1. The cap to refine is 24K? diamonds a day or week?
2. If I cap XXK, is that cap only for one character, or can i do it as well on another character? Or is it per account.
4. Is there a NPC for enchantments? I noticed my armor have a slot for it, or how do I obtain them.
3. Is drake items purchased with seals the best npc armor to buy? is there anything better after that?
5. did you notice I switched 4 and 3?
6. Did anyone notice the roof texture bug on the island to the left of the town?
In a boot or what its called is a npc proposing marriage to another npc i assume, walk in, look out in the room and look up and you'll see it.
8. Skipped another here and thanks for replying
2. Per Character
4. Enchants you pick up from drops/at AH, don't need an NPC just right-click -> Enchant
3. Idk exactly what items you are talking about, but best stuff drops in Heroic instanced dungeons as far as I know
5. Yes
6. No
2. Per character I believe, as Astral Diamonds themselves are per-character.
3. There is an NPC for them (Astral Vendor has them). They also drop fairly frequently, you can 'upgrade' to the next tier by fusing 4 or more of the same enchantment (+ tier) together by right clicking them.
4. Can't say.
5. Apparently so.
It may seem like a small amount, but don't forget what you sell on the AH and get other ways (although the AH is the main way now that i know of) and that can be as much as you can find people to buy. I made 400k one day.
The lower ones, if you are talking about the weapon and armor (the special higher end ones), no.
That you can find npcs to sell you, yes. I'm not sure what is dropping in the T2 dungeons, but if what i've seen from T1, the sets in T2 are a bit better. Then there is Castle Never, which i know some guilds are trying to clear, but i've only seen videos, and they always can't get past the last boss. Then of course they can always add more to either seals or dungeons, but for now, yeah.
Go to center fo the market and you have a NPC at north east corner that sells items for seals unicorn seals and drake seals.
tab 1 is unicorn and tab 2 on the top is drake seals.
Im asking if there's better items go get then the once from the drake seals
drake seals and unicorn are also a thing you collect in epic dungeons to exchange to this currency, same page as wher eyou refine items you can "spend" some praying coins as well
I'm putting mines all on drake so far
so for now best items are drake from npc ty! now i know what to save for
Save them for Angel Pet...