry at all, Cryptic just needs to give them an alternate way to get an alt to 60 that does not involve HAMSTER over the Foundry for those that want to use it for more then a short-cut to 60.
Getting rid of farming quests won't "clean up the Foundry". It just removes valid content that people want to play, and makes the Foundry less appealing to people who want to play that content. Remove the exploits, sure.
Views of what is "valid" or "dragging the Foundry down" (very clear from these posts) isn't true to everyone who plays this game. Roleplaying elitism existed in the original neverwinter nights, too.
And you know what? The most populated server still running in NWN is an action MMO named "Higher Ground". All of the hard core story servers (and I ran one, in fact one of the top 5 in the roleplaying category for several years) are dead as a doornail for many, many years.
This comes from someone, by the by, who prefers story content. I don't play farming maps. I've run RP servers for NWN. I, however, am tolerant of how people want to play and in fact encourage different viewpoints. It's what makes the game interesting.
The fault as I see it right now lies with Cryptic's inability to deliver the content to the correct public easily and without hassle. And those delivery systems have been suggested since day 1 (and in fact, the tag-based system they actually were showing in pre-beta video footage which never made the cut would have gone a long way in resolving this).
This is simply not true at all. There was no shortage of story quests before the foundry changes. There is also a min average time tab to filter. But you didn't even need the filter as there were plenty to choose from. Now far less people will play the story quests btw as the incentives have been removed. This is good how exactly?
This is about some people wanting options removed, nothing more. Bring back foundry exp.
Also it's been said many times, but if I wanted a good story I'd read one of my books. This idea that the foundry should only be used for story telling is completely ridiculous.
Look, Cryptic has confirmed that a tag system is coming and that one of the tags will be FARM. Your continued diatribe and rhetoric of how someone else is responsible for you not receiving recognition for creating UGC that may not be great or may be the best ever is just making you sound like a biased fool.
Yes, everyone wants exploiters to be removed but that does not mean that content that does not take 100+ hours can't be entertaining, engaging and enjoyed by players. The amount of time you spend in the foundry does not directly correlate with number of plays. If level of effort was rewarded with more fans don't you think SW:TOR would have been a huge success? LOTR:O should have been one of the best MMO's ever based on the time and effort put into crafting one of the most beloved fantasy stories of all time, but it wasn't.
In the end even the best story is only going to get a few plays:
In the end, you have made such a diatribe that when I did see your story come up in the foundry I didn't want to experience it at all and bypassed it. I have repeatedly told you that you getting to play your way does not mean they can't play their way nor does it mean you can't if they do. You have an all or nothing point of view which is simply flawed logic.
Good point Kama... I forgot that mass punishment is the easiest form of management.
My campaign: The Madness Plague.
My quest: Blacklake Gold
My guild: "The Older" Age 30+, Casual
Oh, and it was great going from 41.2 to 41.8 through two long, story-type Foundry dungeons.
My campaign: The Madness Plague.
My quest: Blacklake Gold
My guild: "The Older" Age 30+, Casual
I wanted to expand on this point.. I spend time in the foundry for MY enjoyment. I create for me, not for some mythical thumbs up from players I will never meet. I create for friends and family who can tell me what they thought of my content and who's opinion I actually value. If you spend over 100 hours in the foundry to become the next top 5 UGC mission that is your choice but there can only be so many top 5's.
Kammalicious is an EXCELLENT creator of UGC. I have played and enjoyed their content. That content despite being very well put together failed to get even a dozen plays last I looked. Doesn't make his content any less enjoyable.
There is only one Bram Stoker's Dracula, it is a literary classic that has influenced every piece that came after it, but Twilight still sold more movie tickets. It's a hard truth but people like what they like.
That being said I want to lvl a 2nd CW and my GF and TR. I don't want to have to continually run the only quest line in the game. I personally don't run the farm dungeons to lvl 30 lvls an hour or something stupid. I enjoy going through a dungeon getting some pot and scroll drops (don't really even care about greens etc) and checking out peoples content. I could even deal without the scrolls but it was just helping cut down the AD cost. The pots I used most of them in the foundries.
I enjoyed that I could run a bunch of missions for say an hour and get a couple of levels. If there is no incentive to do the dungeons it won't work. For those of you who are in the "I play foundry missions for the fun of it" just remember you have to pay MONEY in one form or another to heal, cure injuries, etc. BTW if people can't farm for stuff in foundries. The zones are going to become littered with 60's farming the HAMSTER out of mobs while people are trying to do there quests. A scene I witnessed last night. Anyways hopefully todays patch will loosen things up abit and see how things go from there. /fingers crossed.
Since all my content was made during Foundry beta, it was all available on the early admission day for Heroes of the North, and the first three quests were all available beta weekend 4. Quest three was actually a Foundry contest entry during Foundry beta, and as such was listed in two different posts by Cryptic employees. The winning quests got hundreds of plays during the contest, my contest entry was played once. Popular forum posters got the initial plays and then people piled into those quests because they already had plays, instead of checking out the contest entries. Last I checked, no one had played the fourth quest in the campaign since the beginning of open beta (sounds like you have, can't check as there's currently shard maintenance).
As an aside, since it was an experiment, I made all that in about two weeks and didn't actually put serious effort into it. I purposely made the content in the style of the official game content, light on story and heavy on combat. If you want my serious efforts you'd need to look to another game.
Quest one suffered badly because the Foundry resource limit for objects on a map was cut drastically near the end of Foundry beta (you may remember gillrm, who authored the Foundry tutorials in the sticky, publicly quitting NWO over that very thing). That island was much larger, better detailed, and more visually interesting, but I had to cut the size of it by about 2/3rds to meet the change in resource budget.
I've gotten through the first 2 thus far. Unfortunately with a 2 yr old my time in game is simply "borrowed".
In every dungeon and dragons board game, when you finish a quest or a dungeon or something you get experience and stuff (or you are a nasty GM !), that's how it works. If you do quests without rewards, there's absolutely no point to do it... And since Foundry Quests are really hard in comparison to normal quests, you use a lot of pots so in the end you lose golds (but I agree that they are ONLY usefull to buy potions and your first mount...).
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
Keep loot rate down as it is now.
Get rid of exploit maps like "50 Ogres in a cage just AoE them lol".
If I want to kill 20 Ogres in a row who actually fight back, let me, I don't hurt you. I leveld a character doing the quests. Didn't want to do all of them with my second char again though. Hence I liked to be able to kill some Ogres in a row.
Bring back the experience !
Yeah yeah, flame away but this is truly a sad commentary on the gaming community today.
The one mission I was able to run before emergency maintenance saw the same rewards today that it had yesterday EXP wise. Loot seemed to be up but as that is rather random it's hard to say on a single pass through content. Unfortunately I didn't have my notebook handy to catalog it so it's just anecdotal.
That said the mission I ran was the first quest in the OJ Saga, which is extremely tongue in cheek and combat heavy and thus runs into the over the top aspect. That said, I was receiving XP for one mob per encounter and that was only for 2-3 encounters every couple minutes. There were several encounters which rewarded no XP at all. The quest completion XP reward seemed to be increased but I was also higher level than I had been the last time I ran the mission and as such that could be where the difference comes from.
More data is definitely needed to see if this "fix" was anything more than a "look we fixed it" platitude or not.
max kills per 5 minutes
2 x Orc Elite brute (8/10 bar hp mob) Total of 960 or so exp
8 x Battlewright commander (5 bar hp mob) Total of 680 or so exp
11 x Wright commander (3 bar HP mob) Total of 590 or so exp
after the .19 patch this was 50% more so
max kills per 5 minutes
Time never changes. Only your perception does. "Instant gratification I want it now and I want it fast and I want it easy" has been a part of the human psyche since time immemorial. Without it, our only mode of transportation would be walking... barefoot. And lets not forget that the computer itself was invented as a tool to make certain tasks faster and easier.
Don't **** with loot though. If your loot engine is correct there is no reason you should have to adjust it for foundry.
get a grip and do some story quests, i did it that way. getting 60 is easy enough
2 days, make that less then 12 hours mate
and yes I agree it's good but I think they should just wipe all characters after open beta has ended and just refund the zen back to the accounts.