There is no customization of characters...whether it is skills or spells. Take, for example, a cleric of Sel
Ok then, can't even code a good vBulletin it seems...
Basically my rant was for all the old-school D&D types that know what THAC0 is and remember when elf was a CLASS rather than a race.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited May 2013
. . . . . Looks like the "Special Characters" forum bug hit this post. Be aware, using any special characters found on this page will result in that character and everything else afterwards to be omitted. Stick to ASCII EN-US (non-Latin) keys and you should be okay. Sometimes copy/paste will inadvertently copy an invisible character instead of a space and cause this also.
. . . . . Looks like the "Special Characters" forum bug hit this post. Be aware, using any special characters found on this page will result in that character and everything else afterwards to be omitted. Stick to ASCII EN-US (non-Latin) keys and you should be okay. Sometimes copy/paste will inadvertently copy an invisible character instead of a space and cause this also.
There is no customization of characters...whether it is skills or spells. Take, for example, a cleric of Sel
Ok then, can't even code a good vBulletin it seems...
Basically my rant was for all the old-school D&D types that know what THAC0 is and remember when elf was a CLASS rather than a race.
yes most of us remember dice rolls and how to hit an armor class of 0, but this is an MMO and it's different, big deal. You are clinging to an old PnP game from the 90s. Times/games change, either you keep up with them or get left behind...
It may not be AD&D or even 3.5 but it does seem to be a decent port of 4e to an mmo. In an mmo you will never have the full range of customization that you do on pnp. MMO's that try like DDO have massive balance issues where content is either trivial or impossible all depending on what your build is.
There is no customization of characters...whether it is skills or spells. Take, for example, a cleric of Sel
Ok then, can't even code a good vBulletin it seems...
Basically my rant was for all the old-school D&D types that know what THAC0 is and remember when elf was a CLASS rather than a race.
Exactly how much meaningful customization did you have when you were playing that version of D&D in which Elf was a class? Especially if you weren't a spellcaster?
"Old-school" D&D wasn't about customizing character builds. That's more of a 3.X/4E era thing.
4th edition, despite being mmo-like in nature, doesn't really transition too well into a game like this, nor does true D&D. That's mostly because the target audience really isn't the PnP crowd. Modern mmos always target the casual masses and/or endgame pvp-griefers.
That said, i'm just glad it has my favorite Forgotten Realms flavour. Even though i don't like 4th edition and all the background lore coming with it at all, it feels good to, at least, get a chance to visit those familiar places outside of PnP again. So far, it doesn't seem likely that we'll get another AAA RPG again anytime soon. Maybe the new KS projects will change something about that if they are successful? Who knows. For now, i'm content with this solid game, even if it doesn't excel anywhere. Not to mention that it gets F2P right, unlike almost all the contenders.
walkyrienMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hell yes I did! That's how FR was meant to be played! With all these characters over level 30...why dont you over-throw the gods? Yer waay more powerful than them... most of the gods of Toril are like 25-30th level.
yes most of us remember dice rolls and how to hit an armor class of 0, but this is an MMO and it's different, big deal. You are clinging to an old PnP game from the 90s. Times/games change, either you keep up with them or get left behind...
Neverwinter Nights still exists, btw
It's funny you should say that though. Frankly, my impression so far is that it's not like D&D. Whether that's good or bad is irrelevant, but it's true. I have spent three days thinking that very thing. Regarding "it's an MMO...", there is another D&D based MMO that feels very much like D&D. Before the "if you don't like it, leave" gets too hot and heavy, if I decide it varies too far from what I expected from a game claiming D&D in it's literature, I may well do that. If I decide the game has enough redeeming qualities that it doesn't matter that much, I may well stay. Shouldn't be any skin off anyone's nose no matter which way I decide to go. This game doesn't feel like D&D, but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun with it anyway.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I have played D&D for almost 30 years in all it's forms up to and including the play test for the new edition going on right now. I love this MMO because I understand the two things are different, the lore and quests and this game are fun. I don't need to be that different than the other people playing, it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment.
If you want a more tabletop like experience there are virtual table top sites and programs for you to play pen and paper rpg's over the internet, my personal choice is roll20 dot net.
It may not be AD&D or even 3.5 but it does seem to be a decent port of 4e to an mmo. In an mmo you will never have the full range of customization that you do on pnp. MMO's that try like DDO have massive balance issues where content is either trivial or impossible all depending on what your build is.
So a 4th Lvl fighter has over 1000 HP in 4th Ed?:eek:
It's funny you should say that though. Frankly, my impression so far is that it's not like D&D. Whether that's good or bad is irrelevant, but it's true. I have spent three days thinking that very thing. Regarding "it's an MMO...", there is another D&D based MMO that feels very much like D&D. Before the "if you don't like it, leave" gets too hot and heavy, if I decide it varies too far from what I expected from a game claiming D&D in it's literature, I may well do that. If I decide the game has enough redeeming qualities that it doesn't matter that much, I may well stay. Shouldn't be any skin off anyone's nose no matter which way I decide to go. This game doesn't feel like D&D, but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun with it anyway.
are you talking about DDO? I heard that game is really really bad...i even tried to play, and you have to request a key from the devs via email..i requested one, never got it, guess they didn't want me to play.
I also heard the cash shop was WORSE than what people deem NW to be.
I could be wrong, not having first-hand experience (although i tried!!!).
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
There is no customization of characters...whether it is skills or spells. Take, for example, a cleric of Sel
Ok then, can't even code a good vBulletin it seems...
Basically my rant was for all the old-school D&D types that know what THAC0 is and remember when elf was a CLASS rather than a race.
are you talking about DDO? I heard that game is really really bad...i even tried to play, and you have to request a key from the devs via email..i requested one, never got it, guess they didn't want me to play.
I also heard the cash shop was WORSE than what people deem NW to be.
I could be wrong, not having first-hand experience (although i tried!!!).
DDO is terribad
walkyrienMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I am still unsure if "Community Moderators" are paid employees, or even compensated. Could be going the UO route and letting volunteers do the work for them.
Green names are unpaid volunteers. Blue names are Cryptic employees.
Thank gawd. I haven't played AD&D since 2nd edition back in College. I sold all my books and haven't read about anything, especially 3rd edition rules, since!
I'm glad this game isn't too complicated to understand, but still has a lot of depth and customization compared to other games (*coughgw2cough*)
LOL... To Hit Armor Class 0...................................... omg I so don't remember how that even works anymore, and I'm glad I don't have to remember what it's all about either!
walkyrienMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It may not be AD&D or even 3.5 but it does seem to be a decent port of 4e to an mmo. In an mmo you will never have the full range of customization that you do on pnp. MMO's that try like DDO have massive balance issues where content is either trivial or impossible all depending on what your build is.
That is what annoys me about these posts like the one the OP made. For years, when this game started under Atari, it was known that this was going to be based on 4E rules, yet people still come and post about how it isn't the 2nd Ed AD&D or 3.X they remember...NO ****ING **** SHERLOCK! A modicum of research into this game would have told your dumb asses that in the first place, so I see no reason for this asinine complaint. News flash, Pizza Hut doesn't serve tacos either, just in case you had another HAMSTER and unjustified expectation for lunch to go along with this one about Neverwinter.
There is no customization of characters...whether it is skills or spells. Take, for example, a cleric of Sel
Ok then, can't even code a good vBulletin it seems...
Basically my rant was for all the old-school D&D types that know what THAC0 is and remember when elf was a CLASS rather than a race.
I know exactly how you feel...problem isn't the game...D&D is completely different these days. It is D&D that has changed. This 4th Edition stuff...eww...but hey it's better than that Ebberon crud!
walkyrienMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
are you talking about DDO? I heard that game is really really bad...i even tried to play, and you have to request a key from the devs via email..i requested one, never got it, guess they didn't want me to play.
I also heard the cash shop was WORSE than what people deem NW to be.
I could be wrong, not having first-hand experience (although i tried!!!).
Having been a mod on an MMO forum, I won't go into specifics publicly. Whether someone likes a specific game or not, good or bad, what have you, the feel is off. That is not, necessarily, a bad thing. However, claiming it doesn't feel like D&D is an accurate assessment in my eyes, and, I don't even agree that there's no customization of builds, looking at my character sheet, I can see how I can go one of several different ways. Whether they are good or not, I haven't played enough to form an opinion.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I love the action style, it's fun and all that.. My ONLY complaint it this: Character Classes and the lack of them.
Mage: In what D&D book ever written did a mage NOT get Fireball at some point? I understand the concept behind the "Control Mage." I'm cool with it, but I don't want a "Control Mage." I want a Mage Mage.. You know, one that has spells like "Melf's Acid Arrow", "Fireball", and even something like "Tenser's Floating Disk" (Probably spelled that wrong.)
Cleric: Since when does a cleric throw magical spears in lieu of smashing face with a mace? Waving around a cute little holy symbol incense burner thingy? Really?
I got what you're doing, it's cool.. Expand it to include the classes that all of us old-school D&D players (Not just us PnP old farts either, I'm talking like Neverwinter Nights / Baldur's Gate players) enjoy.
Here's an Idea:
I want to play a Mage:
Do I want to play a jack of all trades mage or a specialized mage?
I pick specialized and from there I can choose a Control Mage, Necromancer, Pyromancer. etc.
What do you do about the "Jack of All Mages" mage? Easy.. Allow access to all the spells, but limit the number they can choose.
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You're staff you can't troll people
obviously OP wanted to put the wierd U with a hat on it and it broke his post, Zeb just informing him why
yes most of us remember dice rolls and how to hit an armor class of 0, but this is an MMO and it's different, big deal. You are clinging to an old PnP game from the 90s. Times/games change, either you keep up with them or get left behind...
Neverwinter Nights still exists, btw
OP wanted the game to be made with D&D V 2.0 rules!
Exactly how much meaningful customization did you have when you were playing that version of D&D in which Elf was a class? Especially if you weren't a spellcaster?
"Old-school" D&D wasn't about customizing character builds. That's more of a 3.X/4E era thing.
That said, i'm just glad it has my favorite Forgotten Realms flavour. Even though i don't like 4th edition and all the background lore coming with it at all, it feels good to, at least, get a chance to visit those familiar places outside of PnP again. So far, it doesn't seem likely that we'll get another AAA RPG again anytime soon. Maybe the new KS projects will change something about that if they are successful? Who knows. For now, i'm content with this solid game, even if it doesn't excel anywhere. Not to mention that it gets F2P right, unlike almost all the contenders.
It's funny you should say that though. Frankly, my impression so far is that it's not like D&D. Whether that's good or bad is irrelevant, but it's true. I have spent three days thinking that very thing. Regarding "it's an MMO...", there is another D&D based MMO that feels very much like D&D. Before the "if you don't like it, leave" gets too hot and heavy, if I decide it varies too far from what I expected from a game claiming D&D in it's literature, I may well do that. If I decide the game has enough redeeming qualities that it doesn't matter that much, I may well stay. Shouldn't be any skin off anyone's nose no matter which way I decide to go. This game doesn't feel like D&D, but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun with it anyway.
If you want a more tabletop like experience there are virtual table top sites and programs for you to play pen and paper rpg's over the internet, my personal choice is roll20 dot net.
are you talking about DDO? I heard that game is really really bad...i even tried to play, and you have to request a key from the devs via email..i requested one, never got it, guess they didn't want me to play.
I also heard the cash shop was WORSE than what people deem NW to be.
I could be wrong, not having first-hand experience (although i tried!!!).
You haven't played 4th Edition have you?
DDO is terribad
If its not D&D, fine...not a problem...just take the D&D logo off and I'll be good...
Green names are unpaid volunteers. Blue names are Cryptic employees.
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but it has D&D lore/areas/classes/NPCs etc...
I'm glad this game isn't too complicated to understand, but still has a lot of depth and customization compared to other games (*coughgw2cough*)
LOL... To Hit Armor Class 0...................................... omg I so don't remember how that even works anymore, and I'm glad I don't have to remember what it's all about either!
No, I have not. I stopped somewhere in the 3's...
That is what annoys me about these posts like the one the OP made. For years, when this game started under Atari, it was known that this was going to be based on 4E rules, yet people still come and post about how it isn't the 2nd Ed AD&D or 3.X they remember...NO ****ING **** SHERLOCK! A modicum of research into this game would have told your dumb asses that in the first place, so I see no reason for this asinine complaint. News flash, Pizza Hut doesn't serve tacos either, just in case you had another HAMSTER and unjustified expectation for lunch to go along with this one about Neverwinter.
I know exactly how you feel...problem isn't the game...D&D is completely different these days. It is D&D that has changed. This 4th Edition stuff...eww...but hey it's better than that Ebberon crud!
Not really, It has realm lore/areas/NPCs and cookie cutter classes based on D&D achetypes.
Having been a mod on an MMO forum, I won't go into specifics publicly. Whether someone likes a specific game or not, good or bad, what have you, the feel is off. That is not, necessarily, a bad thing. However, claiming it doesn't feel like D&D is an accurate assessment in my eyes, and, I don't even agree that there's no customization of builds, looking at my character sheet, I can see how I can go one of several different ways. Whether they are good or not, I haven't played enough to form an opinion.
Mage: In what D&D book ever written did a mage NOT get Fireball at some point? I understand the concept behind the "Control Mage." I'm cool with it, but I don't want a "Control Mage." I want a Mage Mage.. You know, one that has spells like "Melf's Acid Arrow", "Fireball", and even something like "Tenser's Floating Disk" (Probably spelled that wrong.)
Cleric: Since when does a cleric throw magical spears in lieu of smashing face with a mace? Waving around a cute little holy symbol incense burner thingy? Really?
I got what you're doing, it's cool.. Expand it to include the classes that all of us old-school D&D players (Not just us PnP old farts either, I'm talking like Neverwinter Nights / Baldur's Gate players) enjoy.
Here's an Idea:
I want to play a Mage:
Do I want to play a jack of all trades mage or a specialized mage?
I pick specialized and from there I can choose a Control Mage, Necromancer, Pyromancer. etc.
What do you do about the "Jack of All Mages" mage? Easy.. Allow access to all the spells, but limit the number they can choose.