Is it only me who wishes this was a companion?
Not only is 3,000 Zen freaking mental for a 80% boost (That would get you an end game ship is STO, With 500 to spare!). I think 3000 for the armored, and 2000 for the normal one is more reasonable (I'd be happy with that)
I would much rather pay for one that would help me in a battle. A Companion Bear would be far more
HAMSTER than a mount.
The least you can do is add the Cave bear as a companion?
What are you guys thoughts on this?
Would you pay 3000 for 80% speed? Would you like the bear as a battle pet rather than a mount?
Pretty please
I think they are some change tokens now available that where not there before, but im not totally sure.
I meant i'd rather have the Bear as a trainable pet (Like the dog) that helps in fights and stuff, rather than a mount. Given that bears often stand upright, riding one would seem difficult O.o...
And theres a lady training a bear in the companion house
How much are they charging for the stone? (im at work)*ENbWgBcxSJFfpH7c0wVvTzhy4K9UmvOfLNzR7Npt/BearCavalry.jpg?width=737&height=589
I'll buy a bear as a mount when it comes with a PPSH