Ever since player generated content first reached the MMO communities, I always supported the idea of being able to classify what a mission is supposed to be.
I'd like to see quest tagging in Neverwinter. It's a simple idea that lets all the people who hate mission X or Y search for the mission types they only want.
Want a story? Search for story missions.
Want a farm? Search for farm missions.
Want an RP instance? Search for RP quests. There's already a few role play instances designed specifically to role play in a controlled setting.
Then nobody is bugged by seeing a list crammed full of content they don't want to do.
The AE of City of Heroes (R.I.P.) had a tagging system that was fairly decent, but it left out the 'farm' tag which meant farms had nothing to really be tagged as. So the list was oftentimes bogged down by tons of farms. This can be avoided here.
I'd love to see tags in Neverwinter soon.